General Empyrion Thread


Staff member
Welp... Since the forum got rolled back... HERE WE GO AGAIN.


Rules here:

Voting will get you 6000 credits, max vote once per day please.

Mods currently running:
Empyrion Admin Helper/Chatbot (type CB:? for info)
Virtual Backpack (type /vb to access)
Active Radar (type /scan when seated in a ship with a radar dish/detector antenna)
Empyrion Notices (join/leave notices and death spam, no commands required)

Teleporters are available to purchase from the admin (me) for 1 million credits/pair, suitable for any two bases you own, anywhere in the game.

MEGAS stands vigil over the Gas Bandit Industries' Yaral Orbital Branch.

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I finally found a good source of Sathium for my advanced construction needs, but it's on Skillon. Now both of my warp capable ships are on Skillon as well. I'm on Akua, for the time being. I'm thinking of arming myself to the teeth and crawling back through the abandoned mine to pick up the backpack full of exotic ores 23m beneath the surface. I was not prepared for alien parasites. Then I'll go comb the asteroid belt for more - didn't find any on my first pass, but I had to make it short because I forgot to put O2 in my ship.

Edit: Nope, no Sath asteroids for me. Time to arm myself to the teeth, crawl that base, and go conquer Skillon. Then base upgrades and CV construction may begin.:devil:
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Staff member
The AI has combat mechs? What the hell?!
Is that a comment on the mooninite picture, or did you just invade your first PoI and come into contact with what I like to call the "painbots?"


I recommend you buy a good T2 pulse rifle from an npc, and try for headshots :D
Is that a comment on the mooninite picture, or did you just invade your first PoI and come into contact with what I like to call the "painbots?"


I recommend you buy a good T2 pulse rifle from an npc, and try for headshots :D
I invaded a com center with my T2 Assault Rifle and my Railgun. I was able to kill the first two mechs, but the base was full of those and armed opponents, so I took the better part of valor and ran.


Staff member
I invaded a com center with my T2 Assault Rifle and my Railgun. I was able to kill the first two mechs, but the base was full of those and armed opponents, so I took the better part of valor and ran.
Little tip - they'll keep coming, forever, until you destroy all of these:


Those glowing pads on the ground will continuously spawn aliens and painbots until they are destroyed (or the base's core is destroyed). They don't take much to blow up, but sometimes they're easy to miss.


Staff member
Are blueprints only available via Steam? Or can you pass them around by email/flash drive/etc?

You can copy them manually, too, though it's a little more convoluted. When you upload to the workshop though, you can flag it as "friends only," so that can be more convenient if you don't want it getting around.

Phase 3 of Alpha 8 experimental has hit... I'm glad to see they're adding even tougher window blocks (double paned armored, 1500hp), and all repairs (both old school and repair to template) now will require raw material ingots.. Which is fair, I guess.
So, i had a few minutes to kill at lunch, so I thought I'd scout around some core worlds and give a status report, since we really don't know much outside of the 2 or 3 core world planets we hang out on.

Planet Aitis:
Combat: PVE
O2: no
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Silicon, Copper
Hostiles: No hostile bases. No alien presence detected. Hostile wildlife with poison and ranged attacks.
description: Water planet with purple sky and water. Has some rocky, hilly and mountainous areas. Relatively untapped resource--all deposits I found were at 100% except for one copper deposit (which was on a large flat beach, making it easy for someone to land and grab a bit of copper).

I decided to land on the same beach and step out to see if the planet had breathable atmosphere. This was a mistake. The instant I opened my hangar door, I got hit with flying green goo and got the "poisonous bite" debuff. If it weren't for my heavy armor, I probably would have died. I opened up with my enhanced pulse rifle and took out the two creatures hanging outside my door, but I didn't stop get to a closer look to see what they were, because my stamina and health were dropping fast. And I didn't have an antidote. I limped back into my ship, kicked off into orbit, and then hung out in the med bay, refreshing my health until the poison passed.

That took up most of my lunch, so I'll have to give more planetary reports on another day.

I guess I'll reconfigure my cap ship turrets to shoot at predators after all.


Staff member
I'm excited, my Fenrir blueprint will be done when I get home to play tonight! It's beastly. I'm gonna have to spend some time around Yaral and Defiant getting together the ingredients for all the ammo it's going to need.

I've already decided I'll be naming her the "Legion."
more flight reports:

Planet Nullium:
Combat: PVE
O2: yes/breathable
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Copper
Hostiles: hostile alien bases.
description: about 50% oceaneous world, with icy mountainous regions. 1/3G gravity. Most resources appear to still be intact. Min/max temps: 14/59F

Planet Ziranas
Shown: Ziranas and Ziran moon
Zeranas and Ziran Moon.jpg
Combat: PVE
O2: yes/breathable
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Copper
Hostiles: none encountered
description: 40%G gravity. Temperate (44/52 min/max temps) mostly land-covered. Lush world with lots of trees. Minerals all appear tapped out. Saw some bases, but none of them shot at me. Ziranas has two moons: Ziran Moon and Ziras moon

Ziras moon
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
description: Dense atmosphere snow planet. The atmosphere on this moon was extremely dense--my 96 minutes of power dropped to 7 minutes almost immediately due to atmospheric density, and I only stayed in the upper atmosphere. I turned around and left before I found myself stranded. I gathered very little data from this moon.

Ziran Moon
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
common minerals: none found
hostiles: none found
description: Mostly lava world, with very little land. Temperatures range from 1300f to 1500F. 1.6G gravity. No mineral deposits found. This moon had no redeeming qualities.

Planet Freya
Combat: PVE
O2: Forgot to check (heh)
common minerals: Iron, Magnesium
hostiles: none encountered.
description: lava world, but mostly land, little lava. Temps from 144 to 199. 1.2g gravity. Terrible weather (irradiated rain, radiation fog, heat waves, etc). 18.3 rads. Resources appear to be mostly intact, but it would be a challenge to extract from here. Lots of pretty floating bases.


Staff member
Fun fact - Ziran Moon is where [SkN]-Ztrobe's main base is. It's a shit world and hell on wheels to live on, and he took it as a personal challenge. He's built a sprawling facility protected by force fields on one of the few non-molten areas.

Another fun fact - "Mars," one of the first planets beyond Alpha Centauri in PvP space you will come to, prevents CVs from entering its atmosphere. SVs only.


Staff member
I asked somebody in the discord about it, and here's how he says the Repair to Template works - it's not from blueprint.

Repair is to Template, stored on the server.
You click the button "Save Template" in the bottom left of the control panel
and it tells you (using server time) how long ago the template was saved
It's actually a bit more multiplayer friendly that way vs. using blueprints
As long as nobody clicks "Save" when it's in a damaged state
Fun fact - Ziran Moon is where [SkN]-Ztrobe's main base is. It's a shit world and hell on wheels to live on, and he took it as a personal challenge. He's built a sprawling facility protected by force fields on one of the few non-molten areas.
That explains the heavy SkN orbital presence.


Staff member
The Legion is complete.

Getting her ready to get underway, however, took about 4 hours. She didn't come with any constructors, and had atrocious levels of deco gobbling up her limited fuel supplies (at full thrust, she burns through a 30 idle hours of fuel in FIVE minutes, so a whole lot of gliding is the order of the day, piloting the Legion). I also had to rejigger the life support systems, and add an armored baffle to the front prongs to make it so that an enemy can't shoot head on through the HV hangar all the way back to the engineering room where the generators and warp drive are.

She's a mighty big bruiser, she is, but even she is only exactly as long as the Tantive IV, a stark reminder of perspective, and that one game's battleship is another universe's corvette.

And inside, her flight deck is IMMENSE. There's more room in her hangars than many bases I've lived in.

Here's the HV/constructor deck, looking from the front ramp toward the aft, where the fighter bays are:

And here's the view of the fighter bays. The HV hangar is on the left, and there are immense doors both above and below for easy launch and collection of fighters.

That door on the right goes to engineering. For some reason, the original blueprint had just another hangar door there, which made so sense as there was no parking space in there, so I removed the hangar door and replaced it with a bulkhead with a shielded, armored normal door. The elevators on either side of the engineering bulkhead go up to the conning tower, which has another small hangar in it for a personal transport craft, and above that, the main bridge.

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I finally got sick of beating my head on the same tech wall on Default Single Player scenario, so I blueprinted what designs I had that I liked and started over on Elia in Dawn of Galaxy. Having progressed the plot to what the wiki tells me is the final quest
capture the invader alien ship
, I've gone into the CV design business. I had to start on planet (and getting her out of atmo is going to be expensive as all hell, but at least gravity is only .84g here). Nothing nearly as impressive as the Legion - especially since she doesn't even have any exterior walls yet - but hopefully with enough armor and weaponry to keep me alive while I collect pentaxid off the surface of the moon (sometimes the things they don't seem to want you do to in these scenarios is a little silly). Really, I'm just going to finish off the CV design, blueprint it, and head for Default Multiplayer and hope there aren't a buttload of missing resources in that one as well.
More Core Worlds scouting reports:

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: silicon, Iron, promethium, copper mostly tapped out
hostiles: aliens bases spread far apart
description: Temperate earthlike planet. Mostly land, with large oceans. Temperate climate with min/max of 50/113F. .84G gravity, but most resources are mostly tapped out. Good place for a base if you can deal with the aliens. Would need autominers to be supportable.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: iron cobalt promethium mostly tapped out
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Very temperate ocean world, with a min/max of 35.6/86F and .84G gravity. No much land to build on, but plenty of space. Puts you on the edge of the warps to PVP space. Mineral deposits are very spaced out, so even autominers would be a chore to collect and maintain.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: silicon copper iron promethium mostly tapped out, though copper and silicon are relatively untouched
hostiles: no hostile aliens detected. Lots of golems and sandworms on the surface.
description: Large desert planet. No water at all, so maintaining a base would require importing O2. Slightly dense atmosphere and .85G gravity. For a desert planet, it's not too hot, with temps in the range of -4F to 131F. Lots of open, flat space. This would have been a less challenging world to put my first base on than Skillon.

Cauldan Moon (moon of Dunara).
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
common minerals: promethium magnesium.
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Cauldan is an "alien" type world with .85G gravity and temps in the range of -22F to 131F. There aren't many mineral deposits, and the landscape is barren and desolate.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: promethium iron copper silicon. Somewhat mined, but with many untouched resources
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Sienna is a mountainous temperate planet. It has many untouched resources, probably because the mountains make it more difficult to mine here than on the central 'resource worlds' of Yaral and Defiant. With water, .84G gravity, breathable air, comparitavely low atmospheric density, temperatures in the rage of 50F and 113F, and moderate weather, this would be a decent place to put up a base. But you'd have to spend a fair amount of time with the flattening tool to clear off a good spot first. I noted several faction bases already here on my overflight of the planet.
Just to be clear: This is all on your server, right? If I go single player, the game universe is different every time?

It's official - there is no Pentaxid in my system except what's growing naturally out of the seafloor and the lunar surface. So far I have 2 AU worth of refined pentaxid. It's thruster and armored hull time, so I just got back from the moon with 2500 sathium ore for further combat steel, turret, and thruster production.


Staff member
I took part in the Renntech Server's SV races today, came in second (out of 4), won myself 5000 sathium.

I'll see if I can't put together a video from my twitch stream. I think I'd better put music and stuff in it to drown out the guy in Discord whose kids were constantly shouting into his mic.


Staff member
It's official - there is no Pentaxid in my system except what's growing naturally out of the seafloor and the lunar surface. So far I have 2 AU worth of refined pentaxid. It's thruster and armored hull time, so I just got back from the moon with 2500 sathium ore for further combat steel, turret, and thruster production.
It is EXTREMELY rare for pentaxid to occur in any form other than ocean floor/moon crystals, outside of admin intervention, just so you know. On Renntech, however, the admin did make it so that one particular planet (Defiant) gets pentaxid meteorites. But apart from that, in single player especially, you'll always be getting your pentaxid this way.
It is EXTREMELY rare for pentaxid to occur in any form other than ocean floor/moon crystals, outside of admin intervention, just so you know. On Renntech, however, the admin did make it so that one particular planet (Defiant) gets pentaxid meteorites. But apart from that, in single player especially, you'll always be getting your pentaxid this way.
Well, that ought to be fun...
The first CV to have its keel laid down at my new dock has left the yard... and will now head right back in, because she's not airtight. She held her own in combat against an alien aggressor CV armed with laser turrets (to my shell-firing turrets), but lost 5 of 8 guns in the process, and had a hole blown right through the bridge (need to add some armored baffling). I also really, really need to redo the hanger design. Right now it's a little... boxy. No - that's not true, I can't even type that with a straight face, it's very boxy.

CV First Shot top down view.png

If you look real close you can see that half the glass is missing from the bridge - front and back, looks like we took a through and through shot down the throat. It's a good thing that's not the pilot's side of the bridge. It's also good that there's a backup flight deck down in DCC, packed away in the much more armored core of the ship.

CV First Shot hanger view.png

Here you can clearly see the boxiest hanger in the world, just hangin' out under my CV. I have a backup from just before I left atmo, so I may actually remove the hangar from this one, since it isn't meant as a carrier anyway.


Staff member
Shhh... it's a secret.

At the foot of an otherwise unremarkable mountain on Titan, there's a small tunnel drilled deep into the bedrock.

A few hundred meters of twists and turns, and careful piloting of your hover vessel will bring you to the gates of Tartarus.

Or rather, the [GBI] Tartarus complex. Deep underground, it is unapproachable (and virtually unassailable) by air. In fact, it's doubtful it'd even be detected unless someone knew what to look for. Sentry turrets watch the tunnel entrance, ready to kill any curious spelunkers that get too close.

Inside is a state of the art GBI staging facility. No blueprint work here, this cavern was personally hewn from the rock by yours truly, and then built, painted, and wired up one block at a time, the old fashioned way. Though, I did take a design cue from the container colorations on the Yaral Orbital Base.

While its accommodations are spartan, it has everything you could need in a base - five furnaces and constructors for mass production, and 18-growplot biotics room (that is currently loaded up for plastic production, hope you like eating corn), automated repair facilities, and even an offline protection shield, just in case anybody comes snooping around after hours.

It's the perfect hidey-hole base to lay low in PvP territory, and it's just one warpjump away from Kiki - which is the server's best kept secret. It's a carbon copy of Yaral, but being so deep in PvP territory, it is MUCH less frequented.