Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

I don't doubt that, at some point, Hitler had some good ideas.
The ones he chose to act on, though...ehhhhh not so great.
I feel like even someone like Voldemort occasionally experienced momentary uncharacteristic flashes of generosity or the like, but then shrugged it off as "weakness" or "counter to the master plan" or "shut up, mother!" or whatever.

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Hitler genuinely *did* have a bunch of good ideas and did a lot of good for the country.
They're almost exclusively the parts modern-day (neo-)nazis and fascists don't want to talk about or agree with anymore, though.

Not intended in any way or form as a defense of the guy, he was one of the biggest monsters of human history and was instrumental in the industrialization of genocide, the growth and evolution of propaganda and starting one of the most terrible wars our planet has ever seen.

The roaring twenties were, well, roaring for most of the West but were a terrible time in Weimar Germany because of the Versailles treaty. The NSDAP under Hitler in the late '20d-early '30s managed to rebuild the economy, invested massively in infrastructure (nationalizing the rails and expanding the network immensely, built the national highway system); the Volkswagen was the German "answer" to the Ford T as an easy, cheap, reliable car available to the masses, and they greatly expanded vacation time and social security for laborers. The German economy after WWI had been forced back to a more agrarian focus (since mining resources were all moved out of he country as reparations) leaving large parts of the population poor. He expanded natrionally mandated vacation days for laborers.
The economic revival for the average German in the '30s with respect to household income/buying power was comparable to that of Americans in the '50s and '60s.
In some of those ways, Hitler was a combination FDR/Eisenhower/Ford for Germany.

Again, he was also a warmongering egomaniacal madman and dictator who plunged the world into a terrible war and started the Holocaust, and there's no start to all the evil he wrought, the balance of his scales is way off. But technically, he did have some good ideas.
Imagine a Trump who nationalized Tesla, Ford and GM and mass produced a reliable, good, electric car for the equivalent of $10K; somehow managed to return major chip and semiconductor production to the USA, installed national single payer healthcare; increased nationally mandated holidays, got rid of at-will employment, lowered taxes on the average household, and somehow did all that while lowering the national debt.

Sadly I don't think any of those are the good ideas any of those zoomers are thinking about.