Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

That's not a whine. That's a legit rant. I hope she feels better soon.

My whine:

We recently hosted the MIL and her two dogs for a few weeks. These dogs are special to put it mildly. One of them got her brain scrambled after she suffered a seizure years ago. The other is thirteen or fourteen years old and is incontinent now. That's not the whine, though. When we let them out to go to the bathroom, they don't just walk out to the backyard. They linger in the open doorway instead. It has been a wet summer and the mosquitos are out in force. As we wait for the dogs to slowly enter or exit, a host of bugs will fly in. The dogs have been gone since Sunday but I am still swatting mosquitos that had flown in. There is only one left but she's a clever girl. She knows to bite where people can't see it.


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Ok, now that I can actually sit at a computer, I'll tell the whole story.

Our German Shepherd, Schatzi, was not fixed. I took a dim view of this as I've always advocated immediate spay/neuter of any pet for multiple reasons, but this was my GF's dog for 10 years, not mine.

Last month, Schatzi seemed to be going on her heat cycle, and started menstruating. YAY TILE FLOOR. This is not the first time this has happened.

But it is the first time it didn't stop after 3 weeks, and showed no sign of letting up. At my insistence, we took her in to the vet.

The vet kept her for a day or so and decided she had some form of bladder infection. Sent us home with antibiotics and a $700 bill.

After several more days of continued bleeding, we took her back in. Her urine was clear of blood (and as far as I could tell always had been), and the vet recommended we get her spayed... which I agreed to immediately. Should have been done years ago.

The spay cost us $1800. $400 more than we were quoted. But I let it slide.

We get schatzi home, and I have to go off to work out of town. A few days later GF tells me she is STILL bleeding and now acting terribly disoriented and in pain. I say call the vet. It's after hours so the vet says to take her to the emergency room at Texas A&M Small Veterinary Hospital. They hit up my GF for a $500 deposit to get in and run tests, based on a $1000 estimate.

Tests come back, they think there might be cancer. And Schatzi needs a transfusion because she's now incredibly anemic from all the bleeding. That raises the estimate to $3000 so they want another $1000. Paid. This keeps her in until the radiologist can come in monday to look at things. Meanwhile, the lab results on Schatzi's uterus and ovaries comes back - TWO forms of cancer, one highly aggressive. The radiologist comes back and wants x-rays and CT scans. This raises the estimate to $4000. Those come back inconclusive but showing some items of concern. A&M Vet wants to do an exploratory labrotomy to get in there and see what the problem is. We are told on the phone that "all included, this raises the estimate to $5800." I am now gritting my teeth so hard they are audible but agree to pay it.

The procedure seems to go well, they cut off more of the uterine stump that looked like it had hematoma and scar tissue on it, they find an anal growth that turns out to be a cyst, they find some bowel leaking into her abdominal cavity (probably the culprit that started all of this) and remove that section of intestine, and just for good measure they remove a 1.5cm chunk of green plastic from inside Schatzi's stomach. A day later, they say she's doing really well and ready to go home. I go to pick her up, and the checkout worker says "Ok, I show a $9000 balance." Turns out what the doctor (med student) MEANT to say on the phone was "all included, this will raise the estimate an ADDITIONAL $5800." Which still doesn't add up to $11500 total but that's beside the point.

I make my case, they get me to agree to pay the $5800 I thought I had agreed to and send the rest to their finance people to see if they can "work something out."
We went through something like this earlier this year with Darby, our 5 year old Boxer/Beagle mix. Got sick and had to have some lymph nodes removed. Would have been like 10k if we didn't have pet insurance... and the only reason we have that now is our previous dog was a very sweet but sickly beagle that developed Addison's and had to live with it for years. You have my sympathy, it's NEVER an easy to decision.
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We went through something like this earlier this year with Darby, our 5 year old Boxer/Beagle mix. Got sick and had to have some lymph nodes removed. Would have been like 10k if we didn't have pet insurance... and the only reason we have that now is our previous dog was a very sweet but sickle beagle that developed Addison'ss and had to live with it for years. You have my sympathy, it's NEVER an easy to decision.
The Texas a&m small animal veterinary hospital has a big sign on the front door that says they don't accept pet insurance.

But I guess at least this whole experience has taught my girlfriend that every pet needs to be spayed or neutered ASAP. If it wasn't for this whole thing, her beloved puppy would be eaten alive by cancer without us even knowing it.
The Texas a&m small animal veterinary hospital has a big sign on the front door that says they don't accept pet insurance.
I'm not surprised if they're trying to tack an extra 30-40% onto every bill after the fact. Stressed pet owners might let it slide, not so much insurance companies.


Staff member
So, they bent-without-bending to cut me a break without cutting me a break.

They matched me up with a "helping paws" matching funds charity thing that threw in $1000 toward my bill, and also decided that because I have an A&M User ID (because the company I work for does tons of AV work at A&M and so they gave me VPN access and to do that they had to cut through the red tape by making me, technically, a non-compensated employee) that I am A&M staff so they gave me the staff discount and knocked 20% off the bill.

So now my remaining balance is an extremely ironic yet apropos $666 and some cents.

I'm still not happy about the final bill being basically $8000... on top of the $2600 I spent at the first vet... oh and Nibbles had two stones in his bladder a couple weeks ago and that ran me about $3000....

I am MF'in SKINT.
One of our cats has an eye injury (likely from another cat) and it’s infected and swollen. Poor guy is in rough shape. It looked scary and it was hard to tell what exactly was going on when it was so swollen

He was so nice at the vet and let them run all their tests and treat him.

His soft collar arrives tomorrow and he’s been prescribed antibiotics and pain med drops.
The Texas a&m small animal veterinary hospital has a big sign on the front door that says they don't accept pet insurance.
[standard disclaimer of "I am a veterinarian but I am not YOUR veterinarian" and I am not practicing in Texas, etc.]

I'm glad foremost that the pup is stable so far, and that the rest all got sorted out in the end. The cost of care is consistently a nightmare part of veterinary communications in both directions in my experience. I just wanted to share a general PSA about veterinary/pet insurance in case this helps someone in the future - it is a very different beast (ha) than what most people have experienced for their own (human) health insurance. Pet insurance typically will offer policies that cover some/most preventive care, as well as some specified specialist and urgent/emergency care. The whole "pre-existing conditions" exclusion is definitely present with pet health insurance, so management/treatment of some very common things will not be covered unless the pet was insured prior to developing those.

Unlike human health insurance, there is (currently) almost zero dialogue between the insurance and the healthcare providers (hospitals/practitioners) dictating treatment/etc., except in cases where the insurance needs to speak with the vet in order to confirm that the procedure being performed is covered (or, in the large animal realm, whether the decision for euthanasia on a mortality claim is warranted). The insurance providers typically request the hospital/visit discharge summary report and invoice to confirm what was done and when as they are working on paying a claim (this can be provided by the owners or the vet admin staff). But along with that, in many years of vet practice I have never heard that a specific practice/location is excluded from a particular insurer (unless, say, the insurance doesn't cover acupuncture - then obviously an acupuncture-only clinic wouldn't be covered). But unlike in human healthcare, there also typically aren't "networks" in the same way, wherein you're looking for an "in-network" provider (exceptions being if you are employed by a specific vet hospital group; the insurance/coverage in those cases can be more thorny).

Also unlike in human health insurance/healthcare, it's not set up such that pet owners only pay a deductible and the rest is "charged to insurance." Instead, the owner pays the full amount of the bill, and then submits a claim against their insurance policy to be paid back at a later time from the insurance company directly to the policy holder. This is made pretty clear when choosing a pet health insurance policy, but it's not something well known to those who haven't sought out pet insurance, so paying the total can be a big surprise. So I wonder if the sign that is up is intended to inform people that they will have to pay their bill up front (since that is different than if they themselves walked into an ER with insurance). The second line here from the Texas A&M Vet Hospital website indicates that they expect their clients may have pet insurance and this commercial pet insurance site also notes that TAMU takes pet insurance. (Not that it would've helped in this case without previously having pet insurance, but good to clarify for the future?) Either way, it sounds like that sign on the clinic door should be much clearer!

Sorry you have had to go through all this - I'm thinking good thoughts that your pets are past all of their health hurdles for the moment!
One of our cats has an eye injury (likely from another cat) and it’s infected and swollen. Poor guy is in rough shape. It looked scary and it was hard to tell what exactly was going on when it was so swollen

He was so nice at the vet and let them run all their tests and treat him.

His soft collar arrives tomorrow and he’s been prescribed antibiotics and pain med drops.
The wife’s away visiting her parents so my evenings are my own for now. My usual D&D group is flaky but I found a store that hosts several groups every Thursday. Anyways, the game starts and we get through the initial introductions. The party sets out in an adventure and we get into the first roleplaying encounter. One of the players is a murderhobo who promptly starts a fight and gets half the party killed over the next 40 minutes.

I feel like this evening has been wasted.
I'd matched with a gal on Hinge. Things were going okay. We were texting, sending voice messages, that sort of thing. But a couple of red flags came up for me, along with other issues.

For one, she's in Mahone Bay, over an hour drive away. No city buses that reach that far. 6 hour bike ride. And since I don't have a car, she'd have to do a lot of the driving just to get to me.

Plus, her profile listed as "unvaccinated," which...ehhh, small red flag. She had a lot of New Age spiritual ideas, which makes me wonder if she was the type of more toxic New Age person who things vaccines are "unnatural." We didn't really discuss that, but it was kind of a warning sign.

And she had a hang-up about food. She didn't really go into detail about it, but she said she stressed just remembering to eat at all during the day, and only ate when she was hungry. When I talked about my weight loss journey, watching calorie intake, intermittent fasting, etc, it apparently triggered her.

I don't think she liked the way I talked about how I hated my job (despite the company itself treating me well).

Anyway, without even a first date, we mutually decided not to pursue things and end communications.

And...it just sucks because she was the first genuine match I've had on the dating apps I'm on these days. I'm glad it was a mutual understanding, so I'm not too broken up about that, but fucking hell, I'm lonely. And still convinced I'm going to die alone.
Wedding complete and paperwork mailed off (must be mailed less than 48 hours after ceremony!)

Exhausted and very sore. Ug.
This is ridiculous.
I'm getting slightly better, so I now have enough energy to want to do stuff, but not enough to actually do anything.
So, I know, I'll colour. Mindless. Doesn't involve a screen (as those hurt right now too). No moving parts. Simple.
Did that for maybe 20? 30mins?
Now I'm nauseous.
This sucks.


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Somehow I've managed to really hurt my left wrist. I hope it gets better soon, twisting it at all gives me a sharp spike of pain and I can barely hold a drink with it.


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My sleep schedule is all messed up. Went to Wichita to visit Sam this weekend but right now I'm on nights. I left work at midnight to sleep a little on Friday. Drove 5 hours Friday and had a hard time sleeping Friday night. Stayed up most of Saturday but crashed hard and had to lay down. Then I was up all night starting about 2 am. Drove home this morning but had to lay down when I got home (about 3 pm) and woke up at 8. Now I'm going to try and stay up all night to work tomorrow night overnight shift.

Started seeing Hallowe'en candy displays going up on July 31st.
Normally this would fill me with rage, because I HATE the holiday creep, and I loathe any reminder that summer is ending soon.
...however, Li'l Z's new baseball team are the Ghosts, so I've been enjoying snapping up any ghost item in anticipation for all the tournaments we're going to be going to. :oops:

(Small pet peeve: they're called the Ghosts, but their logo/mascot is a reaper. It's not the same thing, dammit!)
I don't mind it in the big stores that sell displays and such so people can put up their own displays in a timely manner.
I don't mind it in the big stores that sell displays and such so people can put up their own displays in a timely manner.
My wife used to work at Michael's, and she would continually have to explain this to people: "We are a craft store. The people buying our products are making something that has to be finished in time for the holiday. That means all the materials/kits/supplies have to be out and on sale long before said holiday."

I felt kind of goofy starting to pump out halloween stuff a couple of days ago. But I only have two vending events between now and halloween, so if it's gonna get sold, it's gotta get sold at those.