Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

And it sounds like your two "feuding" animals have some 'splaining to do.
(they'll probably have you change the cat's litter, I recommend Dr. Elsey's Ultra. Not sure what they'll have you do with the dog)



Staff member
And it sounds like your two "feuding" animals have some 'splaining to do.
(they'll probably have you change the cat's litter, I recommend Dr. Elsey's Ultra. Not sure what they'll have you do with the dog)

The dog has blood in her bladder that shows up on an ultrasound, so we're trying to treat that with meds and then we go back friday to see if there's anything more that needs to be dealt with.

The cat has an obstructed urethra, and is getting cat-thetered (ba dum tish) and is being kept in the hospital for 48 hours, and they're going to do the whole x-rays and whatnot thing to see if it's stones or infection or what..

Between them, I've dropped about $4700 in vet bills this weekend. Oooooof.

And my fiber is still down.
