Random Video Game Crap


Staff member
So, uh, apparently Twitch is doing "your year in clips" where it takes a sampling of the clips that other users have made of my broadcasts.

Some of these I wonder what exactly people liked that they were taking clips of... they just seem like random points in time on a broadcast.
In this cherished time of year, I decided to actually try adding music and sound effects to a video I made for once.

Some editing choices felt obvious, but they made my wife giggle, so I guess it's alright.


Staff member
When Bethesda introduced their "Paid mods"...er...I mean..."Paid Content Creators"...er...I mean..."Creation Club" - you know, the microtransaction mod thing they forced down your throats? - I uninstalled all Bethesda games. But I'm getting that open world itch again.

Talk me down or tell me why the Creation Club did NOT ruin the games.
When Bethesda introduced their "Paid mods"...er...I mean..."Paid Content Creators"...er...I mean..."Creation Club" - you know, the microtransaction mod thing they forced down your throats? - I uninstalled all Bethesda games. But I'm getting that open world itch again.

Talk me down or tell me why the Creation Club did NOT ruin the games.
I'll be honest, I've gone back to playing FO4. After the initial uproar about the Creation Club auto-downloading all content to your hard drive, Bethesda backed down on that for PC versions of the game, so only the content for the first few mods are auto-downloaded now (and you can safely delete the files from your Data folder if they really bother you that much). Apart from that, the only indication that the Creation Club exists is a message on the game's main menu, which you can ignore, and the Pip-boy becoming something you can modify on armor workbenches (but if you haven't bought any Pip-boy skins, you won't actually be able to alter it).

Also, Creation Club updates are fairly rare these days (seriously, WTF are Bethesda doing), which means F4SE isn't broken as often, though if Creation Club does update then you may need to wait a day or two for the F4SE team to update their script extender.

All in all, I've found the Creation Club fairly easy to ignore so far.
Are you still able to load mods from the Workshop or Nexus?
Nexus, yes. My current playthrough is heavily modded (with lots of stripperific armors!), using Nexus Mod Manager. I haven't tried anything from the Workshop, because Nexus has got all the mods I want. I also haven't downloaded anything off the Creation Club, despite Bethesda giving all players 100 free credits, out of principle.


Staff member
Also, I can vouch that Skyrim (at least original Skyrim, I haven't tried the 64 bit enhanced edition) still runs mods off the nexus just fine. I've never really gotten into using the steam workshop for mods for Skyrim, because fiddling with your load order becomes VERY important once you have a few dozen mods, and the Nexus Mod Manager is much more convenient for wrangling that sort of thing.
When Bethesda introduced their "Paid mods"...er...I mean..."Paid Content Creators"...er...I mean..."Creation Club" - you know, the microtransaction mod thing they forced down your throats? - I uninstalled all Bethesda games. But I'm getting that open world itch again.

Talk me down or tell me why the Creation Club did NOT ruin the games.
Have you played Witcher 3?
Two guys play Metal Gear Solid while their friend - a huge fan of the MGS games - watches in growing frustration. Additionally, they can't use the game's codec for clues. They call him.

They call him...Christmas Snake.

I'm only at the start of this, but it's pretty funny. I've been a fan of this channel for awhile, though I only ever watch it for their Friday list videos, hosted by the "Christmas Snake" guy, where they even have a running tally gag of times he mentions Metal Gear.


Staff member
Re: Doki-Doki Literature Club

NOPE! Not dealing with this shit. Not for me. No. No. No, no, no. Not enough "no" to know how much no I want to know. NO.
Played some Street Fighter 4 the other day with a buddy.

Not gonna lie, I miss:

As the opening theme. It was great.