Gmail addresses ignore dots or hyphens, so blah.blah is the same bl.ahblah or blahblah, etc.
Someone has a name very similar to my email address - the dot in his email is in a different spot, so I assume the address either isn't gmail, or is a different gmail domain (is there a, but he lives in England. I get tons of his email. I've pretty much stopped receiving personal stuff (I respond to his friends, to let them know they have the wrong address) but I get newsletters, ebay notifications, spam, all addressed to this guy. Currently I have thirty-two unread emails in my inbox, from about the last three or four days, all for him.
I have no idea what to do about this. I don't know what his actual email address is, so I can't email him to say, "Hey that thing you're bidding on ebay was outbid, and also CHANGE YOUR DAMN EBAY EMAIL."
I got an email from an HR department of a company hiring him, and tried to respond, but got an automated "Do not reply to this address," response.
I unsubscribe from a lot of the stuff, but some things, like ebay, don't seem to acknowledge this, and I just keep on getting it. It's extremely frustrating.