Halforum Minecraft Server

Welp, that's the end of Minecraft for me, I guess.
I mean, all it's actually doing is making you migrate your Mojang account to Microsoft, which was pretty much inevitable at some point. Java edition isn't changing otherwise from what I can see.
Welp. Probably RIP Minecraft for me, then. I know I haven't played in a while, but this'll probably be the final nail for me.
all it's actually doing is making you migrate your Mojang account to Microsoft, which was pretty much inevitable at some point.
It didn't have to be, they just chose to, like with Facebook and Oculus.

Yeah I'm skipping around the old videos, I'd forgotten that a lot of the base design choices that I default to were copied from the X system. Especially the overkill greenhouse.
This is really going to bite the people who have been playing a long time. They're gonna just be tunneling along and do like one of those doors on the side of a building that just opens out to nothing.

My daughter wanted to get the Java version today. I had to remind her that we bought it for her almost 10 years ago now. She has played PE ever since it came out. We could still log in and get it going for her. I’m still amazed at the longevity of this game.
Ugh, first glow squids win at MineCon, and now Java edition is finally migrating to Microsoft accounts.
Just spent the evening migrating my son and wife over to Microsoft accounts.
It took a little under 3 hours, because my son's login was my wife's account, so first we had to change the email associated with his account so it wasn't hers, and we had to create a child Microsoft account for him, and in the process we discovered he'd already created a Microsoft account, and then there was some investigation, etc.
Anyway, they're both migrated and set up on the correct accounts now. I will migrate when I feel like picking MC up again. Whenever that is.

I'm not exactly rushing to upgrade my account, either.
But it's not because of the Microsoft account requirement, it's more because the game's direction has changed to be more like Fortblox³: Chasing the Fad and it just isn't anywhere near as interesting to me as it was when I could just have a server running in my basement where 5 people just logged in and out and mined/crafted whenever the mood struck them rather than being, "Come for the mining, stay for the <powerthirst> AWESOME BOSS BATTLES YEEEAAAHHHHH BAYBEEEEE </powerthirst>."



Staff member
If anyone on here is still playing Minecraft and uses PolyMC as a launcher, then it's best to uninstall it immediately.


The developer has revealed himself as Alt Right of some flavor, and kicked out anyone else with control over the repository. The community had been implementing a code of conduct that prohibited hate speech, and the dev just couldn't handle not being able to be a piece of shit and use PolyMC as a way to spread propaganda.

I haven't followed the issue closely, but as far as I know that's the short version.


Staff member
I was at Walmart last night buying dog food and toilet paper - unrelated items, by the way - when a kid about 9 or 10 ran past wearing a creeper costume. I said, "Nice creeper costume, dude!" The kid's face lit up and his mom said, "That's from Minecraft!" I've never seen a kid roll his eyes audibly before.

Yeah, lady. I think if I know the name of the character I probably know the name of the game it comes from. Geez.
I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that migrating to a Microsoft account means I'll never play Minecraft again.
Mojang has now put out the "Last Call" to migrate your account over from Mojang to Microsoft:
the migration period is now coming to a close. Starting September 19, 2023, at 11:00 am EST/17:00 pm CEST, unmigrated Mojang accounts will not be able to sign in to Minecraft.net or the Minecraft Launcher to migrate.
In addition, starting September 5, 2023, support will no longer be able to assist in any MSA migration-related tickets.
In other words, Mojang can no longer help you migrate your account after September 4th, and the final cutoff for (figure-it-out-yourself-I-guess) migration is two weeks later, on the morning of September 19th.
After that date, you CAN still play Minecraft (Java edition), you will just no longer be able to authenticate your account with Mojang, and so it'll be on the server owner(s) to keep undesirables out on their own.



Staff member
I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that migrating to a Microsoft account means I'll never play Minecraft again.
I got the "final warning" e-mail about how my minecraft access would go away if I didn't migrate to a microsoft account by September 19th (as Pat referenced in May), and I sighed and was about to pass it by when I remembered...

Those sons of bitches made me make an xbox live account to play Grounded multiplayer.

I wonder if that counts as a microsoft account.

Turns out - it does.

So I've migrated my mojang account to my burner xbox live/microsoft account.

You know that feeling where you discover something in your food only after you've eaten half of it?
You know that feeling where you discover something in your food only after you've eaten half of it?
Microsoft is buying Activision/Blizzard.
Overwatch is coming to Steam, with promises of additional Blizzard Microsoft titles to follow in the future.
...yeah, I know that feeling, all right.

I'm not exactly rushing to upgrade my account, either.
<waits just over a year>
WELP just about a year later and only 11 days until the deadline, but I got ‘er done.
Like Gas, I was all “I don’t want to make a new MSaccount for this” but then I remembered that I’m Microsoft-certified and DURRR I can use the account I have attached to my certs for this (it is a personal account, one not attached to any employer). So I did.



Staff member
Not exactly timely news, but Minecraft players voted that armadillos will be the next mob added to the game, beating out penguins and crabs.

I'm sure @ThatNickGuy will be happy that armadillos are getting some love, even if he doesn't play Minecraft.

Minecraft Armadillo preview pic.png


Staff member
Mojang is trying to implement profanity filtering into Minecraft, and the block list list a little overreaching:

TL;DW The saved game message of "Please do not turn off your device." is getting censored into "Please do not turn of#####r device." Because it's censoring "f you".

EDIT: Also, the YouTuber calls it the "professional filter" in the video because YouTube has problems with videos that use the word "profanity".