Minor victory thread


Staff member
(Honestly, I wasn't a fan of the show, but I like the idea of the Mighty Middle-aged Power Rangers.)
Me either. I thought it was stupid. My little brother was into it. I remember we made a stupid video with a full-sized VHS camera: the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers. The only part I really remember was my brother doing the transformation dance from the show, then pulling out a rubber tube and a fake syringe and shooting up.
There's going to have to be a shot of one of the Rangers trying to HNNNNGGGHHHH his/her way into the uniform during the transformation.



Staff member
I could never figure out a) what they were "morphing" into--it just looked like they put on a suit and b) what advantages that gave them. They looked like they were still doing the same thing.


Staff member
I could never figure out a) what they were "morphing" into--it just looked like they put on a suit and b) what advantages that gave them. They looked like they were still doing the same thing.
They morphed into skinny asians. Except for Trini, I guess?
We bought 4 pieces of furniture- 1 entertainment center for the TV to sit on, two very large book shelves for games and dvd's, and a pantry because our kitchen is just too small.

Major win for the great furniture we got on clearance.

Now I am putting it together. JESUS FUCK THIS SHIT IS HEAVY. I mean, great, that means sturdy stuff and it goes together easy enough, but I am beat and I only have two of the pieces put together. Finally said fuck it and got an electric screwdriver.

Figure the last two items should be done in the next 8 hours. I hope.
I found a bug in the .NET framework. I can't talk about it right now (company-related stuff), and it's not a security hole, just a minor "leak" of un-disposed stuff that the garbage collector will pick up (though not soon enough in certain cases), but still.

WOOT! In your FACE Microsoft!!!

Ya I'm petty, but still. It's something to find out that your company's code isn't actually the problem, but the framework itself.
I haven't been to Spain for about 2 years now, so my homesickness has been going into overdrive lately.


Spotting this at Sam's Club made me quite happy. It's about a 100% markup over normal price, and tastes cheap, but goddamn does it taste like home :D
Ya I'm petty, but still. It's something to find out that your company's code isn't actually the problem, but the framework itself.
Yep. I found a bug in our UI last year when I was testing stuff.
One major and 4 minor revisions later? Still there.
Must have gotten classed as low-priority.

Finally submitted the paperwork today to (hopefully) start the process of cutting loose that house I haven't lived in for > 2yrs.
You would think the prospect of not having an extra house payment every month would've been sufficient motivation to get this done sooner, but no. Forcing myself to limit my daily game time seems to have ultimately worked, though.

Now that I'm off work for a bit, I've decided to work on my photography. I posted some pictures on a photo contest site and won an online course. It was free so I picked one. It was actually really good! I've followed the instructor's advice and I will be setting up my little studio tonight. Fingers crossed!
I haven't been to Spain for about 2 years now, so my homesickness has been going into overdrive lately.

View attachment 20863

Spotting this at Sam's Club made me quite happy. It's about a 100% markup over normal price, and tastes cheap, but goddamn does it taste like home :D
Man, I miss spain and the mezes I ate.

Between serrano wine, paella and ridiculous amount of patatas bravas, Barcelona was soooooooooooooooo awesome.
Man, I miss spain and the mezes I ate.

Between serrano wine, paella and ridiculous amount of patatas bravas, Barcelona was soooooooooooooooo awesome.
Great, now I'm missing even more stuff :p I wish I was halfway decent at making paella, but that's one of the things my mom still has to walk me through.
I feel your pain, man... This was me when I was living in France... they had American-ish products, but nothing tasted right, until we went to Sicily, and finally had a valid PX to work with.
Hah yeah, I remember this one place in Barcelona that sells peanut butter and A&W root beer (among other things). It's like a Mecca for all the American ex-pats.
Hah yeah, I remember this one place in Barcelona that sells peanut butter and A&W root beer (among other things). It's like a Mecca for all the American ex-pats.
I had friends who were stationed in Gibraltar. I think I remember them saying they'd make a trek to Barcelona to stock up on some of their favorite foods every couple of months.
The CEO of our company just asked me if I want to transfer away from my editing job, and become a technical writer permanently. I helped out the technical writing department for a few months last year, and apparently I didn't screw up as much as I thought I did, because they're suffering a manpower shortage again and now want me there on a permanent basis.

The pros are:
1. Slightly higher pay. The number tabled by the CEO was a 5% raise.
2. Slightly lower stress. I would no longer have to deal with google translated documents, and I'd be able to go home at reasonable hours. Deadlines would be measured in days and weeks, instead of the minutes and hours I deal with as an editor.
3. Slightly better for my career. Having a few years of technical writing on my resume would go well with the years of translation and editing experience I have now. I'd be able to apply for jobs in a wider variety of fields if I ever decide to leave this company.

The cons are:
1. If I'm honest, I'd say my personality and skillset are more suited to being a translator and editor. I'm not a very tech-savvy person in the first place, and I'm quite good at sitting down with a document and flagellating it until it's a good translation.
2. I would no longer be directly working with some of the cutest girls in our company. The tech writing department is full of geeky guys.

On the whole, I think I'm going to accept the transfer, which is why this counts as a minor victory. I'll end up out of my comfort zone for a while, which sucks, and I'll have to figure out some other way to have plausible excuses to talk to the attractive females. But still, it's an opportunity I'm probably going to take.


Staff member
He's married. I'm not sure why working with a few attractive women should be a factor anyway.
I don't want to derail the thread, but attractive women make any workplace more pleasant, even if you're off the market. As long as they aren't of unpleasant disposition.