Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

So this brings up an interesting point. The cupboard works by taking a real person, the equivalent of the figurine you put in, and bringing him/her to the cupboard in miniature form. So, for example, when the kid put a Native American figurine into the cupboard, it became a real Iroquois person named Little Bear, who was very confused about why there was this giant kid peering at him. Other examples include a cowboy figurine turning into a man named Boone, a soldier figurine turning out to be a WW1 medic, and a female Native American figurine becoming a woman who agrees to marry Little Bear.

So if that anime pony girl figurine does come to life... then that means that somewhere, sometime, in some part of the universe, there is a real pony girl who gets brought to the cupboard.
So this brings up an interesting point. The cupboard works by taking a real person, the equivalent of the figurine you put in, and bringing him/her to the cupboard in miniature form. So, for example, when the kid put a Native American figurine into the cupboard, it became a real Iroquois person named Little Bear, who was very confused about why there was this giant kid peering at him. Other examples include a cowboy figurine turning into a man named Boone, a soldier figurine turning out to be a WW1 medic, and a female Native American figurine becoming a woman who agrees to marry Little Bear.

So if that anime pony girl figurine does come to life... then that means that somewhere, sometime, in some part of the universe, there is a real pony girl who gets brought to the cupboard.
I'm pretty sure robocop and darth vader were both brought to life at some point in that movie.
Two things about this person I discovered while trying to find out what the final 20% is (I did not).
"Süßwassersee" is apparently German for "Freshwater lake" (not surprised therefore to find she lives on the shores of Lake Michigan).
Their current twitter handle is "30-50 feral degenerate smuts."



Staff member
I didn't need this explained to me and I was ready to try it. Not because I remembered the experiment, but because I'd love to leave a dude alone with a marshmallow and call it a date.
Get a box of Lucky Charms and go on a rampage. You'll be...

... a cereal dater.
Not to mention the damn Marshmellow Experiment has been refuted multiple times...
I think you are referring to the long-term predictive power of the results of the marshmallow test, meaning that those who can wait were associated with better "success" outcomes. I would say that the predictive power is currently seen as weaker or more narrow than Mischel's original results at best and up in the air still at worst. There have been failed replications but also successful ones. I wouldn't say we can throw the whole thing in the trash, though. Failed replications definitely complicate things but they don't mean we accept the failure as Truth over the original without investigating further. Two opposing outcomes mean one is right but we don't know which yet.