What, no Pokemon Go thread?


Staff member
I've got a Prime Gaming code for a bundle of 30 pokeballs, 5 max revive, and 1 star piece that I won't be using, if anyone else wants it.


Staff member
Anyone have a 3-Star Zubat or Golbat? I’m drowning in Zubat candies and its driving me nuts I can’t find a three star. I’m currently flush with 3 star Yanmasks, Seedots, Elgyems...I’d even swap a shiny Aloan Geodude. (Not three star - don’t have one of those!)
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Do I have your friend code?
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Mine is 7433 5381 2276!
Added you. Can now actually!

Wait I have no idea how long-distance trades work, don't we need to be near one another?
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@Zappit Just an FYI, traded Pokemon get random IVs, though there is a minimum IV floor dependent on friendship level.

Also, trading distance is limited to 100 meters, unless there is a distance bonus during an event, which in the past has had a limit of 40 km.
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Safari Zone in Taipei the past weekend. It wasn't as crazy as the last one I attended in Taipei, but it was still pretty crowded. The main things I got were shiny Finneon and shiny Tangela (which I actually hadn't caught before). I wanted to get a shiny Snorlax but didn't manage to find one.

Wait - seriously? You have to be that close to trade? That’s...ridiculous...
Preaching to the choir on that one.

By the way, do you want a three star Zubat just because you want one? Or are you looking for one for Go Battle League? I ask because you're actually better off not having a three star if you're going to pvp with it.
I was looking for one to have one. How is not having a three star better?
I've been out of the game too long to be an authority, but higher IV (stars) means higher CP at the same level. So if the limit is 2500CP you might end up with a pokémon with a lower IV to get to 2498CP at level 40, while one with a higher IV could end up with 2501CP and no longer be eligible for use in the same league.
While true, that's not exactly why. Attack IVs disproportionately affect the CP calculation. In Master league this doesn't matter, but in CP limited formats like Great and Ultra league, this means you generally would want something with lower attack and high defense/stamina. That way you can have a higher level Pokemon with nearly the same attack power, but more defense/HP. Something like 2/15/14 would generally be preferable to 15/14/14, unless a given Pokemon already caps out near the league CP limit.
Niantic’s social app that has Pokémon Go functionality. Lets you see raids and message friends. Sent you an invite. Also tried inviting other people from Halforums, but yours is the only one that went through for some reason.
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