Argh why do I know the background music oh that’s right I live with a teen.
BFG Division does seem like apt music for this.
*starts setting up blood bowl board*
"So there's this game called 'Mad Verse City,' but I call it Rapping Robots, aaaannd... do you have 2 to 4 more friends you could bring...?"*starts setting up blood bowl board*
Men only want one thing and it's disgusting.*starts setting up blood bowl board*
You know, none of the health classes I had to take throughout school ever mentioned that my balls would hang lower as I age, and that sitting on them would become a real danger
you know, at the risk of TMI, I never had super hangy balls to begin with...but in recent years, if I lean forward while peeing hand's free, physics causes my balls to swing forward and touch my dick. First time that happened, I was like "what the actual fuck?!"You know, none of the health classes I had to take throughout school ever mentioned that my balls would hang lower as I age, and that sitting on them would become a real danger