Funny (political, religious) pictures

I think those statues are the absolute worst. Hypocrisy at its finest. Would this be funny if it were Hillary naked? No? Why? You have a problem with that you should have problems with this.
I don't know, Dave. Trump's campaign has largely been on him presenting himself as a dominating, virile, alpha male. It's all chest bounding, no firm policy stances. So you could say that since Trump's balls have been the cornerstone of his campaign, ideologically, it's fair to use that as satire of him.
That reminds me, you gotta see this video I saw earlier with Alex Jones screaming "NEVER" for an hour.

...the weird part is, after you've heard it for a while, you start to anticipate the rhythm.

Also, you know what's fun? Putting this video simultaneously on all 8 demo computers at a Best Buy.

Repeat anything enough, it becomes a song.

I was actually going to reference this specifically, but I didn't think anyone else would remember it. Yes, even the other Radiolabbers.
(from the "Loops" episode)
Figures the other guy who immediately thinks of this just HAPPENS to be an audio engineer of sorts.
