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Welp... Since the forum got rolled back... HERE WE GO AGAIN.


Rules here:

Voting will get you 6000 credits, max vote once per day please.

Mods currently running:
Empyrion Admin Helper/Chatbot (type CB:? for info)
Virtual Backpack (type /vb to access)
Active Radar (type /scan when seated in a ship with a radar dish/detector antenna)
Empyrion Notices (join/leave notices and death spam, no commands required)

Teleporters are available to purchase from the admin (me) for 1 million credits/pair, suitable for any two bases you own, anywhere in the game.

MEGAS stands vigil over the Gas Bandit Industries' Yaral Orbital Branch.




I finally found a good source of Sathium for my advanced construction needs, but it's on Skillon. Now both of my warp capable ships are on Skillon as well. I'm on Akua, for the time being. I'm thinking of arming myself to the teeth and crawling back through the abandoned mine to pick up the backpack full of exotic ores 23m beneath the surface. I was not prepared for alien parasites. Then I'll go comb the asteroid belt for more - didn't find any on my first pass, but I had to make it short because I forgot to put O2 in my ship.

Edit: Nope, no Sath asteroids for me. Time to arm myself to the teeth, crawl that base, and go conquer Skillon. Then base upgrades and CV construction may begin.:devil:




Never heard of it.




Sighted on Akua Moon -




This time Boston Dynamics has literally gone too far!





The AI has combat mechs? What the hell?!




The AI has combat mechs? What the hell?!
Is that a comment on the mooninite picture, or did you just invade your first PoI and come into contact with what I like to call the "painbots?"


I recommend you buy a good T2 pulse rifle from an npc, and try for headshots :D




Is that a comment on the mooninite picture, or did you just invade your first PoI and come into contact with what I like to call the "painbots?"


I recommend you buy a good T2 pulse rifle from an npc, and try for headshots :D
I invaded a com center with my T2 Assault Rifle and my Railgun. I was able to kill the first two mechs, but the base was full of those and armed opponents, so I took the better part of valor and ran.




I invaded a com center with my T2 Assault Rifle and my Railgun. I was able to kill the first two mechs, but the base was full of those and armed opponents, so I took the better part of valor and ran.
Little tip - they'll keep coming, forever, until you destroy all of these:


Those glowing pads on the ground will continuously spawn aliens and painbots until they are destroyed (or the base's core is destroyed). They don't take much to blow up, but sometimes they're easy to miss.




Good to know. Also, I totally meant minigun.




Are blueprints only available via Steam? Or can you pass them around by email/flash drive/etc?





Are blueprints only available via Steam? Or can you pass them around by email/flash drive/etc?

You can copy them manually, too, though it's a little more convoluted. When you upload to the workshop though, you can flag it as "friends only," so that can be more convenient if you don't want it getting around.

Phase 3 of Alpha 8 experimental has hit... I'm glad to see they're adding even tougher window blocks (double paned armored, 1500hp), and all repairs (both old school and repair to template) now will require raw material ingots.. Which is fair, I guess.




So, i had a few minutes to kill at lunch, so I thought I'd scout around some core worlds and give a status report, since we really don't know much outside of the 2 or 3 core world planets we hang out on.

Planet Aitis:
Combat: PVE
O2: no
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Silicon, Copper
Hostiles: No hostile bases. No alien presence detected. Hostile wildlife with poison and ranged attacks.
description: Water planet with purple sky and water. Has some rocky, hilly and mountainous areas. Relatively untapped resource--all deposits I found were at 100% except for one copper deposit (which was on a large flat beach, making it easy for someone to land and grab a bit of copper).

I decided to land on the same beach and step out to see if the planet had breathable atmosphere. This was a mistake. The instant I opened my hangar door, I got hit with flying green goo and got the "poisonous bite" debuff. If it weren't for my heavy armor, I probably would have died. I opened up with my enhanced pulse rifle and took out the two creatures hanging outside my door, but I didn't stop get to a closer look to see what they were, because my stamina and health were dropping fast. And I didn't have an antidote. I limped back into my ship, kicked off into orbit, and then hung out in the med bay, refreshing my health until the poison passed.

That took up most of my lunch, so I'll have to give more planetary reports on another day.

I guess I'll reconfigure my cap ship turrets to shoot at predators after all.




I guess I'll reconfigure my cap ship turrets to shoot at predators after all.
I like to tack on a few small rifle turrets near the bottoms of my capital ships to deal with predators. Rifle ammo is a lot cheaper than pulse laser CV ammo :D




Screenshot of the new repair system -




I'm excited, my Fenrir blueprint will be done when I get home to play tonight! It's beastly. I'm gonna have to spend some time around Yaral and Defiant getting together the ingredients for all the ammo it's going to need.

I've already decided I'll be naming her the "Legion."




more flight reports:

Planet Nullium:
Combat: PVE
O2: yes/breathable
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Copper
Hostiles: hostile alien bases.
description: about 50% oceaneous world, with icy mountainous regions. 1/3G gravity. Most resources appear to still be intact. Min/max temps: 14/59F

Planet Ziranas
Shown: Ziranas and Ziran moon
Zeranas and Ziran Moon.jpg
Combat: PVE
O2: yes/breathable
Common minerals: promethium, Cobalt, Copper
Hostiles: none encountered
description: 40%G gravity. Temperate (44/52 min/max temps) mostly land-covered. Lush world with lots of trees. Minerals all appear tapped out. Saw some bases, but none of them shot at me. Ziranas has two moons: Ziran Moon and Ziras moon

Ziras moon
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
description: Dense atmosphere snow planet. The atmosphere on this moon was extremely dense--my 96 minutes of power dropped to 7 minutes almost immediately due to atmospheric density, and I only stayed in the upper atmosphere. I turned around and left before I found myself stranded. I gathered very little data from this moon.

Ziran Moon
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
common minerals: none found
hostiles: none found
description: Mostly lava world, with very little land. Temperatures range from 1300f to 1500F. 1.6G gravity. No mineral deposits found. This moon had no redeeming qualities.

Planet Freya
Combat: PVE
O2: Forgot to check (heh)
common minerals: Iron, Magnesium
hostiles: none encountered.
description: lava world, but mostly land, little lava. Temps from 144 to 199. 1.2g gravity. Terrible weather (irradiated rain, radiation fog, heat waves, etc). 18.3 rads. Resources appear to be mostly intact, but it would be a challenge to extract from here. Lots of pretty floating bases.




Fun fact - Ziran Moon is where [SkN]-Ztrobe's main base is. It's a shit world and hell on wheels to live on, and he took it as a personal challenge. He's built a sprawling facility protected by force fields on one of the few non-molten areas.

Another fun fact - "Mars," one of the first planets beyond Alpha Centauri in PvP space you will come to, prevents CVs from entering its atmosphere. SVs only.




I asked somebody in the discord about it, and here's how he says the Repair to Template works - it's not from blueprint.

Repair is to Template, stored on the server.
You click the button "Save Template" in the bottom left of the control panel
and it tells you (using server time) how long ago the template was saved
It's actually a bit more multiplayer friendly that way vs. using blueprints
As long as nobody clicks "Save" when it's in a damaged state




Fun fact - Ziran Moon is where [SkN]-Ztrobe's main base is. It's a shit world and hell on wheels to live on, and he took it as a personal challenge. He's built a sprawling facility protected by force fields on one of the few non-molten areas.
That explains the heavy SkN orbital presence.




The Legion is complete.

Getting her ready to get underway, however, took about 4 hours. She didn't come with any constructors, and had atrocious levels of deco gobbling up her limited fuel supplies (at full thrust, she burns through a 30 idle hours of fuel in FIVE minutes, so a whole lot of gliding is the order of the day, piloting the Legion). I also had to rejigger the life support systems, and add an armored baffle to the front prongs to make it so that an enemy can't shoot head on through the HV hangar all the way back to the engineering room where the generators and warp drive are.

She's a mighty big bruiser, she is, but even she is only exactly as long as the Tantive IV, a stark reminder of perspective, and that one game's battleship is another universe's corvette.

And inside, her flight deck is IMMENSE. There's more room in her hangars than many bases I've lived in.

Here's the HV/constructor deck, looking from the front ramp toward the aft, where the fighter bays are:

And here's the view of the fighter bays. The HV hangar is on the left, and there are immense doors both above and below for easy launch and collection of fighters.

That door on the right goes to engineering. For some reason, the original blueprint had just another hangar door there, which made so sense as there was no parking space in there, so I removed the hangar door and replaced it with a bulkhead with a shielded, armored normal door. The elevators on either side of the engineering bulkhead go up to the conning tower, which has another small hangar in it for a personal transport craft, and above that, the main bridge.




I finally got sick of beating my head on the same tech wall on Default Single Player scenario, so I blueprinted what designs I had that I liked and started over on Elia in Dawn of Galaxy. Having progressed the plot to what the wiki tells me is the final quest
capture the invader alien ship
, I've gone into the CV design business. I had to start on planet (and getting her out of atmo is going to be expensive as all hell, but at least gravity is only .84g here). Nothing nearly as impressive as the Legion - especially since she doesn't even have any exterior walls yet - but hopefully with enough armor and weaponry to keep me alive while I collect pentaxid off the surface of the moon (sometimes the things they don't seem to want you do to in these scenarios is a little silly). Really, I'm just going to finish off the CV design, blueprint it, and head for Default Multiplayer and hope there aren't a buttload of missing resources in that one as well.




More Core Worlds scouting reports:

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: silicon, Iron, promethium, copper mostly tapped out
hostiles: aliens bases spread far apart
description: Temperate earthlike planet. Mostly land, with large oceans. Temperate climate with min/max of 50/113F. .84G gravity, but most resources are mostly tapped out. Good place for a base if you can deal with the aliens. Would need autominers to be supportable.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: iron cobalt promethium mostly tapped out
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Very temperate ocean world, with a min/max of 35.6/86F and .84G gravity. No much land to build on, but plenty of space. Puts you on the edge of the warps to PVP space. Mineral deposits are very spaced out, so even autominers would be a chore to collect and maintain.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: silicon copper iron promethium mostly tapped out, though copper and silicon are relatively untouched
hostiles: no hostile aliens detected. Lots of golems and sandworms on the surface.
description: Large desert planet. No water at all, so maintaining a base would require importing O2. Slightly dense atmosphere and .85G gravity. For a desert planet, it's not too hot, with temps in the range of -4F to 131F. Lots of open, flat space. This would have been a less challenging world to put my first base on than Skillon.

Cauldan Moon (moon of Dunara).
Combat: PVE
O2: non-breathable
common minerals: promethium magnesium.
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Cauldan is an "alien" type world with .85G gravity and temps in the range of -22F to 131F. There aren't many mineral deposits, and the landscape is barren and desolate.

Combat: PVE
O2: breathable
common minerals: promethium iron copper silicon. Somewhat mined, but with many untouched resources
hostiles: no hostiles detected.
description: Sienna is a mountainous temperate planet. It has many untouched resources, probably because the mountains make it more difficult to mine here than on the central 'resource worlds' of Yaral and Defiant. With water, .84G gravity, breathable air, comparitavely low atmospheric density, temperatures in the rage of 50F and 113F, and moderate weather, this would be a decent place to put up a base. But you'd have to spend a fair amount of time with the flattening tool to clear off a good spot first. I noted several faction bases already here on my overflight of the planet.




Just to be clear: This is all on your server, right? If I go single player, the game universe is different every time?





Just to be clear: This is all on your server, right? If I go single player, the game universe is different every time?

That is correct. All of his information pertains only to the renntech server.




It's official - there is no Pentaxid in my system except what's growing naturally out of the seafloor and the lunar surface. So far I have 2 AU worth of refined pentaxid. It's thruster and armored hull time, so I just got back from the moon with 2500 sathium ore for further combat steel, turret, and thruster production.




I took part in the Renntech Server's SV races today, came in second (out of 4), won myself 5000 sathium.

I'll see if I can't put together a video from my twitch stream. I think I'd better put music and stuff in it to drown out the guy in Discord whose kids were constantly shouting into his mic.




It's official - there is no Pentaxid in my system except what's growing naturally out of the seafloor and the lunar surface. So far I have 2 AU worth of refined pentaxid. It's thruster and armored hull time, so I just got back from the moon with 2500 sathium ore for further combat steel, turret, and thruster production.
It is EXTREMELY rare for pentaxid to occur in any form other than ocean floor/moon crystals, outside of admin intervention, just so you know. On Renntech, however, the admin did make it so that one particular planet (Defiant) gets pentaxid meteorites. But apart from that, in single player especially, you'll always be getting your pentaxid this way.




It is EXTREMELY rare for pentaxid to occur in any form other than ocean floor/moon crystals, outside of admin intervention, just so you know. On Renntech, however, the admin did make it so that one particular planet (Defiant) gets pentaxid meteorites. But apart from that, in single player especially, you'll always be getting your pentaxid this way.
Well, that ought to be fun...




the guy in Discord whose kids were constantly shouting into his mic.
Now you know why I keep it PTT.





Now you know why I keep it PTT.

Me too, if I don't PTT, my streams/recordings get echoes because I use full speakers with subwoofer instead of a headset.







The first CV to have its keel laid down at my new dock has left the yard... and will now head right back in, because she's not airtight. She held her own in combat against an alien aggressor CV armed with laser turrets (to my shell-firing turrets), but lost 5 of 8 guns in the process, and had a hole blown right through the bridge (need to add some armored baffling). I also really, really need to redo the hanger design. Right now it's a little... boxy. No - that's not true, I can't even type that with a straight face, it's very boxy.

CV First Shot top down view.png

If you look real close you can see that half the glass is missing from the bridge - front and back, looks like we took a through and through shot down the throat. It's a good thing that's not the pilot's side of the bridge. It's also good that there's a backup flight deck down in DCC, packed away in the much more armored core of the ship.

CV First Shot hanger view.png

Here you can clearly see the boxiest hanger in the world, just hangin' out under my CV. I have a backup from just before I left atmo, so I may actually remove the hangar from this one, since it isn't meant as a carrier anyway.




Shhh... it's a secret.

At the foot of an otherwise unremarkable mountain on Titan, there's a small tunnel drilled deep into the bedrock.

A few hundred meters of twists and turns, and careful piloting of your hover vessel will bring you to the gates of Tartarus.

Or rather, the [GBI] Tartarus complex. Deep underground, it is unapproachable (and virtually unassailable) by air. In fact, it's doubtful it'd even be detected unless someone knew what to look for. Sentry turrets watch the tunnel entrance, ready to kill any curious spelunkers that get too close.

Inside is a state of the art GBI staging facility. No blueprint work here, this cavern was personally hewn from the rock by yours truly, and then built, painted, and wired up one block at a time, the old fashioned way. Though, I did take a design cue from the container colorations on the Yaral Orbital Base.

While its accommodations are spartan, it has everything you could need in a base - five furnaces and constructors for mass production, and 18-growplot biotics room (that is currently loaded up for plastic production, hope you like eating corn), automated repair facilities, and even an offline protection shield, just in case anybody comes snooping around after hours.

It's the perfect hidey-hole base to lay low in PvP territory, and it's just one warpjump away from Kiki - which is the server's best kept secret. It's a carbon copy of Yaral, but being so deep in PvP territory, it is MUCH less frequented.




Showin’ off your Minecraft chops, I see.





Shhh... it's a secret.

Or rather, the [GBI] Tartarus complex. Deep underground, it is unapproachable (and virtually unassailable) by air. In fact, it's doubtful it'd even be detected unless someone knew what to look for. Sentry turrets watch the tunnel entrance, ready to kill any curious spelunkers that get too close.
This reminds me of that time on Klendathu when the Mobile Infantry nuked a bug hole.




Alrighty then - the horrible hangar of horribleness has been removed, the ship has been redesigned slightly (to improve airtightness, but it still didn't seem to work, even though all hull and exterior window blocks show green in debug), and it flies a hell of a lot better now. So now it's off to see the next scenario - but gaming headsets show up tomorrow, so I'll probably be looking to join GBI over on Renntech sometime tomorrow evening (pacific).




Alrighty then - the horrible hangar of horribleness has been removed, the ship has been redesigned slightly (to improve airtightness, but it still didn't seem to work, even though all hull and exterior window blocks show green in debug), and it flies a hell of a lot better now. So now it's off to see the next scenario - but gaming headsets show up tomorrow, so I'll probably be looking to join GBI over on Renntech sometime tomorrow evening (pacific).
If you want a nearer-to-true survival experience on the server, before linking up with us, I recommend starting on Omicron instead of Akua. There doesn't seem to be anybody ever starting there. But be warned, there are alien drones on that planet (and no oxygen), so it could be tough.




GBI has exciting news!

First, and less importantly, a habitation wing has been added to the Tartarus complex. Two executive suites now provide leisure and comfort for high ranking GBI personnel, and there are also Junior Accommodations available for the working stiffs. Additionally, its supplies have been brought up to acceptable levels.

But the big news is: GBI proudly (but quietly) opens its latest branch office: the Kiki Orbital Branch!

A very similar design to the Yaral Orbital Branch, the KOB is your one stop shop for all your ore processing and fabrication needs, conveniently in EXTREMELY DISTANT orbit around Kiki, the abundant (and reset-nightly) resource world deep in PVP space! The long distance location is an unfortunate necessity, to keep the exact location of the KOB station away from greedy, dangerous eyes. It IS PvP space, after all.

Unfortunately, the black thumb curse I seem to have been struck with persists here, and the KOB can't seem to keep plants alive to save, well, MY life. I've had to repurpose the two side-hangars on the Legion into growing facilities to mass produce the corn I need for plastic to make the pulse laser and plasma ammunition the turrets need. Also, water is a challenge, though there are two ice worlds within convenient jumping distance where I've secreted caches of water generators, and I plan to check them daily.

Furthermore, Kiki is so much further from the sun that solar collectors are almost completely useless. Despite being turned directly to the sun, the solar array barely collects 50 kw. Fortunately, Kiki is a ready and lush supplier of promethium, so the generators will turn for a good 50 hours even under full production load.

The KOB is not fully supplied yet, unfortunately, and not all of its turrets are online - only the flak cannons and 15mm miniguns. So, for the next 20 hours or so, I'm keeping the fully armed and battle-ready Legion stationed next to her for defense, and I've switched both the Legion and the KOB to my personal private ownership temporarily. This is an unfortunate necessity until the station defenses are fully operational. Any GBI facility flagged as "GBI" property will drop its offline protection shields whenever any GBI staff are online, no matter where they are in the solar system. So be it Tinwhistler fanning the breeze on Skillon, Aislynn sunbathing on Yaral, or anyone else doing literally anything, the station 200au away would be bereft of its strongest defense. Unfortunately, this also means that nobody but me can approach the KOB or the Legion until I get back on tomorrow, as the shields will instantly vaporize anyone who comes close - even GBI affiliates and their allies. So, for now, keep back! ;)




Grr... posting here because "watch thread" doesn't seem to be working.




GBI has formalized an alliance with [REP], the Galactic Republic. We will refrain from shooting each other in PvP space.




The Kiki Orbital Branch is now sufficiently defended, and is now once again under the GBI flag. Any personnel wishing to use Kiki for resources are encouraged to utilize the KOB for resource production. As the food growing area is laregly useless, I am converting it into additional furnaces.




I spent yesterday in Creative space, designing and building ships - mostly just to get used to doing it. The initial idea was to build a hover tank capable of delivering smaller, more agile hover tanks to the front lines. The initial build went well except for the lack of hangar door blocks for HVs and the fact that I picked 3x3 shutter doors instead, which are just too small to realistically get a tank in and out of. So, it became an APC. Each APC has passenger capacity for 30 heavily armed Marines and is armed to the teeth in order to get them to the front line.
APC Mk III top view.png

Here's one now, hovering lazily above the sea on Akua. I keep hearing these things don't do well on water, but I suppose it's a bit like BttF2 - it's fine as long as you have POWAH. We'll get to some of that power later on in the belly shot.
APC Mk III side view.png

Side view - there's a couple belly mounted rocket turrets to dissuade would-be kamikazes from suiciding under the belly doors.
APC Mk III belly shot.png

Here's the belly shot. Shutter doors top and bottom for easy recovery and deployment of marines. Full line of hover boosters and some massive feet with plenty of hover engines provide a truly impressive amount of lift.

So, now I had a way to get a lot of marines to the front lines very quickly and efficiently, but only if the battle was on the same planet as my shipyard. And who wants to take the time to set up a full shipyard, with appropriate support facilities, on a hostile planet, with potentially limited support? Not me. And not my marines, neither. A carrier was in order. Not knowing any better, I started with an SV that can carry one APC per trip, to be used to transport the APCs from a CV in orbit to the surface. This is the result.
HL Mk IV deck shot.png

This SV can carry one APC per trip. Or it could. If you could dock HVs to SVs. That may change at some point in the future, or their may be some other, smaller, class of vehicle (ground vehicles, perhaps?), so it will stay in the blueprint folder for now.
HL Mk IV fore shot.png

It also isn't symmetrical, but I discovered the HV issue before I finished fixing it.

Well - that was an interesting way to spend four hours, but it doesn't get me any closer to getting my APCs onto a hostile planet without building them in situ. Aislynn assured me that I could dock an HV to a CV, though - so after testing what happens when you drop an HV from a huge height in atmo (so far, in creative space, it bounces around a bit and then floats off just fine), I set to work again. This time, I would need a bigger space to work. I spent at least two hours building a planetary shipyard, in the middle of a lake, with full refinery support. It was 49 x 49 square. We'll see a shot of it later. But first, the CV. It's labelled a carrier, but it's really closer to being a Marine Expeditionary Ship - those big Ro/Ros that the Navy uses.
RoRo fore view.png

Here she is now. With exterior space for up to four Mk III APCs and interior rack space (and passenger seats) for 120 marines, plus APC crew and ship's crew, with wardrooms at the back for officers (though they have an exterior door so it's a little bit like taking the extra leg room for the exit row), a full med bay, kitchens - the works.
RoRo on Planetary Yard.png

Here's a shot of her down on the planetary shipyard I built on Akua. She really is a beast.
Ningues Must Die.png

Here she is on the approach to Ningues. They have no idea what's coming.




Those are great designs! Yeah, unfortunately, you can only dock HVs/SVs to CVs and Bases, and CVs can't dock to anything. I think they did that on purpose as a game balance issue, and I wouldn't hold my breath for it to be changed, TBH.

Also, be advised that, as far as CVs go, only 15mm and 30mm turrets will operate in atmosphere. Bases get a few more turrets (like the all important homing missile turrets) in atmo, but for the most part, atmo combat is the domain of HVs, as theirs are the only artillery and flak turrets that operate in atmosphere.




Thanks! I'm ok with the docking decisions from a game balance - and optimization - standpoint, really. While it would be fun to create a bunch of HVs that dock to SVs that dock to small CVs that dock to huge CVs like a bunch of expensive and deadly Russian dolls, the sheer amount of computer power necessary to keep track of that many ship cores all in one space must be astounding. Now the only real issue I have is that I can't get the RoRo airtight and I have no idea why not. All of her hull blocks show green, except the airtight armored automatic doors, which themselves are set into double thick airtight walls. I'm sure it's something stupid somewhere, and I'll find it eventually, but right now it's driving me up the wall. Also, noted on the turrets. Most of the turrets on the carrier are for show/getting to atmo from wherever the fleet jumps into the system.




Thanks! I'm ok with the docking decisions from a game balance - and optimization - standpoint, really. While it would be fun to create a bunch of HVs that dock to SVs that dock to small CVs that dock to huge CVs like a bunch of expensive and deadly Russian dolls, the sheer amount of computer power necessary to keep track of that many ship cores all in one space must be astounding. Now the only real issue I have is that I can't get the RoRo airtight and I have no idea why not. All of her hull blocks show green, except the airtight armored automatic doors, which themselves are set into double thick airtight walls. I'm sure it's something stupid somewhere, and I'll find it eventually, but right now it's driving me up the wall. Also, noted on the turrets. Most of the turrets on the carrier are for show/getting to atmo from wherever the fleet jumps into the system.
Make sure you're not using any of the glass/transparent door blocks. Even the "armored" doors are only air-tight if you use the opaque door blocks. The glass/see-thru ones do not have the oxy-trapping force fields.




Make sure you're not using any of the glass/transparent door blocks. Even the "armored" doors are only air-tight if you use the opaque door blocks. The glass/see-thru ones do not have the oxy-trapping force fields.
Heh. It was related to that issue... the exterior doors were airtight, but so were the interior doors. Once I swapped all of the interior doors for the glass/transparent types, the whole ship became oxygenated, instead of just the compartments with ventilators.

Anyway, fresh off of my success with a RoRo and APC, I headed back into creative Akuan space, spawned a shipyard out in orbit, and set to work on an SV fighter and CV carrier to go with it. Designed for escort duty, this medium(?) sized CV has space for six tiny fighters and limited life support facilities. All fighters will have to be recovered before jumping out of system, however, as they are too small to be warp capable on their own.
Escort on Duty.png

Escort out in front, where she belongs.

RoRo and Escort.png

Side by side, for comparison. The escort is the same length as the RoRo, but a third the width.


One of the fighters in question. Good for harassing enemy bases, taking out drones, and shooting the turrets off of CVs - just don't get shot, you won't survive.

Now all I need are some medium and large SVs to act as Destroyers and Battlecruisers, and a massive CV to act as a gunship - with two broadsides full of turrets. Oh, and actual hover tanks to support the ground ops.




Now all I need are some medium and large SVs to act as Destroyers and Battlecruisers, and a massive CV to act as a gunship - with two broadsides full of turrets. Oh, and actual hover tanks to support the ground ops.
And all the resources to build them in survival mode :D

But in all seriousness, I know the whole "broadsides" thing is romantic and everything, but the truth of the matter is most CV combat is just fighter combat writ large. This is because CVs can still mount fixed direct fire weapons (most people use 6 pulse lasers and 4 homing rocket launchers), and those are pretty much limited to pointing forward, because that's where your targeting reticle will be even in a CV.

So, for any battleship type CV you want to be a front line bruiser, adjust your design philosophy accordingly - you want ALL your turrets to be able to come to bear on a target directly ahead at the same time. That they can traverse is just an added bonus.




Yeah, these are all going to be expensive as hell, and they take hours and hours and hours to build, even by blueprint. But, yeah, I figured broadsides wouldn't really be the way to go when I noticed you can't even put a cannon facing aft as chase armament. I mean, you can, but they aren't counted as existing on the toolbar or in the ammo calculation. I figure my battleship will either be a modified version of the Destroyer I just built (basically a face full of weapons with some passenger seats and a warp tank to jump out if it all goes in the toilet), or a double hammerhead design with all of the fixed weapons on the front hammerhead.




Yeah, these are all going to be expensive as hell, and they take hours and hours and hours to build, even by blueprint.
Fun fact, you can decrease the build time in blueprints by adding components instead of ingots, or even better, completed blocks/devices.

For example, if the blueprint calls for a lot of iron and sathium, adding combat steel blocks instead of iron ingots and sathium ingots will DRAMATICALLY reduce the time required for the blueprint to be ready.

This is why, before the advent of repair-to-template in alpha 8, most people would decide to completely tear down a moderately damaged ship and respawn it from blueprint - it ends up being less hassle, time, and headache to just feed the ship's reclaimed blocks and devices back into the blueprint factory, and then make up the shortfall with ingots, and only have to wait an hour or so.




Horrors and Disaster!

The Titan Branch was discovered by aliens (Evasong and Shadows, specifically)! As luck would have it, I was in the area... but only in the SkyHarpy. Not exactly a formidable warship. Nevertheless, I tried to rush to the defense of the GBI Titan Branch... buuuuuut...

Well, I'll let my pictures of the aftermath speak for themselves.

The Alien CV leaving the smoldering ruin of the Titan Branch and heading out to find more carnage -

Hey, the damage doesn't look so bad from this side....

Oh. But this side... uh...


RIP, [GBI] SkyHarpy. You fought bravely and died quickly.

Our new alliance is already paying dividends, though, as once the alien menace departed, our allies from the Galactic Republic came to rescue me and give me a ride, along with what I managed to salvage from Titan.

Leaving the wreckage behind...

Incidentally, Tartarus survived just fine, and still has quite a bit of resources in it, I just didn't want to reveal its presence or sit around on titan waiting for a CV to finish in the blueprint factory.

When Noodle got on afterwards and heard about all the fun she'd missed, she decided to go alien full time... which means giving up all your non-alien buildings and ships and possessions and starting over. So she hosted a "giveaway" to try to have a contest to see who would win all her stockpiled resources, but having just heard the blow-by-blow of the destuction of the Titan Branch in global chat, all the players online at the time clamored for her to give them to me, to help me "bounce back" from my crushing loss (I didn't tell them that I had many times over what I'd lost already stockpiled in other bases such as KOB, Tartarus, YOB, and of course, Oscutune (and whatever you guys have squirreled away on Ningues and Skillon).

So, anyway, I became the proud owner of a cargo sled with about 2 double-sized containers each of every kind of resource ingot, plus 9000 fusion cells and at least 50,000 raw pentaxid.

I dragged it back to the Yaral Orbital branch, and set every constructor that wasn't already otherwise engaged to start churning out Combat Steel armor blocks.

GBI will be goin' to war, soon.




GBI will be goin' to war, soon.





Well, have I got the fleet for you. It needs to be painted, of course, but that can be done later.


The double hammerhead design of this Battleship allows all of the forward facing turrets to come to bear at once, including those two massive artillery cannons on the back hammerhead. What you don't see here (and what your opponents will never know) is that it doesn't matter which hammerhead they blow off first - the twin cockpits are in the middle, completely surrounded by battle steel. Good luck killing her.

And here's the fleet in battle formation off of Akua, with the previously unseen Destroyer class ships along for the ride. As they're SVs, they can be limpited limpetted frelling docked to the hulls of the CVs. The escorts can carry four each, in addition to their regular detachment of either fighters or tanks (anti-personnel or artillery).
Of course, some of those ships will really need to be scaled down for use on RennTech. Just one of those heavy lift RoRos can move the entire server population - or double if they ride in the APCs (which are all airtight in their own right).




They look pretty impressive, but if I might make one design change request -

If they're to be used online in PvP, we're really gonna need to protect the thrusters more. Thrusters have much lower comparative HP than armor blocks, and enemy turrets often target them first. Most people who are serious about PvP, I am finding, completely wall-in their thrusters with combat armor, so that none are actually visible at all.

It kind of is lame from a RP/Lore standpoint... but every single "alien" vessel I've seen so far, piloted by Evasong, Shadows, Noodle or Iceman... all had no visible thrusters. They were all kept on the inside or blocked up.

I think I might have to do some refitting on the Legion.




They look pretty impressive, but if I might make one design change request -

If they're to be used online in PvP, we're really gonna need to protect the thrusters more. Thrusters have much lower comparative HP than armor blocks, and enemy turrets often target them first. Most people who are serious about PvP, I am finding, completely wall-in their thrusters with combat armor, so that none are actually visible at all.

It kind of is lame from a RP/Lore standpoint... but every single "alien" vessel I've seen so far, piloted by Evasong, Shadows, Noodle or Iceman... all had no visible thrusters. They were all kept on the inside or blocked up.

I think I might have to do some refitting on the Legion.
And here I was thinking that would make ships not go anywhere at all. They can easily be plated in, without destroying the designs too badly. That's part of why I built them by hand. Most of them are on the workshop right now and just locked down to private, but you're on my friends list, so once I get them refitted some I'll switch them over to friends only and you can pour through them in creative space and make further recommendations.




And here I was thinking that would make ships not go anywhere at all.
IMO it *should*, but the devs apparently have other priorities.




GBI minions! GET TO WORK!




IMO it *should*, but the devs apparently have other priorities.
Do you need to account for thruster damage or anything?




Do you need to account for thruster damage or anything?
Nope. You can completely encase the shit with no room to breathe whatsoever and it'll work 100% fine, and not damage anything.




IMO it *should*, but the devs apparently have other priorities.
Eh. It's Alpha, yet.




And it's done. All thrusters jacketed (some, admittedly, with wall instead of cube), and re-uploaded to the workshop.




The footage of the fall of the Titan Branch.




Would it make sense to put fake thrusters on the ship. Like, for show, but also to draw fire.




Would it make sense to put fake thrusters on the ship. Like, for show, but also to draw fire.
No, 99% of the time, turret fire is completely automatically targeted, and they would not be fooled.




Yeah, I don't think they have "decoy" blocks like Space Engineers, where you could, conceivably, fool turrets with armored decoys.




Gared has joined the ranks of the GBI crew!

Aaand tonight, while we were minding our own business, a bored admin (Evasong, the same one who led the attack on the Titan Branch) had the "great" idea to stage an impromptu mini-event... alien infestation. The site? Where I was, of course! The Yaral Orbital Branch.

It went on like this for another hour at least. Rooms and ships we thought we'd cleared out would spawn more aliens. Much ammo was spent, much healing was done, many parasites were contracted and cured, and so on and so forth.

I griped at Evasong and convinced him that next time he wants to stage an "infestation event" he should spawn in a derelict space station or capital ship to stage it in, and users would come running. Several other factions expressed interest in helping eradicate the infestation, but I wasn't about to open the doors of our most rich facility to their greedy eyes and hands! :p




Yes indeedy, and this game is much more enjoyable in multiplayer - I'm glad I didn't let the drama of that CF'd invasion event push me away too far. Having read through Tin's very helpful planetary guide up there, I think I'm gonna head on out to Sienna with my oh-so-lovely concrete bunker and start work on a defensible base design and a nice, massive shipyard. As it turns out, while they are indeed expensive, my biggest CV is size class 3. I have at least 6 more size classes to work with! Seriously, though, I need to spawn a few of them and see how they actually compare in size to something like the Tantive IV or the Basilisk. Then it's time for some cost cutting measures, like not building the entire thing out of combat steel blocks, using upgraded RCS instead of massive RCS banks, fewer big thrusters instead of massive amounts of little thrusters - the list goes on, I'm sure. Though I will be spending at least part of the next four days (at least, I'm sure) assembling my new computer.




Nope. You can completely encase the shit with no room to breathe whatsoever and it'll work 100% fine, and not damage anything.
I take it that enclosing your turrets does NOT enjoy the same convenience.





I take it that enclosing your turrets does NOT enjoy the same convenience.

Ha ha ha, no.




Also, I would imagine that, at least to some degree, thrust to weight ratios, center of gravity, center of mass, and all that fun stuff still factors in; so unless you like flying the equivalent of a trash barge, putting all of your thrusters in a core in the middle of your ship isn't really going to cut it.




Also, I would imagine that, at least to some degree, thrust to weight ratios, center of gravity, center of mass, and all that fun stuff still factors in; so unless you like flying the equivalent of a trash barge, putting all of your thrusters in a core in the middle of your ship isn't really going to cut it.
Actually, that only really pertains to SVs, and only when they're in atmo, and even then only to a limited degree.

For CVs, the thrusters are actually pretty overpowered. You only need enough rear thrusters to get you to 90m/s in short order (because that's max velocity for CVs) and enough ventral thrusters to do slightly more than fight off gravity while on a planet so that you can lift off. Then you need a few minor thrusters pointing the other directions so that the ship won't drift while stopped.

Any more than that and you run into the problem the Legion has - SO many thrusters SO huge, looks SO cool, but 2.5 mins of continuous thrust will drain the fuel tanks dry, despite never going faster than 90 m/s.

So, CVs can literally be any shape and size, thrusters can go anywhere regardless of center of mass, and it doesn't really matter where you put your RCS either - as long as you have enough of them to move the mass.

The physics calcs in this game are WAAAAAAY behind where SE was.




Yeah, but it's still one step closer to what we were tacitly promised with Spore - fully expansive 4X play, from pre-civilization days to planet colonization, and this one has a much better ship design/build engine than, say, KSP (because that one's going a lot more for scientific authenticity and space exploration).




Yeah, but it's still one step closer to what we were tacitly promised with Spore - fully expansive 4X play, from pre-civilization days to planet colonization, and this one has a much better ship design/build engine than, say, KSP (because that one's going a lot more for scientific authenticity and space exploration).
Heh, even SE didn't approach KSP's level of physics simulation.

But the practical upshot is you don't need to worry about things like center of mass or where the thrusters are. You could put them in a tight little ball all pointed at each other deep insides 3 layers of armor, and it'd work. RCS can go anywhere, and 1 T2 RCS is as good as 300 T1 (I think).

A lot of people just end up making solid combat steel cubes with all the guts on the insides and all the turrets on the outside. And that makes the admins of this server cranky :p But if they keep spawning "alien infestations" on me when I'm trying to build things, I might just start doing it to spite them.




Heh, even SE didn't approach KSP's level of physics simulation.

But the practical upshot is you don't need to worry about things like center of mass or where the thrusters are. You could put them in a tight little ball all pointed at each other deep insides 3 layers of armor, and it'd work. RCS can go anywhere, and 1 T2 RCS is as good as 300 T1 (I think).

A lot of people just end up making solid combat steel cubes with all the guts on the insides and all the turrets on the outside. And that makes the admins of this server cranky :p But if they keep spawning "alien infestations" on me when I'm trying to build things, I might just start doing it to spite them.
You really can't blame players for taking the most efficient route when nothing but failure waits for them if they don't. And it CAN be fun to fail, but only if you felt like you actually had a chance to begin with.




You really can't blame players for taking the most efficient route when nothing but failure waits for them if they don't. And it CAN be fun to fail, but only if you felt like you actually had a chance to begin with.
IE, if it's enforced amongst everybody that thrusters have to be outside/clear to work, then it is fair... but if it's not, and one person cheezballs it, then everybody has to, to stay competitive.




My attempt to settle on the relatively fertile planet of Sienna failed, as the planet looked pretty well tapped out when I flew overhead, so I headed for Aitis instead (don't ask me why, I don't know). And then I was out of refined pentaxid, so I built my base on Aitis, and when Aislynn woke up from her nap she ferried in some more supplies - so GBI now has an outpost on the heavily radioactive swamp planet of Aitis. Be careful, there are a lot of aggressive aliens out there. Also, please don't land on my roof. The landing pad fell off the side, so until it gets rebuilt, there's just no room up there.




The landing pad fell off





Yep, took too long to get supports built under the wing that had a mountain under it back on Akua when I blueprinted the base. The ramp up to it is still there, though. So... yay?




GBI Aitis Branch is closed. There are just too damn many poison spitting spiders on that swampy rock. Everything of value has been stripped out and the concrete shell can rot in the swamp for all I care. I'm headed somewhere with brighter skies (and fewer aliens, hopefully).




GBI Aitis Branch is closed. There are just too damn many poison spitting spiders on that swampy rock. Everything of value has been stripped out and the concrete shell can rot in the swamp for all I care. I'm headed somewhere with brighter skies (and fewer aliens, hopefully).
And thus another boom town bites the dust...




Our fleet grows, as does our strength.

From left to right: The Legion, The Belial and the Azrael, the Yaral Orbital Branch (with Megas standing atop and the Cornucopia II slightly below that), The Basilisk, The Tantive IV (refit to be a full warship), the Phoenix, and the Lilith.

We and our allies are going to get together saturday to attack the aliens. We could use more pilots, though - we have the ships ready to go, but not as many bodies as ships.




And thus another boom town bites the dust...
Quite literally. I said something about it at the time, but one of the spiders on that planet was quite literally pushing my hover tank around, and took four full clips of T2 AR to kill - they take more to kill with the gatling cannons on an SV than anything else on the planet, including the Overseers and the Alien Assassins in Red.




And in a reference that very few of us will get (cough @DarkAudit cough), Noodles the admin said in discord today that she considers herself to be similar to 002 from Darling in the Franxx.

I couldn't help myself, and chimed in "Really? You strike me more similar to Shelly from Jabberjaw."

We'll see if there's fallout >_<




And in a reference that very few of us will get (cough @DarkAudit cough), Noodles the admin said in discord today that she considers herself to be similar to 002 from Darling in the Franxx.

I couldn't help myself, and chimed in "Really? You strike me more similar to Shelly from Jabberjaw."

We'll see if there's fallout >_<
Is it bad that I get BOTH?




Is it bad that I get BOTH?
It takes a special kind of rare bird to get a simultaneous reference to a current-running-in-japan-only Anime AND a 3rd string 70s Hanna Barbara cartoon.




It takes a special kind of rare bird to get a simultaneous reference to a current-running-in-japan-only Anime AND a 3rd string 70s Hanna Barbara cartoon.
FranXX is on Crunchyroll, and Zero Two is EVERYWHERE, so I wouldn’t say it’s Japan only.




FranXX is on Crunchyroll, and Zero Two is EVERYWHERE, so I wouldn’t say it’s Japan only.
That doesn't mean it's well known. Hell, nobody but me in this building of 30+ people knows what crunchyroll even is! I think there's ONE guy who's seen SOME dragon ball Z, but it would have been, like, on Toonami 20 years ago.




My first HV has been a pain in the ass. It's lunky and unweildy and drives like a pregnant yak. I figured it was just a bad design since it was a starter HV.

So I broke it down for parts and built the "Nimble Miner" from the workshop. It totally lives up to its name. I can use it to dig down to sub-surface mineral deposits, clear them out, and then (usually) back out to the surface in minutes. In the couple of instances where I've gotten stuck, I was able to point the thing nose up and dig myself right back out.

I went to Yaral for a test run, and in 23 minutes, I was able to completely clear out 4 deposits (erestrum, zascosium, mercury and pentaxid) as well as clean up a Sathium asteroid that was between deposits.

I've named it, appropriately, "Strip Miner".




Alpha 8 Experimental 4 has hit. They've added a portable heater/cooler, and included it in your starting gear, so that people will stop freezing to death on their first couple nights :D




My first HV has been a pain in the ass. It's lunky and unweildy and drives like a pregnant yak. I figured it was just a bad design since it was a starter HV.

So I broke it down for parts and built the "Nimble Miner" from the workshop. It totally lives up to its name. I can use it to dig down to sub-surface mineral deposits, clear them out, and then (usually) back out to the surface in minutes. In the couple of instances where I've gotten stuck, I was able to point the thing nose up and dig myself right back out.

I went to Yaral for a test run, and in 23 minutes, I was able to completely clear out 4 deposits (erestrum, zascosium, mercury and pentaxid) as well as clean up a Sathium asteroid that was between deposits.

I've named it, appropriately, "Strip Miner".
Make an extra one for Aislynn, please... I think the poor dear is still mining Yaral by drone.

Not that we need ingots at YOB any more, but still.




Make an extra one for Aislynn, please... I think the poor dear is still mining Yaral by drone.

Not that we need ingots at YOB any more, but still.
Done. It only took 3 minutes to build when I filled the factory up with pre-made blocks.

She can pick it up from the Oscatune Branch




Done. It only took 3 minutes to build when I filled the factory up with pre-made blocks.

She can pick it up from the Oscatune Branch
Cool. You gonna be around saturday? I could use some backup when I go picking fights :D




I hope to be, but I make no guarantees. It depends on what's going on at the house. I'm definitely busy in the morning.




And in a reference that very few of us will get (cough @DarkAudit cough), Noodles the admin said in discord today that she considers herself to be similar to 002 from Darling in the Franxx.

I couldn't help myself, and chimed in "Really? You strike me more similar to Shelly from Jabberjaw."

We'll see if there's fallout >_<
Well the reply came back:
Noodle2k1: Yes i'm 002. If i become aggitate i will devour your humanity.The recent episodes she became all dandere and bubbly.
Why's errbody on this server gotta be so fuckin chuunibyou.

She's a total Shelly.




She's a total Shelly.
She sounds like she might be an A&M fan, too.





I have resettled - this time on one of the high plains of Dunara. The base is set up, solar panels are enough to power pretty much everything at this point, and ship production has begun. Occasionally, I'll need to fly back to the dead hulk of the Aitis branch and pick up more water. I think there may be, at most, one more player base on this planet, and the rest is all dead/neutral PoIs. Having reworked the Anti-personnel tank so that it no longer requires all of your enemies to stand still on level ground, I'm working on spawning in the artillery version to clean up before I crank out a carrier. Oh, and as such, I've stolen a stack of Combat Steel blocks from YOB.




I've stolen a stack of Combat Steel blocks from YOB.
It's there to be used, man :p heh.. just make sure to queue up more. They're the easiest way to accelerate build times.




Ok, the attack on the aliens is coordinated for 8pm eastern tonight. Gared and Aislynn will be there, and Tinwhistler will be as well (if his wife lets him)... If any others (cough @Dei @Terrik @Snuffleupagus ) want a taste of endgame pvp combat, I've got enough ships to go around, all ammo'd up and everything.

(I'd have pinged Ashburner, too, but I know his comp can't handle it :/ )




Ok, the attack on the aliens is coordinated for 8pm eastern tonight. Gared and Aislynn will be there, and Tinwhistler will be as well (if his wife lets him)... If any others (cough @Dei @Terrik @Snuffleupagus ) want a taste of endgame pvp combat, I've got enough ships to go around, all ammo'd up and everything.

(I'd have pinged Ashburner, too, but I know his comp can't handle it :/ )
Nope, I have no interest in pvp'ing in a game I still don't really understand. :/




What time would I ACTUALLY have to be on to start a character in multiplayer and get to where I needed to go to participate?




What time would I ACTUALLY have to be on to start a character in multiplayer and get to where I needed to go to participate?
I could pick you up, so, probably only an hour early.




Ok, the attack on the aliens is coordinated for 8pm eastern tonight. Gared and Aislynn will be there, and Tinwhistler will be as well (if his wife lets him)... If any others (cough @Dei @Terrik @Snuffleupagus ) want a taste of endgame pvp combat, I've got enough ships to go around, all ammo'd up and everything.

(I'd have pinged Ashburner, too, but I know his comp can't handle it :/ )
I'm there in spirit.




Soooo the battle vs the enemy base was a complete mess with seconds-per-frame measurements instead of vice versa. Masperon-type planets (green fog) are shit. That aside, we actually managed to do alright. Tinwhistler especially was particularly effective in his heavy fighter at hammering out the alien battleship's armaments. Most of what we lost in the attack is already recovered and repaired.

Shortly after Aislynn logged off last night, the whole server went down. Apparently its hosting company is trying to deal with the windows 10 problem and didn't give anybody any notice. Some poor bastards got caught landed on defiant, and they're worried their ships might be gone when the server comes back up.

I spent the remainder of the night working with Iceman and Evasong, testing damage output on a hosted game on iceman's pc for some customized config files they're working on to try to rebalance the weapons and blocks such that they make more sense - for example, make hangar doors and thrusters harder to kill (they're tissue paper now, which is the problem), but also make artillery actually a threat to a stationary CV by being a near-guarantee of at least one combat steel block being destroyed on hit, to make up for the fact that artillery shells are slow moving. We ran into an amusing/infuriating bug that somehow made it so that if a hangar door was painted it took massively more damage. Oigh.

This coming week I plan to start patrolling PvP territory most every night looking for bozos to trash. If 2 or 3 of us can run in a pack, we stand an excellent chance of beating whoever we come across. I don't plan to go into any atmospheres, though :p




All of those years playing dogfighting games in my youth has finally paid off. :D




The battle was a laggy clusterfuck of epic proportions. I've cut down my video settings so it won't happen again. Ain't no reason Dave should be getting those kinds of framedrops.




The battle was a laggy clusterfuck of epic proportions. I've cut down my video settings so it won't happen again. Ain't no reason Dave should be getting those kinds of framedrops.
I wouldn't cut down your video settings, at least not until the next big 10-ship battle on a planet :p Ordinarily I get a solid 60fps on max settings.

Though, definitely turn off SSAO and set shadows to medium or lower.




There wasn't a single flat space on that planet. That being said, I definitely need more ramps and bottom-of-the-ship entry points. Having to get myself killed by an Alien bug so I could respawn on my ship was a pain in the ass.




All of those years playing dogfighting games in my youth has finally paid off. :D
"Nothing like a misspent youth to prepare you for misspending your adulthood."





Yeah, every time I watch Aislynn try to fly her ships I thank my lucky stars for all the time I spent playing Microsoft Flight Sim on Windows 95. So many hours trying to land on that carrier at night. So, So many.




Also, I just found a game engine that's more poorly optimized than Empyrion's. OpenTTD. I'd been struggling to run 4k x 4k maps on my old machine (pre-RAM upgrade) and just resigned myself to playing 2k x 2k. I booted it up today and found... it's just as slow, if not slower, when attempting to generate a 4k x 4k on my new computer. It's not using the GPU at all, so I have no idea which RAM it's using, but all of my RAM is DDR4 now, so nothing should be running that slowly to generate a playfield.




In which Evasong kicks the shit out of the Belial with his Satharial (the Alien Dreadnought from the alien invasion events of a few weeks ago.. you know, the one that about 13 capital ships couldn't kill? :p)




The hell? Sorry I had to bail, Gas.




The hell? Sorry I had to bail, Gas.
Pfft, you people with your "lives" and "spouses..." how do you expect to do the important things, like get shot out of the sky by admins using super-battleships that don't conform to the game's weapon limitation rules?!

Sooooo, yeah, I'll be doing some upgrading on the Belial design. I thought the hardened steel it came with would be enough for most purposes, given that we'd be moving in numbers, but looks like I gotta go full combat steel, and fill all the internal space with MOAR THRUSTERS. So much for being immersively RP-friendly!




So what are the limitations to turrets? And how many did his ship have?

The secret, it seems to me, would be to have different factions have different stuff. Like the aliens could have more turrets, but they'd be less powerful than Humans.

I dislike when admins do stuff like that. I mean, they can just spawn a ship without having to build anything, what do they really care that it gets blown to smithereens?




So what are the limitations to turrets? And how many did his ship have?

The secret, it seems to me, would be to have different factions have different stuff. Like the aliens could have more turrets, but they'd be less powerful than Humans.

I dislike when admins do stuff like that. I mean, they can just spawn a ship without having to build anything, what do they really care that it gets blown to smithereens?
The normal player turret limits are:
8 sentry (small antipersonnel rifle turrets)
6 15mm minigun
6 30mm cannon
6 Flak
6 Pulse Laser
4 150mm Homing missile
4 Plasma
2 Artillery

And in addition, each CV can mount 6 conventional pulse lasers and 4 150mm homing missle launchers that they aim and fire using the cockpit's targeting reticle.

Pulse Laser, Plasma, and Artillery turrets can't fire in atmosphere, and neither can any of the directly aimed CV weapons.

Most people don't bother with sentry turrets unless they plan for their CV to be a workhorse/mobile base and they want protection from predators (rifle ammo is WAY cheaper than any of the other turret ammo). I usually don't bother with plasma turrets because they flat out can't hit a moving target at all, and if I need to bombard a stationary target from range, that's what artillery turrets are for.

Evasong's "event" ships have all the usual turrets, plus he adds on 15-30 "alien" turrets (the kind you find on alien POIs). His justification is that he's "roleplaying" the aliens, and these ships are mostly just used for the scheduled events where 10+ players show up in full CVs, so the alien dreadnoughts/motherships have to be able to hold their own against multiple enemies.. Alien POI turrets can fire in atmosphere, but individually do less damage than normal "player" turrets - but still, more turrets means more damage.

Granted, it's still a bit lame that he expects admiration for his design/skill for basically soloing a player in a "raid boss" ship, but to be fair this was not a random encounter - I suggested he meet me in orion since he was itching to fight. I didn't expect him to bring one of the cheatships, but I had an ulterior motive... he was sounding restless because he hadn't found anybody to fight all night, and he knew from checking my stream I'd just built a new base on Genesis in PvP territory. So I figured if I gave him an easily-replaced sacrificial punching bag that could at least put up SOME struggle, it'd scratch his "I need to win everything" itch and he'd feel less tempted to go attack something I'd spent hours on :p

The thing about Evasong is, he does take his admin duties seriously - he does address problems and deals with server issues and goes around to make sure people are obeying the rules. But when he's in admin mode, he sees everything. He can instantly teleport to any playfield, and when he gets there, the entire map is revealed on his map (he doesn't have to "explore" to find things, they're just all on his map already). That's necessary for him to do his job. The problem then comes on separating what he knows as an admin from what he acts on as a player - and as I said before, the primary flaw in all the admins on this server is they want to have fun as players on the server in addition to being admins. So some days he's able to keep the two separate, and some days the temptation is too much. There's always a paper-thin RP rationalization, and he usually feels guilty enough to take conciliatory measures (like, when he attacked my base on Titan, he gave me advanced warning and gave me time to get there with a ship to defend it), and you have to kind of leverage/lean on those half-measures and work on his conscience and sense of fair play.

Truth be told, if it wasn't one of the more populated servers, I'd probably say it's not worth the hassle. But unless we just want to play by ourselves and sit around looking at our pretty ships that never get used to fight anybody, this is probably the best compromise for the time being. And I *have* run into actual player opponents out there who are on a level playing field :p




See, I'd love to spend a week or two building up the defenses around the Dunara Yard (desert planet, and there are actually a few flat patches. Granted, I used one for the shipyard, but whatcha gonna do?) and tell Eva to bring me some aliens to play with - I think we'd both get a kick out of it. But that may just be me.




Does Empyrion have any "official" servers that would have both population and uncrazy admins?




See, I'd love to spend a week or two building up the defenses around the Dunara Yard (desert planet, and there are actually a few flat patches. Granted, I used one for the shipyard, but whatcha gonna do?) and tell Eva to bring me some aliens to play with - I think we'd both get a kick out of it. But that may just be me.
Unfortunately, the "PvE" flag on PvE worlds applies to alien-cored ships, too. Or rather, it applies ONLY to them. Since they're player-controlled, they won't fire on players in PvE maps under any circumstances, but because they're "alien" flagged, player weapons CAN and WILL fire on them in PvE. The whole "players playing as aliens" thing is kind of kludged together by the admin staff on Renntech and isn't something you generally see on a vanilla server. So, that means that actual alien-player encounters/activity have to happen in PvP space.

But hey, if you want a base to fortify, boy have I got a job for you on Genesis :D

Does Empyrion have any "official" servers that would have both population and uncrazy admins?
Technically, yes, but they're unplayable. The "wipe schedule" aspect of Renntech is custom-made - vanilla servers don't wipe anything or reset any worlds. That means when a base or ship is built, it's there until it is destroyed - and in a PvE map, that means it is there forever, even if the player hasn't been on in 3 years. That means there's no place to build and framerate issues galore. In addition, all the mineral deposits are LONG gone, and only meteors are there for resources, which is EXCRUCIATINGLY slow. Furthermore, there's no admin oversight at all. And the game is very alpha, and there are still cheaters/hackers despite the UAC requirement, so there's problems with people cheating rampantly.

As a result, actually, they don't have much in the way of population. Though, I think they might do a wipe with each major alpha revision, but I'm not sure of that. The few I tried playing on back in the day were... less fun.

Also, the vanilla maps are organized differently. Here, "PvE" territory is large and contiguous. In vanilla, pretty much EVERYTHING once you leave Akua is PvP territory - including Akua Orbit and Akua Moon.




Oh, and when I say a weapon "doesn't work in atmosphere" I mean even planet surface playfields that have no atmosphere, like the moon.




Well then, it looks like I'll just have to move on over to PvP space doesn't it? I guess that's why we build warships out of battle steel.




Well then, it looks like I'll just have to move on over to PvP space doesn't it? I guess that's why we build warships out of battle steel.
I'd appreciate any help you can lend with Genesis. I've got it fortified a little, in that the base has the maximum number of atmo-friendly turrets, and I've put another base literally connected to it that ALSO has the max number of atmo-friendly turrets, but that's it. There's no grow plots, so you'll need a CV that can grow corn to get the plastic you'll need. I've got all the critical bits of the base (constructors, furnaces, storage, generator, fuel, etc) hidden underground in the main "Genesis Branch" base, and then I covered up the top of the elevator leading there with combat steel to keep it hidden (but I forgot to label the ingot cargo boxes on the control panel device list :facepalm:).

We're only allowed 5 base cores per playfield, but that leaves us with 3 more "bases" we can build in the vicinity as platforms for more turrets, and then in addition to that we can park as many HVs around it as we want and leave the engines running so *their* turrets also attack anyone who comes near. And HV turrets ALL work in atmo, so they have quite an advantage on a planet's surface against CVs.

To get to Genesis, keep heading south until you see Xena, then jump to Xena, then you can jump to Genesis from there. It's about ~120ish pentaxid to get there from Yaral orbit, each way. The combat steel block you need to remove to get down to the lower levels is the one under the part of the main elevator shaft that ISN'T directly in front of the adjacent door to the outside. That elevator then continues down another 15 or so blocks.




Basically, the base is set up like this -


The black is natural rock, the blue outline above is the base itself, grey is elevator, the orange dot is combat steel block that looks just like the rest of the floor, so that it shouldn't stand out as being out of place, then below, the F level is the furnaces, and the C level is constructors, cargo, and core. There's a few cargo boxes, a constructor, and a furnace all up in the main base area too just so it looks like it's inhabited and that way raiders might not go looking for the "missing" stuff, and the layer of rock between the surface and the underground levels SHOULD prevent turrets from targeting the underground stuff, as long as there isn't perfect LOS down the elevator shaft to something turrets shoot (and turrets don't bother shooting armor or elevator blocks, as long as something more important isn't on the other side). That way, there's a chance that even if the base gets flattened, whoever raided it might be content with what they found on the surface and not even know that the good stuff was left 60 meters below the surface.

But the game is alpha, and I've found sometimes the game doesn't render the ground perfectly, so shit happens. We'll just have to cross our fingers and hope for few glitches :p




Heh. That’s essentially the exact same layout I had in the HF Minecraft world.
I put the shaft right under the smooth stone block that was under the crafting table.





Heh. That’s essentially the exact same layout I had in the HF Minecraft world.
I put the shaft right under the smooth stone block that was under the crafting table.

An important distinction here, though,is that in minecraft there's no difference between a "naturally generated" block and a player-placed block. In Empyrion, the ground is a much more finely detailed hollow voxel surface that gets "reshaped" as you drill, and prevents turrets from tracking/shooting at player-placed objects on the other side (IE, a turret won't shoot through a hill to hit a target on the other side of the hill, even if it is in range). In fact, turrets also ignore structural (armor/elevator/etc) blocks that don't have a "device" on the other side.

So, if you can leave some rock-voxel between your enemy and your base blocks, it forms a barrier that will frustrate him, or perhaps even obfuscate you entirely. The game also doesn't allow you to use drills to reshape the voxel earth within 100m of another player/faction's base, so he can't dig his way down, unless he manually pounds his way down with missile launchers, ~1 meter at a time/shot. And most raiders don't have that kind of patience... they want to swoop in, blow up everything, then as soon as the turrets stop firing, jump out, scoop up any loot on the ground, jump back in their ship and fly away.

It already kind of worked on Titan - I had two bases there, the Titan Branch, which got annihilated and looted, and underground nearby, the Tartarus complex, which only took a little damage from a shot that glitched through the ground when it failed to render for Evasong. But once the ground started rendering properly, there was no way he had the patience to either rocket his way down through the ground to the base, nor to seek out the tunnel I drilled to lead to the entrance (and deal with any defenses I'd placed) on foot or in a small HV. Evasong doesn't believe in small HVs :D if it can't mount 30 turrets, he's not interested in driving it.




One other important thing I learned this weekend - splash damage from rockets/plasma/artillery ignores line of sight. So, if a missile impacts a combat steel block, and you have a cargo box on the other side of that block, the cargo box will probably be destroyed even though the armor block remains intact.




AND, I'd like to point out why I chose Genesis for my next GBI Branch office -

Like Titan, it is a snow world, so it is rich in wood, plant and animal life and the predators are slow and large and easily dealt with. Water is super easy to access (in fact, I was using Genesis as my water-source for the Kiki Orbital Branch even before I built a base on Genesis), since snow counts as water to water extractors. The weather is generally mild-to-cold, but not as cold as space. There's no radiation or anything, so as long as you've got an EVA booster, you're more than warm enough. Only occasionally do hailstorms come along that will injure anyone not under a roof/in a vehicle :D and even then, only at about 5 hp every 5 seconds.

Also like Titan, Genesis is just one jump from Kiki, which is basically another Yaral - a daily-wiped resource world. In fact, it's even closer - a mere 10 AU jump instead of the 20 from Titan to Kiki. The surface of Kiki is PvE (but the orbit is PvP) despite being deep in PvP territory, so you don't have to worry about players while you're mining - just when you're coming home.

And if push comes to shove, the Kiki Orbital Branch is nearby if things go sideways, though I'd like its location (20km out into space from Kiki, more or less straight "down" from the south pole) to remain just among us, so other players won't find and kill it. It's got a large compliment of turrets, naturally, but once a space station is found, it's just a matter of time for a determined attacker to deplete its ammo with evasive maneuvers/armored baffles and then move in for the plunder. When no GBI are on, all those bases have Offline Protection, but since I have set them to GBI ownership, whenever ANY GBI faction member is online, all offline protections go away.




AND, I'd like to point out why I chose Genesis for my next GBI Branch office -

Like Titan, it is a snow world, so it is rich in wood, plant and animal life and the predators are slow and large and easily dealt with. Water is super easy to access (in fact, I was using Genesis as my water-source for the Kiki Orbital Branch even before I built a base on Genesis), since snow counts as water to water extractors. The weather is generally mild-to-cold, but not as cold as space. There's no radiation or anything, so as long as you've got an EVA booster, you're more than warm enough. Only occasionally do hailstorms come along that will injure anyone not under a roof/in a vehicle :D and even then, only at about 5 hp every 5 seconds.

Also like Titan, Genesis is just one jump from Kiki, which is basically another Yaral - a daily-wiped resource world. In fact, it's even closer - a mere 10 AU jump instead of the 20 from Titan to Kiki. The surface of Kiki is PvE (but the orbit is PvP) despite being deep in PvP territory, so you don't have to worry about players while you're mining - just when you're coming home.

And if push comes to shove, the Kiki Orbital Branch is nearby if things go sideways, though I'd like its location (20km out into space from Kiki, more or less straight "down" from the south pole) to remain just among us, so other players won't find and kill it. It's got a large compliment of turrets, naturally, but once a space station is found, it's just a matter of time for a determined attacker to deplete its ammo with evasive maneuvers/armored baffles and then move in for the plunder. When no GBI are on, all those bases have Offline Protection, but since I have set them to GBI ownership, whenever ANY GBI faction member is online, all offline protections go away.
Excellent. I will almost certainly wait until you're at least on-server, if not in-system, to head out there. In the meantime, I'll head over to Creative Space and reconfigure that big APC into a slightly-less-big siege tank like it should be, so it isn't so resource heavy just to be an empty hulk. The Alexandria and her APCs can live on in PvE or Creative space, and we'll send the Ames and her Siege Tanks to PvP space and test them out on challenging targets. In the meantime, I'm going to keep building on Dunara a little, so it's at least a functional shipyard, to use as a PvE testbed for things I design in Creative. And to occasionally do a little mining and get better at piloting nimble HVs as opposed to my big slow ones.

Does the Kiki Orbital Branch have a smattering of CVs surrounding it, like the YOB? You want I should go park a couple of the little fighter carriers out there and leave their turrets on? I'll probably stage from KOB using Ye Olde Busses since Genesis is within SV warp range, and the Nests can handle at least four of those bolted to the hull (but that would be a waste of resources so I won't really move them that way). Also - if I have a bunch of HVs stuck to the open decks of the Ames, and their turrets are online, will they fire in orbit? I don't intend to leave carriers parked out where prying eyes can see and prying turrets can destroy, but it's nice to know.




Does the Kiki Orbital Branch have a smattering of CVs surrounding it, like the YOB?
Just a Cornucopia CV, which has no defenses or armor at all. It's pretty much all on its lonesome out there. Security through obscurity is its main defense. The turrets will only dissuade halfhearted attackers. Certainly not any alien-admins who get it in their head to raze the joint.

That reminds me, I need to make a Cornucopia for the Genesis Branch. Which means I need to rot another 162 food for the grow plots. Oigh. Good thing corn only takes a half hour to rot.

Also - if I have a bunch of HVs stuck to the open decks of the Ames, and their turrets are online, will they fire in orbit?
I... have no idea. That's something to test, I suppose.




Wouldn't that be a bitch to suddenly show the admins?




Wouldn't that be a bitch to suddenly show the admins?
Hrm, that makes me think... if that were possible... that maybe they would be doing it already. Heh.




But if they didn't know about it and we tried it...AND IT WORKED...I think they'd react...poorly.




Admin flying ship with literally dozens of extra “illegal” turrets slapped on it: “Hey! Not fair”
Players: “...”





There is a way to test it... we just need to set another ship in turret range to "public" ownership in PvP space, and all GBI turrets will light it up like a christmas tree (assuming they can fire in space).




Ok, just so we have our options laid out, if we decide to bail on Renntech, here are other possible servers we might try-

Pros: seems to be a beefy server with over 100 worlds and a large population
Cons: Don't know anything about the admins, the rules of the server, or if PvP even exists at all.

Eleon Studios Official Public Server
Pros: Official dev server, higher population than I thought there'd be
Cons: Most everything I said before, 30 simultaneous player max, plus, it's in Germany, so latency will be bad.

Paragon Expanse
Pros: beefy server, located in the US, high population
Cons: Unknown rules/configuration (does claim to have PvP and PvE areas)




Which one is Tinwhistler’s?





Which one is Tinwhistler’s?

I ran a server for all of 30 minutes, just to prove I could do it. I would want to spend a considerable amount of time modding the stock server set-up, and learning how to maintain the thing before I stood one up for reals.




The new Genesis Branch is coming along nicely, especially now that Gared has deployed hovertanks all around it to aid in the defense. The Tantive IV will also be stationed here in case another quick defense is required.




Oh and I forgot to mention, I did get another Cornucopia farm CV planted down next to it, so the food/plastic worries are gone at Genesis Branch.




So I'm kind of surprised that Gas didn't post about this. The other night I logged out because I was getting wife aggro and had to do some stuff. What I DIDN'T think about was the 3 am wipes of Yaral. So when I logged in last night...my ship was gone. And by my ship I mean the Capital Vessel that Gas let me have to explore. Damn it. Gas was gracious (after making fun of me) and made me another one, and I beat feet to PvP space to find a planet of my own.

I have just enough pentaxid to get back to Yaral if I want to. But I have made a base and will spend some time doing the whole Henry David Thoreau thing.

DaveCo - A GBI subsidiary is born.




Gas, is there a reason you use CV as your farm instead of, say, a greenhouse type of thing?




Gas, is there a reason you use CV as your farm instead of, say, a greenhouse type of thing?
Base grow plants are bugged right now and they all die.




Well then. Glad I haven't started on my growhouse yet. I was going to do that tonight.




Gas, is there a reason you use CV as your farm instead of, say, a greenhouse type of thing?
Yeah. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this several times, but the current version has a bug that randomly mass-kills all the crops in a base. The Cornucopia CV is my workaround for that problem. Your CV has 15 grow plots in it, though, so that should be more than enough to keep you fed and and in plastic.
In it, I would plant:
1x Tomatoes, Durians, Pumpkins, wheat, Kavae (coffee), fiber, aloe vera
8x corn

And that will get you lots of plastic plus everything you need to make sandwiches, canned meat, and canned vegetables, which I have found to be the three most useful food items. Sandwiches restore 150 hunger, and it's around that point I start to worry about eating something. Canned meat and canned vegetables restore about 250 hunger each, which means my "low battery" insecurity starts manifesting in my food bar, but if the power goes out or you need a sack lunch on a long trip away from the fridge, they go hours and hours without spoiling.

And by my ship I mean the Capital Vessel that Gas let me have to explore
(And the attached SV and mining HV) :p




You may have mentioned it several times, but that doesn't mean it registered or I understood. Pretty decent learning curve in this game, especially since I'm one of those filthy casuals.




when I logged in last night...my ship was gone. And by my ship I mean the Capital Vessel that Gas let me have to explore. Damn it.
What, you're deleting ships now, too???





People in the server's discord channel are getting excited about Alpha 8, which they think (but I have been able to find no confirmation of) will be coming out in a couple weeks. As that will necessitate a complete server wipe, they're sounding like they're gonna go nuts and start having "massive space battles" since they're going to lose their ships anyway. Sooo, watch out for increasing PVP activity over the next few weeks, I guess!




"Heaven's G8?"





You mean we're losing literally everything soon?




You mean we're losing literally everything soon?
He's mentioned it before.

(just givin ya a hard time)




You mean we're losing literally everything soon?
Dear god do you listen to a single word I say ever?! :p

And btw, you won't just be losing stuff on the server... Alpha 8 will invalidate all your single player saves, too. The game is changing to such a degree as to render the old files unusable.

Old blueprints should still work, though, so if you got anything you want to save, blueprint it with RightAlt-O.




Dear god do you listen to a single word I say ever?! :p
Oh, he listens, but...you know how it can be with those of a certain, advanced age.





So I'm kind of surprised that Gas didn't post about this. The other night I logged out because I was getting wife aggro and had to do some stuff. What I DIDN'T think about was the 3 am wipes of Yaral. So when I logged in last night...my ship was gone. And by my ship I mean the Capital Vessel that Gas let me have to explore. Damn it. Gas was gracious (after making fun of me) and made me another one, and I beat feet to PvP space to find a planet of my own.

I have just enough pentaxid to get back to Yaral if I want to. But I have made a base and will spend some time doing the whole Henry David Thoreau thing.

DaveCo - A GBI subsidiary is born.
Well yeah, but it was because of wife aggro that you logged off. I'll rag on ya about that in game, but I'm not gonna shame you over it publicly. Now, if you'd said "I'm gonna catch the end of this movie/TV show/ballgame and I'll be right back," and then logged off, I'd expect it to show up here.




It's also a lot easier to be forgiving of such mistakes when we're well established, have resources to spare, and are gonna lose everything in ~3-4 weeks anyway :p

I mean, just a few days ago, I knowingly threw away a perfectly good ship (much more expensive than the Phoenix) by taking it to fight Evasong in a battle I knew I couldn't win.




Gas alluded to it, but the move from Dunara to Genesis is complete. I mean, the base on Dunara is still there, and ready for use if anyone wants a halfway setup PvE base for the next couple weeks, but the only real reason I'm stashing the Ames on Dunara is because her guns are better suited to offense than defense, she's expensive to get on and off planet fuel-wise, and she'd just be another core cluttering up the server resources and potentiating lag at our base on Genesis. I spent yesterday sinking a base into the ground. It's 200m deep and I still haven't hit bedrock. It's currently set up with limited construction capabilities, but with hangar space for two SVs the size of Ye Olde Busse or smaller (one bay currently available) for non combatant ships that you don't want to have to remake if there's a little surface action. There's also a repair bay at the bottom of the shaft, and small CV parking with a good ramp for loading HVs. As time permits, I'll expand the docking surface to allow better parking for all of our CVs and - depending on how bored I get - potentially for small, non-combatant CV parking beneath the surface.




Tonight I plan to start hitting up Kiki for the resources to BP-factory build a couple base structures (probably carbon copies of the Genesis Branch/Annex). Hopefully by this weekend, that means I'll be ready to fast-deploy a base on Mars, once I pointpoint where the Pentaxid deposits are.

Since CVs aren't allowed in Mars atmo, we won't be able to airlift in more HVs, and will have to build them in situ. Of course, we could do that with blueprints, too. But at least that means we won't have to worry about any admin-built cheatsy alien ships coming around to "glass" us from on high.

Once we control a Pentaxid deposit, we'll really be able to get nuts. Though, the next step after that would probably be a Mars Orbital Branch 20-30 km from the planet, so that an SV can ferry the pentaxid up to a defensible/clandestine place where it is safe to park CVs. Might be a good idea to put a few defensive turret structures around the MOB, too.




I forgot to mention - I stuck an LCD panel near the med center in Genesis Branch to show the last time I wandered around and refueled the ships/bases/HVs.




I forgot to mention - I stuck an LCD panel near the med center in Genesis Branch to show the last time I wandered around and refueled the ships/bases/HVs.
Ah, good idea. Previously, I'd just been setting every friday aside to visit every branch and refuel/interact with every base structure and ship, just to keep them refreshed so they don't vanish. But the Genesis Branch, and its attending defense tanks, will probably need at least daily attention.




Alright, I've got blueprints ready for a new heavily armed planetary Branch, a defensive annex, and for a new Orbital Branch. Gared's churning out ammo for them. We might be able to invade Mars as soon as tomorrow, but I'd like to first go check and make sure that Evasong was right about there being Pentaxid deposits there. If not, I've got another possible line on some, though it's farther out than I have explored yet.




I have one battleship in Kiki orbit, and another ready to print, but provisioning battleships takes ages, ages! Damn ammo. Hopefully we'll actually see some combat one of these days, I feel like I'm leaving a string of armed resistance wherever I go, but they're all untested virgins.




I have one battleship in Kiki orbit, and another ready to print, but provisioning battleships takes ages, ages! Damn ammo. Hopefully we'll actually see some combat one of these days, I feel like I'm leaving a string of armed resistance wherever I go, but they're all untested virgins.

Next thing you know @bhamv3 will be playing this game ;)




I have one battleship in Kiki orbit, and another ready to print, but provisioning battleships takes ages, ages! Damn ammo. Hopefully we'll actually see some combat one of these days, I feel like I'm leaving a string of armed resistance wherever I go, but they're all untested virgins.
Yeah, unfortunately I think a lot of people have decided to take a break or switch to single player until Alpha 8 hits.

And from what I'm reading, even after alpha 8 goes to stable branch, it's gonna take the Renntech Admins a few days to get their ducks in a row on customizing the map and whatnot. Of course Evasong and Noodle2k1 are still saying dumb stuff like "let's only put Erestrium and Zascosium in PvP territory so carebears can't have nice stuff if they don't wanna fight." I had to remind them that CV cockpit blocks now require E&Z, it's not just for high grade weapons anymore.

Also, it sounds like they're going to abandon the "players can join the aliens as a faction" concept because it's too much micromanagement for them. But Evasong still intends to RP an alien in a ship that doesn't conform to the rules, of course.




Next thing you know @bhamv3 will be playing this game ;)
If he does, the ships will all leave.





Playing today and the server admins sent out a message that they were going to restart so please log off. That's cool and all, but unfortunately it ejected me from my ship for some reason. I broke my leg and couldn't get back to the ship. It'll be interesting to see where it is when I log back in. I guess I can wait for it to run out of power and fall to the ground, but I like loading an overabundance of power into my stuff so it's going to be there a long, long time.





Playing today and the server admins sent out a message that they were going to restart so please log off. That's cool and all, but unfortunately it ejected me from my ship for some reason. I broke my leg and couldn't get back to the ship. It'll be interesting to see where it is when I log back in. I guess I can wait for it to run out of power and fall to the ground, but I like loading an overabundance of power into my stuff so it's going to be there a long, long time.

View attachment 26842
You can access your ship's control panel from the registry tab (as long as you're in the same playfield) and turn off its thrusters.




Sweet. I hadn't thought of that. I guess I'm glad I have a repair tool since it's going to fall a long way. I'm on the side of a mountain.

Oh, and I found a Trade Station ON PLANET that buys T2 sniper rifles and rocket launchers. And they sell refined Pentaxid. Oh yeah!




If he does, the ships will all leave.

only the pretty ones




Sweet. I hadn't thought of that. I guess I'm glad I have a repair tool since it's going to fall a long way. I'm on the side of a mountain.

Oh, and I found a Trade Station ON PLANET that buys T2 sniper rifles and rocket launchers. And they sell refined Pentaxid. Oh yeah!
It should be fine. There's not really any collision damage in the game. I'm so lazy, I often just shut off my thrusters and let my ship fall and settle planetside.




Sweet. I hadn't thought of that. I guess I'm glad I have a repair tool since it's going to fall a long way. I'm on the side of a mountain.

Oh, and I found a Trade Station ON PLANET that buys T2 sniper rifles and rocket launchers. And they sell refined Pentaxid. Oh yeah!
Don't worry, even falling, CVs can't exceed 32m/s in velocity (in atmo). So the damage will be little more than dents, most likely.

Also be careful about buying refined pentaxid... it's deceptively expensive. I went from 150k in the bank to broke in a couple days because I got in the habit of buying it.




I didn't consider that Dave might be on a PVP planet..if so, there's a little collision damage




For some reason my interest in this game was suddenly piqued. I heard there are virgin ships around these parts?




For some reason my interest in this game was suddenly piqued. I heard there are virgin ships around these parts?
Yeah. There’s one with these HUGE nacelles...





The other night I logged out because I was getting wife aggro and had to do some stuff.
Don't feel bad. You're not alone.




I popped over into creative today and designed a new CV - the Space Mine. It's essentially a big fuel tank jacketed in combat steel and covered in turrets. Depending upon server load, you can use them to essentially mine the approach routes to bases. They don't fly fast (there are two directions where they max out at 1.3 m/s), they can't jump between systems, and they don't have gravity generators - but they've got around 35,000 fuel capacity and four or five large ammo boxes, so as long as you don't forget to check in on them from time to time, they should last weeks in space on their own. Alternatively, if there's a faction you don't like, you can mine the space between one of their Orbitals and a resource planet in PvP territory and catch them coming and going.




I popped over into creative today and designed a new CV - the Space Mine. It's essentially a big fuel tank jacketed in combat steel and covered in turrets. Depending upon server load, you can use them to essentially mine the approach routes to bases. They don't fly fast (there are two directions where they max out at 1.3 m/s), they can't jump between systems, and they don't have gravity generators - but they've got around 35,000 fuel capacity and four or five large ammo boxes, so as long as you don't forget to check in on them from time to time, they should last weeks in space on their own. Alternatively, if there's a faction you don't like, you can mine the space between one of their Orbitals and a resource planet in PvP territory and catch them coming and going.
I like the sound of those, for defending our orbital bases, but be careful about mining warp-in points - there's a section in the server rules on the discord specifically forbidding mining the area around warp-in points.




I like the sound of those, for defending our orbital bases, but be careful about mining warp-in points - there's a section in the server rules on the discord specifically forbidding mining the area around warp-in points.
Oh yeah, actual jump in points is just mean - I'd put them at least visual rendering distance away from any established non-GBI space location and 10k from the planet. Do you remember the server's discord address, by any chance? I've been online for a while now and the cb isn't spitting out its normal banter.




Here's an invite URL to the Renntech discord server that should be good for 24 hours.





Thanks. We may be in violation of rule 23 on Genesis, but I've been specifically building away from the green wall instead of toward it, so hopefully we're still 400m from it. It does say specifically not to embargo planets, so for now, until and unless Iceman updates the rules for 8.0, I'm going to stick to using these as base defense mines, not go mining someone else' system. Not even Eva's.




So, in that discord, somebody had a good tip - subscribe to a blueprint like this -


Then just use concrete blocks to fill it up, then switch to whatever you really wanna build and insert ingots. Save ya a lot of time on blueprints. And if your factory ever gets too full of concrete... just spawn it and start over :p




We're not alone on Mars. Soon after Gared logged off for the night, I found another player base, with active offline defense shields. I managed to sneak up close and see it is owned by LWS, the Lone wolves, a 2 player faction we are not allied with. So.. we might have to do something about that.




The Mars Branch, however, is looking pretty good.

I think we're pretty well protected from any SV/HV incursions, and CVs can't enter Mars Atmo.




So, in that discord, somebody had a good tip - subscribe to a blueprint like this -


Then just use concrete blocks to fill it up, then switch to whatever you really wanna build and insert ingots. Save ya a lot of time on blueprints. And if your factory ever gets too full of concrete... just spawn it and start over :p
It works decently, but you have to have either a whole LOT of concrete blocks available and no stone dust in your factory if you want to speed up a long build, or you can use it to speed up one or two hour constructions with four or five stacks of concrete blocks.




It works decently, but you have to have either a whole LOT of concrete blocks available and no stone dust in your factory if you want to speed up a long build, or you can use it to speed up one or two hour constructions with four or five stacks of concrete blocks.
Hrm, the way he described it, a stack of concrete blocks should shave off 72 minutes from a build.




It's taking 15 to 20 minutes off for me. Maybe they're using armored concrete? I was just using standard.




It's taking 15 to 20 minutes off for me. Maybe they're using armored concrete? I was just using standard.
Hrm. It's worth exploring.

In other news, it sounds like Iceman has started working on a new map layout for 8.0, and here's the loose mockup

Instead of Yaral-type planets, the endless resources will be in the asteroid zones (which will also be PvP) and will wipe twice daily (so that the morning crew doesn't bogart everything).

Here's hoping 8.0 improves asteroid mining a bit because it kinda sucks right now, but the good news is that means that CV mining turrets might be more useful. The rewards aren't as lucrative as an HV on Yaral but you can't fall in a hole and lose track of which way is up and never get out again...




When I've gotten my HV lost in a hole, I just dig, see which way the rocks fall, and point the opposite direction




When I've gotten my HV lost in a hole, I just dig, see which way the rocks fall, and point the opposite direction
Aislynn managed to get herself in a real pickle last night. She started digging at about a 30 degree angle, to get at a promethium deposit, but as she got closer she angled down more and more, then lost track of which way was up, and then started digging back the other way, resulting in a large vertical "C" shaped cavern. It was kinda tricky even for me to get the thing out of, and I consider myself a bit of an HV piloting pro :p




A conversation with Noodle2k1:



And here I thought Noodle might have actually been trying to do a compromise that made everyone happy... but no, it was just another scheme to let Noodle punish PvE players for playing the game the way they wanted to, and not the way Noodle wanted to.

The only thing that actually stopped it was it turns out that player-controlled alien core ship turrets still won't attack players in PvE zones unless manually controlled to do so. When Noodle discovered that, all interest in the alien faction was lost, and it was called off.

I've also noticed that all of Noodle's ideas basically are basically the desperate flailings of someone bored to death with the game trying everything they can think of to "spice it up" for themselves, the experience of the other players be damned.




So, pretty much exactly what I figured from my first exposure to the admins on that server.

I'm done with Renntech. Come to Skillon and take whatever you want from it. Everything I've seen says "You live here at the admin's whim, and whenever they decide to fuck you, well, tough titty." And, hey, it's their world. They can do what they want. But I don't gotta play in it.




So, pretty much exactly what I figured from my first exposure to the admins on that server.

I'm done with Renntech. Come to Skillon and take whatever you want from it. Everything I've seen says "You live here at the admin's whim, and whenever they decide to fuck you, well, tough titty." And, hey, it's their world. They can do what they want. But I don't gotta play in it.
Think you could check out the other two servers I listed, and see if they're any better? I'm seeing some things going on behind the scenes of Renntech that are making me think the launch of 8.0 might be a good time for GBI to make a clean break and start over on a new server, since we're going to have to start over anyway no matter what.




If you're really that fed up with PvE players, don't allow PvE on your server. But don't allow PvE, try to draw in players by posting on the official server description that there's no PvP Admins, and then set everything up to screw over PvE players because you're bored and/or want their resources. Besides, how many pristine PvP planets have we come across, so far? Surely Noodle can't have run out of all of the resources she needs to build whatever she wants, since Kiki is almost never touched, Mars was only looted by one other faction for its Pentaxid deposits (Pentaxid!), and Genesis was just ours. Dave hasn't found anyone else on Unsullied except for AI aliens, and I haven't even seen another faction aside from the base on Mars. It does sound like someone who's just bored and looking for a fight to relieve the boredom. If she wanted to do that as a server wipe event, that would be one thing. To want to do it a month out, and then be pushing hard for the most important resources for mid- to late-game play available in PvP only areas is a really shitty attitude, and I like PvP.

That being said, I'm still having fun, so unless Gas leaves Renntech before the wipe, I'm fine to stick around as well.




If you're really that fed up with PvE players, don't allow PvE on your server. But don't allow PvE, try to draw in players by posting on the official server description that there's no PvP Admins, and then set everything up to screw over PvE players because you're bored and/or want their resources. Besides, how many pristine PvP planets have we come across, so far? Surely Noodle can't have run out of all of the resources she needs to build whatever she wants, since Kiki is almost never touched, Mars was only looted by one other faction for its Pentaxid deposits (Pentaxid!), and Genesis was just ours. Dave hasn't found anyone else on Unsullied except for AI aliens, and I haven't even seen another faction aside from the base on Mars. It does sound like someone who's just bored and looking for a fight to relieve the boredom. If she wanted to do that as a server wipe event, that would be one thing. To want to do it a month out, and then be pushing hard for the most important resources for mid- to late-game play available in PvP only areas is a really shitty attitude, and I like PvP.

That being said, I'm still having fun, so unless Gas leaves Renntech before the wipe, I'm fine to stick around as well.
You're exactly right, it has nothing to do with resources. It's about Noodle wanting to attack PvE players, because stomping kittens is what noodle loves, and noodle is insanely bored.

Remember this lovely bit of candid commentary that we lost in the wipe?



This second part is noodles alluding to the incident in which enough zirax NPCs and drones were spawned on one of Shadows' bases as to actually wreck it. But he's a sap. It DID nearly get Iceman to rescind Noodle's admin status, however.

But I think if Noodle2k1 was going to get booted out of the admin team, it would have happened years ago. Note that this is an old entry for Renntech in the Empyrion Servers website database that got deleted, and then a new entry was made for Renntech a few months ago, with comments disabled.

I don't know if I plan to jump ship before Alpha 8 though, that would just mean having to start over twice, once now, once when alpha 8 hits stable branch.




On the other hand, it might be a good time to start scouting out other servers and finding ones with admins we can live with.

On the THIRD hand... I'm starting to wonder about setting up my own server, too...




I'll move where and when Gas moves.





Good place to start?




That's where I got the data for the other two servers I posted as possible alternatives.




I'm going to start a game on Inflicted and see how it is.




The going rate on server rentals seems to be $1-$2 per user slot per month. That's typical of most game servers, I suppose, but it's one thing for a 6-player Killing Floor 2 server to run 8 to 10 bucks a month, and another entirely if you want a 40 player empyrion server that'll hit you up for $50-70/month.

It's almost tempting to build my own server at that point and run it out of my house. But even more than the cost, the hassle of setup and maintenance is giving me pause about that idea. This isn't the kind of game I can just order an $800 poweredge and call it done... it needs a beefy CPU, and a shit-ton of ram wouldn't hurt.




I can actually do it on my system. I've certainly thought about it several times, although I don't know if I have the knowledge necessary to be an admin.




Fuck it. I'm going to set one up and tinker.




The only thing that has kept me from setting up a server on my end is that I know I don’t have the time to devote to learning how to properly admin it right now.

...of course, I could still set it up and then let someone else admin it, I guess. Then the only limiting factor would be my 5.6Mbps upstream.





I looked at AWS, but it'd cost more than renting server space from a company dedicated to doing it.
If no one sets one up themselves, here are some prices I was able to find under $50/month for 40 or more slots:

https://server.nitrado.net/usa/order-gameserver would be $42.25/month for 42 slots
https://www.gtxgaming.co.uk $38.81 for 40 slots
http://www.foxgamingservers.com/?page_id=2435 $25 for 50 slots (wow)
https://citadelservers.com $34.80 for 40 slots
https://hosthavoc.com $32.00 for 40 slots

Of course, we might could get away with 20 slots, which would be much cheaper. Even on Renntech, I usually don't see more than 20 users on at a time. All that would be moot if someone set a server up themselves.




I can't seem to get the server to work on my end. It doesn't show in the list and when I try and login through the IP address, it just hangs at the loading screen.





Okay I give. Apparently it's not in the cards for me to make a server. I'd be willing to pay a certain amount through Patreon. I don't think I can do it right now as money is not the greatest. (My son bought a car today and that put our insurance costs up about $200 a month.)




Meanwhile, on Renntech, not a damn thing happened today. Bases were built, tanks were placed next to autominers, HVs were built and provisioned... and not a whiff of opposition was to be found.




There's nothing in this thread that makes me want to check this game out. In fact, this last page in particular tells me to stay far, FAR away. Because fuck that Noodle guy.




I'm checking out Paragon's Expanse now




Even on Renntech, I usually don't see more than 20 users on at a time. All that would be moot if someone set a server up themselves.
Before Alpha 8 hit the experimental branch, it got up past 50 users most nights.




Everyone knows there's going to be a hard wipe so they are staying away.




Went to go fight Evasong again tonight in SVs... I brought my hardened Huntress variant, and a couple Ballista heavy fighters (the latter of which I designed myself). Evasong brought his "Butcher" heavy gunship and his "Starfury" fighter.

First round, Huntress vs Butcher, I was just aiming for center mass and as a result didn't end up hitting anything very critical, while he slowly managed to get hits that crippled me - the bigass thrusters poking out of the back of the huntress look hella cool but die hella fast. Once I started losing thrusters, it all went downhill really fast, and finally a homing missile salvo annihilated the cockpit chairs and killed me simultaneously.

Second round, Ballista vs Butcher - I was worried the Ballista wouldn't be as nimble as the Huntress, but apparently it was good enough, and throw into the mix that it has a MUCH smaller sillhouette when viewed from in front, made it much harder to target. Slowly but surely I whittled down the Butcher until I managed to snipe off all of its weapons with homing missiles, and Evasong conceded the round. Stopping to survey damage, I had actually only lost one gatling gun and one missile launcher, whereas I had chewed off a large amount of front armor on the butcher and actually exposed the core... a lucky shot after that would have left the butcher adrift and lifeless.

Third round, Ballista vs Starfury - the Starfury was a custom commission Evasong made for Icemanmajor, based off the Babylon 5 fighter of the same name. While it's slightly larger and twice as long as the canonical version, it is a really good fighter. Both heavily armored and agile, it is hard to hit and can soak damage except for one weakness - the cockpit is right up front and center. But as luck would have it, our dogfight slowly drifted in range of an alien shipyard POI, and it opened fire on me, damaging me badly. I retreated clear, then tried to re-engage, but Evasong's starfury hammered me with three hits in a row that destroyed my cockpit (but didn't kill me). I had managed to hit his cockpit dome once, destroying much of the glass and leaving him vulnerable to a second it, but I just didn't line up the shot in time.

What I learned:
SV vs SV, the only weapon that matters is homing missiles. The ONLY. Weapon that matters is homing missiles. Everything else always misses. Always. Except maybe gatling guns, but you can't keep the sustained fire going on that in one place long enough to do damage that matters. To hit a fighter, the only weapon that matters is homing missiles. And where you aim on your target is important. Pounding away at armor is largely useless, you gotta pay attention to where his rocket launchers are and aim for them. After that, you can dance around aiming for his cockpit or other systems. But the take home lesson here is that, to hit a fighter, the ONLY WEAPON THAT MATTERS IS HOMING MISSILES.

Also, it never hurts to be as agile as possible. Never fly in a straight line. Always be thrusting both forward (or backward) plus at least one other direction. Flying straight toward your target is a good way to get a face full of missile, or worse, turret fire (if you're attacking a CV). Always be dodging. Always be changing direction. Always be jinking. And fire homing missiles when you think you have the reticle on something important.




I don't know if I have the knowledge necessary to be an admin.
You know I always suspected you didn't. :p




25 stacks of Pentaxid, ah ah ah!




Trying out my death cube on an alien POI. 5-ish minute video Sorry there's no sound. I forgot to enable it in OBS.

Lessons learned:

  • Spread out weapons to avoid losing a bunch at once due to splash damage.
  • Add better side thrusters.
  • Reduce internal block count to reduce weight. I lost no outer armor blocks, so I can remove a bit of internal armor (all those holes in the front at the end of the vid are where weapons once sat).
  • I'm a decent shot on stationary targets. I don't have homing rockets on this thing, but I was still pretty effective.
  • If you have the luxury of sitting still, gatling guns are pretty effective.




PvP Survey.png

I was in the green circled red panetary system. Sadly, I had a power outage (someone hit a pole, or something, hope they're OK), and lost all the notes I took about all of the planets out there.




Man, I said it before when I got the Tantive IV, and I'll say it again... One universe's battleship/dreadnaught is another universe's light destroyer.

The reliant is every bit as big as the Legion, which seemed friggin huge when I first got it.




Size queen.




Planet Elites... or rather, the moon called Elites, that orbits a particularly nasty lava planet whose name escapes me. But it sure leaves an impression.

What the hell are we doing here again? Fighting aliens and claiming pentaxid nodes? Is it really worth dying for?




I like to think of what we're doing here as practice for future conquests. We already know that the fast attack tanks will work well against low level PoIs, or higher level ones on starter planets, I suppose, but that we're going to need main battle tanks to really storm strong opponents. I'll work on one of those tomorrow.




In which Gared, Aislynn and I cooperatively storm an alien (npc) stronghold. Our first time working together! There was some friendly fire -_-




That was a lot of fun. Also, you're not the only person to have shot Aislynn in the back of the head tonight in a friendly fire incident.




That's what I get for playing Torchlight II last night. I missed all the fun stuff.




That's what I get for playing Torchlight II last night. I missed all the fun stuff.
Kati has been playing a lot of Torchlight lately as well.
It's like you two subscribe to the same channel.





That's what I get for playing Torchlight II last night. I missed all the fun stuff.
Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty more. Gas commissioned a new tank and now we need to go test the first run. We seem to've gone into the planetary raiding business.




There are LOTS more POIs to raid. We didn't even break this one down for parts, so it's probably already back again, complete with the 20-odd turrets we had to destroy.

Edit: Also, I need to design a new fighter that doesn't have the cockpit up front. Hrmmm... I got an idea. It'll probably end up looking like a Gee Bee, but that's also appropriate, considering MY initials :p




Now THAT is pod racing.





One thing I think some people don't understand about bases and POIs is it is actually a lot of work to just "pound them flat" with weapons, even CV turrets (most of the big boomers don't work planetside), or HV artillery (really slow firing). Most POI structures have multiple subterranean floors, and chewing through that much combat steel armor (or Alien Armor blocks, which is roughly equivalent) is a slow and expensive process. Note that even Evasong's super-cheaty basekiller didn't completely level the Titan Branch, and even left some devices intact (of course, when Shadow then went inside the broken-open base, he then proceeded to crack open containers and devices with small arms).

This is because armor blocks have an undocumented "damage negation" feature, where each individual attack against them is reduced by a given number, and that number is never really published. So, you can empty magazine after magazine of rounds from your enhanced pulse rifle into a combat armor block and never have it even take a single point of damage. A plasma cannon or rocket launcher might dent it, but it's gonna take hundreds of shots to destroy. This also works against high DPS/low burst weapons like gatling guns, minigun turrets, and pulse laser turrets.

Once again, your best bet seems to be missiles, or if you're on foot, satchel charges or a shoulder mounted RPG. But that gets expensive in a hurry.




Is that durability a server-specific setting? Or is it universal across all game installs?
Also, would it be worthwhile to just build a “drill tank” if the blocks are more susceptible to disassembly (once the defenses are neutralized, of course) than damage?





There are LOTS more POIs to raid. We didn't even break this one down for parts, so it's probably already back again, complete with the 20-odd turrets we had to destroy.

Edit: Also, I need to design a new fighter that doesn't have the cockpit up front. Hrmmm... I got an idea. It'll probably end up looking like a Gee Bee, but that's also appropriate, considering MY initials :p

Will it wind up as much of a death trap as the real thing? Stay tuned, folks! :p




Is that durability a server-specific setting? Or is it universal across all game installs?
Also, would it be worthwhile to just build a “drill tank” if the blocks are more susceptible to disassembly (once the defenses are neutralized, of course) than damage?

It's standard, but can be customized, though the methodology and exact formula are opaque and confusing.

Also, you can't deconstruct an enemy structure/ship until the enemy core is removed.




Fresh off the success of the Bad Pennies, I set out to design a light attack/recon tank for planetary exploration and/or predator hunting. It won't stand up to the pounding that the Douglas Mk IV or the Bad Penny will take, but it should get you the hell out of Dodge in one big hurry. This one even has some styling work on it. The prototype is parked on Elites and the blueprint is set to Friends on Steam.




The temptation finally overcame me today. I bought a refurbished server on ebay. Should get here middle of next week. Processor's not the strongest ever (It's got two Xeon E5530s, which are each quad core but about equivalent to a low grade intel i5), but it also has 64 gigs of ram and windows server 2016 preinstalled. Not a bad pull for $375.




You want us to Patreon you or something?




You want us to Patreon you or something?
No, this is my toy :p

Edit: and in all seriousness, I don't know how this will work out. I'm a little worried the CPUs are too weak. We'll just have to see. If that turns out to be the case, I kinda plan to use it for something else.




The temptation finally overcame me today. I bought a refurbished server on ebay. Should get here middle of next week. Processor's not the strongest ever (It's got two Xeon E5530s, which are each quad core but about equivalent to a low grade intel i5), but it also has 64 gigs of ram and windows server 2016 preinstalled. Not a bad pull for $375.
Should've talked to me. I know someone who has a Proliant they're going to be unloading in the next month or two. No OS, though, just a COA.

FYI for anyone else out there getting ideas, X58-based servers (well really, the 5500/5520-based "Tylersburg" server equivalent) are all plummeting in price right now, and no matter what they come with, it's not really that expensive to replace whatever processors you buy in it with something like a pair of 6-core Xeon X5675's. They may have been $1500 when they were new, but I've seen 'em on sale for as little as $80ea. Memory will set you back, though. A single 16GB registered ECC DIMM will set you back anywhere from $80-$120, and some dual-processor boards can hold up to 18 of 'em.

FWIW I still have a 6-core 3GHz Xeon system with 24GB RAM just sitting here doing nothing. I still haven't even started the OEM Win7 setup yet.





Should've talked to me. I know someone who has a Proliant they're going to be unloading in the next month or two. No OS, though, just a COA.

FYI for anyone else out there getting ideas, X58-based servers (well really, the 5500/5520-based "Tylersburg" server equivalent) are all plummeting in price right now, and no matter what they come with, it's not really that expensive to replace whatever processors you buy in it with something like a pair of Xeon X5675's. They may have been $1500 when they were new, but I've seen 'em on sale for as little as $80ea. Memory will set you back, though. A single 16GB registered DIMM will set you back anywhere from $80-$120, and some dual-processor boards can hold up to 18 of 'em.

Well, I think I got memory covered, 64gb should be plenty. If performance isn't good enough, I may start watching sales for a couple X5675s.

It also came with 3 300gb drives... I'm thinking of doing a Raid 1+0.




Well, I think I got memory covered, 64gb should be plenty. If performance isn't good enough, I may start watching sales for a couple X5675s.
FYI I edited the above somewhat.





Well, I think I got memory covered, 64gb should be plenty. If performance isn't good enough, I may start watching sales for a couple X5675s.
If you don't mind playing Refurb Roulette, newegg has them for $100 a pop right now.




The kicker that really got me to get this is that it already has win server 2016 already installed. That's a huge time and money saver.




If you don't mind playing Refurb Roulette, newegg has them for $100 a pop right now.
I saw that... we'll see how things go once I have the thing in my hand and we do some testing.

Heck, Ebay has refurbs of them going for $80 a pair.




If you don't mind playing Refurb Roulette, newegg has them for $100 a pop right now.
I got mine off eBay from a seller with a nice high reputation.
Also I still have that 12-core 2010 Mac Pro sitting here doing nothing, but I don't have a copy of Windows for that (Yet! A copy of 8.1 retail is supposed to arrive by next Tue) AND I still only have 8GB RAM in it (see my comments about memory pricing, above), so that's why I was offering up the 6-core.
Heck, Ebay has refurbs of them going for $80 a pair.
How the mighty have fallen. Also that generation of server is coming off its long-term lease EVERYWHERE, so the market is getting inundated with them right now. Also that motherboard silicon apparently does NOT support booting from NVMe-based SSDs, I think?...which is probably pushing people to finally decide to trade 'em in. Plus they only support PCIe v2.0.





GAH I'm turning into Dave, and have no spending impulse control! I bought the X5675s.







GAH I'm turning into Dave, and have no spending impulse control! I bought the X5675s.
The X5690 is faster (I mean yeah, but only up to a whopping 10% faster), but it is a 130W chip, while the X5675 is only a 95W chip. Also, many of the people selling the -90 appear to want an unreasonable premium for them, probably because they they know it is the top end model.

Personally I’m perfectly happy with 90% the max possible speed but at < 75% the power budget, especially when there’s 2 of ‘em.





Oh excruciating horrors... the server is supposed to get here wednesday, but the X5675s won't get here until SATURDAY, which means they won't actually arrive in the office until a week from monday. NNNNGHHH




Don’t worry.
One of them will probably be DOA, and then you’ll have to wait two weeks for the RMA...





Don’t worry.
One of them will probably be DOA, and then you’ll have to wait two weeks for the RMA...





Well, I started the day off intending to spend a little time in creative mode making a heavy fighter that doesn't fly like a nose heavy brick - having forgotten about the Ghost heavy fighter I'd already made. Fortunately, that already exists, because I spent my day building a planetary raiding CV instead. Clocking in at size class 6, this beast is a flying city (and looks like one). It has hangar capacity - fully enclosed hangars, mind you, not just hangar decks - for:
  • 2 Bad Penny main battle tanks
  • 2 Battlesheep fast attack/recon tanks
  • 4 Nimble Miners
  • 4 Treemowers
  • 3 Artillery tanks
  • 3 Antipersonnel tanks
  • 8 Ballista heavy fighters or 4 Ghost heavy fighters
  • 4 Skeeter light fighters or 2 Skeeters and 2 Grub Hubs or any combo thereof
This leaves the two main flight-level hangars empty. They're 14x7x10. Also, because the Ballista is longer than she is tall or wide, you could forgo Skeeters entirely and use the upper hangars for Ballistas and Grub Hubs. I'm not looking forward to the 22hr42min build time on her, though.




Well, I started the day off intending to spend a little time in creative mode making a heavy fighter that doesn't fly like a nose heavy brick - having forgotten about the Ghost heavy fighter I'd already made. Fortunately, that already exists, because I spent my day building a planetary raiding CV instead. Clocking in at size class 6, this beast is a flying city (and looks like one). It has hangar capacity - fully enclosed hangars, mind you, not just hangar decks - for:
  • 2 Bad Penny main battle tanks
  • 2 Battlesheep fast attack/recon tanks
  • 4 Nimble Miners
  • 4 Treemowers
  • 3 Artillery tanks
  • 3 Antipersonnel tanks
  • 8 Ballista heavy fighters or 4 Ghost heavy fighters
  • 4 Skeeter light fighters or 2 Skeeters and 2 Grub Hubs or any combo thereof
This leaves the two main flight-level hangars empty. They're 14x7x10. Also, because the Ballista is longer than she is tall or wide, you could forgo Skeeters entirely and use the upper hangars for Ballistas and Grub Hubs. I'm not looking forward to the 22hr42min build time on her, though.
The secret we found to chopping down build time like crazy is Armored concrete blocks. Each stack takes off 45 mins, and it gives you the dust back to put back in the constructor if the blueprint doesn't require rock dust. No blueprint switching needed!

Also, I've got the GB Space Superiority fighter ready to go now, I'll debut it tonight. It's about as long as a Ballista but actually has wings and stuff.




The GeeBee Space Superiority Fighter is rolling off the assembly lines.

While sporting a more limited arsenal than the Ballista Heavy Fighter, the GeeBee is trimmed down to what works best - homing missiles and gatling cannons. Additionally, the cockpit sits in the rear, so it is unlikely to be automatically targeted by turrets, as was often a problem with the Ballista. The nose has supplementary thrusters inside it, behind a nose cone many layers thick of solid hardened steel armor, made to attract (and then absorb) enemy turret fire, making it a much more robust solution for attacking alien POIs and enemy bases/capital ships. Moreover, its weapon package is spread much wider, so that one or two well placed missiles WON'T defang you of all your homing missile launchers. And when the going gets too rough, it even has a warp engine to jump to safety.

All of this comes at the cost of fuel efficiency and size. One GeeBee SSFTR takes up the hangar space of two ballistas and is also longer. However, I believe it much less likely to be shot down in typical use.




Dear god, The Ravenous is a big damn ship. I had to have Aislynn go move a couple of vehicles out from under her when I was parking her for the first time, she's so damn big. But, she does fit on the pad at the Lunar or Orbital Yard, which will make loading and unloading tanks much easier. In fact, I think I'll jaunt on over to creative mode and put together a new, device free landing pad that can be ready to spawn when we go raiding. That way, we can send someone down in an SV, spawn a landing pad, and land The Ravenous. I think I'll also throw together a cheap forge base design - basically a bit of power and some furnaces, since CVs can't use furnaces.

The good news is, even at 66.4 kt, the 120 T2 RCS units make it fly like a leaf on the wind, as opposed to some of my other designs, which fly through the air exactly the way a brick shouldn't. Now I have to paint and texture it though. If it weren't for PvP, I'd offer some poor schmuck on Akua a stack or two of Pentaxid to do it for me.




Experimental 8 phase 6 has hit - https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-experimental-8-0-part-vi.37877/

They say that this will probably be the last phase before release candidates, which means we're probably looking at 2-3 weeks til Alpha 8 hits the stable branch and every alpha 7 server has to wipe.




Maybe by then yours will be up & running.




Maybe by then yours will be up & running.
It's hard to say exactly when. The replacement CPUs won't get here until a week from monday, and I don't think I'll have too much time to work on it that week, and then that weekend I'm out of town to go to a family reunion. So it might be up and minimally running next weekend on the weaker CPUs (which would probably be enough just for a few people), but it won't be full blown ready for 3 weeks or so. We'll just have to see how it all works out.




What is it you planned to use the server for when it's not Empyrion-ing? You didn't say whether you got a 1U or a tower, so I don't know if you planned to make it a game box, either.





Y'all, I present to you, The Ravenous. I was gonna use thumbs instead of spoilers, but even the thumbnails are huge.
Ravenous fore.png

Looking down her throat. There is a slight chance of a down the throat shot getting through that forcefield that doesn't have a door in front of it and either going straight through (and wrecking both battlesheep) or exploding recklessly in the tank bays and making a royal mess. That sounds more sexual than I meant it to. Oh well. There's still room for more blocks, so it could be styled to look a little less like a city, and some of that styling could potentially be used to obstruct those shots better. That's why this is the first version, I s'pose.
Ravenous starboard.png

From the starboard side. You can see the Huntress III in that big bay in the middle. Gas reckons he can fit two SSF's in that main bay (or four if he wanted to dock two upside down). I couldn't resist including Covenant rising in the background. Aislynn is thinking of colonizing it, just as a personal base like the one back on Ningues.
Ravenous aft.png

From aft. On this end I at least managed to fit a shutter door on the outside to cover the forcefields from the emitters (she isn't symmetrical front to back, only port to starboard, and her internals aren't exactly symmetrical either, for reasons). That big blue beast in the background to the right will take up one of the big tank hangars on the bottom, but this whole thing would be more capable if they included large elevators for moving SVs and HVs inside carriers and bases.
Those base designs are going to have to wait though, I'm too burned out on design to even lay concrete pads and deal with structural integrity today.




What is it you planned to use the server for when it's not Empyrion-ing? You didn't say whether you got a 1U or a tower, so I don't know if you planned to make it a game box, either.

Probably gonna "move" my Killing Floor 2 server there, too, so I can stop renting one, as well as move my video library to it as well. And then any other time I want to run my own server for a game... there it is. Hrm, maybe also a plex server? Not sure.

Assuming of course, that Empyrion doesn't gobble up all the resources.




the only limiting factor would be my 5.6Mbps upstream.
Soooo...thanks to investigations predicated by our discussion in this thread, I just discovered my ISP upgraded all their customers from 60/6 to 100/10 ... last year.
...but not us.
...because apparently since I don't have a phone/TV/refrigerator/alarm/toaster subscription, they didn't do it automatically. I had to call in today and say, "Where's my 2017 upgrade?" and they said "Ha ha our bad OK it's there now no change to your bill or anything" and here we are.






Soooo...thanks to investigations predicated by our discussion in this thread, I just discovered my ISP upgraded all their customers from 60/6 to 100/10 ... last year.
...but not us.
...because apparently since I don't have a phone/TV/refrigerator/alarm/toaster subscription, they didn't do it automatically. I had to call in today and say, "Where's my 2017 upgrade?" and they said "Ha ha our bad OK it's there now no change to your bill or anything" and here we are.


Yep, that sort of thing and bundle pricing is why I keep paying every month for a phone that hasn't made a connection to the outside world since February. Which it did for four hours. Once. And why I also pay for an extended basic cable package, when the cable box isn't even plugged in right now.




I just pony up for 200/20 out of my own pocket -_-

At some point here, though, the radio station here is getting fiber... I might sneak my server into the server room here. Haven't made up my mind.




I live in an area where 100/10 is about the best you can get...even though I live literally a block away from the local telecom's fiber distribution node, because American ISPs are all jackasses and don't boost speeds because 1) competition isn't really a thing and 2) if we boost speeds then of course there will be rampant piracy and our entertainment arm doesn't want that so enjoy your throttled Internet.






Two things.

1. I discovered that the SV hangars on top of the ship weren't connected to any of the rest of the ship. That has been resolved.
2. It occurs to me that it would be dumb as hell to go build a new base that has just a concrete pad and another new base that has just furnaces when the base I already have has both. And it's not like The Ravenous is an early- to mid-game ship. When am I ever going to have access to 41,5k Sathium ingots and not have access to 26k stone dust?




The Ravenous lost a landing foot in last night's assault by Evasong. He must now die (again).




The Ravenous lost a landing foot in last night's assault by Evasong. He must now die (again).
His Starfury was still hovering in midair. I declawed the POI, then managed to fly up, core it, and re-core it, then drop it to the deck so I could multitool the good stuff out of it :D




Say hello to the Leviathan Supercarrier.

She's a bit boxy, and expensive as hell, but guaranteed to get you there firstest with the mostest.

She can easily fit 10 bad pennies inside her, with room to spare for battlesheep, miners, and whatnot. That's assuming you want to dock fighters to the flight deck up top. You don't have to :D




Yesterday Aislynn and I decided to see if we could take out one of those big PoIs near us without fighter overwatch. The answer is yes, we can, but it costs two bad pennies if there's no fighter on overwatch to take out the upper level of turrets. Still died about the same number of times on the inside of the PoI though.

We'll see how much mental energy I have to devote to Empyrion today. After the dungeon crawl I pretty much spent the rest of my day breaking down the two tanks and putting their ammo back in the storage lockers.




Say hello to the Leviathan Supercarrier.

She's a bit boxy, and expensive as hell, but guaranteed to get you there firstest with the mostest.

She can easily fit 10 bad pennies inside her, with room to spare for battlesheep, miners, and whatnot. That's assuming you want to dock fighters to the flight deck up top. You don't have to :D
I think she's gonna need some more fuel tanks for planet-side operation. Yes, you can turn thrusters and RCS off once you get down safely, but this thing is so big it dwarfs the Planetary Yard, so you're going to have to spend a lot of time looking for a flat space big enough to land her, and she only has 6.5 minutes of fuel during flight ops in Akua atmo.

Also, I threw together a quick CV defense tank - basically a turret on a hover platform. The cockpit isn't secure in any way, so you can't ride these into battle or you will die, but for deploying a quick defensive shell around a planet-bound CV, they should do quite nicely. It doesn't matter how many of them we could fit in the Leviathan, because our computers would all give up long before capacity from core-overload. These should replace the Antipersonnel and Artillery tanks Mk II for CV/LZ defense, as they're cheaper, smaller, and less clunky. There's one of each turret type, one turret per tank, so you can set up a defensive shell of LZ -> Artillery -> Plasma -> Rocket/Minigun, with some faster turret types scattered in amongst the Artillery ring to defend against people dive-bombing the LZ.

Now, since I'm still not happy with the performance of the Robert Grey or the Ghost heavy fighters, I think I'll go work on something a little smoother.




I think she's gonna need some more fuel tanks for planet-side operation. Yes, you can turn thrusters and RCS off once you get down safely, but this thing is so big it dwarfs the Planetary Yard, so you're going to have to spend a lot of time looking for a flat space big enough to land her, and she only has 6.5 minutes of fuel during flight ops in Akua atmo.
Hrm, I'll stick some more in and update the blueprint on the workshop.




The Leviathan is now in on Renntech, too. Here's a CV parked on top of it :p

The first fighter to go in her hangar:


Size compared to the Reliant:


And compared to the Legion:





I'm gonna start working on an "escort" for the Leviathan - something truly worthy of the battleship class name. I'm aiming for Size Class 8 at least. The issue with that is, you have to fill the inside with various compartments of some sort or, as we discovered last night, you're open to shots phasing straight through your armor to the soft insidey bits. So I guess it will also be a troop transport and/or just have a bunch of compartments for the "crew" required for a BB class ship.




I, too, will be designing stuff over the next few days. Taking what I learned from our latest bouts with Evasong, I've got some design ideas for... well, a giant bullshit CV that won't even look like a ship but could be a massive 1v1 cv beast because it uses/abuses all the meta features of online PvP - gapped armor, decoys, widely spaced turrets functioning as unidirectional weapons, thrusters entirely protected on every side by armor, etc, etc.

I don't like it, I like the aesthetics of ships like the Legion or the Belial much better, but if you want to win at pvp, you gotta be a weenie flying a big hunk of cheese.




I don't like it, I like the aesthetics of ships like the Legion or the Belial much better, but if you want to win at pvp, you gotta be a weenie flying a big hunk of cheese.
That was the idea by the battle cube SV that I built. It was basically a big cube of armored steel, with only a tiny door in the rear that let you get in the thing. No glass (can only fly using the 3rd person camera), everything bunched up in the middle of the ship, and surrounded by two layers of steel (with useless stuff between the layers designed to ablate and absorb any phased damage). My first iteration held up really well in my test run, except for me losing most of the too closely spaced weapons all at the same time.

I got about half-way rebuilding it to space out the weapons, but got tired of it and quit halfway through. It was a big ugly hunk of metal, but I figured it would have held up really well to Evasong's basekiller.




Well, I do have to give Evasong credit... ever since that planet battle, he hasn't used the same ship. Every time he's come after us, it's been with something new. Yes, they're still cheat ships (too many turrets) and meta-cheese but at least it's not the same one every time.




My server arrived today! I can't wait to get to work on it! But I gotta, because it's the end of the month and there's tons of shit to do at work >_<




OMG and now the new processors just arrived! AAeeeIIIIGGHHH!!!




*cough* *cough* Gee, boss, I'm just feeling so poorly right now. I think I have to go home...




*cough* *cough* Gee, boss, I'm just feeling so poorly right now. I think I have to go home...
Well, for the first part, I'd like to actually get it on my workbench here at the office, it's better appointed than I've got at home right now for working on machines :D So, once I get the billing and stuff out of the way, I'll go elbow deep in the server and nobody will bug me because they'll assume I'm doing something important :D




OMG and now the new processors just arrived! AAeeeIIIIGGHHH!!!

You haven’t even posted the specs!
I mean, if it’s a 1U, then I assume you won’t be mounting it at home unless you’re hoping the constant VrRRRRrRRRRrRRRRrRRRR will help lull you to sleep, or maybe act as one of those sonic pest repellers.





You haven’t even posted the specs!
I mean, if it’s a 1U, then I assume you won’t be mounting it at home unless you’re hoping the constant VrRRRRrRRRRrRRRRrRRRR will help lull you to sleep, or maybe act as one of those sonic pest repellers.

It's a 2U, and I'll probably be keeping it on a shelf in a closet with the door closed :p

Here's the specs, obviously the CPU is about to be swapped out, tho.

Model Dell PowerEdge Poweredge R710
MPN R710-48GB-1.2TB-11961
Processor Two (2) Intel Xeon Quad Core E5530 2.40GHz 8MB Smart Cache 5.86GT/s 80W
Memory Installed 48GB Total; Eighteen Slots Available: 12 x 4GB PC3 Registered DDR3 Memory Installed
Hard Drives 4 x Dell Enterprise 300GB 15K SAS 3.5" Hard Drives (1.2TB Of RAW Storage)
Drive Bays 6 drive bays
Riser Board 2 x Riser Board with 2x PCI-e G2 x8 Slots Per Riser Board
External Media Dell PowerEdge R710 SlimLine Optical Drive
Power Supply Single 570W Power Supply Unit - Power Cord Not Included
Backplane Backplane for 6 x 3.5" SAS or SATA Drives
Ethernet Broadcom BCM5709C 4 x iSCSI TOE NICs (4 On-Board Ports Total)
Video Embedded Matrox G200 8MB
Form Factor 2U Rackmountable
RAID Controller PERC 6i RAID Controller with BBU and Cables
Remote Access Card Dell iDRAC6 Express Card Included
Front Bezel Not Included
Rapid Rails Rail Kit Not Included
Operating System Windows 2016 Server Pre-Installed
Software Software Media or Licenses Not Included
COA Not Included
Service Tag Various
Processor Manufacturer Intel
Processor Type Xeon Quad Core
Return Policy/Warranty 60 days Money Back Or Exchange




Aww man, it's win server 2016 EVALUATION edition. Of course the price was too good to be true. Gagh. Well, $375 is still a good price for the hardware.

Also holy shit this thing is heavy as fuckballs.




The server my buddy just purchased was a T710 for $250, but his didn’t come with RAM, so you got him beat there. He just got it so he can set up a half-dozen VMs so he can simulate trying stuff in his production environment without accidentally taking down his production environment UNLIKE THE LAST GUY (not me).





Hrm. Also, despite coming with 4 300 gig drives, the current raid configuration just seems to have one 900 gig volume. I'd like to reconfigure that into a raid 10. Of course, that'll blow away the current windows install, but as it's just evaluation edition, I'm probably just gonna install windows 7 pro on it and be done with it :p




That capacity sounds exactly right for a RAID5.





That capacity sounds exactly right for a RAID5.





It's about a third of the way done, and it's size class 5. I should still be able to keep it under size class 10, though, because the rest of the ship has more empty space versus the mostly solidly armored front section and core I've been working on thus far. And yes, this will be taking great advantage of the concepts of baffles, multiple armor levels, greatly separated turrets locked away behind shutter doors and ramps, and thoroughly armored thrusters.




Hey, I'm the one over here trying to put together a RAID-Z2* for my basement. All I need now is the 5 drives.
Also my copy of Win8.1 showed up today, and it is exactly as advertised, i.e Retail Win8.1 Pro NFS.

The ZFS equivalent of a RAID6, i.e., NxStorage + 2xParity




Server status:
[X] Server arrived
[X] Verified that stuff works
[X] Replacement CPUs arrived
[ ] UPS arrived (Est Delivery 6/1)
[X] CPUs replaced, work
[ ] Operating system arrived (Est Delivery 6/4-6/7)
[X] Drivers needed for OS reinstall obtained
[ ] RAID reconfigured to 10
[ ] SSD received
[ ] PCI SSD card received
[ ] SSD installed

[ ] Operating System reinstalled
[ ] Ancillary software installed (Teamviewer, Steam)
[ ] Empyrion Dedicated server configured

Meantime I've already managed to booger up the existing Win2016 Eval installation by trying to trick it into thinking it was standard via powershell, lawl. I'd reinstall Eval (after rebuilding the RAID as type 10), but the image is 7 gigs and I don't have a USB that big >_< ordered one, should get here thursday. Fat lotta good it'll do then, might as well wait out the weekend for the actual OS. No, I'll probably install it just because I'm antsy....

Edit - changed to reflect SSD now instead of raid 10.




If you're going Win7 then I sure hope that USB stick is 2.0 and your total volume size is < 2TB (and MBR - Stupid legacy limitations).
Also, I thought "UPS 6/1" meant the shipping company and wondered what they would be delivering. Here's hoping it's SNMP-capable.

EDIT: Yes, @GasBandit, I know you probably already know this stuff, but just making sure after the 2016 eval thing.





<sigh> What's the size class maximum for Renntech, again? Eva seems to think it's 15. I hope it's 15, because I cannot finish this ship in 10.




<sigh> What's the size class maximum for Renntech, again? Eva seems to think it's 15. I hope it's 15, because I cannot finish this ship in 10.
I know you asked me in discord, but for the folks at home, the rules say 20, Evasong says 15, and Iceman said in elders discord chat that when alpha 8 hits he wants to lower it to 10.

If you're going Win7 then I sure hope that USB stick is 2.0 and your total volume size is < 2TB (and MBR - Stupid legacy limitations).
Also, I thought "UPS 6/1" meant the shipping company and wondered what they would be delivering. Here's hoping it's SNMP-capable.

EDIT: Yes, @GasBandit, I know you probably already know this stuff, but just making sure after the 2016 eval thing.

I am, it is, and it will be. It'll be 300 gigs, as a raid 10 - like I said, I got 4 300 gig drives. Though, I don't know if the limitation is really a factor, since the raid controller is pre-bios hardware (PERC 6/i).

I Don't know if the UPS is SNMP or not, I don't care, it's just to fight power fluctuations mostly :p

As for the eval thing, it's just because I didn't read the fine print.




Alright, I found a lot of the problem device count wise - I have two massive broadside gun bays that are hidden behind ramps, and since ramps aren't airtight, I had corrected that "problem" with forcefield generator blocks. The bay openings are four blocks high, so I had to use 1x3 and 1x1 blocks down a massive length of ship. I think pulling those out removed something like 160 devices from the ship and dropped me back down to 10. I figure if I remove some excess lights, shorten the ship by a third, and stick to the simpler upper-hull design that I currently have on the starboard side, I'll be able to pull it in at under 10 total, if I'm really careful. Of course, the limits that Iceman wants to use on his server post 8.0 are of limited interest to me. Mainly, I'm concerned with what the limits are you're going to impose on your server, and what idea you have -if any - for a setting.




Alright, I found a lot of the problem device count wise - I have two massive broadside gun bays that are hidden behind ramps, and since ramps aren't airtight, I had corrected that "problem" with forcefield generator blocks. The bay openings are four blocks high, so I had to use 1x3 and 1x1 blocks down a massive length of ship. I think pulling those out removed something like 160 devices from the ship and dropped me back down to 10. I figure if I remove some excess lights, shorten the ship by a third, and stick to the simpler upper-hull design that I currently have on the starboard side, I'll be able to pull it in at under 10 total, if I'm really careful. Of course, the limits that Iceman wants to use on his server post 8.0 are of limited interest to me. Mainly, I'm concerned with what the limits are you're going to impose on your server, and what idea you have -if any - for a setting.
I'm going to be having to feel things out as I go. I think, at first, we'll probably stick to defaults... which might actually mean NO limits at the beginning. We're going to have to see how much strain the server can take, after all, before I can start really dialing in things for the best balance of performance vs panache.




It'll be 300 gigs, as a raid 10 - like I said, I got 4 300 gig drives.
...but 4x300 in a RAID 10 (or 01) will be 600GB? Still well under 2TB, though.





...but 4x300 in a RAID 10 (or 01) will be 600GB? Still well under 2TB, though.

No, it would be 300. Two 300s in a stripe make a 300, and then another two to mirror that stripe.

But plans are changing, I talked to a buddy of mine who's really good with this, and he sent me a really good deal on SSDs (see the games on sale thread), so I'm gonna get a 500 gig SSD, use that for the game server software, with backups made to the server's raid 5.




No, it would be 300. Two 300s in a stripe make a 300, and then another two to mirror that stripe.
No, 2x300 in a stripe = 600, and then another stripe to mirror = 600 total.
But yes I agree even a single SSD is going to be a better idea, what with the astronomical (heh) decrease in access time.





No, 2x300 in a stripe = 600, and then another stripe to mirror = 600 total.
But yes I agree even a single SSD is going to be a better idea, what with the astronomical (heh) decrease in access time.

Er, sorry, yeah, had a brain fart there. But yeah, it's all moot anyway.




And it's done. I'll have to find time later to do all the fancy photography and make the blueprint available and such, but for right now, she's a size class 10 (9.51) battleship that takes 34.5hr to spawn. Right now it's down to 9, an Aislynn is ferrying me to Yaral right now.




And it's done. I'll have to find time later to do all the fancy photography and make the blueprint available and such, but for right now, she's a size class 10 (9.51) battleship that takes 34.5hr to spawn. Right now it's down to 9, an Aislynn is ferrying me to Yaral right now.
Heh, nice... don't forget to stuff the rock dust back in the constructors and queue up a jillion more armored concrete blocks to replace the ones you take (the current batch should be in the cargo box behind the food processor).




Gonna need a demon name.




Gonna need a demon name.





Gonna need a demon name.
Here's my list (with stuff we've used already removed)

Orobos (used, but lost in combat so it can be used again)




Have you used Malphas?




And just for completeness' sake, here's the ones on the list we HAVE used already:
Azrael (not a demon, but an angel of destruction)
Orobos (destroyed, so available again)

Also, two of the CV battleships we got from SkN back during the alien wars were christened Trenchard's Revenge and Trenchard's Revenge II. I guess there's always room for Trenchard's Revenge III :p




Have you used Malphas?
No, I have not.




I usually go to the Key of Solomon for that kind of thing.

My favorite is Buer!




And here (s)he is in Covenant Orbit - the Malphas.

Malphas fore.png

And the overhead shot for size comparison.
Malphas size comp.png

Clocks in just under the size of the carrier, as it should be.




but if you want to win at pvp, you gotta be a weenie flying a big hunk of cheese.

A Svelte Size Class 10, y'all.




She's all ready for cheesy battle.


Though I'm thinking of renaming her the Weenie Cheese Sandwich, not the Cheesy Wiener Sandwich. That way I get a smegma joke in there too, for the extra punch :p




Has Eva seen this yet? I want this to be a surprise when we bring this to combat.




Has Eva seen this yet? I want this to be a surprise when we bring this to combat.
Well, he wasn't streaming last night, so we have a shot.




I'm pretty sure he's in the dark about it. I quietly built it on the server last night, and ammo'd it up, while he was busy spawning npc monsters on noobs :p I can't wait to see his reaction too :p




Experimental 8 release candidate 1:


Supposedly they're going to announce tomorrow when it will be going to stable branch.




Experimental 8 release candidate 1:


Supposedly they're going to announce tomorrow when it will be going to stable branch.
Any word on whether its release will change the price?





Incidentally, the night I "present" the Weenie Cheese Sandwich to Evasong won't be tonight... My router's going downhill fast. It keeps locking up and rebooting itself, which disconnects everything in my home from the internet for a good 30 seconds. Apparently last night around 3 am it started happening every 15 minutes or so. New router gets here tomorrow :/

Any word on whether its release will change the price?

No. But I doubt it'll ever get any cheaper than it is.




We've been tooling around trying to find a halfway decent Alpha 8 RC1 server to play on. So far I've struck out both times. Bugs-Universe lives up to its name, in that none of the trees can be harvested (or seen, by some people, like me), and there are no prey or predator creatures to kill to level up, so I'm just stuck on planet not able to level up enough to unlock the blueprints for the ships I can afford (mining doesn't seem to grant XP anymore). Unknown Skies public server is nicely populated, but keeps throwing server errors while you attempt to connect because the ping is over 200ms, and decided to drop my life pod in the middle of the ocean. So yay. Alpha 8 really seems to be about drawing out the survival experience and slowing down the early game. If that's the case, I will probably power through it as quickly as I can on-server so I never have to deal with it again.




Well, we found a server that we could start on, in vanilla mode. And, I gotta say, the survival aspect is taking way too much control of this game. I'm going back to 7.6.1 until 8.0 hits stable, and then we'll probably all need to log in at the same time to get to a point where we can reliably build a small, safe base.




..... We starved to death while waiting to freeze to death because a single plant monster was camping our portable constructor, which we had to put in the water, because two dozen rampaging spiders were waiting for us on shore. :confused:




Also, for some incredibly bizarre reason, each time I tried to create a faction on the server we wound up on, it would create the faction and assign a bunch of random people to it, most of them owners and admins, and usually only make me a member. I even named one of them cornpoplolamargo and made the initials cL& because I couldn't imagine that anyone else would've come up with the same, and apparently they had.




@GasBandit You left the Cheese set to private instead of faction and the offline protection nearly killed Dave.




@GasBandit You left the Cheese set to private instead of faction and the offline protection nearly killed Dave.
Oops. Well, good learning experience for Dave then :p




So THAT'S what the offline protection looks like!




So THAT'S what the offline protection looks like!
It seems to me rather dumb that the offline protection shield only becomes visible at 400m, whereas weapons range is ~900km in space.




Ok! Update to the server status checklist!

Server status:
[X] Server arrived
[X] Verified that stuff works
[X] Replacement CPUs arrived
[ ] UPS arrived (Est Delivery 6/1)
[X] CPUs replaced, work
[ ] Operating system arrived (Est Delivery 6/4-6/7)
[X] Drivers needed for OS reinstall obtained
[ ] RAID reconfigured to 10
[ ] SSD received
[ ] PCI SSD card received
[ ] SSD installed
[ ] Operating System reinstalled
[X] Operating System cracked
[X] Ancillary software installed (Teamviewer, Steam)
[ ] Empyrion Dedicated server configured

Ok, so... since my legit copy of windows 7 won't arrive until next week, I figured, what's the harm in opening up powershell and dusting off my old pirate skills to see what I can do...

Long story short, the server is now running an activated copy of Windows 2016 Standard... :shiftyeyes:

Sometimes I even amaze myself. Man I wish the SSD was here already, I'm itching to get it in and get this thing finished up. Not so looking forward to the backbreaking schlep to get it home, buuuut...




You're installing 2xSSDs? What, one SATA and one PCIe?
Also, yay for both CPUs functioning. Big question is, do they make enough of a difference? I mean, besides being able to make Handbrake crunch through one entire 2hr DVD every 3 minutes or something.





You're installing 2xSSDs? What, one SATA and one PCIe?
Also, yay for both CPUs functioning. Big question is, do they make enough of a difference? I mean, besides being able to make Handbrake crunch through one entire 2hr DVD every 3 minutes or something.

No, just the one, but I'm installing it directly into a PCIe slot instead of through the SAS/SATA controller, for EVEN MORE SPEED.

As for the CPUs, this game is both a RAM and CPU hog, so I definitely wanted to make sure it had the muscle to flex on both accounts.

Also - check your steam.




So apparently we're going to start getting some competition out in PvP space. Sounds like Eva has been goading StF into coming to find us and take our resource planets away from us. I went and parked a Bad Penny on one of the nearer Pentaxid miners on Mars, but then I let Noodle goad me into rage quitting for the night, so that's as far as I got.




I'm installing [the SSD] directly into a PCIe slot instead of through the SAS/SATA controller, for EVEN MORE SPEED.
I thought you were getting a SATA SSD? Do you mean you got a PCIe->SATA-III adapter instead of going with what is probably only onboard SATA-II? Because I don't think those machines have an EFI that lets them boot from PCIe-based NVMe storage (unless there's some update I don't know about), and finding the best AHCI-based gumstick drives has become hella expensive because everyone knows they're the last, best ones.
Also - check your steam.
Thanks, I owe you one. One that's not too big, though. Was going to wait until after D3 season-end. Now I'm conflicted.





Do you mean you got a PCIe->SATA-III adapter




Ah, I know that one. I've been looking at it to add SATA3 to my Pro.
They also make a dual-drive carrier to allow 2 drives on one slot, but it's 5-6x more expensive, and there are some incompatibilities with some OSes.

Also I hope you checked to see if it'll fit in a 2U...I don't think the carrier you linked is HH.





Ok, I couldn't help myself... I started up the server early, even though I don't have the SSD in yet. Feel free to check it out, it should call itself Halforums Empyrion Server (should be searchable on the multiplayer menu) and the password is gasbandit. Just keeping it locked for now, once we get a handle on how this works, I'll take it public. I'm mostly interested in performance testing right now :p It's running 7.6.2 (stable).

Ah, I know that one. I've been looking at it to add SATA3 to my Pro.
They also make a dual-drive carrier to allow 2 drives on one slot, but it's 5-6x more expensive, and there are some incompatibilities with some OSes.

Also I hope you checked to see if it'll fit in a 2U...I don't think the carrier you linked is HH.

I got risers. Anything will fit. Also, there's a guy in there with a review specifically saying how well and easily it went into and works on his PE R710.




[QUOTE="GasBandit, post: 1398723, member: 167"I got risers. Anything will fit.[/QUOTE]
Oh, good. Otherwise you were going to have to cut a hole in your server lid for the Supercharger Scoop Dam (i.e., SSD) to stick up.





Ok, I couldn't help myself... I started up the server early, even though I don't have the SSD in yet. Feel free to check it out, it should call itself Halforums Empyrion Server (should be searchable on the multiplayer menu) and the password is gasbandit. Just keeping it locked for now, once we get a handle on how this works, I'll take it public. I'm mostly interested in performance testing right now :p It's running 7.6.2 (stable).

I got risers. Anything will fit. Also, there's a guy in there with a review specifically saying how well and easily it went into and works on his PE R710.
Hmm. 'gasbandit' 'Gasbandit' and 'GasBandit' all fail as the password.




Hmm. 'gasbandit' 'Gasbandit' and 'GasBandit' all fail as the password.
That's odd, the password is definitely gasbandit all lower case...

Fuck it. Removing the password.

If it gets crowded as shit or something I can reset it or we can test something else.




I'm in. :)




So what did Noodle do to piss you off, @Gared ?




Alpha 8 will go stable June 12th.


A major update on a TUESDAY? Be still my heart!




So what did Noodle do to piss you off, @Gared ?
Oh, I wandered into one of her and Eva's conversations in global about how PvE is such a horrible drain on resources for real players and how this isn't Minecraft with pretty ships, the game isn't meant to be played that way and we're wrecking the server for everyone by asking for resource planets.




Ah. So they were the gatekeepers of how the game should be played. If you don't want PvE on your server, get rid of the PvE planets.




Ah. So they were the gatekeepers of how the game should be played. If you don't want PvE on your server, get rid of the PvE planets.
I let Iceman know in discord PMs I was leaving the server, and my crew was most likely coming with me, to start my own server

He said "thats fine bro i understand you could have just taken over Renntech to Be Honest, im wanting to take a step back"

I said we didn't want to deal with noodles.

He said "yeah why u think im stepping back"

Oigh. That server is doomed.




But if you took over Renntech you could nerf Noodles. Ooh! And THEN leave!




But if you took over Renntech you could nerf Noodles. Ooh! And THEN leave!
And then the actual owner of the server, who previously stepped back, Neocorricon, could come back and pull the rug out from under me and reinstall noodles because he's known her longer and doesn't know me at all!

No thanks, I'll be admin of a server to which only I have physical access, thanks ;)




I'm going to log on to yours tonight. Not sure I'll go back to RennTech. No Noodles for Dave.




I'm going to log on to yours tonight. Not sure I'll go back to RennTech. No Noodles for Dave.
I might go back ONE more time, just to try to fight evasong with the weenie cheese... but I also might not. Maybe a clean break is best.




I might log on tonight and make all my stuff public, then log off. If anyone finds it, good for them.




I might log on tonight and make all my stuff public, then log off. If anyone finds it, good for them.
Nah, it's in PvP Territory, make em TAKE it

not that anybody's gonna go to unsullied before alpha 8 wipes everything on the 12th.




I was kind of hoping that Eva would be able to play as a player on a new server, but as soon as he said he can't play without being an admin because he can't "help" people without admin powers I lost hope.




Meanwhile, over on Gas' server, we've semi-successfully established a beachhead on Akua. You'll need to apply for the faction before you approach the base though, Akua is currently set to PvP. Though I suppose I could disable faction targeting on the guns.




I was kind of hoping that Eva would be able to play as a player on a new server, but as soon as he said he can't play without being an admin because he can't "help" people without admin powers I lost hope.
"I can't play without being an admin, because winning without breaking the rules would be such work"




Meanwhile, over on Gas' server, we've semi-successfully established a beachhead on Akua. You'll need to apply for the faction before you approach the base though, Akua is currently set to PvP. Though I suppose I could disable faction targeting on the guns.
I landed in a copper-sparse zone, so I can't build anything particularly advanced. I might have to figure out how to hoof it over to your beachhead. I used up about 100 bullets before I could build a little mob-resistant wooden platform on a beach.




And of COURSE I started on tallodar this time :p




And of COURSE I started on tallodar this time :p
Delete your player file and start over :)

I just respawned to a drone killing my base, so when it killed me, I did a "fresh start".

Imagine how unhappy I was to realize you start over with even less resources..no gun :(




Delete your player file and start over :)

I just respawned to a drone killing my base, so when it killed me, I did a "fresh start".

Imagine how unhappy I was to realize you start over with even less resources..no gun :(
Want me to delete your player file too?




Want me to delete your player file too?
Sure :)




BALEETED (or rather, renamed to .bak in case it was the wrong one)




Server resource utilization with 4 players on:


Also, lol, Dave went to tallodar too, right after I deleted my player file there.




Interested to see what happens if you put 4 size class 12 vessels in battle with one another in an asteroid belt.

On the plus side, it looks like you have plenty of cycles left over for ... whatever else you have planned.





And Dave is going to probably wipe and start on Akua. I put down just the absolute basics I needed for a base and was trying to get stuff together. Less than 10 minutes later my base was attacked by drones. I didn't have enough exp for an ammo box yet so I deconstructed what I could before they came. 2 of them. LARGE base attack drones. I ran back to the admin abandoned base and killed one of them with my pistol (!!) but ran out of ammo. The other one camped me. And I mean it fucking CAMPED ME!!





And Dave is going to probably wipe and start on Akua. I put down just the absolute basics I needed for a base and was trying to get stuff together. Less than 10 minutes later my base was attacked by drones. I didn't have enough exp for an ammo box yet so I deconstructed what I could before they came. 2 of them. LARGE base attack drones. I ran back to the admin abandoned base and killed one of them with my pistol (!!) but ran out of ammo. The other one camped me. And I mean it fucking CAMPED ME!!

View attachment 26951View attachment 26952View attachment 26953
Heh, want me to delete your file so you can start over on akua with full inventory?




Let me log in and see if that stupid thing is still there.




Yes, he was still there. But god DAMN did I have some fun.

I ran out of protection and placed a constructor, then I put in the materials needed to make ammo for my pistol. I died once in the process as he bombed me. When I respawned I dodged him, a spider, a couple bug creatures, and some raptors, got my ammo out of the constructor and blew that mother fucker out of the sky.





Sometimes those bastards have power coils in them, don't let em go to waste! That's Zascosium and Erestrum you won't have to leave to find!




It only had a few power packs.




I'm gonna go ahead and go with the 10k limit on orbital bases, just to keep the planets from getting cluttered up.




I'm gonna go ahead and go with the 10k limit on orbital bases, just to keep the planets from getting cluttered up.
Ok, though I don't think it will be much of an issue - even on my server, all this goes away in 12 days.




Ok, though I don't think it will be much of an issue - even on my server, all this goes away in 12 days.
I just figure it's a good habit to get into.




The Weenie Cheese Sandwich did not disappoint. Evasong about lost his mind.




Autominers are on Akua Moon. I placed one on an iron deposit (100/hour) and one on a pentaxid deposit (30/hour).




Gouda fight!




Heh. I didn't know you'd painted on a wax rind, too.









I "technically" lost this one.

Riiiight. You got your ass kicked, Eva.




Ok, I got the chatbot working on the server, and even managed to link it up with its own channel in discord, so now all server global chat will show up in the empyrion-server-chat channel, and any discord user's entries there will be rebroadcast by the server into the game.





I logged on for a bit today but I'm kinda stuck where I'm at. I have 0 gear and am half a planet away.





I logged on for a bit today but I'm kinda stuck where I'm at. I have 0 gear and am half a planet away.
I can come pick you up.
We don't have any "resource planets" like renntech did, so things are progressing a bit slower than they were there.
I imagine GB will get into customizing once 8.0 drops




I imagine GB will get into customizing once 8.0 drops
Yeah no point in learning 7 since it’s going away in a week and a half anyway.





There are now "Teleporter Facility" buldings on Akua and Tallodar that players can use to teleport from one to the other, if they think the grass is greener.




Yeah no point in learning 7 since it’s going away in a week and a half anyway.

I'm actually learning how to customize now, so that I can do it better in a8.




Well, twice now we've struck out to colonize Ningues, and twice now we've limped home with our tails between our legs, more or less. To be fair, the massive frickin' alien ship that mowed down an AP tank and two ships before slowly being plinked to death by our (manned) base guns way out classed us.




There is now a fully functioning resource world called Bonanza that can be farmed for materials like Yaral was on Renntech. With two differences -

One, it's a PVP playfield, so watch out for unfriendly players.
Two, the jump to get there is too far for an SV, so you'll need a CV to go.

Getting Erestrum and Zascosium is such a trial, my next step is gonna be to figure out how to create and edit traders, so I can create a trader on Akua and Tallodar that sells Erestrum, Zascosium, Sathium, and Neodymium, but at hyper-inflated prices.




We have achieved capital vessel technology! With a MK II Warpsled, to be used as a Warpsemi, primarily, to move resources back and forth from Bonanza. Then we'll colonize Bonanza Orbit, which is also PvP space. Which kind of leads to my next bit. Factions. If anyone wants to splinter off, now that we're at a survivable point, please feel free. Take some resources, we'll bring a bunch back from bonanza and bootstrap anyone who wants it up to endgame level for the last 9 days of the server. In fact, if you want, we'll happily leave a public box on a space station (not our main one, obviously) in Bonanza orbit full of resources for anyone who wants to come blow ships up with us. All I ask is that if you're going to splinter off, you do it before you waypoint our main PvP base in Bonanza Orbit. :p




I have learned how to create custom POIs and custom merchants. There is now an exotic materials merchant on Ningues that will sell Neodymium, Erestrum, Zascosium, and Pentaxid for exorbitant prices. This will serve both as a possible path for early players to get their hands on the mats (albeit with wheeling and dealing for credits first), and for later players to make money selling the ingots to the merchant.

I haven't figured out how to get the merchant to adjust his prices according to his stock, yet, though.




but at hyper-inflated prices.
So on Renntech, we have to worry about the admins shooting us out of the skies.
But on GBI, the admins just ruin you financially?

Also, I have some experience with game provisioning, so if I figure it out, I'll let you know.





So on Renntech, we have to worry about the admins shooting us out of the skies.
But on GBI, the admins just ruin you financially?

Also, I have some experience with game provisioning, so if I figure it out, I'll let you know.

There are other ways to get the resources too, you don't have to buy them. This is just, probably, the least imaginative way to get them, now :p




Starting tonight, the server will restart at 2am central (3am eastern, and so on) every night, and wipe planet Bonanza (Bonanza ORBIT is not wiped). Thus, the server has its own renewable resource world again. Take note, it IS a PvP playfield.




My own offhand comment about making the warp sled into a warp semi has resulted in this.

Bruin Lines Semi.png




My own offhand comment about making the warp sled into a warp semi has resulted in this.

View attachment 26970
Now you just need George Peppard Jr. to pilot it.





Welp, I waited to make sure everything went smoothly on the automatic restart/wipe at 2am... 5 min warning hit... then 3... then 2.. then 1... then the server process ended... aaaand then the gateway for my work's internet went offline. Tracing to my office gave destination net unreachable. The 4 machines I have at work with TeamViewer installed all show offline.

I'm not going in to work at 2am to figure out this problem. The timing, and the point in the trace at which it dies, makes me think the ISP is doing maintenance. But it is galling that I won't know until I wake up in 6 hours or so if the Empyrion Dedicated Server process successfully restarted.




It doesn't appear to have worked.




Apparently there was a power outage at 2:00:19 am. That's coincidental timing if ever I heard. But at any rate, that means I don't know if the automatic restart would have worked because it executes at 2:00:00 am and then has a 45 second delay between shutdown of the EDS and starting it back up again >_< Well, at least the wipe seems to have worked.




At least the radiation problem on Tallodar is fixed now, so people might actually play there.




Hrm, doesn't seem to do a lot of good putting the EDS in the startup folder on the server if it doesn't process that folder after a power outage until I actually log in.

Man, I hope that UPS gets here today. And the SSD would be nice.




We now have an entry on empyrion-servers.com, https://empyrion-servers.com/server/21535/

If you guys go there and upvote it, it will help the server's visibility, maybe get us some more randos :D




Oh, and apparently you get to vote once per day per IP. So, Aislynn and Gared only get one vote between them, but you can still vote every day to help keep us high on the list!




Yay, the SSD got here today! I'm gonna wait until the UPS gets here, too, so I only have to take down the server once to take care of both.

Also, this SSD is stupid light. Like, I've had USB sticks that weighed more.




Oh, and apparently you get to vote once per day per IP. So, Aislynn and Gared only get one vote between them, but you can still vote every day to help keep us high on the list!
Voted. And I also can vote at home...




Voted. And I also can vote at home...
Bear in mind it records your Steam ID too, when you vote, and they warn against voting shenanigans with a threat of resetting all votes to 0, then delisting for further offenses. Sooo, might not be worth trying to game it.




Damn it. So it's NOT IP based, it's Steam ID based. That's different.




Damn it. So it's NOT IP based, it's Steam ID based. That's different.
It's both. It tracks both Steam ID and IP, and specifically says one vote per IP. It doesn't specifically say one vote per Steam ID, but I am assuming.




Yay, the SSD got here today! I'm gonna wait until the UPS gets here, too, so I only have to take down the server once to take care of both.

Also, this SSD is stupid light. Like, I've had USB sticks that weighed more.
Interior of Samsung 850 EVO SSD:






Seeing Gared's latest capital vessel reminded me of something..





Alright, I think I finally got a handle on the automatic nightly restart.

I probably won't be actually "playing" the game much for the rest of the week, I'm working on custom content in creative mode. I will still be available to help with problems though, and can switch over and back easily.

For example, on that massive size 140 space station, tonight I converted it to an admin structure and then painstakingly set 0000 (public) to all 731 doors, 130 hangar/shutter doors, 80 toilets, 127 cargo boxes, showers, medical facilities, constructors, furnaces, etc, etc etc.... Now I just need to finish populating it with merchants, npcs, and teleporters. Did you know it has a goddamned ice hockey rink? It does! Also the place is SO much more well lit if you turn off shadows in your settings. Everything becomes smooth as butter, then. Which is good, adding as many lights as that place needs would KILL your fps.

I'm toying with the idea of changing Bonanza ORBIT to PvE (but leaving Bonanza itself PvP), because I had planned to put this station in bonanza orbit, but all the parking space will go to waste if every time two non-allied CVs show up their turrets start firing at each other, and they have to fight or run instead of park and shop.




tonight I converted it to an admin structure and then painstakingly set 0000 (public) to all 731 doors, 130 hangar/shutter doors, 80 toilets, 127 cargo boxes, showers, medical facilities, constructors, furnaces, etc, etc etc....
I take it there's no CHMOD/ATTRIB equivalent you can execute against the core and just be done with it?





I take it there's no CHMOD/ATTRIB equivalent you can execute against the core and just be done with it?

God, I wish. So much.

Seriously, this thing is huge. It's like 270m x 270m x 180m or so, I think. It's pretty damn close to the dimension limit.

It's like 4 luxury hotels, a shopping mall, a casino, a movie theater, an ice hockey arena, a 360-growplot farm, and an international airport all got mashed together.




I liked the idea of massive PvP fields inside, but yeah, having to cut and run anytime someone else shows up outside is a bit much.




Also, did you notice there's a full jail in there, too?




I liked the idea of massive PvP fields inside, but yeah, having to cut and run anytime someone else shows up outside is a bit much.
Yeah, it's a bummer. I thought maybe I could make a PVP instance that people would arrive at by portal (so no ships), but then it would despawn/reset within a couple hours of the creation of each instance.

Also, did you notice there's a full jail in there, too?
No, I didn't! I'll need to put up freakin signs and stuff in there, it's incredibly easy to get lost.




Yeah, it's a bummer. I thought maybe I could make a PVP instance that people would arrive at by portal (so no ships), but then it would despawn/reset within a couple hours of the creation of each instance.
What if we set it up as a permanent structure somewhere in PvP space (say, some Hell world out past Masperon, where all of your Demon class ships live), and set permanent teleporters to it from a few major TSOs. Then we could surround the space around it with Admin ships and bases so no players could destroy it accidentally (and so all of the server would be required to work together as a concerted effort to take it out on purpose). Then, opposing factions could use it as a playground and all they'd have to do is go to two separate TSOs and all use the same teleporter?

No, I didn't! I'll need to put up freakin signs and stuff in there, it's incredibly easy to get lost.
Yeah, it took me (what felt like) ages to find those doors Aislynn kept falling out of last night and get back to my truck. There needs to be much better signage between the "airport" sections with the doors to the outside and the city sections with all of the restaurants and jails and hospitals and shtuff.




What if we set it up as a permanent structure somewhere in PvP space (say, some Hell world out past Masperon, where all of your Demon class ships live), and set permanent teleporters to it from a few major TSOs. Then we could surround the space around it with Admin ships and bases so no players could destroy it accidentally (and so all of the server would be required to work together as a concerted effort to take it out on purpose). Then, opposing factions could use it as a playground and all they'd have to do is go to two separate TSOs and all use the same teleporter?
Well, once it is set to be an admin structure ([Adm] faction tag) by putting an admin core in it, it becomes immune to all damage anyway, so it doesn't really need to be "protected" by ships or anything. Or did you mean make it an Alien POI type deal?

The issue there is, if I put enough admin ships with turrets around it to "protect" it, it will probably kill client performance. The reason they implemented turret limits for CVs and bases was not game balance, it was because back in alpha 4 and earlier, when there was no turret limit, they found that the turrets caused major framerate issues once they got more than 40 or so working at the same time in the same area. Which is a lot of why the alien events on Renntech went the way they did.




Don't forget to vote once a day, guys!





Well, once it is set to be an admin structure ([Adm] faction tag) by putting an admin core in it, it becomes immune to all damage anyway, so it doesn't really need to be "protected" by ships or anything. Or did you mean make it an Alien POI type deal?

The issue there is, if I put enough admin ships with turrets around it to "protect" it, it will probably kill client performance. The reason they implemented turret limits for CVs and bases was not game balance, it was because back in alpha 4 and earlier, when there was no turret limit, they found that the turrets caused major framerate issues once they got more than 40 or so working at the same time in the same area. Which is a lot of why the alien events on Renntech went the way they did.
Well, if making the structure an admin structure protects it from damage, then there's really no reason to worry about surrounding it with anything, just hide it out in the middle of nowhere somewhere and set some permanent teleporters to it from various TSOs, with a warning sign that using the opposing teleporter is the only way back and that the user is going to warp onto a PvP battlefield and let the players sort it out for them(our)selves. Maybe put it in its own orbital playfield and rig up an LCD screen block and some coding (if it's possible) to show how many players are on that playfield (but not who or where they are).

Edit: Actually, it would be really cool (but a lot of work) to take a copy and fill it up with turrets, spawners, and sentry guns and then put the core on the very outside, easily accessible. Then you could stick an alien core on it and let PvE players run it as a dungeon/raid or stick an admin core in it an open it up for PvPers to use as a big paintball arena.




Well, if making the structure an admin structure protects it from damage, then there's really no reason to worry about surrounding it with anything, just hide it out in the middle of nowhere somewhere and set some permanent teleporters to it from various TSOs, with a warning sign that using the opposing teleporter is the only way back and that the user is going to warp onto a PvP battlefield and let the players sort it out for them(our)selves. Maybe put it in its own orbital playfield and rig up an LCD screen block and some coding (if it's possible) to show how many players are on that playfield (but not who or where they are).

Edit: Actually, it would be really cool (but a lot of work) to take a copy and fill it up with turrets, spawners, and sentry guns and then put the core on the very outside, easily accessible. Then you could stick an alien core on it and let PvE players run it as a dungeon/raid or stick an admin core in it an open it up for PvPers to use as a big paintball arena.
A dangerous PvP arena is an idea. I could put it in its own Space playfield with no planet and no warps to/from. Could put teleporters in various other systems that port you to various sections of the station. I could use an Alien core and make it a POI in the YAML so that it could regenerate itself and randomize loot...

Lots to think about.

But yeah, also lots of work.




Alright, here's what I've come up with for server rules:


Please chime in with any changes/edits/additions you think should be made.




Alright, here's what I've come up with for server rules:


Please chime in with any changes/edits/additions you think should be made.
Do you want to put in a rule against embargoing jump-in points in PvP space?




Do you want to put in a rule against embargoing jump-in points in PvP space?
Hrm, I had thought to not mention that until/unless it became an issue (so as not to give people ideas). Think I should get ahead of it instead?




Alright, here's what I've come up with for server rules:


Please chime in with any changes/edits/additions you think should be made.
I am going to go over these with a scanning electron microscope once I get home. You have been warned.





Hrm, I had thought to not mention that until/unless it became an issue (so as not to give people ideas). Think I should get ahead of it instead?
Yes, because I was going to do it to people.




Yes, because I was going to do it to people.




Well, adding the SSD was apparently the straw that broke the PSU's back. This thing only had one of an optional two PSUs installed when I got it, and I was hoping it'd be enough, but now with the SSD in, it's drawing too many watts. To get it back up, I had to lower the CPU frequencies to half and lower the RAM frequency to 800mhz.

The supplimentary power supply is ordered and should be here monday.

Meantime, the SSD is in and working, and the Empyrion server is now running from the SSD. Tonight I'll set up an automated backup solution to the RAID 5.




Well, it's good to know that sometimes, creative mode is just as alpha as survival mode. I was just attempting to build a docking cradle for the Malphas so I could build a space base around it. Had a nice long single row of concrete stretching out toward the planet and the Malphas hanging in space above it. Just before starting the port docking arm, I decided to "O" the Malphas so she would be perfectly lined up (having already made sure that both the ship and the base were parallel to the ecliptic). Doing so inexplicably caused the Malphas to roll backward and impale herself on that long stretch of concrete, coring herself out and becoming a drifting hulk in space.




Well, it's good to know that sometimes, creative mode is just as alpha as survival mode. I was just attempting to build a docking cradle for the Malphas so I could build a space base around it. Had a nice long single row of concrete stretching out toward the planet and the Malphas hanging in space above it. Just before starting the port docking arm, I decided to "O" the Malphas so she would be perfectly lined up (having already made sure that both the ship and the base were parallel to the ecliptic). Doing so inexplicably caused the Malphas to roll backward and impale herself on that long stretch of concrete, coring herself out and becoming a drifting hulk in space.





I wanted to spend last night working on an automatic backup process and maybe work on customizing that space station more, but I ended up just spectating you guys playing all night :p Oigh.

I'm going out of town this weekend (family reunion) so the amount of time I have left before Alpha 8 hits stable is limited, I need to get on the stick.




The server is now #11.




The server is now #11.
Keep voting, ya mugs!




How do you think I knew it was #11?




How do you think I knew it was #11?
Because it was #11 yesterday, too? And Gas said so in chat?





*pfft* Like I read the chat.

Besides, when I logged in today it was #12 or #13, so there.




It does go up and down periodically over the course of the day.

So we need errbody to vote errday.




The server is now making automatic timestamped backups of the empyrion server's savegame data every hour on the half hour. It works! I don't have to do nothin! Yay!




How does that work without interrupting gameplay? Does it back up a shadow copy or something?





How does that work without interrupting gameplay? Does it back up a shadow copy or something?

Kinda. I just have a windows task launch a bat file that -
Goes to my backups folder on my RAID volume
Makes a new folder, goes into it
goes to the empyrion save data folder on the SSD
xcopy /e *.* c:
go back to the backups folder
ren "newbackup" "Save Backup - %date:/=-% %time::=-%"

It seems to get everything.




And this is why it was so hard to target the turrets on the drone base:





Welp, did the tutorial. Went through the whole thing, escaped, and now I'm level 11. So I spent some points.
Oh, and I also learned a little more about piloting. Flew my ship around for a while, discovered I can't land on a planet with it, flew back to the orbital station and successfully landed it back in the hangar.
And then when I turned it off and tried to get out, the entire ship despawned and I fell down and died (or maybe I was just really injured, I'm not sure).
Yay, Alpha!

On another note, this game uses SO many buttons. I'm going to have to play the single-player more to learn the controls/interface than the gameplay!





Welp, did the tutorial. Went through the whole thing, escaped, and now I'm level 11.
Yeah, about those levels... They only pertain to the exact single player game, or multiplayer server, that you earned them on. When you go online, or start a new non-tutorial game, you're back to level 1.




And then when I turned it off and tried to get out, the entire ship despawned and I fell down and died (or maybe I was just really injured, I'm not sure).
Yay, Alpha!

Ha! The same thing happened to me last night. Got back from helping @Aislynn defend a new base, flew my ship back to my home planet, went to get out of the ship, and fell straight through the (3 levels of) floor and out of the ship, nearly breaking my leg in the process (thank god for medium armor).




Making custom content for the server is kinda troublesome when a lot of what works in 7.6.1 won't work in a8. I'm debating updating my client to the experimental branch so that I can start working on content for the post-update server, but I also worry that things still might change (a new RC patch) that will render my preparations useless between now and then. If there is to be another patch, it usually comes down on friday... which is bad for my schedule because I'll be going out of town saturday morning and won't get back until sunday night.

Hopefully, what I can do is build a world on my local PC monday night, then upload the save data after I update the server on tuesday, and have it "just work." Here's crossing my fingers and knocking on wood. I hope I'll be able to copy and paste a lot of the stuff between yaml files. I don't relish rebuilding them from scratch.

Also, I wanna *play* alpha 8, too >_< not just admin it. Hopefully it won't need much GM intervention after the initial setup.




Update to 8. If you need help making shit or adminning I have time and I'm terrible at playing it anyway.




Update to 8. If you need help making shit or adminning I have time and I'm terrible at playing it anyway.
You got a base to rebuild :p Gared has festooned your island with innumerable defense turret tanks to facilitate your rise from the ashes!




Not going to bother. I'd have to break down what is there before I could replace, then I'd have to do into the mode to see structure integrity. Then I'd have to get the mats for the new place, then the server would be wiped.




Not going to bother. I'd have to break down what is there before I could replace, then I'd have to do into the mode to see structure integrity. Then I'd have to get the mats for the new place, then the server would be wiped.
Well, that's your call either way. Just remember going forward - Oscutune is considered to be a high-difficulty planet. It's basically masperon but with nice weather.

But yeah, I expect most 7.6.1 servers are suffering from a large bout of "not gonna bother." Renntech certainly has, it has dropped to #28 on the server list.

Of course, HWS is still going strong, but that place is its own beast.




I logged into Renntech last night briefly just to reset the offline protection. :D




I'm running low on inspiration and gumption right now myself, but I could still use an actual test of the Malphas against a non-cheeseweenie ship. I'll probably still play every day though, just, not as rabidly.




I logged into Renntech last night briefly just to reset the offline protection. :D
I'm surprised we have anything left, it's coming up on 14 days I think, since I did a decay duty tour.




I'm running low on inspiration and gumption right now myself, but I could still use an actual test of the Malphas against a non-cheeseweenie ship. I'll probably still play every day though, just, not as rabidly.
Probably the best non-weeniecheese ship I've got would be my modified Reliant, but not meaning to malign your design or anything, I think the Malphas would be hard-pressed against it.

There are three common design philosophies to warships in this game - frontal assault, broadside, and point defense. Malphas, from what I've seen, ascribes to "point defense." It expects the attack could come from any direction, so it has some turrets all over it so it can put up some kind of defense no matter which direction that attack comes from.

This makes it strong vs SVs and AI drone attacks, but weak against "full frontal" attack CVs, like the Reliant (or the Weenie Cheese Sandwich :p ), where the design means that all turrets are located in such a way that they fire straight forward and the sides/rear/bottom of the ship are practically defenseless. The concentration of fire the FF paradigm allows it to overwhelm the turrets on a point defense design, and chew through armor to vitals rather quickly. The best hope a PD CV has against a FF CV is to be constantly fleeing and kiting the attacker, and rotating regularly to distribute damage evenly around the ship.

If you want, I can spawn you some things that you and Aislynn can toy around with, to see how things measure up.

I could also swap the server over to creative mode, letting you spawn in whatever you want for testing, but that might upset any other players that were working on bases and stuff (As I know Dimento is right this very moment).




Since Empyrion-Servers gives me an API that lets me know who has voted for the server and when, I'm thinking about setting up a voting reward to get people to vote. Something to the order of "vote for the server and receive a free stack of refined pentaxid, max 1/day!" or something. What do you guys think?

I just wish I could figure out a way to automate it.

In fact, maybe it'd be better to be a credit reward, I can do that from the server console without having to log in.




#6 on American servers....




#6 on American servers....
And the #4 American 7.6.1 server! (2 of the US servers above us on the list are on experimental)

But still #11 overall, and I think that's really the number people care about. Still, that's pretty good, given how astronomically young the server is.




Probably the best non-weeniecheese ship I've got would be my modified Reliant, but not meaning to malign your design or anything, I think the Malphas would be hard-pressed against it.

There are three common design philosophies to warships in this game - frontal assault, broadside, and point defense. Malphas, from what I've seen, ascribes to "point defense." It expects the attack could come from any direction, so it has some turrets all over it so it can put up some kind of defense no matter which direction that attack comes from.

This makes it strong vs SVs and AI drone attacks, but weak against "full frontal" attack CVs, like the Reliant (or the Weenie Cheese Sandwich :p ), where the design means that all turrets are located in such a way that they fire straight forward and the sides/rear/bottom of the ship are practically defenseless. The concentration of fire the FF paradigm allows it to overwhelm the turrets on a point defense design, and chew through armor to vitals rather quickly. The best hope a PD CV has against a FF CV is to be constantly fleeing and kiting the attacker, and rotating regularly to distribute damage evenly around the ship.

If you want, I can spawn you some things that you and Aislynn can toy around with, to see how things measure up.

I could also swap the server over to creative mode, letting you spawn in whatever you want for testing, but that might upset any other players that were working on bases and stuff (As I know Dimento is right this very moment).
The big thing about the Malphas is that it's not designed to go up against anything on its own - it's designed more for use as an escort for that massive carrier of yours. It's also designed to have a second person riding along to man the guns for me - either figuratively or literally, as they can either control specific turrets, or just pay attention to what side the primary assault is coming from (I know, lots of jinking will be going on, but bear with me) and shut the broadside ramps on that side, delaying the destruction of those guns while I roll the ship and attack with the full strength of the opposing broadside. That's also why I fully jacketed in the direct-fire weapons and stuck a turret (rather restrictively) behind a shutter door on the bow of the ship. There are also some redundant (though definitely not decoy) thrusters, RCS blocks, and the like up front, behind several spaced-out layers of armor. That way, I can bore in on a frontal trajectory, let my opponent's turrets lock onto those weapons, and then turn my sides to them and open up with my turrets, denying them their targets while I soak damage so you don't have to try to jink with a carrier. A gunner would allow me to worry about the piloting while they gave me roll instructions and opened and closed broadside ramps as needed.




At this point, I'm leaning toward a voting reward of ~6000 credits. That's enough to buy a T2 drill, or 20 large medpacks, for example... but the price range npc merchants have on boosters is 6400-9600 credits, so it's just shy of that.




I like the credit thing. I just wish there was a way to do what you want to do, which is a server-wide economy. I tried to google whether this has been addressed and started reading a page about this before I realized that this was a REAL wealth management company called Empyrion!




I like the credit thing. I just wish there was a way to do what you want to do, which is a server-wide economy. I tried to google whether this has been addressed and started reading a page about this before I realized that this was a REAL wealth management company called Empyrion!
The yaml comments make it SOUND like there's a way to change the NPCs to work the way I want them to, but there's no description I can find that tells you how to implement that. Also, apparently there's no way I can find to make it so that the trade network doesn't require you to go to the trade station to trade. Apparently the rationale for this change was that it was being exploited in PvP. People would strip down to nothing but light armor and carry no items, park a CV out of range of your CV/Base, then bodily prod for blind spots in your defenses. When they die, they just respawn in the same area, losing nothing. When they found a weakness, they'd pull up the trading network, buy weapons and ammo, and break into your base.

I'm not sure that's justification for the change, honestly though, what with Offline Protection now being a thing, and also sounds to me like people just needed to git gud at base defense design.




Incidentally, Edrondol and Garedicus now have their 6000 credit rewards for voting today :p Spend em while ya got em!




Sorta brings up the question: How much anti-grief protection is too much?

My answer? I-unno.




Soooo I'm still an "elder" in the renntech discord... and they're over in their clubhouse talkin' bout crazy shit like limiting everybody on the server to one CV and one base.

Whuf. Got outta there just in time >_<




The fuck? So what happens if you want to have a base at a different planet? Do you have to set the other to public? And is that per person? So can others in your faction have a different base? And limiting CVs I can guarantee is because of the way we set up our bases with CV protection.




limiting everybody on the server to one CV and one base.
Clearly they want to minimize having another wiener cheese sandwich incident, and give the mods a fighting chance against the players again.





The fuck? So what happens if you want to have a base at a different planet?
You have to remove the core from one base to place another.

And is that per person?
Per person and per faction, if I read them right. So, GBI would have gotten one CV, and one base, and each member could also have one private CV and one private base.

Clearly they want to minimize having another wiener cheese sandwich incident, and give the mods a fighting chance against the players again.

Supposedly a lot of people with crappy, out of date computers are extremely upset that Alpha 8 now preloads all entities in a playfield when entering it, instead of waiting for them to move into visual range to load them. Me, I say thank god, I hated the stuttering that happened when you first moved into visual range of a base with 6 or so CVs parked around it. Jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk, because the server had to stop your client to send all the block data for all those ships. Preload away, I say, let me take a few extra seconds warping in to eliminate the jerks - I just hope they're telling the truth about fixing the memory leak issues, though.




Hah, and then Ztrobe found out about it and threatened to take his ball and go home. He wants at least 10 bases and 10 CVs, he says. He reminds them that PvE players are a thing. THAT'S gonna convince Noodle and Dos. :rofl:




Per person and per faction, if I read them right. So, GBI would have gotten one CV, and one base, and each member could also have one private CV and one private base.
"How to kill a server in 1 easy step".




Hah, and then Ztrobe found out about it and threatened to take his ball and go home. He wants at least 10 bases and 10 CVs, he says. He reminds them that PvE players are a thing. THAT'S gonna convince Noodle and Dos. :rofl:
Ztrobe needs to find out about another server with an admin who is not an insane dickhead.




Ztrobe needs to find out about another server with an admin who is not an insane dickhead.
It came up in conversation a week or so ago :D




And to be fair, none of these discussions in elder chat involve Iceman (head admin) or Neocorricon (server owner), so it could just be a bunch of blowhards making noise and nothing will actually be ruined.




But since they are the ones who actually ever DO anything, they have the power to at least make it miserable for everyone else.




But since they are the ones who actually ever DO anything, they have the power to at least make it miserable for everyone else.
True, Noodle's entire raison d'etre is making people miserable... but the point is, these are changes that require altering the server setup. I know Noodle and Eva are far too lazy to go around MANUALLY enforcing these limitations (last I saw, there were still bases 1km from Yaral and it's been over a month since the 10k distance rule went into effect). And if Iceman or Neo don't make the changes, they won't happen.




I've added a server mod that should notify everyone when players join or leave, and also makes witty commentary when someone dies.

And it doesn't even spam the chatbot! Wish I could figure out how to make the chatbot's timed notifications not spam discord.




I figure, if there's gonna be a patch before alpha 8 goes stable branch, it's gonna be tomorrow. Thus, whether there is or not, I'll be updating the server to experimental 8 tomorrow night. Not much sense in putting it off any longer after that. I've got a save I can upload, ready to go, as long as they don't change anything too drastically.

To play on the experimental server this weekend, though, you will need to update your client to the experimental branch. You can do this by right clicking Empyrion in your library, going to "Properties," then the betas tab, and opting into the "experimental" selection of the pulldown. Then steam will patch the game, and you'll be good to go. Naturally, when it goes stable on tuesday, you can change this back to stable.




I think the experimental branch just got an update in the last hour or so.

Also, I wish motorbikes didn't love jumping into lakes.





I think the experimental branch just got an update in the last hour or so.

Also, I wish motorbikes didn't love jumping into lakes.

Hrm, I'm not seeing it... and no news about a patch on any site that I can see..




Oooh, this sounds a lot better than having to reboot the damn thing to get a playfield to wipe:
Surface Wipe Options for MP:
- Added surface wipe options for MP
- Ingame console command: wipe 'playfield name' <options>
> Options: deposit, terrain, poi, player, all
> You can have multiple options with a space separated.

'wipe Akua terrain deposit'
- This will wipe all terrain except around POIs and player structures (Bases) and all resource deposits.
- You can also use the EAH tool and configure your wipes in the Timetable.
- The set wipe process will be executed as soon as the playfield loads the next time.
And then you have silly shit like this:
- Renamed "Knowledgebase" into "Empyriopedia"
We standardize names of help files for a reason!




It looks like they changed terrain generation to enough of a degree that the save I built for it last night is now unusable and I have to build a new save again /headdesk

Well, maybe that's not so bad, I wasn't completely in love with the sector map anyway... I think I accidentally invoked the random map generator And it made things kinda... wonky. This time I'll know better.




Aaaaand Noodle just announced that they'll be stepping down as a mod. Ell oh ell.




Apparently we oh-so-briefly flirted with being #10 on the list yesterday! Get dem votes out, peeps!




Dimento says he's gonna try to call in some people from our old MWO unit, the Robinson Rangers Brigade. So that might get some more people on the server, and help us move up in the rankings, which will help get even more people on the server :D




@mikerc I really appreciate how you keep voting for the server even though you don't play on it - thanks for helping out ;)




Sadly, it looks like you may need to hold off on pulling the trigger on that server version switch - this new RC is chock full of bugs. So far I have logs that fly away when you finish cutting down a tree and the chainsaw comes into contact with the logs as they fall, trees that disappear when you walk near them (but stop you if you try to walk through them), and berry bushes that have no hit boxes. Fair amount of consternation over on the official forums about how much of a change there was in terrain between RC1 and RC2, and the definition of "no major changes."




Sadly, it looks like you may need to hold off on pulling the trigger on that server version switch - this new RC is chock full of bugs. So far I have logs that fly away when you finish cutting down a tree and the chainsaw comes into contact with the logs as they fall, trees that disappear when you walk near them (but stop you if you try to walk through them), and berry bushes that have no hit boxes. Fair amount of consternation over on the official forums about how much of a change there was in terrain between RC1 and RC2, and the definition of "no major changes."
God dammit, Eleon.




Adding and continually ramping up the amount of camera shake is really starting to piss me off, too. I can barely use the drone anymore because pointing it straight at something causes the camera to spin in circles at least 5 times before settling down, and it's like that each time you change your focus. The fact that they felt the need to add camera shake to the rocket turret is just mind boggling.




I can't even run the game in experimental mode. Yes, I'm starting Steam in admin mode.

It's telling me that I can't run 8 because I have DirectX9 and that only works with version 7 so please switch back. I did dxdiag and it tells me I have 12 installed, so...:aaah:




I can't even run the game in experimental mode. Yes, I'm starting Steam in admin mode.

It's telling me that I can't run 8 because I have DirectX9 and that only works with version 7 so please switch back. I did dxdiag and it tells me I have 12 installed, so...:aaah:
Try a clean install?




Already downloading.




Nope. Also updated my video card drivers. Well this is disconcerting.




I can't even run the game in experimental mode. Yes, I'm starting Steam in admin mode.

It's telling me that I can't run 8 because I have DirectX9 and that only works with version 7 so please switch back. I did dxdiag and it tells me I have 12 installed, so...:aaah:
The number of times I have said "I am SO glad I stuck with windows 7" (and turned off updates) in the last few weeks is astonishing.




That doesn't mean this is a Windows 10 issue. I feel that it's more likely the broken alpha game.




That doesn't mean this is a Windows 10 issue. I feel that it's more likely the broken alpha game.
It's not just this one particular issue. People have been having all kinds of problems, including some of the poor schmucks here at work who got updated to 10 automatically without even being asked. Meanwhile, every single windows 7 system just keeps cruising along nicely.

All you gotta say is "1803 update" and every windows 10 user shits their pants :D




the poor schmucks here at work who got updated to 10 automatically without even being asked.
Those poor people...

I’ll say that I don’t get it. I have Win 10 on an older computer. I told Windows not to upgrade until/unless I tell it to. So far it has done exactly that, and the only hiccups I have ever had with it are things like the People Bar (turned it off), Game Mode/Game Bar (don’t care, turned ‘em off)), Suggested Apps (turned them off, too), Tile Bar (removed ‘em all), Timeline (turned it off), and anything having to do with syncing between devices (never signed into any Microsoft account).





Apparently Alpha 8 is also changing the blueprint factory so that it no longer "gives back" unneeded resources, nor applies them to that category. So, for example, all the rock dust in Armored Concrete will go to waste if you use it to shorten CV blueprint time. No word on if this is intentional or a bug, nor if it will be fixed before it goes Stable Branch.




I've added the virtual backpack mod to the server. Typing /vb (or /backpack, the documentation seems to contradict itself) should get you a window with additional storage space. This storage space does not "drop" when you die, and if I'm correctly informed, it will even let the items persist through wipes, cb:reset, and changes in server version, though I don't know for sure.

Also, someone said you have to try typing /vb (or is it /backpack?) a couple times to get it to work the first time, then it works every time after that. Anyway, I'll be out of town until sunday night. See you guys then.




Anybody tried vb yet? Looks like it generated an error in the server log, so I don't know if it is working or not.




I just tried it now, one /vb and it took me right to a screen with 40 extra slots.




I have not been on other than to play experimental last night in solo.




We had a new faction briefly, but they left.




#9. :)




Well he (Gas) said he wanted a revolution.





Anybody tried vb yet? Looks like it generated an error in the server log, so I don't know if it is working or not.
It was working for me at about noonish today. Haven't been back on again yet




Alright, Hotfix 2 for RC 2 has been released, RC3 is scheduled to be released tomorrow, and Alpha 8 is still scheduled to be released to stable branch on Tuesday. What?!




RC2 hotfix 2 is not doing enough to deal with the problems introduced by RC2, it seems. They removed camera shake from the only place everybody agreed it was appropriate (escape pod sequence) and left it on all the weapons where everybody hated it. Hopefully Monday's patch addresses this.




RC2 hotfix 2 is not doing enough to deal with the problems introduced by RC2, it seems. They removed camera shake from the only place everybody agreed it was appropriate (escape pod sequence) and left it on all the weapons where everybody hated it. Hopefully Monday's patch addresses this.
Yeah, there is some serious consternation on the forums right now regarding camera shake - especially since not all weapons seem to have their own shake stat in config.ecf (some, like the Epic AR, inherit that stat from their T2 variant, but don't inherit an 'off' value, apparently).

They also set it so that no turret will ever target a sentry gun. Ever. They've removed that targeting option. While this is nice for POI assaults when all of the external turrets have been blown off and the tanks are pouring fire into the base trying to get to internal sentry guns; it seems a bit lacking for when there are sentry guns on the outside of a structure. I guess I'll put all of my base turrets inside my base to deal with players and just put sentry guns on the outside so enemy vehicles can't target them.




I'm a little annoyed at the 8 solo stuff. The merchants - at least on this starting world - will buy NOTHING. Oh, they have a lot of cool stuff to SELL, but you can't get any damned credits because they won't BUY anything. I even teleported to the space station in orbit and they don't want to buy anything either.




I'm a little annoyed at the 8 solo stuff. The merchants - at least on this starting world - will buy NOTHING. Oh, they have a lot of cool stuff to SELL, but you can't get any damned credits because they won't BUY anything. I even teleported to the space station in orbit and they don't want to buy anything either.
It happened in 7.6.1 as well, the only SP scenario where you could, by default, sell anything to any merchants was the default scenario. For all of the others, you have to go in and fiddle with the config files. They were meant to buy things, but that setting didn't get flagged appropriately.




Finally beat the abandoned drone base. I died once because I fell down a hole surrounded by alien scorpions. When I got back I was able to retrieve my backpack thanks to finding another way down that allowed me to snipe them all without danger of getting hurt. I've cored the place but haven't gone back to break everything down yet. I did get about 50 sathium ingots, 35 gold ingots, an enhanced pulse rifle, and a few other really good items. It's why I fought so hard to get my stuff back.

And in heavy armor with three multi-boosts food hardly degrades at all. It's been nice not having to worry about starving to death.




One thing, the food processors no longer make medicine of any kind. Anyone know how you do that now?




I'm a little annoyed at the 8 solo stuff. The merchants - at least on this starting world - will buy NOTHING. Oh, they have a lot of cool stuff to SELL, but you can't get any damned credits because they won't BUY anything. I even teleported to the space station in orbit and they don't want to buy anything either.
My solo game didn't even SPAWN a trade station on the starting world, nor in orbit! There were only 4 on the whole map (all in orbits). I actually kinda liked survival feeling more "off the beaten path" so to speak.
