Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!


Staff member
Today has been a shit day. It was a pretty shitty day at work, and I got busted by the power company today for running my solar panels without a permit. The permit inspection was supposed to happen 2 days ago, but due to "technical problems with their ticketing system" it got pushed back to thursday. (Well, really it was supposed to happen WEEKS ago but shit keeps happening)

I've been running this thing on pretty much any given day I was sure the permit inspector wasn't going to show up. But now I've got lockout tags on my stuff and I would not be surprised if I got a fine.

It's too much to ask bureaucrats with a monopoly to get their thumbs out of their asses and do their jobs, but I'm expected to sit here on a $65k solar installation that finished July 5th and continue to burn dinosaurs at exorbitant rates and be glad about it.
Yeah Dave, stop thinking only about yourself and more about how those poor insurance companies are going to please their investors and executive boards!
Once again I am so, so grateful to live in a country with awesome universal healthcare.

Like, our healthcare system is suffering staggering financial losses every year, but all of our politicians pretty much universally agree that they will do whatever it takes to keep it running and high quality.
Unfortunately, that's what the American government can't understand. It's not supposed to make money, it's supposed to be an essential service funded by taxes. Not everything can be run like a business.
Compare the USPS having billions in "losses" while US Military has billions in "investments".

Investing in schools, infrastructure, and health has been proven a million times over to be beneficial to a country and society in the long run. Just not to the shareholders.
Two or three months ago, a couple of starving dogs showed up at the neighborhood pool. When I say they were starving I mean they were skin and bone. Their hips and ribs were sticking out. The lifeguards took care of them and gradually got their weight up. Anyways, hadn’t seen them for a while and asked how they were doing. Apparently one of the neighbors recently thought the dogs were lowering property values because she chased them off with a stick and scared them away.

I hope those dogs found a home.
The worst part - THE FUCKING WORST PART - is that between my wife and I we make over $100k a year. And I have insurance. And a Health Savings Account. And I still can’t afford this without a loan or holding up a liquor store.
I had an X-ray done two weeks ago.
I got a call on Friday telling me they might have to cancel my appointment coming up two weeks from now (an appointment which was scheduled during the 2nd week of July, I might add) to discuss whatever that X-ray might reveal because the people in charge of reviewing/interpreting X-rays are currently operating somewhere between one and two months behind.


Sounds about right.



Staff member
Kid got injured at work. Am at the ER. It's not life threatening, but it is a huge pain in the ass because we've failed to be seen at 2 urgent care clinics prior to this because as soon as they heard it was a workplace injury they refused to do anything at all without a claim number (not just a policy number) and as HR obviously hasn't filed the paperwork on an injury that happened at 4 pm yet before going home for the day. So the last 4 hours have been a complete waste and now the actual waiting begins.

I wanted to avoid the ER if at all possible because last time it was a 5 hour wait.


Staff member
Good morning! Wow timing is everything. Interesting story but today is my big exam at work. I have to pass it to keep my job. Yes, I've had other tests, but this one is the oral exam where the managers grill me and test my overall knowledge. Frankly, this is the one that's been stressing me out. I get up at 5:15 this morning to go to work and find that I have a flat tire. Front driver's side which is interesting because the sensor has been telling me it's the REAR driver's side that's been low so I've been watching that one. Fun fact, I had my tires checked Wednesday morning and aired up to their proper psi. Guess that one didn't hold.

Anyway, turns out that the 2012 Chevy Volt does not come with a spare tire. Don't ask me how I've never noticed before. But in the trunk under the panel that comes up is not a spare tire but a battery. Huh. Who knew? So now I have to wait for my son to get home, go get a new tire, or use his compressor to air it up enough to get it to the tire place. Good thing I got paid today but now I'm going to be out a couple hundred dollars.

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Is it sad that I've just gotten numb to being punched in the face by crazy people in Philadelphia? Not, PHYSICALLY numb but I recovered from today's socking pretty fast, kinda rolled with it.

ALL while a bystander just walked on by not giving a flying fuck about me being assaulted-HAHA-I hate this city sometimes.


Staff member
Is it sad that I've just gotten numb to being punched in the face by crazy people in Philadelphia? Not, PHYSICALLY numb but I recovered from today's socking pretty fast, kinda rolled with it.

ALL while a bystander just walked on by not giving a flying fuck about me being assaulted-HAHA-I hate this city sometimes.
There has never been a more ironically named city. City of Brotherly Love my patootie.

And fuck the Eagles.

(Glad you're okay!)

Oh, and WHY are you assaulted so much??!
There has never been a more ironically named city. City of Brotherly Love my patootie.

And fuck the Eagles.

(Glad you're okay!)

Oh, and WHY are you assaulted so much??!
Honestly? I just happen to be in the area of CLEARLY disturbed people at the wrong time, several times.

First time: Bus station, guy bursted out of a bus stop, called me a dumb ass, slapped me across the face.

Second time: Picking up an order from Taco Bell, guy just starts ranting really confusing stuff saying I made him stink and that I'm not human, smacks me in the ear so hard my earbud gets lodged in my ear.

Third time, today: Tried to walk around this guy shadow boxing too late, he starting threatening me and then just hit me in the jaw.

And ALL three times none of them tried to steal anything from me, some people in Philly will just punch you in the face and then run away.

Also want to say these 3 events happened within the span of several years, still sucks and Philly is still dangerous but its thankfully not as frequent as it could be.


Staff member
Ug. I clicked on a bullshit book on Amazon, and now my recommendations are filled with right-wing conspiracy theory bullcrap.

From now on, we browse in incognito mode apparently.
Go to your browsing history (on Amazon, Account & Lists -> Your Account -> Browsing History) and delete it, that's supposed to stop it from influencing recommendations.
Tangentially related: Mr. Z has been hunting for a baseball glove I desperately want. It's model is called the Marucci Nightshift: Bikini Bottom. Should be obvious why it's called that-

It's not sold in stores, so he's been hunting the resellers market. Unfortunately, now matter how specific he types in the name of the glove, his FB marketplace and other sites are now spamming him with ads for ...used panties and bikini bottoms. He's so aggravated that something so innocent is making him look like a huge perv to his algorithms.


Staff member

My tale begins Tuesday night. I went to bed early because my final test at work was Wednesday and it was make or break. If I passed I was a tech 2 and no longer had to train or fear for my job. If I failed there was a real chance I could be let go in less than a month. Round about 12:30 I wake to the sound that should be packaged up and used as an alarm that would wake the dead - a cat puking.

My fucking cat, who lays on my bed, puked all over the comforter. So I had to get up, strip the bed, take the dirty laundry downstairs, and put a new comforter on. Please note that this is TUESDAY night/WEDNESDAY morning. I get back to bed...and can't sleep. I'd slept 4 hours already and now I was awake. I tried to sleep but then Zach got up to go to work and the dogs wanted out. So I did not get back to sleep that night. I get to work and my round table goes well. I make my tech 2 and relax. Stress be gone.

Did I say the story was over? Well, it isn't! At work today - THURSDAY - I have to put on an FR (fire-resist) shirt so I take off my hoodie and throw it on my chair. It is only then I discover that the cat had not only puked on the bed, but that the hoodie I'd been wearing FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS had cat puke in the hood. By then it was dried and stuff, but it was there. I'D BEEN WEARING THAT HOOD! I had a cap on but still!

So fucking gross.