Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

This doesn't stop him from being an idiot and not applying for at LEAST 20 years (article says he's 39) before that conviction, including while inside the military. Like between the deployments. Or any other time.
Everyone makes mistakes. It's easy to put something off when you believe you have the rest of your life to get around to doing it.
This could just as easily have been a story about how expedited citizenship was practically thrown at a war hero who served his country over multiple tours. But no, someone didn't put enough milk in his coffee, so he had to be expeditiously thrown across the border before public sentiment to keep him here could build.

Any time before this orange evil fuckwit, the guy would be a citizen.
I kind of suspected for quite a while that the actual point of the story was that Rico was brown... and yet the pseudo-fascist society he was part of still let him become a citizen because they where less racist then the current assholes...
Any time before this orange evil fuckwit, the guy would be a citizen.
So you mean the 20 (or so) years he was an adult before now? So for 18.5 of them, he could have applied, and it would have been fine? He fucked up, BIG TIME. That's why you be SURE of things so important, and don't just leave them.

If you think the law is unjust, then change it. This case can be a catalyst for it, great, but "executive power" and just "deciding" what's legal and not is NOT a good thing either.
While this story is obviously sad and bad, I do agree placing blame for this on Trump is a bit much. If the right people had known about it sooner, there'd have been petitions etc etc and he likely would've had a chance to stay. That didn't happen, so the law was carried out. Dura lex, sed lex and all that. I agree this is unjust, but justice and legality are often at odds.
If the right people had known about it sooner, there'd have been petitions etc etc and he likely would've had a chance to stay.
he had to be expeditiously thrown across the border before public sentiment to keep him here could build.
Yes. The rhetoric is becoming, "You should worship soldiers. We wish our police were more like soldiers. We want everyone to become a soldier BUT NOT BROWN PEOPLE."

Yes. The rhetoric is becoming, "You should worship soldiers. We wish our police were more like soldiers. We want everyone to become a soldier BUT NOT BROWN PEOPLE."

This is because old white people do not believe such violence will be used against them if they resist. It's easy for them to turn a blind eye to state abuses they believe they will never encounter, if it lets them keep acting like king shit of the pumpkin patch.
This is because old white people do not believe such violence will be used against them if they resist. It's easy for them to turn a blind eye to state abuses they believe they will never encounter, if it lets them keep acting like king shit of the pumpkin patch.
If ever a state decides to treat elderly people as the expensive nuisances and burdens on society they are (when looked at in a certain way - they're more expensive than immigrants when considered per person! But obviously I don't actually think this), we'll see how fast federal troops come to their rescue.
I think people are too hard on her. She knows she has to keep the party together and the ultimate goal is getting Trump out of office. He's horrible, just a terrible person, and i really believe another 4 years will spell the end of our democracy.
I'm talking about giving the republicans everything they could ever want and fucking over the next president if it's a democrat re: debt ceiling.

C'mon now, is muslim-kenyan-queer-commies can get fake long form birth certificates, anyone can...

And he don'look 'murican to me... for some reason...


18 year old has been detained by the CBP for almost a month now. Not really anything special nowadays. Oh wait, he's an American citizen born and raised in Texas. He's literally in danger currently of being deported. How can this be you ask.

Oh, that's how. CBP have refused all evidence from his family that he's a citizen, including birth certificate.
That's really bad, stupid, and a number of other things. Mexico should refuse him, given he's not one of their citizens.

Also, is there another link that doesn't detect private browsing? That one is crapping out.
Thanks man. They all worked. 1st and 3rd are definitely the longer of the 3 (2nd is pretty short).

I don't care that he was travelling with an illegal, if he's a citizen (everything seems to say "definitely" to that), then this is just plain wrong. He's even born there, but even if naturalized (with the legal process therein) he's a citizen, period.

President Trump changed paperwork requirements for poor Americans who need food stamps, adding hurdles to the process. It is estimated this will lead to a reduction of 3.1 million people on food assistance programs. He brags about this, claiming it will save $15 billion in the long run. Trump also brags about how farmers are doing well “for the first time in 16 years” as a result of his subsidy program put in place to counter Chinese tariffs during the trade war he created out of thin air. The subsidies cost taxpayers $16 billion and help approximately 3.4 million farmers. So he almost directly took money from 3.1 million poor people who need help buying food and gave it to 3.4 million farmers who need help because of a problem that Trump created. And the author points out that 39% of people using food stamps are white, but 90% of farmers receiving the subsidy are white. So it also has themes of racism, as well as taking from urban dwellers less likely to vote for him in favor of mostly rural Republicans.

All against the back drop of Trump decrying the socialism of programs like food stamps while praising the farmer handouts, which is literally socialism.
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He's a republican. Republicans are fascist. Any distinction is pointless semantics.
And all fascist are nazi's, and all democrats are socialists, and all socialists are communists.
Semantics matter.
Barr is right up there with Eichmann as considering themselves amoral simply for following orders, and this (helping) create a terrible monstrosity. He deserves...well, more hives and itches and pain than Squidly gets, and then some. He's despicable, and I'm not defending him or his actions in any way or form.
But semantics matter. Refugees are illegal immigrants are hostile invaders and terrorists, terrorists are vermin, and vermin should be destroyed. Immigrants are a pest, and pests should be dealt with. It's ALL semantics, and it's hugely important. letting go of distinctions and nuances is the first step. Don't become as bad as the other (opponent? Enemy? Again, semantics), or you're no better.
AG Barr Says Consumers Should Accept Security Risks of Encryption Backdoors
Anyone still want to argue that this guy was not appointed to support creating a fascist regime?
As an IT person, you can probably guess which side I come down on (especially if you've read any of my previous posts on the subject).
FWIW I don't think this is Barr, specifically, but the administration. They just can't stand the idea/possibility that some forms of communication/storage may be opaque to them, and so they are lobbying to force technology companies to allow backdoor access. And the fact that doing so will have the additional side effect of making it easier for foreign powers to access our encrypted information is just a fringe benefit, I'm sure.
Oh, and I'm sure that Government secrets will not be subject to the same restriction, so government employees will probably be able to keep their personal files private so long as they "accidentally" keep them on their work machines, not that there's any precedent for anything like that.

Also I'm sure the Justice Department announcing a broad antitrust review of Big Tech is completely unrelated to any of this, and is not in any way an attempt to bully tech companies into giving the Justice Dept what they want.



Staff member

18 year old has been detained by the CBP for almost a month now. Not really anything special nowadays. Oh wait, he's an American citizen born and raised in Texas. He's literally in danger currently of being deported. How can this be you ask.

Oh, that's how. CBP have refused all evidence from his family that he's a citizen, including birth certificate.
A US-born citizen who was in immigration detention for three weeks has been released