Huh, maybe it's because I am a dirty degenerate, but the words porn and orgy ARE mild verbal references. It's not like they are talking about double penetration or ass to mouth or bukkake.**mild** innuendo" and "verbal references to sexual content
While I get what you are trying to say man, attempting to shelter those types of discussions with your close to teenage kids because you don't think it's appropriate just means he is going to hear those things from his 11-17 year old friends, and you will have no way to actually give a nuanced, decent take on the whole thing.In my opinion, doesn't mean outright references to orgies and porn. Verbal references to sexual content for most PG13 movies means two characters got in on off screen and it's mildly suggested or shown. For example, Indiana Jones moves on Willy in Temple of Doom (where the PG-13 designation was first introduced). I'm aware what PG13 should be and should not be, thanks. It's not cool to bring up porn and orgies in a superhero movie that's primarily aimed at kids even if they are 13-17. My 15 year old doesn't need to hear about orgies in at Thor movie either.
While I can only go into my anecdotal take growing up, my parents refused to talk about sex with me and so I didn't even know what sex was until I walked in on my mom and her boyfriend at 9 years old, I had no idea about anything until I made some rather perverted friends at 12 while in middle school, who liked to have sleepovers and watch skinnimax with big naked breasts. After that, I got interested in the idea (or more specifically, the aesthetic) of sex, and my parents never realized how interested I was till years later when they first caught me watching porn. All they did was scold me about it and still refused to tell me anything because it made them uncomfortable, which only made me get more and more interested in it. Now I make porn for a living. Would I have been that way had they tried to explain what any of it was rather then forcing me into grasping to understand it all on my own through teenage friends and media? Who knows. It probably wouldn't hurt though.
You have every right to raise your kids how you feel best, but getting upset that they mention some mild sexual phrases in a movie that, I am sorry, is aimed at teens and adults who would already have passing knowledge of these phrases from youtube alone, is just being overbearing and pushing away from doing any research on your own. Considering the entire MCU is absolutely filled with swearing (the only general swear they half censor is a full on f-bomb, "What the fu....", Samual L fading way with "Motherfu") it's really not ever supposed to be for younger kids, unless you want your 7 year old copying his favorite super hero Tony Stark by calling his teacher a "Son of a bitch".
This is why I personally follow the ratings as the first line, and then watch the movies myself before I consider taking my kids, just to be certain I am comfortable with it for their ages. That is just what I do though.