OK, mes enfants, you should have received the information on your Secret Santa victim. If I missed you or if you still want in. please let me know as soon as possible.
Please send your gifts out by Tuesday, December 15th at the latest, especially if you're sending internationally.
If you got one of our international subjects, here are their country's Amazon website:
Canada - www.amazon.ca
Belgium - there is not a specific site but www.amazon.co.uk, www.amazon.nl, and www.amazon.fr are suggested
The Netherlands - www.amazon.nl
As well, if you need gift suggestionsand don't want to post here anonymously (TIL: there is no such thing as anonymous posting anymore), let me know and I'll contact your gifter for you.
Please send your gifts out by Tuesday, December 15th at the latest, especially if you're sending internationally.
If you got one of our international subjects, here are their country's Amazon website:
Canada - www.amazon.ca
Belgium - there is not a specific site but www.amazon.co.uk, www.amazon.nl, and www.amazon.fr are suggested
The Netherlands - www.amazon.nl
As well, if you need gift suggestions
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