[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Oh they know. Google and/or Apple knows, so everybody knows. The surveillance society is now real and inescapable.
Oh God, Amazon is the worst. I am using them now for most purchases that are not groceries. The other day a handy man asked for something to mark a board with, I hand him a Sharpie from my back pack. I then sit down at my desk, open Amazon and an ad for Sharpies pops up.
Oh God, Amazon is the worst. I am using them now for most purchases that are not groceries. The other day a handy man asked for something to mark a board with, I hand him a Sharpie from my back pack. I then sit down at my desk, open Amazon and an ad for Sharpies pops up.
Amazon gets really annoying when you've been visiting Worst Things for Sale.

I mean, the Shittens followed my wife's ads around for days. Go to a news website? Shittens. Cat videos? Shittens. Catch up on favorite webcomic? Shittens.

Would they not take a cashier's check?
I didn't know what a cashier's check was until I was 20-21 (i.e. when I started working in the U.S. and got an SSN, chequebook, etc), wish I had known that was an option at the time... No bank cashier/manager ever volunteered their existence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When I needed to mail cash (e.g. USCIS racket fees, SCA event fees, ...) I used money orders. I would walk to the bank, withdraw however much money was needed and walk to the nearest post office (20 minutes as well). For tuition, I didn't see the point in paying the fee for a money order, then walking next door to drop it off.


Staff member
Doncha just love meddlesome bosses?

Yesterday afternoon (while Underling 1 was out, mind you), the owner e-mails Underling 1 asking for something that isn't in her bailiwick - it's mine. She forwards it to me this morning, and I decide to take care of it as soon as I get everything that is critical for the day done, which would end up being around 2:30 in the afternoon. Cue the owner sending an angry e-mail to me, Underling 1, and the general manager saying "it shouldn't take 2 days to get this done."

Uh, technically, sir, in the harshest possible interpretation it took only 1 day, and in the more reasonable interpretation, it took less than a day. And most of the delay was because your first e-mail was to someone who (1) was out and (2) didn't know how to get you what you needed anyway. As soon as the right person was contacted, it took only a few hours, and only that long because it wasn't even remotely an emergency anyway and things that were MUCH more time critical took precedence.

But no matter how polite I would try to be, there's no way to point that out that won't make the owner mad(der).

I wish he'd just shut his cakeflap and sell us already. Dude has no idea how to run a radio station, only how to flip them short term for profit. He only got stuck with us for this long because he bought us in 2007, right before the bottom fell out of everything, and he refuses to cut his losses. We're making more money than ever (despite him) but it's all going to paying down the interest on the loan he took out to buy us.


Staff member
I feel really soiled putting in these "house flipper" seminar commercials right now. Listening to them, they're such obvious fucking snake oil/pyramid schemes that do nothing but waste your time looking at a powerpoint then blow town with your money, but WE'RE A RADIO STATION WHICH MEANS WE'LL SHOOT BABIES FOR A DOLLAR

Ok, maybe not shoot babies.

But we'll sell advertising for a baby shooting company.[DOUBLEPOST=1490306713,1490306452][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, also, here's a quick handy reference guide to identifying bullshit in advertising.

If it needs a disclaimer, it's bullshit.

If the disclaimer is SUPER FAST, it's extra strength bullshit.

If the super fast disclaimer is at the START of the advertisment, so it might be confused for being the disclaimer for the PREVIOUS advertisement, it's weapons grade extra strength bullshit.
last weekend i ordered some anime, card was charged immediately, five business days later it still hasnt shipped. company one of the larger licensors of anime in the US sent me a generic form letter about being massively behind and it should ship "soon" no time line. not a happy camper.
last weekend i ordered some anime, card was charged immediately, five business days later it still hasnt shipped. company one of the larger licensors of anime in the US sent me a generic form letter about being massively behind and it should ship "soon" no time line. not a happy camper.
I had something similar happen when I ordered an album from Amazon. The order was canceled by Amazon less than five minutes after I placed the order as "out of stock." The card was still run for the authorization, and took about a week for the funds to return to my available balance.
I had something similar happen when I ordered an album from Amazon. The order was canceled by Amazon less than five minutes after I placed the order as "out of stock." The card was still run for the authorization, and took about a week for the funds to return to my available balance.
No no i was actually charged. Its a completed charge on my account as we speak and the company acknowledged it on my order as paid and not yet filled. -_-
No no i was actually charged. Its a completed charge on my account as we speak and the company acknowledged it on my order as paid and not yet filled. -_-
That's kind of sketchy behavior on their part. The card shouldn't be actually charged until the item has shipped.
That's kind of sketchy behavior on their part. The card shouldn't be actually charged until the item has shipped.
yeah tell me about it. this is the crux of my whole argument. I dont give a fuck that I didnt get my product yet, its that they charged my card and didnt give an eta on when i can expect my stuff.
yeah tell me about it. this is the crux of my whole argument. I dont give a fuck that I didnt get my product yet, its that they charged my card and didnt give an eta on when i can expect my stuff.
I'd dispute the charge with your bank. That ain't right.


Staff member
I swear to god I'm going to murder our voicemail system. Trying to leave a voicemail right now causes an audio message to play "The system disk is full. Please contact your system administrator." It's old as fuck and can only be administrated through a 9 pin serial port. I've tried TWO separate serial to USB adapters, with both straight through and null modem cables, and the son of a bitching administration software can't get a fucking connection. Drives me nuts, fucker's probably as old as I am, hails from back before shit just worked, back when vendors didn't do their own tech support, back when mother fuckers made careers out of providing training to get certifications that say you know how to fucking maintain a fucking voicemail system. I'm down to my last hail mary, I've ordered a fucking serial port card like some kind of god forsaken cave man, and I've got an old XP system I'm gonna put it in (not old enough to have COME with its own serial port from the factory, natch) and it will be here on April 4th and I've already been wrestling with this maggot-infested shitcork for two weeks and meanwhile all the sales weasels can't fucking understand why their voicemail doesn't work and why I can't wave my fucking magic I.T. wand over their paleolithic phone system so that everything just suddenly works again.

I swear to god I'm going to murder our voicemail system. Trying to leave a voicemail right now causes an audio message to play "The system disk is full. Please contact your system administrator." It's old as fuck and can only be administrated through a 9 pin serial port. I've tried TWO separate serial to USB adapters, with both straight through and null modem cables, and the son of a bitching administration software can't get a fucking connection. Drives me nuts, fucker's probably as old as I am, hails from back before shit just worked, back when vendors didn't do their own tech support, back when mother fuckers made careers out of providing training to get certifications that say you know how to fucking maintain a fucking voicemail system. I'm down to my last hail mary, I've ordered a fucking serial port card like some kind of god forsaken cave man, and I've got an old XP system I'm gonna put it in (not old enough to have COME with its own serial port from the factory, natch) and it will be here on April 4th and I've already been wrestling with this maggot-infested shitcork for two weeks and meanwhile all the sales weasels can't fucking understand why their voicemail doesn't work and why I can't wave my fucking magic I.T. wand over their paleolithic phone system so that everything just suddenly works again.

you want to join me in a glass of scotch and a cigar while we watch the leadership burn the place to the ground?
I've ordered a fucking serial port card like some kind of god forsaken cave man, and I've got an old XP system I'm gonna put it in (not old enough to have COME with its own serial port from the factory, natch) and it will be here on April 4th and I've already been wrestling with this maggot-infested shitcork for two weeks
Why don't you rustle up a copy of ProComm while you're at it? Might come in handy.



Staff member
We switched out from a traditional system to a VoIP system. Went from $3000/month to $100/month and it's managed by the provider. Have to pay per call now, but that's been about a dollar a day. Total.