A few weeks ago I received a letter about the upcoming final deadline for the "Fresh Start" program, which is suppose to help people whose student loans have fallen into default get back into good standing and set up a repayment plan that's affordable to them.

I haven't paid my loans from my Bachelor's in almost 15 years. They were wanting me to pay so much per month that I wouldn't have been able to afford to live. And this kept happening with each subsequent collection agency that took over my loans, none were willing to work with me. One eventually started garnishing my wages, but that only lasted a few months before my state made it illegal for people under a certain wage bracket. My loans passed through so many hands, I eventually lost track of who owned it. Then I tried going to Heald College to become a paralegal, took out more loans to attend there. Then the whole Corinthian Colleges scandal hit, and my school was closed with only 10 weeks left for me to complete my degree. Kept receiving emails that my loans there would be forgiven, but then assholes in Congress kept blocking it, and I just gave up and accepted whatever fate would come.

So after I finish creating my account on the government loan website, I log in and prepare to wince at the total amounts I would see after years of interest on my unpaid loans . . .

. . . only to see "$0" amounts on all of them. And a status at the top that said all of them had been written off due to "Closed School Discharge". Even the loan from my Bachelor's.

I have no student loan debts anymore.

I wanna cry.


Staff member
A few weeks ago I received a letter about the upcoming final deadline for the "Fresh Start" program, which is suppose to help people whose student loans have fallen into default get back into good standing and set up a repayment plan that's affordable to them.

I haven't paid my loans from my Bachelor's in almost 15 years. They were wanting me to pay so much per month that I wouldn't have been able to afford to live. And this kept happening with each subsequent collection agency that took over my loans, none were willing to work with me. One eventually started garnishing my wages, but that only lasted a few months before my state made it illegal for people under a certain wage bracket. My loans passed through so many hands, I eventually lost track of who owned it. Then I tried going to Heald College to become a paralegal, took out more loans to attend there. Then the whole Corinthian Colleges scandal hit, and my school was closed with only 10 weeks left for me to complete my degree. Kept receiving emails that my loans there would be forgiven, but then assholes in Congress kept blocking it, and I just gave up and accepted whatever fate would come.

So after I finish creating my account on the government loan website, I log in and prepare to wince at the total amounts I would see after years of interest on my unpaid loans . . .

. . . only to see "$0" amounts on all of them. And a status at the top that said all of them had been written off due to "Closed School Discharge". Even the loan from my Bachelor's.

I have no student loan debts anymore.

I wanna cry.
You are living my dream there, man. I'm waiting for the hammer to fall on me with mine.
Yeah, that's where I'm at too. Finished school at the height of COVID, couldn't find work DURING COVID, and now any gainful job in my area that I qualify for is somewhere I can't get to because the public transit system around here sucks so much. Literally had to tell someone interviewing me that the "30 minute drive" to where they were at was more like a 2 hour bus ride for me and thus I'd be doing 4 hours of travel a workday. Can't move without savings ether. I've literally had to hide my college education just to get interviewed for retail stuff.

Because my loans were so low and so was my income, I was looking at having all of it wiped away and now it's just... fuck the Republicans.
I'm on Public Student Loan Forgiveness. Right now my loans are in limbo because the courts have put the SAVE payments on hold. Regardless, another six years of payments and I'm home free. I'm so glad your loans are no more.

Not to steal your thunder, but I also have an epic win. The wife and I are expecting a new geek in a little under eight months. It was confirmed two days ago.
I used the money that would have gone to daycare to pay off my loans during the pandemic. Though, I didn't have a ton to begin with. Working full time during undergrad sucked but it sure helped keep loans low.
I've accepted a new position at my company. I start training next week as an Accounts Receivable agent. My hours will no longer be cut and I'll be making a bit more. Only $1 more an hour, no more sales commissions, but more money for incentives on meeting targets like handle time. I get a bonus like that now, but it's only $50-60. The bonus with AR is upwards of $250 each paycheck. And after 6 months, I get another pay raise up to close to $20 an hour.

It's not a HUGE leap, money wise, but hopefully, this is the start of some more financial stability for me.
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Oh, and I mentioned it before, but it deserves an Epic Win mention: I'm winning an award again this year. My second one in a row. So I'll be spoiled with a night's stay at The Muir, a ridiculously swanky hotel, and treated to a fancy dinner at the Salt & Ash.

I'm starting to think this company might value me as an employee.
Inspired by the likes of @ThatNickGuy and @Tinwhistler , I wrote a novel this summer. 125,000 words in the bag. I've edited it twice and now my wife is the first person to start reading it for a general vibe check. Nothing may ever come of it. I wrote it for me and to see that I could do it. I did it!
Hi Halforumites!! I am ready for a Beta reader. My wife has finished an earlier draft and says it passes the vibe check, which is good enough for me because it is definitely outside her genre preferences. It is its own thing, but I think fans of the Bobiverse, Drew Hayes' Super Powereds, and Scalzi might like it. I just want one reader right now, someone who is a reasonably fast reader, trustworthy, and willing and able to offer their critique of the general vibe for the plot and characters.
The elevator pitch is as follows: When a pacifist has the powers of a villain, what else can they do but start a YouTube channel? Thanks for any volunteers. But don't be sad if I don't pick you. I will likely give it another round with a bigger testing group after the next edit. Thanks!!
Hi Halforumites!! I am ready for a Beta reader. My wife has finished an earlier draft and says it passes the vibe check, which is good enough for me because it is definitely outside her genre preferences. It is its own thing, but I think fans of the Bobiverse, Drew Hayes' Super Powereds, and Scalzi might like it. I just want one reader right now, someone who is a reasonably fast reader, trustworthy, and willing and able to offer their critique of the general vibe for the plot and characters.
The elevator pitch is as follows: When a pacifist has the powers of a villain, what else can they do but start a YouTube channel? Thanks for any volunteers. But don't be sad if I don't pick you. I will likely give it another round with a bigger testing group after the next edit. Thanks!!
I'm perfectly willing to proofread/beta read, and I'm usually a fairly fast reader. However, one: due to family stuff I haven't had much time to read lately, and two: since English isn't my first language (though I hope you'll agree I'm somewhat good at it), I may not be able to pick up on subtleties like inconsistent dialects/lingo/tone for characters or situations. Depending on the perspective the book is written from, my not being American might also make me miss or miss-interpret things. All in all, I think there are probably better candidates here, but I'm definitely willing to be a beta reader once you go to a broader audience (and I'll buy it regardless, as long as I can get it shipped to Europe for something resembling a sensible price).
I'm perfectly willing to proofread/beta read, and I'm usually a fairly fast reader. However, one: due to family stuff I haven't had much time to read lately, and two: since English isn't my first language (though I hope you'll agree I'm somewhat good at it), I may not be able to pick up on subtleties like inconsistent dialects/lingo/tone for characters or situations. Depending on the perspective the book is written from, my not being American might also make me miss or miss-interpret things. All in all, I think there are probably better candidates here, but I'm definitely willing to be a beta reader once you go to a broader audience (and I'll buy it regardless, as long as I can get it shipped to Europe for something resembling a sensible price).
I certainly am not worried about your English language or American culture knowledge. I'm more interested in a timely turn-around, but if nobody can promise a reasonable timeline, I'll send it to your kindle (if you have one).
I consider myself a good candidate for beta reads, but am in the same boat as Bubble...I can guarantee the read and the commentary (ask my wife after she had me beta-read her works...out loud!), but I can't guarantee the timeliness.



Staff member
I’m a fast reader and have some time, but I’m not the most critical of readers. I would be able to comment on the vibe & stuff but I’m not an editor type.
Not long ago, I drunkenly whined that I didn't have anyone to bring with me to my work's Chairman's Choice Awards. I brought my ex last year when we were still together, but given that we're on completely no-contact, I don't think that's happening.

I was talking with my family about this on Thanksgiving this past Sunday. Some people suggested bringing my mother. Which I would have loved to, but her Alzheimer's is gradually becoming more and more symptomatic. She's still functional and aware, but she's becoming absent-minded. So I was afraid to bring her to a big event like this, and a stay at a hotel, for fear that I wouldn't be able to take care her while also focusing on this event. My sister suggested she go with us, largely to take care of Mom.

Since the event is just with one guest each, I didn't think that would work, but I asked anyway.

One of the people in charge of the event said yes. :D

So, now Mom and my sister are going to the awards ceremony and will be treated to a fancy dinner and a stay with me at the hotel overnight.