Minor victory thread

Hmm. I own a couple of USB drives like that (from skydiving), and they always gave me the impression of being slightly less sturdy than a regular one. They are prettier, though.

If you're concerned about the price point, as PatrThom said, including some extra crap goodies.
I got a box of non-functional samples just now from the company I've been talking to. The wafer USBs seem sturdy. The rotation mechanism probably wouldn't last through 2000 openings/closings, but I expect most people will use them only a few times to get the data off of, and then put them away as a collector's piece.

My wife is telling me I should just go for it. But it's such a huge chunk of change. *sigh*
It was that rotation mechanism I was most concerned about, too. With promotional items, they likely don't care much about avoiding material failure due to fatigue.

It was that rotation mechanism I was most concerned about, too. With promotional items, they likely don't care much about avoiding material failure due to fatigue.

The electronics are completely contained on the moving part, so if the rotation bit fails it'll still work, it just won't be attached to the card.[DOUBLEPOST=1459540938,1459540803][/DOUBLEPOST]
I got a box of non-functional samples just now from the company I've been talking to. The wafer USBs seem sturdy. The rotation mechanism probably wouldn't last through 2000 openings/closings, but I expect most people will use them only a few times to get the data off of, and then put them away as a collector's piece.

My wife is telling me I should just go for it. But it's such a huge chunk of change. *sigh*

Yeah, but if you don't try you'll never know. Every author and artist has a collection of trinkets and ideas that didn't pan out. But those that tried the most things know what their market is better than those that don't have trinkets because they never tried.

What does your writing forum say?
The electronics are completely contained on the moving part, so if the rotation bit fails it'll still work, it just won't be attached to the card.[DOUBLEPOST=1459540938,1459540803][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's what I figure, too, looking at the samples they sent.

Yeah, but if you don't try you'll never know. Every author and artist has a collection of trinkets and ideas that didn't pan out. But those that tried the most things know what their market is better than those that don't have trinkets because they never tried.

What does your writing forum say?
Yeah, I'm leaning that way too..I think I'm just mostly trying to talk myself past the fear of potentially blowing that much change.

I don't really post on a writing forum, except for reddit. And reddits writing forums are cesspools of assholes and negativity, for the most part, so I already know what kind of shit they'd say if I posted the idea there. And then some asshole who denigrated the idea would post 6 weeks later saying how they had this brilliant idea, went to a con, and sold a thousand ebooks. heh ;)
Anyone who plays with their collectibles (figurines, for instance) until they break wasn't really serious about collecting it in the first place ;)
I collect beer glasses, and I still drink from them. I don't put them in the dishwasher, though....But I still do break one on occasion. Doesn't mean I'm not serious. humpf.
So I posted this on FB, but it was neat enough I'm sharing in this thread. Very minor victory, but still-

Erin and I talking to our waiter at a restaurant we go to often-
Him- So, what are you doing after this?
Me- Going and getting more alcohol
Erin- And cutting things with a laser
Him- Wow, you guys just got so much cooler!
The fella will know where his internship is soon. Then graduation. Then hopefully moving away. Lotta uncertainties right now, but for now I'll enjoy the anticipation and not worry about what could go wrong.
The beginning of a grand adventure!

My recent victory: I have a hard time getting my wife involved in my mead-making. We don't have a lot of hobbies in common, but I figured she'd like the homebrewing since she likes drinking my mead. But while she always talks to me about it and asks questions, she prefers not to get involved.

I think the thought of lugging around 80lb 5-gallon carboys intimidates her. It probably doesn't help that I once banged one of those into our marble countertop, and it chipped a piece of the stone off, rather than shattering the bottle. Which I was grateful for, to be sure, but I think she doesn't believe she can manage the weight/size of stuff. And I think the long brew cycle puts her off.

So, I got a little 2 gallon mr beer fermenter, and a little over a month ago, I had her make an all-extract beer using a mix of amber and golden LME and brown sugar. LME brewing is super simple, and 2 gallons is an easy size/weight to manage. A little over a week ago, the beer was done, so we bottled it and carbed it using "bottling drops" (pre-measured sugar in a hard candy form). So simple to do.

Cracked our first bottle last night: Dark brownish red in color, decent but not overpowering hop profile, molasses notes due to the brown sugar. She really liked it, which means hopefully she'll want to do more of it and we can share a hobby.
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Staff member
I don't really post on a writing forum, except for reddit. And reddits writing forums are cesspools of assholes and negativity, for the most part, so I already know what kind of shit they'd say if I posted the idea there. And then some asshole who denigrated the idea would post 6 weeks later saying how they had this brilliant idea, went to a con, and sold a thousand ebooks. heh ;)
I don't post on penciling forums because they're all just way better than me. Seriously. Go to Penciljack one day and wonder why some of these people aren't employed by one of the comic houses.
I don't post on penciling forums because they're all just way better than me. Seriously. Go to Penciljack one day and wonder why some of these people aren't employed by one of the comic houses.
I'm on an Irish music forum, and I feel the same way about it. I've been playing for 20 years, and can probably outplay 99% of the people on the forum. But there's this small handful of people who play so brilliantly, and they just make me feel like I suck so hard.
I spent the last few days making cute baby clothes! [emoji173]

Oh my god how cute are those!?[DOUBLEPOST=1459885023,1459884699][/DOUBLEPOST]My minor victory is that I put on my big girl pants today and took a positive step towards improving my health. Physical and mental.

I spoke to my boss' boss and let him know what was up. I didn't name call or use the A or B words. I just explained that my health issues are not improving and filled him in on the extreme pressure and stress that my boss is putting me under. I explained why happened last week and how something today was just the final straw. I didn't cry and I didn't raise my voice. I remained respectful to my boss even though it was physically painful. Time and place right?

I'm seeing my doctor tonight and I'm going to take some time off.

I'm going to speak to my Union tomorrow for support and advice re: a harassment complaint.

I'm going to speak to the Pay Centre about LTD.


Staff member
Doing the Mighty Mud Dash tomorrow with our dojo running as a team.

I just realized we have the most ethnically balanced team. We are like the cast of a 90s kids show. Black check, white check, Asian check, Indian check, hispanic check check. I feel like this means we are definitely going to get superpowers.


Staff member
Doing the Mighty Mud Dash tomorrow with our dojo running as a team.

I just realized we have the most ethnically balanced team. We are like the cast of a 90s kids show. Black check, white check, Asian check, Indian check, hispanic check check. I feel like this means we are definitely going to get superpowers.
Alpha! Find me a group of 40 year olds. With attitude. A-and as little arthritis as possible.
Doing the Mighty Mud Dash tomorrow with our dojo running as a team.

I just realized we have the most ethnically balanced team. We are like the cast of a 90s kids show. Black check, white check, Asian check, Indian check, hispanic check check. I feel like this means we are definitely going to get superpowers.
Man, I started reading that as black chick, white chick, Asian chick, and only then realized that no, you weren't listing off your harem. Too bad.


Staff member
Alpha! Find me a group of 40 year olds. With attitude. A-and as little arthritis as possible.
"we can't fight evil between 3 and 7 pm because our school age kids have something to do"

"can we pick up suzy in the Zord?"

*applies stupid stick figure family decal to back window of giant dinosaur robot*[DOUBLEPOST=1460130165,1460129895][/DOUBLEPOST]"hooooney! Do you need the Triceratops today? If not, I'm going to take it. You can take the velociraptor"

*trades in T-Rex for small, convertible Mammal-bot so that he can feel young again*

*badly applies paint in vain attempt to cover missing paint of top of helmet*[DOUBLEPOST=1460130283][/DOUBLEPOST]Megazord walks in all funny and bow-legged. "Sorry. Had to visit the proctologist this morning"[DOUBLEPOST=1460130502][/DOUBLEPOST]To teen-piloted zords: "Look you little shits. Turn down the music and focus on the bad guy. And pull up your robo-pants, dammit."

*Picks up 2x4 and casually beats the crap out the putties one by one.*
"we can't fight evil between 3 and 7 pm because our school age kids have something to do"

"can we pick up suzy in the Zord?"

*applies stupid stick figure family decal to back window of giant dinosaur robot*[DOUBLEPOST=1460130165,1460129895][/DOUBLEPOST]"hooooney! Do you need the Triceratops today? If not, I'm going to take it. You can take the velociraptor"

*trades in T-Rex for small, convertible Mammal-bot so that he can feel young again*

*badly applies paint in vain attempt to cover missing paint of top of helmet*[DOUBLEPOST=1460130283][/DOUBLEPOST]Megazord walks in all funny and bow-legged. "Sorry. Had to visit the proctologist this morning"[DOUBLEPOST=1460130502][/DOUBLEPOST]To teen-piloted zords: "Look you little shits. Turn down the music and focus on the bad guy. And pull up your robo-pants, dammit."

*Picks up 2x4 and casually beats the crap out the putties one by one.*
Oh, good! My chances of being a Power Ranger haven't diminished, just slightly changed focus! I will take the uniform with the yoga pants, boots and matching tunic. Is my Dinozord going to fit in the drive-thru at Starbucks? Priorities, people.

(Honestly, I wasn't a fan of the show, but I like the idea of the Mighty Middle-aged Power Rangers.)