
Staff member
Perusing my google tracked data, I was surprised and a little amused to find the extent to which they track my android app usage - they even know how many times I hit snooze on my alarm.
Perusing my google tracked data, I was surprised and a little amused to find the extent to which they track my android app usage - they even know how many times I hit snooze on my alarm.
I will often switch up my agent string just to mess with 'em.
I may never see the result, but I know that somewhere, someone is pulling their hair out.



Staff member
At the grocery store, I had a little impulse buy. I passed Fruit Gushers on my way down the aisle, and recent discussions of them put them back into my mind, and then I saw something on Imgur about somebody wrapping fruit gushers inside fruit roll-ups, described as the "ultimate stress relief."

So I bought some of both, to try.

What a raging disappointment.

First of all, everything's so much fucking smaller than it was back in the 80's/90's. The fruit roll-ups are easily 20-30% less in area than I remember, and the "roll" is severely lacking in QC - as often as not, it is not squarely on the plastic and thus sticks to itself and doesn't "unroll" without being shredded.

As for the fruit gushers, I never had them as a kid, but I did have other similar fruit snacks (I was a "Shark-Bites" eating maniac), and let me tell you, these pouches are about half the size of what I remembered them being. The contents contained within each packet I would barely describe as a "mouthful."

Furthermore, the "snacks" themselves are a bit disappointing as well. The fruit gushers exterior is made of the same sort of plasticized-fruit-weave/mesh "material" as the fruit roll-ups (I was expecting something a little more gummy/gelatin based from the look of the things in the commercials), and the amount of liquid in each one I'd call roughly a drop. Not even a milliliter. Heck, I think the entire volume of space occupied by a single fruit gusher is less than a cubic centimeter, all told. The juice is tasty enough I suppose, but I was expecting a lot more of it... as in, I expected it to, you know, GUSH when bitten. Instead, a tiny amount of fruit-fluid is secreted into your mouth.

Thoroughly underwhelmed by both the products individually, I attempted to re-create the imgur picture I had seen. Getting a fruit roll-up unrolled intact was a bit of a trial, as I mentioned earlier, and then there barely seemed to be enough fruit gushers in a single pouch to make the effort worth it. What I was left with was not any kind of fruit candy tamale, as I had come to expect, but instead it looked closer to some kind of neon plastic reefer.

At any rate, I bit into it to see if it was, indeed, good stress relief. My disappointment continued unabated. Indeed, it was nearly palpable. I remember fruit roll-ups having a bit more "tug" in them, so that biting off a piece took at least a little effort... but now it tears effortlessly, leaving no tactile satisfaction in the ripping off of a chunk of the ersatz fruit-bean pod. Chewing the bite was similarly unimpressive - as mentioned before, the casings of the fruit gushers have a taste and texture that more or less mimics the fruit roll-ups exactly, so it begs the question of why even bother combining the two... much of the same effect could have been had simply by leaving the fruit roll-up rolled up and forgoing the fruit gushers entirely. Oh, sure, that tiny little drip of juice soon followed, but really at that point it was all lost in the mushy fruit-and-saliva-with-plastic-aftertaste paste that my teeth listlessly nudged around my palate.

All said and done, I've now got an opened box of each item that I am not sure I even want to bother finishing, even though I'm pretty sure I could do so to both in seconds and still be hungry for an actual meal.

My Ergodox is very limited by the official firmware editor/compiler. I need to learn how to compile it myself so I can change the c-code and add mouse movement and character macros... Maybe this weekend, if the charity project doesn't eat another 12 hours.

Perusing my google tracked data, I was surprised and a little amused to find the extent to which they track my android app usage - they even know how many times I hit snooze on my alarm.
If you dig into the bowels of your Google account, you can even find audio recordings of every time you've used OK Google, or even activated it on accident.


Staff member
If you dig into the bowels of your Google account, you can even find audio recordings of every time you've used OK Google, or even activated it on accident.
That's far less interesting. It's 90% me saying "Text (coworker) I'm missing copy from you and the deadline was 11am this morning."


Staff member
I met her many years ago in my home town in Minden, Iowa. Can't remember why she was there but she made a personal appearance. She came to the bowling alley where I worked while she was out of costume. Oh my god was she hot! Very different from her personae, which is hot but a different kind of hot. Elvira is Ginger while Cassandra is Mary Ann.
Teachers have a fucking hard job and deserve our respect and a decent salary.
Well, they do get a decent salary, here. They've got themselves a strong union. Plus, their pension plan owns most of Ontario.

(Although this is a simplification, since there about four separate teachers unions I believe, separated between elementary and secondary, public and Catholic. They all seem to get what they want out of collective bargaining)


Staff member
That's a picture of her now that she's older. When I saw her she was younger. Google "young Cassandra Peterson". You'll need a bigger boat. (And these pictures don't do her justice - she was much better in person.)


Staff member
And even that one isn't that old. I found more but I'd have to join Pinterest. And they don't allow you to see shit unless you join so fuck them.
And even that one isn't that old. I found more but I'd have to join Pinterest. And they don't allow you to see shit unless you join so fuck them.
Sounds like a job for@squidleybits[DOUBLEPOST=1469641350,1469641312][/DOUBLEPOST]@squidlybits?[DOUBLEPOST=1469641393][/DOUBLEPOST]@squidleybites?[DOUBLEPOST=1469641425][/DOUBLEPOST]@squintyeyes?[DOUBLEPOST=1469641460][/DOUBLEPOST]@squidlybits?[DOUBLEPOST=1469641506][/DOUBLEPOST]@Gruebeardsucks


Staff member
The funny part is you spelled the name right the first time, you just didn't put a space between it and the word preceding the @, so it fucked up.

I, uh, actually knew that.

I decided to go for the joke, instead, because I'm under the impression that editing a post to include a tag won't alert the user. This way, I got a laugh, and made @Dave do the work.

But I've since forgotten why I tagged@squidleybits.


Staff member
In the last week there have been three instances with people I work with. Two people had their houses burn down - separate instances - and then there was a house exploding under suspicious circumstances.

A family was being evicted and a property inspector let them back in to get some of their stuff. Couple days later the inspector goes back to do a final once-over of the house and it goes boom. Inspector is killed. Turns out she worked with me for years as our cleaning lady.