a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

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every one of the candidates this year is just so bad in their own way that it's kind of funny if it wasn't so messed up. You have Gary "Bad at Foreign Policy" Johnson. Jill "Fringe Science" Stein. Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump. And finally Hillary "Skeleton Closet Convention" Clinton.

Of course all of those middle names could have been applied to Trump so I had to give him one of his unique failures.
She's done a liiiiiittle bit more than "poor email server management." It's clear that author has an axe to grind and isn't afraid to use his station as senior editor of a national publication to further it.
It's no worse than what government officials have been doing for years. I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm saying I just don't care. Honestly, I find the whole thing silly.


Staff member
It's no worse than what government officials have been doing for years. I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm saying I just don't care. Honestly, I find the whole thing silly.
Watergate was a dumb botched breakin, and the coverup ended a presidency that carried 49 states. It is so laughably tiny in comparison, and a sad commentary on how little integrity the presidency is expected to have these days.
Watergate was a dumb botched breakin, and the coverup ended a presidency that carried 49 states. It is so laughably tiny in comparison, and a sad commentary on how little integrity the presidency is expected to have these days.
No, I mean I find it silly that there are even requirements that deal with emails. I just don't care. But yeah, compare it to breaking into a hotel and stealing information. Lets not be silly, ok?


Staff member
No, I mean I find it silly that there are even requirements that deal with emails. I just don't care. But yeah, compare it to breaking into a hotel and stealing information. Lets not be silly, ok?
There are requirements that deal with all kinds of classified and secret information, no matter what the medium of transference. But to me, the e-mail thing is different because it wasn't malicious, it was just incompetent. Normally Hillary is the other way around - malicious but competent.
Honestly the scariest part of the whole email scandal is that while what she did wasn't ok, it wasn't actually any less secure than what normally goes on in the government. Its amazing that there haven't been more revealing hacks.
Trump is so consistently guilty of literally every single line item that he accuses the Clintons of doing that I'm starting to worry that Melania is a serial sexual predator.
So apparently there may be some really messed up stuff in the works involving Trump and Russia. I haven't wrapped my head around it yet but apparently there was Trump server communicating with a Russian bank server. The Russian bank has some weird ties to Paul Manafort.

The article and some analysis can be found here

I just posted this.




Staff member
the idea of him, or more likely one of his handlers, having a deep connection to Russia is legitimately frightening. I would love to hear the Republican response to this.
the idea of him, or more likely one of his handlers, having a deep connection to Russia is legitimately frightening. I would love to hear the Republican response to this.
Crooked "experts" rigging the election, part of the conspiracy to keep Trump down, all lies, lies, lies. Don't you just feel these people are trying to influence you? Don't listen to these "experts", you know how you feel and what's good.


Staff member
Yeah, it's honestly just too nuts. But this guy...I mean he had Paul Manafort on payroll. He's dumb enough to get mixed up in this shit.


Staff member
I'm still not entirely convinced that Trump wasn't a long-con false flag to deliver Hillary the election this time. I mean, he was a full fledged democrat supporter until Obama aced out Hillary in 08, then suddenly he became a birther and next thing you know, here we are.
I'm still not entirely convinced that Trump wasn't a long-con false flag to deliver Hillary the election this time. I mean, he was a full fledged democrat supporter until Obama aced out Hillary in 08, then suddenly he became a birther and next thing you know, here we are.
But with the amount of support he actually pulled in, it's just depressing.
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Trump is so consistently guilty of literally every single line item that he accuses the Clintons of doing that I'm starting to worry that Melania is a serial sexual predator.
Honestly, if it came out that Trump is sleeping with Ivanka, I would be depressed but not surprised. :/
What sort of a man calls his own daughter a "piece of ass?" :facepalm:
I suppose the kind of man who 1) treats all women that way, 2) treats their adult children as independent adults, and 3) doesn't have such a strong a taboo against incest that they won't even voice opinions about their relative's sexual attractiveness.

Disgusting, sure, but I can understand it even though I wouldn't say that about any woman, nevermind my offspring or relatives.

Misogynistic? Yes. Ignores cultural taboos? Yes.

Other than that, though, is there something more deeply wrong with it that I'm missing? Sure, most of our media even today in our sexually liberal culture still makes characters go "Dude! That's my sibling/child/parent!" when another character mentions attractiveness, but even that's changing and they're softening that response. I don't think it's out of a sense that incest is ok, but out of recognition that by doing so the character is somehow belittling the person being discussed, rather than recognizing the relationship makes the subject taboo.

The problem, of course, is the misogyny. The incestual aspect may not be an issue - unless you assume that every time a person recognizes another person's attractiveness then that means they desire to have a sexual relationship with that person, but then you're simply denying people the right to comment on something they would never act on.

But I guess that's a big goal of the SJW movement - you're not allowed to talk about anything bad, because if you talk about it, then surely you must be doing it, or desiring it, and so people must be called out and shamed if they discuss things that are taboo, or that the SJW movement seeks to make taboo.
Look, the topic is gross. I thought it'd be interesting to pick apart why it's gross. I'm not interested in defending Chump, it's just an interesting line of inquiry.

If you have nothing interesting to add, why say anything?


Staff member
Not having anything valuable to add hasn't stopped like 95% of the posts in this thread so let's not let that get in our way now.
Not having anything valuable to add hasn't stopped like 95% of the posts in this thread so let's not let that get in our way now.
He didn't say valuable, he said interesting. I almost took feigned offence - would've posted "*sniff* I resemble that remark :(" but then I actually read his post.

And I believe my posts are interesting. Somewhat. Sometimes.


proceed, steinman
Well I thought I neatly dissected the disgust. The only thing I hadn't mentioned, mostly because it seems too obvious to mention, is the biological basis for cultural taboos against incest.

I laid it out to spur discussion, and asked a specific question, which, as of yet, remains unanswered:

...is there something more deeply wrong with it that I'm missing?
I realize, of course, that you're looking at this and probably thinking I'm a terrible person to even ponder the disgust behind the statement.

But my question is why aren't you? Do you simply accept society's cultural programming as fact, a foundation on which you can rely without question? Why is this particular programming not subject to dissection and questioning, when it's plainly obvious you blame our culture and its programming for so many other atrocities?

Is this, in fact, privileged customs, above reproach?

Or am I assuming too much when I suggest that you believe this questioning reflects badly on me and you are actually calling into question your visceral reaction to Trump's terrible statements?

There, I went on.

The ball is in your court. I can only hope you'll surprise me with a response of more than a handful of thoughtless reactionary words.
I laid it out to spur discussion, and asked a specific question, which, as of yet, remains unanswered:
You sure that wasn't a rhetorical question? I mean, it was at the start of a paragraph. And yadda yadda yadda I just need to add some words in here to pad out this paragraph so that it's large enough to look like a paragraph. But I'm getting lazy, so I'm going to resort to plagiarizing. A moose once bit my sister. No really! She was carving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist' and 'Fillings of Passion.'