Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

Still a little drunk, but starting to sober up, so here's a sobering self thought.

While I'm happy to win another company award this year, it sucks I'll have no one to go with, unlike last year. Being single sucks and it'll be lonely going by myself this year.
I have not gone on a date in 12 years. I will likely not have another. Go to things, talk to people you do not know. Do not become me.
I had my procedure yesterday and had a complication that made it a lot more painful than usual.

This was also the time that my doctor forgot to call in my pain meds in advance so I had to make a bunch of calls, a sad in person visit and my husband had to set me up at home and go back for them.

Yeah, I feel it.

I'm house sitting for my mom and aunt and watching their dog and he's the biggest fucking asshole that has ever lived. He has made every single thing hard. He won't let me clean his feet before coming back into the house without a lengthy and repeated fight despite assurances that he's very good about that. He pulls this bullshit where he whines and barks to go out and when you open the door, he stares at you like you're a fucking moron for opening the door. He also refuses to let me put him in his harness and without his fucking harness I can't walk his dipshit ass. Then he whines about going for a walk.

Even when we're just chilling out he's a complete prick. If we're sitting on the couch he will either slam his paws onto my crotch or stab me in the ribs with his paw over and over and over and over. I move his paw out of my ribs, bang, paw right back in the same spot. When I pet him, he's constantly trying to pin my arm down so he can turn my hand into a slimy hair covered disgusting mess. There's literally no relaxing around him. I've fallen asleep on the couch (because he makes so much noise at night I can barely sleep) and he barks at me to wake me up.

Like, I didn't know it was possible to hate an animal like this but I've honestly thought about just opening the gate "by accident". He sucks so bad.

Oh and when he IS outside, he's barking non-fucking-stop.


More ranting, I have to change my clothes every time he goes outside, because I end up covered in mud getting the fucking mud off of him. Oh yeah, he's torn their entire back yard apart so it's just a big pit of mud now. It's rained every. Single. Fucking. Night.

And HE'S ALWAYS LICKING EVERYTHING. The sound is God damned maddening.

He refuses to eat food like a normal fucking dog also. I have to fill this stupid fucking ball with food so he can roll it around and eat the food as it slowly spills out. I have to fill it four times. He expects breakfast before 7 am too and will let you fucking know. Can't just feed him and go back to sleep, it takes 15 minutes for him to eat because of his stupid fucking ritual. Then he needs to go roll in the mud outside and again, barks until happens. At this point it's 7:45, I'm fucking furious and covered in mud.
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Upper 60s around here and the space heaters at work are melting me. How can they be that cold?! The thermostat is creeping up to 74F. Sweating through my shirt. If I could open a window, I would.

Put on a coat and mittens.
Lately every third reel on my Instagram is about perimenopause and I wish social media would stop reminding me I'm old. :D
Big Data: let's gather huge amounts of data on everyone so we can market exactly what they want and need to them!
Big Marketing: why don't all these women in their forties like our message that they're old and broken?! We don't get it!
Big Data: let's gather huge amounts of data on everyone so we can market exactly what they want and need to them!
Big Marketing: why don't all these women in their forties like our message that they're old and broken?! We don't get it!
I noticed one day that my porn adverts had gone from "hot singles in your area" to "hot single moms in your area".