Hearthstone patch notes 2016-10-20
The important bits:
- Murlocs that used to buff ALL other murlocs will now only buff friendly murlocs.
- One Night in Karazhan cards aren't getting a frequency bonus in arena anymore
- Yogg now causes overload
- a few more specific bug fixes
- New Daily Quests! including ones where you play 30 ___ class cards or 50 class cards from any class; play a certain number of beasts, murlocs, demons, pirates, battlecry, deathrattles, divine shields, enrage, taunt, weapons, secrets; use your hero power 30 times.
Gold ranges from 40 up to 100 (for playing 75 murlocs or 75 battlecry minions)
Honestly, I'm really excited about these new quests. With none of them revolving around winning, it may allow more people to try out fun decks without feeling like they're being punished for losing.