So, iTunes tells me I have 8 days worth of music. Thousands of mp3s. (yeah, iTunes..i got myself an iPhone recently, as some may recall).
I've been collecting some of them from the dawn of time--well, at least as far as mp3s are concerned. Since before id3 tags. And back when variable bit rate was a thing because hard drive space was a premium. You know, back when you had to run 3 separate DOS programs at the command line to rip a CD, and it took 6-8 hours.
Over the years, I've done my best to try to organize the files--first by using the file structure to lay out genre/artist/track information, and then later by manually editing id3 tags (OMG such a pain). I've never followed completely through with it, because I never used a music player where having all of the pristine data made enough sense for me to go through the nightmare.
But iTunes and the iPhone music player, it makes a difference. And since I use the phone to play tunes while I'm driving, all of the "Untitled Tracks" and stuff was driving me bonkers. Not to mention all of the non-standard variable bitrate conversions saying that certain songs were 18-20 minutes long when they weren't.
Finally, today, I downloaded MusicBrainz Picard and managed to properly (and mostly automagically) tag all but a small handful of obscure music files. So now they all finally show up properly in iTunes and on my phone. I even used Audacity to bulk re-convert all of the variable bitrate mp3s into 128kb bitrate files, so even the time calculations should be correct. Joy!