Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I've seen the Lincoln one. They're kinda sneaky about it, because rather than (only) changing facts, they're also (mainly?) using the format to have the historical characters voice their (PragerU's) opinions as to the motivation for their (the historical figures') actions.

Yeah, it was kind of a landslide victory, even a bi-partisan one... and I'm not surprised it happened at all.

- Republicans passed a law to stop doing special elections (except to fill a congressional seat) because they claimed it was too expensive. This was some years ago.
- Gov. Mike DeWine signs a bill giving Ohio some of the strictest anti-choice laws in the country after the Roe V. Wade thing.
- People get pissed, get their signatures to put a bill on the Nov. election to enshrine pro-choice reproductive rights into the Ohio constitution (we've also got marijuana legalization on the agenda)
- Republican politicians freak out, put out this bill so they can try and prevent it from going onto the November election by increasing passing from a simple 50%+1 majority and signatures of 5% of voters in half the counties to a 60% majority and 5% in ALL the counties. They also violate the law they themselves passed to put it on a special election in August to discourage people from voting.
- This energizes the Dems, who actually know how to fucking organize in this state. This also pisses off a lot of the Republican base, some of whom are pro-choice and all of whom don't like this legislative shit, so now we've even got former Republican congressmen and governors out for blood.
- Everybody does their early voting (we fucking love early and absentee voting here in Ohio) and even the Republicans show up to do it this time. We had something like 700k counted early votes a week before the election. This is more than twice what they usually get for a special election. High early voting almost always signals Dem victories.
- Cue landslide victory that may have implications for the 2024 election

It was wild to hear some of my fiercely Republican neighbors call these politicians out for this.
While watching the local school board meeting I see we have gotten a visit from the “Moms for Liberty” assholes. They are losing their shit because our board is planning to recognize various months for awareness, such as Pride Month in June or Hispanic Heritage month.

I genuinely hate these assholes. What the fuck is wrong with people? It’s one thing to have a different opinion, but these morons are just parroting bulls not talking points from alt-right media.

I’m just glad my local school board is not having it.
Just to play devil's advocate and guess what the right wing answer will be... 100% of surviving people report being satisfied. The rest either killed themselves or are too far down the rabbit hole to admit their own fault.

To be clear, I think everyone should do whatever the fuck they please with their own body, as long as they don't force me to do sexual things with them. Have surgeries all you want.
Just to play devil's advocate and guess what the right wing answer will be... 100% of surviving people report being satisfied. The rest either killed themselves or are too far down the rabbit hole to admit their own fault.
I mean sure if you want to take the side that lies with every breath you can play devils advocate. I’m just not sure what the point of the excercise is.
Uh, what's going on with Chess? The governing body has just released new rules governing trans players. Fairly simple, men have no physical advantage over women so trans players just move to the appropriate category right? Ha ha, nope. Let me break this absolute shit show down point by point.

1) Trans women are banned from competing in womens tournaments. Why? There is no way they could have any advantage from going through a male puberty.
2) Trans men will lose any titles they have previously won competing in womens events. Uh, why? What possible reason could you have for this?
3) Trans women will not lose any titles they have previously won competing in mens events. Oh, wait. Do you actually believe that mens brains are just naturally better at chess than womens brains? So a trans man who competed in womens events had an unfair advantage due to potentially having a male brain. Well, lets throw some misogyny on top of the transphobia.
4) "FIDE has the right to make an appropriate mark in the Players’ database and/or use other measures to inform organizers on a player being a transgender". Wow, scarlet letter much?
The Chess Peoples' bigotry document said:
Intersex people, androgyne and polygender people, cross-dressing and transvestite people are not included under these terms.
I really want to know what their definition of transvestite is that is distinguishable from transgender.
I really want to know what their definition of transvestite is that is distinguishable from transgender.
As far as I'm aware, transvestite is usually used for people who don't actually believe themselves to be the gender they prefer to present as, and/or aren't permanently presenting as the gender associated with the opposite sex.
Drag queens are usually TV, not TG,for example. This may be a language thing, but most TG people I know would be offended to be considered TV.
As far as I'm aware, transvestite is usually used for people who don't actually believe themselves to be the gender they prefer to present as, and/or aren't permanently presenting as the gender associated with the opposite sex.
Drag queens are usually TV, not TG,for example. This may be a language thing, but most TG people I know would be offended to be considered TV.
Transvestite is an outdated and derogatory term, anyone using it is usually just dog whistling transphobia. Using it is like calling black people colored. Cross-dresser would be a more accurate term for what you are wanting to describe in the modern day.

Drag is a performance, and not necessarily tied with the gender identity of the performer, though there is a long history of drag shows and drag mothers being safe havens for transgendered or gender-fluid people, as well as gay and everything in between.
Because by then you weren't just paying the company, you were also paying the shareholders. The purchaser is no longer the customer, the shareholder is.
So, anybody here bothered to watch the GOP Vice-President Candidate debate?
Oh, sorry, we're still pretending most of these are potential presidential candidates. Sure, that's why they were all tiptoeing around Trump all night, because he's not worth addressing, not because they want to stay in his good graces for a potential administration position.
A complete waste of space, and further proof (if that was still necessary) that many republicans really are living in a complete different reality. Climate change, not man made. Abortion, supported by the vast majority. Ukraine, Europe needs to step up. the USA needs to send its army into Mexico to go kill drug dealers. Making voting rights dependent on embracing "the true American values" isn't a complete disenfranchisement of large parts of the population. Consensus is a proof of lack of leadership. Eliminating the IRS and FBI would solve all issues. Federal checks on education are indoctrination, letting parents poor tax payer money into private and home schooling, even in religious facilities, isn't.

A complete nothingburger, just showing just how radical and extreme the GOP has become. These talking points should belong to fringe extremist candidates, not to ones actually making it onto a stage on television.
I honestly did mean to check it out, even if just a summarized version, but I had already promised my wife we would get through two episodes of Good Omens after dinner.
