[Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread


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Because sometimes you have to choose. I, for example, still have been unable to see Solo or Deadpool 2 and in the upcoming weeks it's going to be hard to see Jurassic World 2 or The Incredibles 2. So when I finally AM able to spend some cash on a movie I'm going to have to choose which one I see.
I wondered if anyone was going to ask this, and the short answer is that if I somehow manage to blast a hole in my schedule big enough for us to go to the theater, it’s probably not going to be big enough to fit both movies, so he’s gonna have to choose.

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Because sometimes you have to choose. I, for example, still have been unable to see Solo or Deadpool 2 and in the upcoming weeks it's going to be hard to see Jurassic World 2 or The Incredibles 2. So when I finally AM able to spend some cash on a movie I'm going to have to choose which one I see.
I realize you do have a very tight budget, but do they still do matinees around you? Now that Li'l Z is able to sit through a whole movie, I've found taking him to morning shows, even on the weekends, is best. Plus, tickets are usually $6.


Staff member
The times they have matinees I'm at work. Granted there's the weekends, but Zach works most weekends now and he's my movie buddy.
that female dragon design. That's just not good.
This is the same reaction I had when I saw the poster, (aside from the obvious connotation to Anne McCaffery), and for the same reasons. I would have been willing to overlook a LOT of scientific shenanigans, and I will probably still enjoy the movie, but I wholeheartedly agree that it would have been a much better movie if the other dragon wasn’t so artificially “girly” (barring the possibility that she doesn’t somehow “mature” and metamorphose into her true form during the movie). And before anyone thinks, “Pshht, scientific accuracy in a cartoon? What are you thinking?” they call him “Toothless” for a reason, which is because his teeth can be hidden, which makes perfect logical sense because he is a Night Fury and hunts at night when it’s dark and so of course he has an adaptation that lets him hide his bright, white, shiny teeth while he’s on the prowl. So if they could get that right, then why not this?

In their defence, they did call her a light fury, so maybe they're different sub-species...
I’m sure more will be revealed once the movie actually comes out, and I hope we’re all wrong about this...but I’ll be honest that I’m not holding out hope.



Staff member
In the Into the Spider-Verse trailer there is this short scene:

Which is probably the Kingpin. But I was joking with Kags the other day that it could be a Homestar Runner crossover. Now I can't stop giggling at the idea of Strong Mad taking over for Fisk. "I'M DOING CRIME!"
Considering Disney can't/won't air the original Dumbo in the US anymore... yes, probably.
Yeah. That, and I personally am interested in this remake. For me, it at least feels like there's more room to try doing something different for a live-action Dumbo versus, say, Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King.