a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

  • Total voters
Alright everyone, CALM THE FUCK DOWN. People are starting to get very snippy and really there is no reason for it. Maybe take a second and look at what you are posting before you hit Post Reply, eh?

And I hate you people for making me be the reasonable one.


Staff member
Alright everyone, CALM THE FUCK DOWN. People are starting to get very snippy and really there is no reason for it. Maybe take a second and look at what you are posting before you hit Post Reply, eh?
You missed my second post, which was because I had a brief site snafu. It was meant to be merged with the first one.



Staff member
Election salt rules.
Gas is the type of person I ignore on Facebook. All full of shit and nowhere to go.
I love you too, captain ad hominem. Specially when you get all apopleptic about being backed into a rhetorical corner.

I would assume Scott Adams Gas sounds kind of farty. The question is what kind? Is he a "silent but deadly" or a "rip and roar" kind of guy? Based on what I know of Scott Adams I'm going to guess he's more the "mouse squeak" kind of farter, with the occasional "wet and wild" variety.
Scott Adams is a vegan, so it qould probably be a whistle with a bizarre, alien odor. The man bad mouthed bacon, for crying out loud. Who the hell does that?

(By the way, I don't ignore him on Facebook, I'm just saying.)
I once, ONCE, and only once dipped my toe into talking politics on facebook, and the hugbox turned damn nasty when it was confronted with anything that wasn't in complete lockstep. Learned my lesson.
this year is the best chance to crack the 2 party system we've had since Perot, and as far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't go third party THIS year might as well stop pretending their 3rd party votes in other years were anything other than political vegan crossfit
You sound almost like you're talking about a sports team. "Well, the reason the Louisville Libertarians keep losing games is because they can't attract any good talent because they keep losing games because they can't attract any good talent because they keep losing..."
(By the way, I don't ignore him on Facebook, I'm just saying.)
I didn't even know he HAD a Facebook (or I forgot about it).
Alright everyone, CALM THE FUCK DOWN. People are starting to get very snippy and really there is no reason for it. Maybe take a second and look at what you are posting before you hit Post Reply, eh?
And I hate you people for making me be the reasonable one.
Let me quote my wife, here, presented undiluted:

Yeah this. I am literally, physically sick of this election.
Republicans -- Quit pretending you are still the "Party of Lincoln" or even the same party you were in 1960. Educate yourselves about systemic racism and how your party has been promoting it and benefiting from it.
Democrats -- Quit pretending that seeing the racism = doing something about the racism.
Republicans -- Enough with the idea that the second amendment can only be honored if you get to have all the guns, all the time. Quit with the not-so-subtle threats that you will kill anyone who comes after any part of your collection. Recognize that any gun rights you enjoy can also be enjoyed by Black people.
Democrats -- Recognize that we have the right to own guns. Acknowledge that most gun-owners (even gun-enthusiasts) are not the asshole with a semi-automatic at the grocery store. It is a problem that violent people have easy access to guns, but understand that violent people will find other ways to commit violence if they don't have that access.
Republicans -- Quit trying to legislate your Old Testament moralism. Cotton/poly blends, eating food prepared by menstruating women, and tattoos did not bring about the end times and neither will gay marriages.
Democrats -- Enough with reducing religion to an outdated oddity that enlightened people have replaced with science. Stop bringing up the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades like eugenics was never a thing.
Republicans -- Quit perpetuating sexism and rape culture by painting them as "just the way things are."
Democrats -- Quit perpetuating sexism and rape culture by pretending it's only something the Republicans do.
Republicans -- Stop making excuses for your piece of shit presidential candidate. He is promising to make your life better by damaging the lives of others. The alt-right know this, and they are delighted that people who would be horrified by them are now on their side. I can pretty much guarantee you that every time to open your mouth to defend Donald Trump, you are hurting someone you know and care about -- someone who hasn't told you that they are gay or transgender, someone who's parents came here illegally, someone with an "invisible" disablity, a woman who is reliving her sexual assault because of Donald Trump's behavior. They may not tell you about the damage you are doing, but rest assured, you are doing it.
Democrats -- Quit pretending you don't really wish you could vote for Sanders, or that two-term presidencies don't really stick in your craw this year. And for the love of all that's lovable, do not "protest" by voting third party or sitting the election out. That is facile and useless. Get out there, do some homework, and start pushing for the necessary changes to the system. There are plenty of organizations dedicated to reforming the way we vote. Join one, and do some actual work. You know, like Bernie has been doing for his entire life. He didn't sit around whining and protest-voting.
Republicans -- Stop attacking Democrats as whining, lazy, smug elitists with the moral compass of a rutting weasel.
Democrats -- Stop attacking Republicans as ignorant, jingoistic yokels being duped by greedy one-percenters with the moral compass a fox in the hen house.
All y'all -- Stop calling each other stupid. Regardless of your opinions, you look like an ableist asshole when you use “-tard" as a suffix. It is taking a slur that is used against people with developmental disabilities and using it against your political opponents, and it says way more about you than it does about them. Stop calling each other evil. True Evil is pretty rare and you make it very difficult to recognize when you apply it to everyone who disagrees with you on single-payer healthcare.

We have become so divided. I have never voted Republican. I do not agree with their policies, and I'm deeply troubled by their embrace of Christian Conservative values. But I've known and liked Republican voters. I've felt threatened by Republican policies, but not by the people who vote Republican. Until this year. This year, I'm looking at what appears to be angry, hateful people who are willing to hurt me if it will make their lives better -- people whose message is that my life is worth less than theirs. And I have to acknowledge that they are looking at me the same way. They see a Clinton supporter as someone who doesn't care about just how thoroughly screwed rural America is, someone who would rather sit around arguing about whether to use "Black" or "African-American" than do something about the class war that is grinding poor whites to dust, someone who'd rather whine about cat-calls on the street than call attention to the suffering of veterans.
So how about this? How about we start acting like Americans? How about we stop looking to our parties to "beat" the other party and force our agenda on the losers? How about we NOT vote for bullies and instead vote for leaders? How about we tell Breitbart and Occupy Democrats to go screw themselves? How about we stop yelling at each other and start talking to each other. How about we clean up some of this shit ourselves?
--Patrick (except the big part...that was Kati)


Staff member
As you say. I'm sorry we melted you, precious special snowflake.
Alright everyone, CALM THE FUCK DOWN. People are starting to get very snippy and really there is no reason for it. Maybe take a second and look at what you are posting before you hit Post Reply, eh?

And I hate you people for making me be the reasonable one.
Welcome to the mud with the rest of us pigs.
You sound almost like you're talking about a sports team. "Well, the reason the Louisville Libertarians keep losing games is because they can't attract any good talent because they keep losing games because they can't attract any good talent because they keep losing..."

I didn't even know he HAD a Facebook (or I forgot about it).

Let me quote my wife, here, presented undiluted:

Yeah this. I am literally, physically sick of this election.
Republicans -- Quit pretending you are still the "Party of Lincoln" or even the same party you were in 1960. Educate yourselves about systemic racism and how your party has been promoting it and benefiting from it.
Democrats -- Quit pretending that seeing the racism = doing something about the racism.
Republicans -- Enough with the idea that the second amendment can only be honored if you get to have all the guns, all the time. Quit with the not-so-subtle threats that you will kill anyone who comes after any part of your collection. Recognize that any gun rights you enjoy can also be enjoyed by Black people.
Democrats -- Recognize that we have the right to own guns. Acknowledge that most gun-owners (even gun-enthusiasts) are not the asshole with a semi-automatic at the grocery store. It is a problem that violent people have easy access to guns, but understand that violent people will find other ways to commit violence if they don't have that access.
Republicans -- Quit trying to legislate your Old Testament moralism. Cotton/poly blends, eating food prepared by menstruating women, and tattoos did not bring about the end times and neither will gay marriages.
Democrats -- Enough with reducing religion to an outdated oddity that enlightened people have replaced with science. Stop bringing up the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades like eugenics was never a thing.
Republicans -- Quit perpetuating sexism and rape culture by painting them as "just the way things are."
Democrats -- Quit perpetuating sexism and rape culture by pretending it's only something the Republicans do.
Republicans -- Stop making excuses for your piece of shit presidential candidate. He is promising to make your life better by damaging the lives of others. The alt-right know this, and they are delighted that people who would be horrified by them are now on their side. I can pretty much guarantee you that every time to open your mouth to defend Donald Trump, you are hurting someone you know and care about -- someone who hasn't told you that they are gay or transgender, someone who's parents came here illegally, someone with an "invisible" disablity, a woman who is reliving her sexual assault because of Donald Trump's behavior. They may not tell you about the damage you are doing, but rest assured, you are doing it.
Democrats -- Quit pretending you don't really wish you could vote for Sanders, or that two-term presidencies don't really stick in your craw this year. And for the love of all that's lovable, do not "protest" by voting third party or sitting the election out. That is facile and useless. Get out there, do some homework, and start pushing for the necessary changes to the system. There are plenty of organizations dedicated to reforming the way we vote. Join one, and do some actual work. You know, like Bernie has been doing for his entire life. He didn't sit around whining and protest-voting.
Republicans -- Stop attacking Democrats as whining, lazy, smug elitists with the moral compass of a rutting weasel.
Democrats -- Stop attacking Republicans as ignorant, jingoistic yokels being duped by greedy one-percenters with the moral compass a fox in the hen house.
All y'all -- Stop calling each other stupid. Regardless of your opinions, you look like an ableist asshole when you use “-tard" as a suffix. It is taking a slur that is used against people with developmental disabilities and using it against your political opponents, and it says way more about you than it does about them. Stop calling each other evil. True Evil is pretty rare and you make it very difficult to recognize when you apply it to everyone who disagrees with you on single-payer healthcare.

We have become so divided. I have never voted Republican. I do not agree with their policies, and I'm deeply troubled by their embrace of Christian Conservative values. But I've known and liked Republican voters. I've felt threatened by Republican policies, but not by the people who vote Republican. Until this year. This year, I'm looking at what appears to be angry, hateful people who are willing to hurt me if it will make their lives better -- people whose message is that my life is worth less than theirs. And I have to acknowledge that they are looking at me the same way. They see a Clinton supporter as someone who doesn't care about just how thoroughly screwed rural America is, someone who would rather sit around arguing about whether to use "Black" or "African-American" than do something about the class war that is grinding poor whites to dust, someone who'd rather whine about cat-calls on the street than call attention to the suffering of veterans.
So how about this? How about we start acting like Americans? How about we stop looking to our parties to "beat" the other party and force our agenda on the losers? How about we NOT vote for bullies and instead vote for leaders? How about we tell Breitbart and Occupy Democrats to go screw themselves? How about we stop yelling at each other and start talking to each other. How about we clean up some of this shit ourselves?

--Patrick (except the big part...that was Kati)

Can I vote for Kati?
Huffington post has a wax effigy of Trump in a straightjacket being burned as a candle on live video on facebook right now.

I wonder what kind of article they'd write if someone did the same thing with Obama, perhaps on the last night of his office.

But I'm sure it's ok, it's a news organization engaged in reputable, respectable journalism, so this can only be a good thing.
Well then I suppose I won't feel bad about blocking huffington post from my facebook feed.[DOUBLEPOST=1478650188,1478649996][/DOUBLEPOST]
So, with 0 precincts reporting, nytimes calls vermont for Hillary. I mean... probably yes, but wut?
They do this every election. The republicans get a big bump right at the beginning, and so they feel safe calling a few smaller certainty states for the democrats despite lack of actual results.

Given it's Bernie territory, and Obama got it last time with a 35% margin it's a no brainer, and it makes the democrats feel warm and fuzzy during the opening stages of the evening.
They do this every election. The republicans get a big bump right at the beginning, and so they feel safe calling a few smaller certainty states for the democrats despite lack of actual results.

Given it's Bernie territory, and Obama got it last time with a 35% margin it's a no brainer, and it makes the democrats feel warm and fuzzy during the opening stages of the evening.
Looks like they're basing the call on 1) previous history and 2) exit polls.

While I am not the biggest fan of Hillary I still want her to win over Trump and these current numbers are scary looking (I know there is long night ahead)
Hey, hey, guys, settle down.

The states that close polls early typically vote republican. You're going to see a big swing towards trump before it corrects and shows the reality.

It may be best for many of you to turn off the news and TV until 9 or 10pm ET tonight when things look more representative.

Hillary's almost certain to win.

You can start to be worried if Pennsylvania and Florida are 80% reporting and going for Trump.
You guys are being silly (except steinman). It's like you've never watched an election before.

The night Obama was elected, it was so late by the time they could call it that I had to go to bed for work the next day. Don't get your willy in a weedwacker; most places haven't even closed up yet.