Movie News & Miscellany


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Clint Eastwood writes movie. So he always gets the girl. Or in the case of The Mule, he has a threesome.

I can't take this guy seriously any more.
It literally sounds like Ryan Reynolds singing. It reminds me of Johnny Depp, and I was wondering what he sounds like singing because I knew he used to. First three bars of Sweeny Todd, and all I could think was "Yep. Sounds like Johnny Depp singing."
From everything that I have read the Jackass team have been very tight. Knoxville especially has been sort of the leader and he’s always come off as a very caring individual to his group. If Bam was thrown off it was because the they gave him an opportunity to come clean and he didn’t. There is likely some studio pull here, but I highly doubt that Knoxville used Bam for his ideas then removed him without compensation. That doesn’t seem like him.
From everything that I have read the Jackass team have been very tight. Knoxville especially has been sort of the leader and he’s always come off as a very caring individual to his group. If Bam was thrown off it was because the they gave him an opportunity to come clean and he didn’t. There is likely some studio pull here, but I highly doubt that Knoxville used Bam for his ideas then removed him without compensation. That doesn’t seem like him.
its been repeatedly stated that Bam needed to stay clean as a condition of his being a part of the group, he couldnt and didnt so they cut him loose. he now argues he was coerced into agreeing to stay clean. thats all ive got.
I do feel sorta bad given the prime source of Bam's addiction was his grief for Dunn, but ultimately yeah he needs to will up and face his demons.
I do feel sorta bad given the prime source of Bam's addiction was his grief for Dunn, but ultimately yeah he needs to will up and face his demons.
They have mostly all had issues with alcohol and substance abuse. Many attribute getting addicted to the pain killers they needed for their many injuries as just the beginning.
I guess the studios fucked around and found out. First strike from these folks in the 128 years of the union's existence.


That's a massive go fuck yourselves to the studios trying to get the workers that make movies to work without any kind of safety measures, beyond normal working hours for less money.
And IATSE just took over the title of most powerful union in America.
Not even close. In it's industry, sure, but it's not even in the top 30 in membership for unions nationwide.

That said, Movies can't exactly hire scabs without having to hire those scabs FOREVER, so yes... something BIG will come of this.
Neither of those other directors wives are God awful actresses though, that's where it becomes a problem for me.
I've been following the story this morning, and it seems like a tragic accident. Baldwin was wielding a prop gun for filming when it somehow discharged, killing the director of photography and injuring the movie director. There hasn't been a report yet of exactly how this happened and what was projected from the gun