Weird weather


Staff member
The Texas power grid is being held together with bubble gum and bailing wire. I'm without power, again. I lost it about 1:45pm and initially got an estimated restoration time of 3:30pm, that came and went and I got an updated time of 8pm, efficient then further slipped to midnight. So I'm sweating in the dark hoping they do not alter the deal further.


Staff member
Got a text telling me my estimated restoration time had slipped again, this time to noon tomorrow. Fifteen minutes after that I got a text saying my power was back on. A couple of minutes after that, my power actually did come on.

I am sweaty and tired, but at least I won't be bored for much longer.
There is a smallish one pretty close in geographical terms to our place. Luckily there is lots of mountains and rivers in the way but still.


We're away at the moment and have people at the house to take care of things should it get out of hand but still worrying for sure.
I swear if I ever have a house built on property I select, it's going to be behind berms or to the leeward side of a hill and surrounded by trees/bushes BUT not so close that they could fall on it or transfer fire to the structure. Also fuck lawns.



Staff member
Oh and I sleep during the day. No air conditioning. It’s going to be 89 degrees. And no fan to drown out the noise outside. Like the neighbor’s new generator or all the chain saws.
OK four days sucked down here. Pitch a tent in the back yard... I am just pissed that my cot did not fit in my tent. But my old ass dog loved the tent. And he did not want to come back into the house after power was restored.


Staff member
My dogs are freaking out. They want in the house. Inside = air conditioning to them. But it’s cooler outside and has a breeze!!

It’s almost like they don’t understand plain English.
I live near the 42nd Parallel N.
Leaves are already starting to turn colors.
Bird migration has already begun.

Guys, I'm thinking I'm really not going to like Winter this year.



Staff member
I live near the 42nd Parallel N.
Leaves are already starting to turn colors.
Bird migration has already begun.

Guys, I'm thinking I'm really not going to like Winter this year.

My area just hit triple digits yesterday for the first time this year (after 3 straight months of 105+ degrees last year) so it has felt comparatively mild... and by that, I mean "A lot closer to what I consider normal but still hotter than normal"

Yeaaah boy oh boy.


Staff member
Aaaand I just lost grid power. Reminding me that cost savings was not the primary reason I went solar. Fuckin' Texas, man.

Edit - came back up 5 minutes later, but still. Definitely was the right call to get solar and a bigass battery.