Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

Jimmy Kimmel has been calling the ACA "TrumpCare" instead of ObamaCare this week, even making fake PSAs to sign up for Trumpcare, and he is getting praise from trump supporters and some negative feedback from liberals. Come on guys, seriously.
Kimmel can satarize well. I remember on The Man Show they set up a booth to "Stop Women's Suffrage" and how women were "Suffaraging" around the world, and it should be stopped. Many MANY women (and men) signed their form.

If I have to explain this to anybody, I will weep.
Kimmel can satarize well. I remember on The Man Show they set up a booth to "Stop Women's Suffrage" and how women were "Suffaraging" around the world, and it should be stopped. Many MANY women (and men) signed their form.

If I have to explain this to anybody, I will weep.
I rmember that clip. It took a while before a lady finally showed up that knew what they were talking about.
Kimmel can satarize well. I remember on The Man Show they set up a booth to "Stop Women's Suffrage" and how women were "Suffaraging" around the world, and it should be stopped. Many MANY women (and men) signed their form.

If I have to explain this to anybody, I will weep.
Am I the only one who remembers an actual Twitter campaign centered around repealing the 19th Amendment so women couldn't vote for Hillary? And a bunch of women on Twitter defending their right to give up their right to vote so Trump could win and save everyone?
Am I the only one who remembers an actual Twitter campaign centered around repealing the 19th Amendment so women couldn't vote for Hillary? And a bunch of women on Twitter defending their right to give up their right to vote so Trump could win and save everyone?
Most of those were probably bots, who already can't vote
Of course they were, they were on Twitter. Most of everybody on Twitter is just bots.
I thought we were either at, or near the point where more bots can pass the Turing Test than people? I'm pretty sure we're already past that point for Captchas, which is hilarious.
There anyone more astute - source wise - that can tell me whether this "Secret Correspondence Between Trump, Jr. and Wikileaks," story that the Atlantic is running has any backbone to it?
There anyone more astute - source wise - that can tell me whether this "Secret Correspondence Between Trump, Jr. and Wikileaks," story that the Atlantic is running has any backbone to it?
Trump Jr released them himself in response to the story on his twitter.
There anyone more astute - source wise - that can tell me whether this "Secret Correspondence Between Trump, Jr. and Wikileaks," story that the Atlantic is running has any backbone to it?
Global News (Canada) : Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks exchanged private Twitter messages during, after election campaign
Trump Jr's Twitter post:

And since when did Wikileaks become "cut outs for the Kremlin" for some?
Rep. Adam Schiff, a ranking member of the House intelligence committee, tweeted that the messages, if true, “represent more secret communications between the Trump campaign and cut-outs for the Kremlin… it also demonstrates again a willingness by the highest levels of the Trump campaign to accept foreign assistance.”
They're kind of "release everything, no matter who's in power" kind of group. At least that's what they purport to be. And if this is collusion with Russia, wtf do you call the Clinton campaign PAYING Russian agents for "dirt" on Trump?

Either way you look at it, Trump's campaign was offered free dirt on Clinton, and Clinton's campaign was paying Russian agents for dirt on Trump. Or am I missing something here?
They're kind of "release everything, no matter who's in power" kind of group. At least that's what they purport to be.
A while back Wikileaks said it was going to release some Kremlin files, and Putin kind of threatened them, and no such files where released...

And if this is collusion with Russia, wtf do you call the Clinton campaign PAYING Russian agents for "dirt" on Trump?

Either way you look at it, Trump's campaign was offered free dirt on Clinton, and Clinton's campaign was paying Russian agents for dirt on Trump. Or am I missing something here?
Pretty sure Clinton was paying an american firm to dig up dirt (or, more like to give them the dirt some former republican primary candidate paid said firm for).
Wikileaks has been an arm of the kremlin for awhile. Assange really wants Russia to bail him out of his current situation, though I don't see it happening.


Staff member
He nor the Congress give a shit about conflict of interest. Now, had OBAMA tried to do something like this it would have been the end of the world. Interesting how that bar has moved so very, very low.
Despite what you think, Trump isn't bad enough to cross the Godzilla Threshold.
For some people he has. Perhaps we would look at their issues as a molehill, but due to their circumstances, perspective, and beliefs it may be a mountain to them. I don't doubt there are several people on here who would celebrate his death, and I bet there are a few who would, if they had the opportunity and could do so untraceably, murder him.

If I didn't believe so I wouldn't have posted the DPRK link - it's funny not because it's a ludicrous "ruling", but because there are people - even here - who would take pleasure in the ruling - even coming from a country as impotent and evil as DPRK.

I wasn't wrong.
When you are calling North Korea a "hero" in any context, your sense of right and wrong is really fucked up.
Just because you're evil doesn't mean you can't stumble your way into doing something good. Killing Donald trump is a heroic action.

I don't doubt there are several people on here who would celebrate his death, and I bet there are a few who would, if they had the opportunity and could do so untraceably, murder him.
In a heartbeat.
I feel like Donald Trump being murdered/assassinated is one of those things that show up in history books right before some kind of war. The pushback that started in the last few weeks is a good sign, and we'll see if it continues into December, but I'd rather see society reject Trumpism on their own terms than incite our country into war, be it foreign or civil.
Just because you're evil doesn't mean you can't stumble your way into doing something good. Killing Donald trump is a heroic action.
I'm really hoping this is hyperbole. Trump is a terrible person. He probably deserves to be in jail. But calling for his execution? :confused:
I mean, you could make a good argument that literally every single republican politician deserves to die for their actions, but trump is a good start.

Granted, there's a difference between rule of law and what would be better for the world, but that's not why I'm getting at.
I mean, you could make a good argument that literally every single republican politician deserves to die for their actions, but trump is a good start.

Granted, there's a difference between rule of law and what would be better for the world, but that's not why I'm getting at.
I don't think the mass murder of a group of people based on political beliefs (or any reason, for that matter) would be good for any world.


Staff member
I'm really hoping this is hyperbole. Trump is a terrible person. He probably deserves to be in jail. But calling for his execution? :confused:
You haven't really figured out that blots is a tornado of terrible ideas, bad logic, emotional flailing, despair, and abandoned hope, yet, have you.

There isn't a doubt in my mind blots would kill Trump if he could.

Heck, I'd put down even money on him going postal at some point in his lifetime.
You'll notice i made a distinction between "a good person would do this" and "it would be a good thing for the world if this happens."
You'll notice i made a distinction between "a good person would do this" and "it would be a good thing for the world if this happens."
Congratulations! You've made it to level 2 on your politician skill!

...I bet there are a few who would, if they had the opportunity and could do so untraceably, murder him.
In a heartbeat.
Ooooh, bad form. I'm afraid you're only fit for corporate executive positions now.
Personally, I don't want to see Trump killed.
I want to see him woken up to the consequences of his actions, watch him struggle to atone for them before his time runs out. I believe that would simultaneously inflict the maximum amount of combined schadenfreude and justice.
