Minor victory thread

This goes in the "minor victory" column: in the face of all the crap that is happening with my workplace (@Krisken, most of the stuff they're reporting isn't true, by the way), it does appear that we have a brief reprieve from the closure talk. Also, I now have a firm date as the "first day I can consider retiring": October 6, 2017. After that point, I can kick the DOC to the curb if I so desire.
Step 1: See George Takei post a link about Andre the Giant.
Step 2: Shamelessly shill the Andre the Giant graphic novel review I did on my blog.
Step 3: See stats on said link rise. (34 hits so far).
Step 4: ....
Step 5: Profit?
Took the scenic route to Pittsburgh instead of the interstate. Moderately successful record store run. Mostly stuff to replace part of the June selloff, plus some Tull and Slave. Good pizza by the slice at the shop next door. Picked up a case of 'Gansett on the way home, plus an extra one for work because while everyone else busted their buns for the statewide Moose convention, I got to sit on my ass the whole weekend on my shift. Just seemed fair.

A good day. :D
The original 5 took great pictures but my 5c was terrible. I have a new app that lets me manually configure each shot for ISO, white balance, shutter speed etc. it has potential!!
Today was bonus day! While most of it goes to keeping things afloat, I let myself splurge this one time of year on silly stuff. As such, I just ordered Betrayal at the House on the Hill: 2nd Edition and Munchkin Deluxe (both on sale at Amazon right now, BTW).
Minor victory: because I had to go in to the walk-in clinic for a back spasm, I'm off tomorrow 2nd shift.

It's only a minor victory because it means I'm orderable Sunday morning.
I am a technological god!!!!

No, but seriously, after a week and a half of trying everything I could come up with, I finally managed to convince my Philips smart TV to play nice with my computer, my Google Chromecast, and the Videostream app, and actually play videos from my PC to the damn TV. Apparently all it needed was a dedicated wifi network.
You didn't have one of those already? I thought they came standard with homes now.

They mostly do, but with my Kindle, my wife's Kindle, my wife's two laptops, our two iPhones, the TV, the Chromecast, and my desktop all trying to use the same wifi router it was like trying to watch Netflix over a 28.8k modem. And that was all after it finally dawned on me that the reason my computer couldn't find the TV or the Chromecast was because they weren't actually all on the same network, because my computer was on a wired connection to modem/router 2, while the wifi was coming off of modem/router 1, and I had to buy a wifi adapter for my desktop. So I actually had to dig out our ancient Linksys 802.11g router, hook it up to modem 2, and keep just my computer, the Chromecast, and my iPhone (to act as the Chromecast remote) on their own network.
GM is receptive to the notion of moving my paid vacation days to June instead of October because of football season. I'm looking at another NYC trip, but taking the train as the *first* resort this time. There's a Ramada right around the corner from the hotel I stayed at last year. Should be able to get an employee rate there. :)
"Should." Initial check @2am only suggests a 20% discount. But that's without going through official channels. It would be nice to get another $55/night rate.

Fuku is on the to-do list again. They've gone to a 7-day schedule at the original East Village location, and opened a Fuku+ in midtown with an expanded menu. Beyond that, I have no idea. I did the tall building thing last year. No interest in Statue of Liberty this time around. With more lead time, I can plot my raid of the Flushing Chinatown food stands with more precision and less care for the waistline. :D

Will probably make another thread once I can score good room reservations.
"Should." Initial check @2am only suggests a 20% discount. But that's without going through official channels. It would be nice to get another $55/night rate.

Fuku is on the to-do list again. They've gone to a 7-day schedule at the original East Village location, and opened a Fuku+ in midtown with an expanded menu. Beyond that, I have no idea. I did the tall building thing last year. No interest in Statue of Liberty this time around. With more lead time, I can plot my raid of the Flushing Chinatown food stands with more precision and less care for the waistline. :D

Will probably make another thread once I can score good room reservations.
They now have a Night Market in Corona Park. A lot of street food and other stuff. I haven't gone yet, but my friends have enjoyed it.
When I was coming in, I bought airplane wifi and it made the flight significantly better. For whatever reason though I randomly decided to buy a book while here for the flight back.

And they just announced wifi is broken so now I'm not going to go literally insane.