Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

Hey guys, we need to set up some kind of memorial for Higgins. He suffered so much at the end of the fight. We should honor his memory.
I feel moved to offer a prayer (in love):

Source of all love and all life,
we know that you are with us for all our journeys,
through life and death and into new life with you.
We know that HCGLNS (Higgins) has started a new journey with you that we know nothing about, only that he is in your holy presence.
And so we rejoice and give thanks or the life that he shared with us here on this forum.
May we always remember that which he taught and shared – his ideals and values, his sense of humour, his love of TPKs, his loathing of reply-all emails.
We give thanks for our memories of HCGLNS.
Through the sharing of those memories, may there be healing.
Comforting and caring God, we know that you walk with us in our sorrows as well as our joys, and so we pray for HCGLNS’s family and friends, and for all who grieve his untimely passing.
We pray, in the hopes of stable servers, good dice rolls, and properly calibrated instruments.
Amongst the sea of irrelevant emails, I used my "top notch" "social skills" to explain to a very senior person, that

a = b - c/d


a = b - c*d

as they believed and built into their huge spreadsheet, which predicted dire ruin....
Discovered the pipe in the basement that leads to the sewer has a crack in the side of it.
Discovered the crack when it started spilling sewer water from the ceiling where the pipe goes over the washer and dryer.
Patched it up with $70 worth of Flex Tape.
Discovered another leak a couple hours later which got missed because the other one was hogging all the attention.
Patched that one up with $30 worth of Flex Tape.
Got a fan running to dry up the pools of ick, will have to sift through what got wet and see what can be salvaged, and will also try not to think about how much it will cost to fix it all for good, nor how long the Flex Tape patches will hold before the pipe crumbles enough to make it REALLY serious.



Staff member
This year, as in all years previous, I was not sent to our industry trade show, Infocomm. That's a bummer.

Oh, but everybody who DID go came back with the 'Rona. So maybe I dodged a bullet there.


Staff member
Went to the dentist today and they took xrays and did a quick examination. They are making a plan and sending off a pre-treatment estimate to my insurance. In two to three weeks I should know what my insurance will pay. The biggest issue now is how I want the extractions done. I can either do it in the office with locals or at an oral surgeon with anesthesia. I really, really, REALLY want the anesthesia but in the end it might come down to money. I might not be able to afford the oral surgeon and the dentures. I would be having over half of my teeth extracted (whether that's partial extractions because bits are still in the gums or the whole tooth). I'm just not sure I want to sit through that many extractions with local shots. Not only would that be terrifying but I would think it would still be painful.

Fuck the US healthcare system. I should never have to make the choice between comfort and just not getting anything done because of money. I make almost $100k a year and I can't afford to get my fucking teeth fixed because it's dental not medical and insurance is ass.
I make almost $100k a year and I can't afford to get my fucking teeth fixed because it's dental not medical and insurance is ass.
And if it had happened as a result of hitting your steering wheel with your face during an accident, your car insurance would've paid for it.



Staff member
And if it had happened as a result of hitting your steering wheel with your face during an accident, your car insurance would've paid for it.

Or if it had happened at work they would have paid for it. But no, I had to do it at home.
*sigh* I can't sleep. Fucking private drama got me so upset that my heart is racing too much for me to sleep now. And I have to get up for work in less than 5 hours.
In yet another case of "Nick gets easily discouraged," I matched with a girl on Tinder. Actually, we matched on Bumble, too, but I didn't see it in time before it timed out.

Anyway, we started talking a little. She's a fellow cyclist, which seemed encouraging. I asked her if she braved the rain today. She didn’t and that's okay. I asked her if she's lived in Halifax long. She gave a pretty good answer, then said "And you?" I answered. And then...nothing.

Fucks sake, ask some questions back, maybe? Is it too much to ask that I don't ask all the questions? Or am I just that boring in my approach? I have no idea what I'm doing.

This only further cements why I'm going to die alone.


Staff member
In yet another case of "Nick gets easily discouraged," I matched with a girl on Tinder. Actually, we matched on Bumble, too, but I didn't see it in time before it timed out.

Anyway, we started talking a little. She's a fellow cyclist, which seemed encouraging. I asked her if she braved the rain today. She didn’t and that's okay. I asked her if she's lived in Halifax long. She gave a pretty good answer, then said "And you?" I answered. And then...nothing.

Fucks sake, ask some questions back, maybe? Is it too much to ask that I don't ask all the questions? Or am I just that boring in my approach? I have no idea what I'm doing.

This only further cements why I'm going to die alone.
Speaking from experience, a lot of women on dating sites are just window shopping and feel no obligation to continue any conversation. Also they might just have started looking because they got mad at their current BF and then stop opening the app a couple days later after the make-up sex.


Staff member
One of the media storage drives in my plex server died >_< taking about 3tb of shows and movies with it. It doesn't look to be recoverable at all, even attempting to do so crashes windows explorer. My steam deck's "NTFSFIX" linux utility is chewing away at it valiantly but doesn't seem to be making any progress....

Ouch. So yeah...lost a lot of stuff there. Guess I waited just a little too long to get that raid enclosure going.
Speaking from experience, a lot of women on dating sites are just window shopping and feel no obligation to continue any conversation. Also they might just have started looking because they got mad at their current BF and then stop opening the app a couple days later after the make-up sex.
I’ll never forget my wife on one of our first dates was like “yeah I was only on bumble for a few days before we started talking” and then showed me she had 100 matches. It’s such a comically different experience for men and women on those apps.


Staff member
I’ll never forget my wife on one of our first dates was like “yeah I was only on bumble for a few days before we started talking” and then showed me she had 100 matches. It’s such a comically different experience for men and women on those apps.
Similar story with my gf and I. I'd had maybe 5 matches in 4 months between match.com and eHarmony (both the paid versions) and she'd been on match less than a week.

And of my matches, one was overseas, two went silent, one got me a date then got back with her ex... Etc.
I just don't know what to say and assume I've already screwed things up.

I'm half tempted to say something like, "Hey, so full disclosure, I'm really rusty at dating and not good at small talk over text. How about we go out for dinner tomorrow? I'm free after 430. You can pick the place."

But that just feels like a line after the short time we've talked.

One of the media storage drives in my plex server died >_< taking about 3tb of shows and movies with it.
This is legit one of my greatest fears.
I want to upgrade my pitiful 6TB array to something larger and robust, but I also am not looking forward to spending ~$2k on drives for a machine that just hums away unnoticed in my basement.

I just don't know what to say and assume I've already screwed things up.

I'm half tempted to say something like, "Hey, so full disclosure, I'm really rusty at dating and not good at small talk over text. How about we go out for dinner tomorrow? I'm free after 430. You can pick the place."

But that just feels like a line after the short time we've talked.

Welp! I said exactly that and...she responded positively! She said she appreciated the forward approach.

So...looks like I have a dinner date tomorrow.
I broke a tooth Friday. I blamed the nerds Candy, but the de rust said that my old silver filling failed.

I just had an extensive procedure to correct things and I’m feeling bleh. I was shocked by the amount of pressure required to cram the new ceramic thing in.

How can I be both so frozen that my forehead is numb and be in pain?
This...just looks like a relatively normal initial conversation between two introverts?
There's nothing wrong with being introverted. You don't need to have an actual in-person meeting in order to "win" at social activity.
Just leave open the opportunity for the future.

Sad ending to that story. Have a couple friends that are dating and I assumed it would get more chill after we left our 20’s but no apparently it’s just as shitty as it was back then. Which really is shocking to me.
Lucky left us end of 2020. He's still my background at work and I still say bye to him every time I shut the computer off at the end of the day.

Last week-end, we went camping with some family members and friends and one of them had their dog with them, a 2-year-old shih tzuh/yorkshire mix who was also named Lucky. Had the same kind of underbite and everything, though he looked NOTHING like our Lucky, LOL. Friendly little guy.

Took everything I had to not break down in front of everyone. I did have a quiet cry later that night in bed where no one could see. Didn't want to bring everyone down. My wife, Lucky's mum since way before I came along, seemed fine, though who knows if she did the same thing.

These pets are our kids, man. They make their home in our hearts and they never truly leave.

"Take the loss as a token of value and grace" - Falconer, Rejoice The Adorned
Yeah, anyone who ever says to me "They are/were just a dog/cat/any animal" and has owned pets actively gets logged as a potential sociopath.
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