Funny (political, religious) pictures


Staff member
It's not?
It is, but I'm surprised that Trump is going ahead with it, as often as he's devolved into gibberish lately.

EDIT: Trump seems remarkably focused, compared to most of his other public appearances. I guess they got the balance of his drugs right.


Staff member

For those that can't/won't use Twitter, this is a clip from the television show Dinosaurs (1991). S2E21 "And the Winner is..."

In the clip the moderator speaks at the end of a debate, "The voters of this nation are presented with a choice between a monstrous bloodthirsty psychopath and a self-confessed brain-dead ignoramus. What will future generations think of us, that we cannot present the public with better alternatives than these?"
One is too weak to lead the West, and the other is in the pockets of dictators and strongmen.
Weer can joke all we want, but this is the downfall of the Western hegemony and democracy as the ruling force worldwide. The EU still hasn't grown the balls to do what it needs to, nor will it. Russia, China, India, Brazil, they're most definitely not all pulling in the same direction, but they're damn well all pulling in directions that won't improve the lot of the average person.