Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!


My tale begins Tuesday night. I went to bed early because my final test at work was Wednesday and it was make or break. If I passed I was a tech 2 and no longer had to train or fear for my job. If I failed there was a real chance I could be let go in less than a month. Round about 12:30 I wake to the sound that should be packaged up and used as an alarm that would wake the dead - a cat puking.

My fucking cat, who lays on my bed, puked all over the comforter. So I had to get up, strip the bed, take the dirty laundry downstairs, and put a new comforter on. Please note that this is TUESDAY night/WEDNESDAY morning. I get back to bed...and can't sleep. I'd slept 4 hours already and now I was awake. I tried to sleep but then Zach got up to go to work and the dogs wanted out. So I did not get back to sleep that night. I get to work and my round table goes well. I make my tech 2 and relax. Stress be gone.

Did I say the story was over? Well, it isn't! At work today - THURSDAY - I have to put on an FR (fire-resist) shirt so I take off my hoodie and throw it on my chair. It is only then I discover that the cat had not only puked on the bed, but that the hoodie I'd been wearing FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS had cat puke in the hood. By then it was dried and stuff, but it was there. I'D BEEN WEARING THAT HOOD! I had a cap on but still!

So fucking gross.
Soooooo . . . did you pee on the cat in retaliation or . . . ?

My tale begins Tuesday night. I went to bed early because my final test at work was Wednesday and it was make or break. If I passed I was a tech 2 and no longer had to train or fear for my job. If I failed there was a real chance I could be let go in less than a month. Round about 12:30 I wake to the sound that should be packaged up and used as an alarm that would wake the dead - a cat puking.

My fucking cat, who lays on my bed, puked all over the comforter. So I had to get up, strip the bed, take the dirty laundry downstairs, and put a new comforter on. Please note that this is TUESDAY night/WEDNESDAY morning. I get back to bed...and can't sleep. I'd slept 4 hours already and now I was awake. I tried to sleep but then Zach got up to go to work and the dogs wanted out. So I did not get back to sleep that night. I get to work and my round table goes well. I make my tech 2 and relax. Stress be gone.

Did I say the story was over? Well, it isn't! At work today - THURSDAY - I have to put on an FR (fire-resist) shirt so I take off my hoodie and throw it on my chair. It is only then I discover that the cat had not only puked on the bed, but that the hoodie I'd been wearing FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS had cat puke in the hood. By then it was dried and stuff, but it was there. I'D BEEN WEARING THAT HOOD! I had a cap on but still!

So fucking gross.
So you have a working nose? Have you been in direct contact with other people with working noses? How do you not notice a pervasive, lingering small of drying cat puke around you for two days straight?
Also, if you hadn't put up the good in two days, why are you wearing hoodies instead of decent clothes, anyway? :Leyla: :p


Staff member
The place I work is inherently stinky. And in the control room it gets to be cold so most of us wear hoodies. In the plant it gets stupid hot but in the control room it's cold.
So you have a working nose? Have you been in direct contact with other people with working noses? How do you not notice a pervasive, lingering small of drying cat puke around you for two days straight?
Also, if you hadn't put up the good in two days, why are you wearing hoodies instead of decent clothes, anyway? :Leyla: :p
I’m guessing, but I feel it’s a sure thing, that it was a Dallas Cowboys hoodie. There is a pervasive and constant smell of failure around such items. Sorta like, at one time, wearing a Wrexham kit.


Staff member
I would like to see the picture.
The Hoodie in question. No it's not Cowboys. So suck it, @Sparhawk!

2024-08-24 11.36.44.jpg

And the offending cat puke in the hood. Please note that while dry I literally peeled it off with tissues so this is the stains remaining.

2024-08-24 11.36.57.jpg

You're welcome.
I just made an excel file to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle, because apparantly that's too much math for some people.



Staff member
Anybody else notice that Amazon Prime shipping isn't 2 day any more? Last couple things I ordered had "Free Amazon Shipping!" that was 5+ days, and it wasn't the long lead time items - these were the stuff that normally you can get even same day.
Anybody else notice that Amazon Prime shipping isn't 2 day any more? Last couple things I ordered had "Free Amazon Shipping!" that was 5+ days, and it wasn't the long lead time items - these were the stuff that normally you can get even same day.
Yeah, been burned by this a couple of times. I have run out to Lowe's or Walmart instead of Amazon for my last few time sensitive purchases.
Anybody else notice that Amazon Prime shipping isn't 2 day any more? Last couple things I ordered had "Free Amazon Shipping!" that was 5+ days, and it wasn't the long lead time items - these were the stuff that normally you can get even same day.
In the last few years a fulfillment center was built on the island here and in that time our shipping times have definitely gotten worse ironically. I get that not everything I'm buying is gonna come from it and be available there but still.
I feel like 2 day shipping hasn't been a thing for me since before the start of the pandemic, but on the flipside I occasionally get free next day shipping, so... *shrug*
I've still been getting my 2-day shipping. Maybe we have more fulfillment centers within a certain amount of distance?
It’s been at least 5 years or more since I’ve seen 2 day shipping. It’s usually a week. Most likely because Amazon distribution centers are a good 3+ hour drive away. We’re supposed to be getting one not too far away next year, so maybe mine will actually get better.
Been off work for a week. Have a big list of stuff to do to prep our household for Winter. I've made it through maybe a quarter of my list.
My wife has informed me that there are a number of things she needs to add to this list in order to maintain her sanity.
I have to go back to work tomorrow for one day, after which I will be off work for another week (except for the one day where they scheduled an in-person quarterly meeting that I can't avoid).
I might not be around much next week.

I have loved my trip to Germany up to this point. Munich was great, Wurzburg had an incredible Residenze. But now we are spending the day in Nuremberg, and I can't help but wonder why anyone comes here. It smells of pee, people yell at each other in what I presume to be Russian, and someone just walked by blasting some terrible music on a boom box.

Wife and I turned to each other and said "I hate Nuremberg."
Well, the Nuremberg Ring.
Nothing much else. Maybe to visit the trial and execution sites of the nazi heads.
I wish our travel agent had listened. We have zero interest in revisiting atrocities or their consequences. Would have loved just staying in Munich and Wurzburg. Will definitely keep this in mind for future travels.

Also, not going to miss all the smokers on every street. Disgusting, selfish habit.
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well that's no fun lol. Now everyone would know it was me anyhow lol.
And that's not a problem, Our group has always been very accepting (mostly, sure, can point to some controversy (no one mention steak))
lol. but anyhow, now is I guess turning into my whining about not being able to make an anon post instead of what I originally wanted to whine about lol


Staff member
well that's no fun lol. Now everyone would know it was me anyhow lol.
And that's not a problem, Our group has always been very accepting (mostly, sure, can point to some controversy (no one mention steak))
lol. but anyhow, now is I guess turning into my whining about not being able to make an anon post instead of what I originally wanted to whine about lol
Yeah there IS one. But it's like $40 and I didn't think it was worth it.
Apparently you can’t even call to order pizza without speaking to a call center in India. Papa John’s is outsourcing there now. I’d much rather speak to a ditzy high school student because at least they’re not reading from a playbook.