Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

With consoles holding back games so much, adequate is usually more than enough power to run the big titles on par with their console brothers.

That's another thing that usually gets left out. PC games can scale. An old title on new hardware can be pumped up to look a lot better, while newer titles can run on older hardware usually just fine just by turning down some settings.
Hey, @GasBandit I smell some PC butthurt in this thread too.


Staff member
Oh, I did not see it was an album. That makes that much more clear.
Yeah, I hate imgur's new album embed format. But those san franciso shitlizards can't leave well enough alone and oh, I don't know, fix their overburdened server problem, or let people sort their favorites into folders like we've been asking for years (and were promised was "coming in 2014!")... no, we gotta have a new fucking website layout every 6 months. Too many "web designers," not enough coders.