Funny (political, religious) pictures

To be fair, Hillary had a bigger crowd than Trump -- it's just that she didn't bother having them show up in the right place to be counted.
This presidency is going to feel like those Mondays that go on so long and arduous you figure it must be Friday, but then you remember no, it's still just Monday, you've got all the rest of it ahead.
Are we at all certain that Melania wasn't a "Russian Bride" in the bought-and-paid-for sense? There've been a lot of people out there reviling her for being a gold-digger who deserves her misery, but do we honestly have any way of proving that the donald didn't buy her or that she wasn't "given" to him as a reward for building a hotel in some former Soviet Bloc country?
Are we at all certain that Melania wasn't a "Russian Bride" in the bought-and-paid-for sense? There've been a lot of people out there reviling her for being a gold-digger who deserves her misery, but do we honestly have any way of proving that the donald didn't buy her or that she wasn't "given" to him as a reward for building a hotel in some former Soviet Bloc country?
Hmm, that's an angle I hadn't even considered.

Are we at all certain that Melania wasn't a "Russian Bride" in the bought-and-paid-for sense? There've been a lot of people out there reviling her for being a gold-digger who deserves her misery, but do we honestly have any way of proving that the donald didn't buy her or that she wasn't "given" to him as a reward for building a hotel in some former Soviet Bloc country?
Most things I'm seeing are people who feel sorry for Melania, not saying she deserves it. *shrug*
To be fair, most of the people that I've seen bashing Melania are probably just horrific hypocrites anyway. These are the same people who want to call themselves sex-positive individuals, but then want to deride Trump as being PEETUS instead of POTUS, or who want to say that they support all women in whatever endeavor they so choose, and then cast aspersions on Melania for being a "stripper."