Staff member
Keep voting, ya mugs!The server is now #11.
Keep voting, ya mugs!The server is now #11.
Because it was #11 yesterday, too? And Gas said so in chat?How do you think I knew it was #11?
Kinda. I just have a windows task launch a bat file that -How does that work without interrupting gameplay? Does it back up a shadow copy or something?
Yeah, about those levels... They only pertain to the exact single player game, or multiplayer server, that you earned them on. When you go online, or start a new non-tutorial game, you're back to level 1.Welp, did the tutorial. Went through the whole thing, escaped, and now I'm level 11.
Ha! The same thing happened to me last night. Got back from helping @Aislynn defend a new base, flew my ship back to my home planet, went to get out of the ship, and fell straight through the (3 levels of) floor and out of the ship, nearly breaking my leg in the process (thank god for medium armor).And then when I turned it off and tried to get out, the entire ship despawned and I fell down and died (or maybe I was just really injured, I'm not sure).
Yay, Alpha!
You got a base to rebuildUpdate to 8. If you need help making shit or adminning I have time and I'm terrible at playing it anyway.
Well, that's your call either way. Just remember going forward - Oscutune is considered to be a high-difficulty planet. It's basically masperon but with nice weather.Not going to bother. I'd have to break down what is there before I could replace, then I'd have to do into the mode to see structure integrity. Then I'd have to get the mats for the new place, then the server would be wiped.
I'm surprised we have anything left, it's coming up on 14 days I think, since I did a decay duty tour.I logged into Renntech last night briefly just to reset the offline protection.![]()
Probably the best non-weeniecheese ship I've got would be my modified Reliant, but not meaning to malign your design or anything, I think the Malphas would be hard-pressed against it.I'm running low on inspiration and gumption right now myself, but I could still use an actual test of the Malphas against a non-cheeseweenie ship. I'll probably still play every day though, just, not as rabidly.
And the #4 American 7.6.1 server! (2 of the US servers above us on the list are on experimental)#6 on American servers....
The big thing about the Malphas is that it's not designed to go up against anything on its own - it's designed more for use as an escort for that massive carrier of yours. It's also designed to have a second person riding along to man the guns for me - either figuratively or literally, as they can either control specific turrets, or just pay attention to what side the primary assault is coming from (I know, lots of jinking will be going on, but bear with me) and shut the broadside ramps on that side, delaying the destruction of those guns while I roll the ship and attack with the full strength of the opposing broadside. That's also why I fully jacketed in the direct-fire weapons and stuck a turret (rather restrictively) behind a shutter door on the bow of the ship. There are also some redundant (though definitely not decoy) thrusters, RCS blocks, and the like up front, behind several spaced-out layers of armor. That way, I can bore in on a frontal trajectory, let my opponent's turrets lock onto those weapons, and then turn my sides to them and open up with my turrets, denying them their targets while I soak damage so you don't have to try to jink with a carrier. A gunner would allow me to worry about the piloting while they gave me roll instructions and opened and closed broadside ramps as needed.Probably the best non-weeniecheese ship I've got would be my modified Reliant, but not meaning to malign your design or anything, I think the Malphas would be hard-pressed against it.
There are three common design philosophies to warships in this game - frontal assault, broadside, and point defense. Malphas, from what I've seen, ascribes to "point defense." It expects the attack could come from any direction, so it has some turrets all over it so it can put up some kind of defense no matter which direction that attack comes from.
This makes it strong vs SVs and AI drone attacks, but weak against "full frontal" attack CVs, like the Reliant (or the Weenie Cheese Sandwich), where the design means that all turrets are located in such a way that they fire straight forward and the sides/rear/bottom of the ship are practically defenseless. The concentration of fire the FF paradigm allows it to overwhelm the turrets on a point defense design, and chew through armor to vitals rather quickly. The best hope a PD CV has against a FF CV is to be constantly fleeing and kiting the attacker, and rotating regularly to distribute damage evenly around the ship.
If you want, I can spawn you some things that you and Aislynn can toy around with, to see how things measure up.
I could also swap the server over to creative mode, letting you spawn in whatever you want for testing, but that might upset any other players that were working on bases and stuff (As I know Dimento is right this very moment).
The yaml comments make it SOUND like there's a way to change the NPCs to work the way I want them to, but there's no description I can find that tells you how to implement that. Also, apparently there's no way I can find to make it so that the trade network doesn't require you to go to the trade station to trade. Apparently the rationale for this change was that it was being exploited in PvP. People would strip down to nothing but light armor and carry no items, park a CV out of range of your CV/Base, then bodily prod for blind spots in your defenses. When they die, they just respawn in the same area, losing nothing. When they found a weakness, they'd pull up the trading network, buy weapons and ammo, and break into your base.I like the credit thing. I just wish there was a way to do what you want to do, which is a server-wide economy. I tried to google whether this has been addressed and started reading a page about this before I realized that this was a REAL wealth management company called Empyrion!
Clearly they want to minimize having another wiener cheese sandwich incident, and give the mods a fighting chance against the players again.limiting everybody on the server to one CV and one base.
You have to remove the core from one base to place another.The fuck? So what happens if you want to have a base at a different planet?
Per person and per faction, if I read them right. So, GBI would have gotten one CV, and one base, and each member could also have one private CV and one private base.And is that per person?
Supposedly a lot of people with crappy, out of date computers are extremely upset that Alpha 8 now preloads all entities in a playfield when entering it, instead of waiting for them to move into visual range to load them. Me, I say thank god, I hated the stuttering that happened when you first moved into visual range of a base with 6 or so CVs parked around it. Jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk, because the server had to stop your client to send all the block data for all those ships. Preload away, I say, let me take a few extra seconds warping in to eliminate the jerks - I just hope they're telling the truth about fixing the memory leak issues, though.Clearly they want to minimize having another wiener cheese sandwich incident, and give the mods a fighting chance against the players again.