xkcd makes me sad

It's like you tried to define a formal grammar based on fragments of a raw database dump from the QuickBooks file of a company that's about to collapse in an accounting scandal.


Staff member
This reminds me of my days sifting through Flickr for cosplay photos:

During Dragon*Con I would be up near "Can't sleep, too busy sifting through photos to find the best ones".

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A good lifehack is to use messy and unstable systems to organize your photos. That way, every five years or so it becomes obsolete and/or collapses, and you have to open it up and pick only your favorite pictures to salvage.
Today's xkcd

"On January 26th, 2274 Mars days into the mission, NASA declared Spirit a 'stationary research station', expected to stay operational for several more months until the dust buildup on its solar panels forces a final shutdown."
At least NASA celebrates Curiosity's birthday:
Off by 8,000 miles because I got dropped off in a courtyard of an abandoned building with no way to move. No language hints on the building, either. Arid surroundings... I guessed Mexico. It was... Pakistan. :(

(ETA: Not the first time I got stuck somewhere. Another time I got stuck in an industrial site in India where I could only go a couple of steps forward or back)
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Never tried that before - it was considerably more entertaining that I was expecting! Wound up with a score of 24,993, but the lost points were all in the first round when I was being sloppy and didn't realize how precisely one needed to place the pin (also, vast tracts of Brazilian farmland with no mile markers all look pretty similar). I also lucked out by landing only in places with languages that I can read. Pretty sure I'd be hosed most anywhere in Asia.

Out of curiosity, what's the closest to zero that people have gotten? My best was 17.4m from the target.
Aggh today's XKCD is just TOO REAL 4 ME:


I started off with countless problems. But now I know, thanks to COUNT(), that I have "#REF! ERROR: Circular dependency detected" problems.


Staff member
So this is how to get the giant, rideable fox that @LittleKagsin has always wanted...

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It's important to note that while the effective size of the dog can be arbitrarily large, it's not any more of a good dog than the two original dogs.
Ah! My sides! So true!


Just make sure all your friends and family are out of the car, or that you've made backup friends and family at home.
