Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I know we've posted a list of outsized city police budgets before, but I can't seem to find it (in only 10min of searching).
I also notice that a significant number of TwiXX0r embeds are broken.
There might be a correlation there.

Ted Cruz just endorsed Biden for 2024!

Lemme explain, no there isn't time let me sum up.

Cruz says Biden administration will limit alcohol in America to 2 beers a week when it follows Canada's example!

Canada is making a guideline change in 2025 to recommend 2 drinks per week of alcohol.

To follow something in 2025 it must be after it.

Ipso Fatso Fuck You Biden must win in 2024 for Cruz statement to ne true.

Insert Knives Out It's so dumb gif...
It might be mean but I feel like the easiest retort to Cruz would be “yeah we can tell you don’t follow dietary recommendations.”
At one of my jobs it was just me and a new guy working the shop, when out of the blue he casually told me that Mark Walburg recently testified that he was invited to join a Hollywood blood drinking pedophile cult, and how he is now teaming up with Mel Gibson to take them down, and that Mel was "blacklisted" for trying to bring out the truth of the cult many years ago, you know, around the time he was screaming about Jews.

I was honestly so dumbstruck (and tired) that I just said, "Huh, well, I wish them luck I guess." and the guy just walked off.

I tried to look up Mark Walburg testifying about anything because I try, even a little bit, to give people the benefit of a doubt, and all I could find was article after article about Mark's "unshakably strong Christian faith", but have yet to find anything about him admitting to a judge / congress he was invited into a pedophile cult. Maybe Big Media scrubbed it, even from the bullshit sites like Newsmax.

Already lost most of my faith in humanity but the bar keeps somehow finding ways to go lower.


Staff member
In case we all forgot, China is asshoe.

Chinese opera singer went to a bombed out Ukranian theater to film herself singing Katyusha, a song lionizing soviet rocket artillery bombardment.

In case we all forgot, China is asshoe.

Chinese opera singer went to a bombed out Ukranian theater to film herself singing Katyusha, a song lionizing soviet rocket artillery bombardment.

The irony is if she did something similar in her own country against them, she'd get black bagged.


Staff member
I'm not engaging with my dad politically anymore but I kinda wish I was so I could send him this. But I just got all the worms BACK in that can.

Wow, I remember that voicemail was posted here well over a decade ago. Cajungal was so creeped out by it. Every girl I know who listened to it wanted to punch Dimitri in the face.