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Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace




Dedicated to all those beloved celebrities who suddenly are revealed to be awful people.







Letitia Wright has taken a lot of shit for her garbage views but you know what Marvel actress has skirted any backlash until now despite being openly shitty since the start of Covid?




Letitia Wright has taken a lot of shit for her garbage views but you know what Marvel actress has skirted any backlash until now despite being openly shitty since the start of Covid?

Related to this, I learned she's a "vaccines cause autism" kind of person, too. Really disappointing.




I have a feeling this thread is going to bring me very little joy and a lot of sadness and disappointment.




I have a feeling this thread is going to bring me very little joy and a lot of sadness and disappointment.
I mean, it's right there in the title.





I like milkshakes, and I like ducks, but put them together.....




I have a feeling this thread is going to bring me very little joy and a lot of sadness and disappointment.
It's the Diet Misanthropy Thread - now SFW!




I have an obvious one.




I have an obvious one.
He lied to us TWICE this year about having a shot.




That unvaccinated version of Covid he got sure had no impact on his performance eh?

He looks 12 years older than when he hosted Jeopardy last year.




I mean, he did win MVP this year. Losing to the Niners in the playoffs is just kind of his thing.




I mean, he did win MVP this year. Losing to the Niners in the playoffs is just kind of his thing.
Man's got a kink no shame in that.




Man's got a kink no shame in that.
No rings in that, either.





He has one ring.



Celt Z

Celt Z

So did Sauron!




Who wore it better?





Sauron, hands down.




Brian Kendrick, a long time wrestler, though not exactly a shock when someone who used to take chair shots to the head for a living, apparently said some weirdly heinous shit on video like a decade ago. It recently came up and cost him a big comeback match on TV. Not surprising, wrestlers aren't immune from CTE anymore than NFL players are. This interaction with Sabu, another wrestler from the same era, whose reaction made me laugh and thus feel like I could plop it in here.




"That elaborate conspiracy theory I went on a diatribe about was never part of my beliefs" is a wild approach to taking responsibility.




Jenna Jameson. Yes, THAT Jenna Jameson.




With the spectre of nuclear war rising again, Nena's "99 Luftballons" is back in the zeitgest in places I've surfed.

And thanks to that, TIL Nena's anti-vax.




With the spectre of nuclear war rising again, Nena's "99 Luftballons" is back in the zeitgest in places I've surfed.

And thanks to that, TIL Nena's anti-vax.

Yeah, but it's not really surprising.




Mickey Rourke




Mickey Rourke

So, is the problem with him is that he thinks the conflict will only end if there is divine intervention (based on the assertion that Putin isn't going to back down and the Ukrainians will never give up)? Are we cancelling people for that now?




I think it's more that he's willing to go on Newsmax for segments.




Yeah, he went on Newsmax to advocate abdication of any earthly responsibility for war, especially ending it.

IE, "stop helping Ukraine" dressed up as enlightened christian pacifism.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Look, the dude just wants his bird back. That should fix everything.


General Specific

General Specific

Hey, leave my middle school female gym teacher alone!

(I am not kidding, in that picture, he looks exactly like the old female gym teacher I had in middle school, just with more necklaces)




Randy Quaid.





He’s been nuts for a long time.




He’s been nuts for a long time.
Just noting down for the record the degree and currency.




David Mamet




"The Milkshake Duck Variations"











There are some Russian artists and youtubers and whatnot that I enjoy content for, and given even some of my WESTERN hemisphere favorites have revealed themselves to be ducks lately, I was kinda worried about this...

But it turns out, Little Big has come out against the Invasion of Ukraine. So good for them.




Fucking hell. This was a guy I actually admired because he constantly criticized billionaires and corporations.




Here's one I hadn't heard of before...Fred Savage, who has apparently been removed from 3 shows now in his life following complains of misconduct.




Here's one I hadn't heard of before...Fred Savage, who has apparently been removed from 3 shows now in his life following complains of misconduct.

I often wonder why certain people don't get a lot of work and Fred Savage is one. Have to wonder what kind of douchbag he is.

Being a huge fan of Boy Meets World, I hope the apple falls very far from the tree in his brother, Ben Savage.




I often wonder why certain people don't get a lot of work and Fred Savage is one. Have to wonder what kind of douchbag he is.

Being a huge fan of Boy Meets World, I hope the apple falls very far from the tree in his brother, Ben Savage.
Word is that he was (and maybe still is?) a racist asshole:

‘Boy Meets World’ star apologises for racist joke calling colleague “Aunt Jemima”




*hangs head* Goddammit.




If it wasn't for Keanu Reeves serving as a shining counterpoint, I might think that every single person in this world has a skeleton in their closet, some of them child skeletons.




If it wasn't for Keanu Reeves serving as a shining counterpoint, I might think that every single person in this world has a skeleton in their closet, some of them child skeletons.
I mean, probably. Shining paragons we are not. See: Jackbox Night




I often wonder why certain people don't get a lot of work and Fred Savage is one. Have to wonder what kind of douchbag he is.

Being a huge fan of Boy Meets World, I hope the apple falls very far from the tree in his brother, Ben Savage.
The huge irony of this is I remember there explicitly being an episode of Boy Meets World where Fred Savage (a college professor) sexually harasses Topanga and the college kind of drags their feet about doing anything about it.




Eric Clapton




Eric Clapton

I’m sorry did it really take this long?




I’m sorry did it really take this long?
Guess I'm just late to the party.

Also: Racism




Guess I'm just late to the party.

Also: Racism

I was gonna say, he's been racist a long time.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

I was gonna say, he's been racist a long time.
My mother is very meek, always looks for the good in people and seldom says an unkind word. But, she can be savagely quick and sarcastic. Once, I was reading an article that had Eric Clapton's line about "I used to be into drugs, now I'm into racism," and without missing a beat my mother said, "I guess that's why his band was called Cream."







Tommy was better anyway.




Also explains why he's not involved in the upcoming 30th season while most of the original cast otherwise is.




He's an avid Trumper and shit too, big shock that he's a thieving piece of shit.

Red Rangers have a tough go at it, didn't one kill his room mate with a sword?




He's an avid Trumper and shit too, big shock that he's a thieving piece of shit.

Red Rangers have a tough go at it, didn't one kill his room mate with a sword?
That would be Ricardo Medina, aka Cole Evans from Wild Force and Dekar from Samurai. He's done 6 years, for voluntary manslaughter. He got out in 2020.




He's an avid Trumper and shit too, big shock that he's a thieving piece of shit.

Red Rangers have a tough go at it, didn't one kill his room mate with a sword?
I wish we would stop saying these people are "Trumpers" at this point. Time to skip all the cult crap and get to the root of what they are- FASCISTS.




I wish we would stop saying these people are "Trumpers" at this point. Time to skip all the cult crap and get to the root of what they are- FASCISTS.
Hey now, Hitlerists.




Hey now, Hitlerists.
Too loaded. I want people to use a word that accurately describes these people. I'm tired of these guys constantly rebranding themselves and sugar coating their poison pill ideologies.




Hey now, Hitlerists.
Hitler was a fascist.
All Hitlerism is Fascism, but not all Fascism is Hitlerism.
They are not emulating and glorifying Hitler because they think Hitler (himself) was a great fellow and they wish to subscribe to his beliefs, they are idolizing Hitler because they view him as a role model and exemplar of their (fascist) beliefs.





Ezra Miller has gone from "haha, he gets in bar fights" to: As Ezra Miller grooming allegations deepen, court ‘cannot locate or serve’ the actor

I have no idea what side to come down on in this.

On one hand: A restraining order against Miller accuses him of “psychologically manipulating, physically intimidating and endangering the safety and welfare of Tokata Iron Eyes". They (non-binary are 18 and Miller is 29, but they first met when 12 and 23, and allegations of abuse go back to at least when the alleged victim was 14.

Among the allegations are, "giving Tokata alcohol and drugs, such as marijuana and LSD, and flying Tokata to London, Vermont, New York, California and Hawaii", "tried to sleep in the same bed as the then-14-year-old Tokata and was prevented from doing so by a chaperone", using multiple social media accounts “to threaten and gaslight any victims and truth from coming out.”

On the other hand: Tokata has publicly denied that they are a victim, says they are thankful for Miller's support, and says their parent's actions are transphobic. So, while I'm inclined to be harsh on anyone who is abusing children, I also know that abusive parents know how to spin a story to make it sound like anyone helping their child is the real abuser.

This could be a trans-teen who is trying to escape bigoted parents through an adult in their lives who was supportive, or it could be a child who was groomed for years and is now lying to protect their abuser.

Either way, Miller just keeps stirring up drama, and seems to be really dumb about the way he does it.




Ezra Miller has gone from "haha, he gets in bar fights" to: As Ezra Miller grooming allegations deepen, court ‘cannot locate or serve’ the actor

I have no idea what side to come down on in this.

On one hand: A restraining order against Miller accuses him of “psychologically manipulating, physically intimidating and endangering the safety and welfare of Tokata Iron Eyes". They (non-binary are 18 and Miller is 29, but they first met when 12 and 23, and allegations of abuse go back to at least when the alleged victim was 14.

Among the allegations are, "giving Tokata alcohol and drugs, such as marijuana and LSD, and flying Tokata to London, Vermont, New York, California and Hawaii", "tried to sleep in the same bed as the then-14-year-old Tokata and was prevented from doing so by a chaperone", using multiple social media accounts “to threaten and gaslight any victims and truth from coming out.”

On the other hand: Tokata has publicly denied that they are a victim, says they are thankful for Miller's support, and says their parent's actions are transphobic. So, while I'm inclined to be harsh on anyone who is abusing children, I also know that abusive parents know how to spin a story to make it sound like anyone helping their child is the real abuser.

This could be a trans-teen who is trying to escape bigoted parents through an adult in their lives who was supportive, or it could be a child who was groomed for years and is now lying to protect their abuser.

Either way, Miller just keeps stirring up drama, and seems to be really dumb about the way he does it.
Based on Miller's other completely insane actions and behavior, I'm more inclined to believe the 2nd.




Based on Miller's other completely insane actions and behavior, I'm more inclined to believe the 2nd.
I'm more inclined to believe Miller is the abuser, as well (and damn me for having that one sentence in the entire post flip the order of the two), but I don't think I can be certain without more knowledge.




I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is both.




I would think that abused children desperate for a way out would be ideal targets for other abusers.




I completely agree with Mr. Atkinson, and interpreting "cancel culture" as only oppressed minorities daring to speak up is completely disingeneous. Some people on"Both sides" are trying to silence people on the other end of the political spectrum, and it being reduced to two sides IS a large part of the problem.
It's certainly more problematic when the powerful try to silence the oppressed, obviously. But - certainly online - there's also a movement on the left to silence anyone who dares question some aspects of a sometimes runaway faux-progressivism.




I completely agree with Mr. Atkinson, and interpreting "cancel culture" as only oppressed minorities daring to speak up is completely disingeneous. Some people on"Both sides" are trying to silence people on the other end of the political spectrum, and it being reduced to two sides IS a large part of the problem.
It's certainly more problematic when the powerful try to silence the oppressed, obviously. But - certainly online - there's also a movement on the left to silence anyone who dares question some aspects of a sometimes runaway faux-progressivism.
It's a complicated issue because:

Pointing out that the right invented cancel culture (shunning things not christian/conservative enough) hasn't really gotten much traction outside of the US that I've seen
Legitimate gripes against left-wing cancel culture got eclipsed within the last couple years by it becoming a rallying cry for right wingers to dismiss out of hand the idea that they should face any repercussions for their activities or communicated beliefs - usually those beliefs being something to do with marginalization of LGBTQ persons.

So yes, while in the strict interpretation of the situation limited only to the information we have, Atkinson could be talking about either side of the argument, and legitimately so...

...but from contextual and cultural clues and the current zeitgeist, it looks problematic.




That article is also from early 2021.




That article is also from early 2021.
You're right, it's a older one. I only remembered because a more recent one came out.

I'm with Gas on this one: whatever legitimate problems there are on the left, it doesn't excuse the fact that the right wing will use any excuse to dismiss criticism out of hand and THEY are the ones who want to line people up against the wall right now.




You're right, it's a older one. I only remembered because a more recent one came out.

I'm with Gas on this one: whatever legitimate problems there are on the left, it doesn't excuse the fact that the right wing will use any excuse to dismiss criticism out of hand and THEY are the ones who want to line people up against the wall right now.
And he makes it quite clear that he's grumpy that he isn't "allowed" to punch DOWN in that interview.




Bizarre shit from a guy whose comedy is as cutting edge as the side of a knife, I mean for fuck sakes he's currently in a show about a man and a bee.

This would be like Wierd Al complaining about not being able to say the n word.




Bizarre shit from a guy whose comedy is as cutting edge as the side of a knife, I mean for fuck sakes he's currently in a show about a man and a bee.

This would be like Wierd Al complaining about not being able to say the n word.
Weird Al is one of those celebrities that seems REALLY awesome and I would be significantly disappointed if he turns out to be a milkshake duck. Tom Hanks and Chris Evans are among that group, too.

EDIT: Keanu Reeves, too.




I don't know if Sean Bean has previously had his reputation tarnished, but he certainly deserves a big "fuck you" now.

All sorts of things are planned out and choreographed in films. Fight scenes, stunts, dance, special effects, etc. Why? Because actors should be kept safe. Intimacy Coordinators are doing the same kind of work stunt coordinators do, making sure that a potentially dangerous situation stays controlled, and looks impressive while protecting everyone involved.

Fuck you and your asshat opinion, Sean Bean. Take your remarks, print them out on card stock, fold them until they're all sharp corners, and then get intimate with the result, no IC present, because that would "spoil the spontaneity".




I don't know if Sean Bean has previously had his reputation tarnished, but he certainly deserves a big "fuck you" now.

All sorts of things are planned out and choreographed in films. Fight scenes, stunts, dance, special effects, etc. Why? Because actors should be kept safe. Intimacy Coordinators are doing the same kind of work stunt coordinators do, making sure that a potentially dangerous situation stays controlled, and looks impressive while protecting everyone involved.

Fuck you and your asshat opinion, Sean Bean. Take your remarks, print them out on card stock, fold them until they're all sharp corners, and then get intimate with the result, no IC present, because that would "spoil the spontaneity".
I just feel like saying that I think this one is being taken out of context. Sean Bean has been acting for quite some time and Intimacy Coordinators are fairly a new concept. He's used to one thing and has been told "we do it this way now". The article doesn't show him being disrespectful in his responses. He just mentions that the coordinators tend to throw him off. When the interviewer mentions that the coordinators are there to protect the actors, Sean Bean's response is that "I suppose it depends on the actress". Yeah he doesn't really understand how important something like that is nowadays, but again, he's used to one way. If he were known for being an inappropriate co-star that would be one thing. In response to that interview Lena Hall only said nice things about her Snow Piercer costar. “Sean is an awesome actor and made me feel not only comfortable but also like I had a true acting partner in those bizarre scenes,”
I feel that blasting Sean Bean over this is a bit harsh.




I tend to agree with Shawn. Tone deaf on SB's part, sure, but, well, since the HP refers to stunt coordinators as well: there were/are plenty of actors who don't like them. You can think they're a necessity, and still think they limit the style and self-expression of actors who do know what they're doing.
If a...say, Kevin Spacey had said this, it'd be a dog whistle to saying "I don't want people to intervene while I'm trying to low-key molest my costar".
Do I think IC are necessary? absolutely. Do I think every actor and actress needs them? No, not necessarily. Do I think actors or directors should be able to freely choose if they want to include them in their production? Absolutely not (because the ones saying it won't be necessary are the ones who probably need it most).
A guy saying "I don't like condoms because you can feel them" can easily come off as a jerk who just doesn't want to use them (and/or a rapist who removes it halfway through), but can also just mean "I understand why, I just don't have to like it" - a type of misunderstanding/miscommunication i've faced often enough about enough different topics.




In response to that interview Lena Hall only said nice things about her Snow Piercer costar. “Sean is an awesome actor and made me feel not only comfortable but also like I had a true acting partner in those bizarre scenes,”
She also was very clear to note that she was NOT "up for anything", but Mr. Bean did describe her that way. It kinda shows the need for IC when the male star thinks anything is on the table, but the female star quietly disagrees. She's pretty clearly being tactful because she doesn't want to
torpedo her career, while still making it clear that she thinks IC are a very good thing and that she wants to have them. So his partner this time was fine with it, what about next time if she isn't?

The full NYT article the quote comes from really doesn't paint a good picture when addressing that question.

He talks about how choreographing a love scene would ruin the spontaneity. He talks about acting a love scene as if they behave like lovers to film the scene. There's a reason why the industry is finally beginning to recognize that doing things that way is a problem. Even if his most recent acting partner was fine, I guarantee you that someone he's acted with wasn't, given that attitude. The man has had four wives, multiple counts of the police being called for domestic disturbances, and has been openly accused of harassing one of this ex-wives. If he's treating his co-stars like they're his lovers, he's crossed lines, for certain.

At the end of the interview he says, "A lot of men these days are made to feel like apologists for their sexuality and masculinity."
Men who feel like they can be unapologetic about their gender's sexuality are a threat. Because men, as a gender, absolutely have a fucking problem with men using their power to be harmful with their sexuality. Until we reach a point where sexual assault/abuse isn't a major problem in the acting industry, then men should feel like they need to be apologists for their gender, because there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. Men who don't think we need to deal with this major issue are men who like using the power they have too much.

Mr. Bean was doing an interview, talking about the industry and his place in it. You can try to brush it away as attitudes from an older time, or him complaining about how things are different, but he's still working as an actor. He's not some retiree talking about how they did things at the factory back in the day, and how modern safety standards slow things down. He's still working! If someone in a factory job were talking to the press about how OSHA standards make work too hard, and how workers should just buck up and accept that sometimes you lose a finger, you'd blast them for antiquated and outright harmful views. The same goes for an actor decrying modern safety standards on a film set.

There is an obligation for people in an industry to promote the best practices in that industry. If you're a construction worker you shouldn't do an interview where you say that things would be better if no one had to wear a hard hat. If you're a chef you shouldn't do an interview where you say you liked it better when the health inspector didn't come around making sure food is kept at the proper temperature. If you run a day care you don't do an interview and complain about how much harder it is to hire people now that you have to do background checks on everyone. It's just fucking stupid to say any of that shit. It makes you look like an asshole, it makes other people in your industry look like assholes, and it encourages negative trends in your industry. Words fucking matter.

It's not just a matter of his views being old fashioned, it's that the industry needs to change for damn good reason, and he's either part of the problem, or he should be aware enough to know that the problem isn't going to go away as long as powerful men keep whining about how it makes their jobs more difficult to protect women. "It's too difficult! It ruins the mood. I'm a Nice Guy™, I wouldn't do anything my costar doesn't want to. I can tell she's up for anything. Why wouldn't she be? I'm one of the good ones."

Hey, Sean Bean and other male actors, you want to be masculine, go on adventures, and show off how strong you are? Stop being little wimps when it comes to doing things that will protect women! Don't complain that it will make things more difficult for you if you take the steps necessary to make sure that women are safe. Just level up, show how strong and capable you are by doing the right thing, and tell others that they need to do the right thing, no matter how inconvenient it might be.

Yes, this is a hot-button issue for me. Maybe Sean Bean isn't Harvey Weinstein or Joss Whedon, but he's damn well not helping to move the industry away from abusers. That may be a much lesser problem, but it's still a problem, and one he should be taken to task for.




It's a job, not a date.




I kinda put it in the same category as young men saying “but it might ruin the mood” when told to make sure to get verbal enthusiastic consent. In that it’s a stupid thing to say and think and should be pushed back on immediately when it’s heard but not something that rises to a complete fuck this dude.
Course I would hope that Sean Bean had already matured past that point but apparently not.




And there are always Actors who chafe at Directors in general telling them what to do, because their egos tell them "I am the STAR, I KNOW how best to do this, do not TELL me how to DO WHAT I AM BEST AT" etc etc.




Yeah, not sure it is falling from grace but definitely would think twice about casting him in a sex scene.




Just seems like we are giving a guy hell because he spoke his mind. Never said he wouldn’t work with the new industry standards. Made a comment that he believes that both men and women should celebrate what makes them unique. Personally this just feels like another moment of “he’s got a different mind set! Torches and pitchforks time!”. People need to be able to have their opinions and speak about them. It’s what we’ve always done that made us great. Sure it sucks when someone speaks their mind about something really gawd awful, but we have to be very careful that we should be picking our battles here and not going after every sis white male who makes a comment that maybe seems out of touch.

Honestly I’m getting very tired, in general (not of you), of being told who’s work, creation or art I can enjoy and who’s I have to hate and protest because of some dumb comment they made on social media.




I’m going to agree with @Shawn. This is NOT the same as sexual harassment or sexual assault. This is someone expressing an outdated opinion. We, as a society, should disagree and educate in situations like this. Not vilify.




I’m going to agree with @Shawn. This is NOT the same as sexual harassment or sexual assault. This is someone expressing an outdated opinion. We, as a society, should disagree and educate in situations like this. Not vilify.
This has been my take. I feel like his view is outdated but as long as he's going along with the new standards, even if begrudgingly, then it's basically a non issue. But people like to be mad so I just watch them be mad.




I don't know, I think was most disappointed he was reading a Jordan Peterson book more then anything else.

Considering JP makes all his money stoking the fires of male grievance it kind of makes sense now that Sean Bean is being all starry eyed for when "men could be men" and do what they wanted regardless of how comfortable the woman feels in the situation.




I don't know, I think was most disappointed he was reading a Jordan Peterson book more then anything else.

Considering JP makes all his money stoking the fires of male grievance it kind of makes sense now that Sean Bean is being all starry eyed for when "men could be men" and do what they wanted regardless of how comfortable the woman feels in the situation.
Again that's pulling "do whatever he wants" from literally no where.




Again that's pulling "do whatever he wants" from literally no where.
Not exactly. Intimacy Coordinators are there to direct the action of a sex scene for everyones comfort in mind. Sean complains that doing it spoils the "spontaneous" intimacy of the scene, but what is "spontaneous"?
performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
AKA, he wants to do whatever he feels like in the scene.

Fun fact (okay, not really), but not every sexual assault / rape is the type where the woman is thrashing and screaming "No!" into the heavens. Most start out as a simple moment where the "spontaneous" urge of the male in the situation leads to something like groping or sex, at which point the female can go into shock or fear responses, which in turn, the male, now hot and heavy, considers to be consent for his actions.
This situation gets MORE complicated when it's not two people hanging out or dating, but instead two co-workers who have to play act intimacy and may not carry the same power dynamics, many will just suffer in silence to make sure they don't get fired, or blacklisted, . Sean Bean might think it's more spontaneous to just go in with the butt rub while imitating sex, but that does not mean his co-star is going to be happy about the fact Sean Bean grabbed her butt without warning her, because it "felt right" for him to do it.

In no way am I implying that Sean Bean wants to sexually harass people, it's his job to act and sometimes that means acting intimate, but unless he is asking way ahead of time to the actress "Would you mind if I gave your nipples a little pinch while we gyrate?" then that could be a problematic situation, and sure as hell isn't "spontaneous."




Not exactly. Intimacy Coordinators are there to direct the action of a sex scene for everyones comfort in mind. Sean complains that doing it spoils the "spontaneous" intimacy of the scene, but what is "spontaneous"?

AKA, he wants to do whatever he feels like in the scene.

Fun fact (okay, not really), but not every sexual assault / rape is the type where the woman is thrashing and screaming "No!" into the heavens. Most start out as a simple moment where the "spontaneous" urge of the male in the situation leads to something like groping or sex, at which point the female can go into shock or fear responses, which in turn, the male, now hot and heavy, considers to be consent for his actions.
This situation gets MORE complicated when it's not two people hanging out or dating, but instead two co-workers who have to play act intimacy and may not carry the same power dynamics, many will just suffer in silence to make sure they don't get fired, or blacklisted, . Sean Bean might think it's more spontaneous to just go in with the butt rub while imitating sex, but that does not mean his co-star is going to be happy about the fact Sean Bean grabbed her butt without warning her, because it "felt right" for him to do it.

In no way am I implying that Sean Bean wants to sexually harass people, it's his job to act and sometimes that means acting intimate, but unless he is asking way ahead of time to the actress "Would you mind if I gave your nipples a little pinch while we gyrate?" then that could be a problematic situation, and sure as hell isn't "spontaneous."
My assumption is that his use of the word “spontaneous” refers to spur of the moment decisions to make the scene seem more real. He’s an old school actor and he puts effort into all of his performances. Unless I’m wrong he’s not being outed as a creep on set by any actresses or actors, so I would imagine he has respectful conversations with his sex scene costars on what is or what is not OK. If he follows the rules and is respectful to the other actors and crew then I say let him have a conversation about how he prefers the old school ways.




My assumption is that his use of the word “spontaneous” refers to spur of the moment decisions to make the scene seem more real. He’s an old school actor and he puts effort into all of his performances. Unless I’m wrong he’s not being outed as a creep on set by any actresses or actors, so I would imagine he has respectful conversations with his sex scene costars on what is or what is not OK. If he follows the rules and is respectful to the other actors and crew then I say let him have a conversation about how he prefers the old school ways.
Then my question is, what makes it more real? What does he hope to change in the scene that the Intimacy Coordinator is preventing him from doing?

Again, spontaneous means, like you said, spur of the moment, NO PREMEDITATION. That means no preparation. If you are setting boundaries and rules, aka, what the Intimacy Coordinator does, then you are not being spontaneous, you are following the script just like you would any other scene. The placement of your hands, the way you kiss, all that is planned by the Intimacy Coordinator with the approval of both the actor and the actress before they put on their skin suits and socks and get into the bed. What we are rightfully pointing out, is that by complaining about how the Intimacy Coordinator "spoils the spontaneity" and shouldn't be needed, it means he wants more freedom to feel out how to make the scene better, and that does not always mean, "I should ask if Lena is okay if I add a little tongue this time, because it might make things look better on camera."

And you are perfectly right, it could be that Sean simply asks right as the scene is about to start, "What are you okay with me doing?" and then him and the actress work it out, but again, you have to understand power dynamics. If the actress is on a lower tier then Sean, she may offer to let him do more then she actually wants, because she will fear that if she prevents him from doing what he thinks will make the scene feel best, she will be replaced, or blacklisted, or the chemistry of other scenes will be ruined, or so many other things that will make the woman give up just anything short of actual sex. The Intimacy Coordinator is SUPPOSED to be a third party that makes sure no one is giving into specific things they don't want to do, and the fact Sean is complaining about them even existing means he wants to be the one to make that choice, to make the decision.

Can you not understand how that can be a bad look?

This is, again, following the fact that he also wrote about how he is reading a Jordan Peterson book and how men shouldn't have to be apologists for being masculine or male. To better hone my point I want to copy and talk about one specific passage.
"I think you've got to be careful we do not lose sight of what a man is. Look at the old heroes in mythology, history - there's a great respect for a man's adventures and strengths."
What mythology is he talking about? Is he speaking about Greek Mythology? Norse? Christian? Does he know that in almost every mythology, one of the biggest constants was that women were just conquests for men to enjoy? The dude played Zeus in Percy Jackson, a masculine god that rapes dozens of women in actual mythology often times in the guise of someone else, or a fucking animal. There are stories of daughters getting raped by their own fathers (Harpalyce), mothers raped by their sons (Halie). I know many like to gloss over the story of Persephone these days, making it all romantic in video games like Hades, but people forget that Persephone was Zeus' daughter, Hades WAS HER UNCLE, and he raped her and made her his queen in the Underworld with the consent of Zeus, who again, WAS HER FATHER.

This is why the whole thing feels so tone deaf from Sean. He is opining over a time when "men were men" and could be legendary heroes, without thinking A) who wrote those stories, and B) How those men treated women back in those stories. The fact he is also complaining how he can't be spontaneous in sex scenes is just icing on a very problematic cake.




Then my question is, what makes it more real? What does he hope to change in the scene that the Intimacy Coordinator is preventing him from doing?

Again, spontaneous means, like you said, spur of the moment, NO PREMEDITATION. That means no preparation. If you are setting boundaries and rules, aka, what the Intimacy Coordinator does, then you are not being spontaneous, you are following the script just like you would any other scene. The placement of your hands, the way you kiss, all that is planned by the Intimacy Coordinator with the approval of both the actor and the actress before they put on their skin suits and socks and get into the bed. What we are rightfully pointing out, is that by complaining about how the Intimacy Coordinator "spoils the spontaneity" and shouldn't be needed, it means he wants more freedom to feel out how to make the scene better, and that does not always mean, "I should ask if Lena is okay if I add a little tongue this time, because it might make things look better on camera."

And you are perfectly right, it could be that Sean simply asks right as the scene is about to start, "What are you okay with me doing?" and then him and the actress work it out, but again, you have to understand power dynamics. If the actress is on a lower tier then Sean, she may offer to let him do more then she actually wants, because she will fear that if she prevents him from doing what he thinks will make the scene feel best, she will be replaced, or blacklisted, or the chemistry of other scenes will be ruined, or so many other things that will make the woman give up just anything short of actual sex. The Intimacy Coordinator is SUPPOSED to be a third party that makes sure no one is giving into specific things they don't want to do, and the fact Sean is complaining about them even existing means he wants to be the one to make that choice, to make the decision.

Can you not understand how that can be a bad look?

This is, again, following the fact that he also wrote about how he is reading a Jordan Peterson book and how men shouldn't have to be apologists for being masculine or male. To better hone my point I want to copy and talk about one specific passage.

What mythology is he talking about? Is he speaking about Greek Mythology? Norse? Christian? Does he know that in almost every mythology, one of the biggest constants was that women were just conquests for men to enjoy? The dude played Zeus in Peter Jackson, a masculine god that rapes dozens of women in actual mythology often times in the guise of someone else, or a fucking animal. There are stories of daughters getting raped by their own fathers (Harpalyce), mothers raped by their sons (Halie). I know many like to gloss over the story of Persephone these days, making it all romantic in video games like Hades, but people forget that Persephone was Zeus' daughter, Hades WAS HER UNCLE, and he raped her and made her his queen in the Underworld with the consent of Zeus, who again, WAS HER FATHER.

This is why the whole thing feels so tone deaf from Sean. He is opining over a time when "men were men" and could be legendary heroes, without thinking A) who wrote those stories, and B) How those men treated women back in those stories. The fact he is also complaining how he can't be spontaneous in sex scenes is just icing on a very problematic cake.
I can only really respond by saying that you may be over analyzing the situation.




I’m just going to say that you may be over analyzing the situation. My
I can only really respond by saying that you may be over analyzing the situation.
If that is the way you want to go, I can just say you may be under analyzing the situation. See how that works?

We are talking about how Sean Bean said some things that many people saw as rather problematic. We can then discuss why those things are such, or why not, or just not talk about them at all, if that is what you wish.




I know many like to gloss over the story of Persephone these days, making it all romantic in video games like Hades, but people forget that Persephone was Zeus' daughter, Hades WAS HER UNCLE, and he raped her and made her his queen in the Underworld with the consent of Zeus, who again, WAS HER FATHER.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that Sean Bean has an old-fashioned view of masculinity because he misses how old stories celebrated it (referencing mythology) to "Sean Bean supports rape because he references mythology that has rape in it"




I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that Sean Bean has an old-fashioned view of masculinity because he misses how old stories celebrated it (referencing mythology) to "Sean Bean supports rape because he references mythology that has rape in it"
Never said Sean Bean supports rape. Can you point out where I said as such?

As an addon, calling out what can be rooted "Toxic Masculinity" isn't saying "That dude really wants to rape those people." If that is how you see it, then I am not the one over-analyzing things here.




Never said Sean Bean support rape. Can you point out where I said as such?
Nope, I can't. You didn't directly say that.
But it seemed to be the direction you were heading when you were kind of angrily connecting his statements about mythology and how there's rape in there.




Leave Sean Bean alone. Hasn't he died enough deaths for you people, already?




Nope, I can't. You didn't directly say that. But it seemed to be the direction you were heading when you were kind of angrily connecting his statements about mythology and how there's rape in there.
My point is that he is opining for a time men were men without understanding what that means. It's the same root where many men see the 1950s as a glorious period when women stayed in the kitchen while the men go earn a living (and maybe screwed a secretary or two on the side). Women couldn't even have their own credit cards till the 1980s.

Toxic Masculinity isn't just "I wish I could rape that woman right now", it is also "As a man I have a better idea of what's best, and I believe if a woman isn't perceptive to the way I want to do things then she is being overly sensitive and that is a her problem." That is sort of the feel Sean Bean gives off because he is complaining that a third party mediator specifically on the set for sex scenes is making it hard to improvise during those sex scenes. They are not there to make his job easier, they are there to make him and the actress more comfortable without one side influencing the other to do more then they want.

My comments over JP and Mythology was to knock home that he has a rather "rose colored" idea of ancient masculinity that brings up the image of the magnificent Hercules, without also bringing to bare the fact those stories often had women in the fridge, or worst, to make them happen. Even Hercules likely raped Auge. It just always makes me weary when people show such a love for those old mythological stories as the masculine ideal of a man, without looking into what those periods meant to women too. It's not malice, but it is ignorance.




One last thing I will say before I have to walk away from this thread. I will admit I did not connect the mythology argument very well with the other argument. So let me put it this way. If you talked about just mythology in the interview or just the whole intimacy coordinator issue, I would disagree but I would probably just shrug it off overall.

The reason it became a big deal to me was because they were together. A grand view of ancient masculinity has often been a gateway into toxic or hypermasculinity. It may not even be something you overtly think about or think you are, even incels started out thinking they were nice guys, but it can taint your view on how you believe men should behave and women should behave. If men were the great protectors and strong and heroic, then the women should also go back to that period and just be mothers and housekeepers, I mean it worked right?

It was the very fact that he complained about intimacy coordinators that led into talking about Jordan Peterson and his love of the masculinity of ancient mythology that just put up a huge amount of red flags for me. It could mean there's a deeper sense of what he thinks a man and a woman should be that we don't even know.

I know it was said earlier that no actor or actress come out and said he's a creep, but it's Hollywood, the place Harvey Weinstein stalked and abused for decades before people were brave enough to come out about his antics. The type of stuff Sean is saying here concerns me, but in the end it could very well be he just did not have a really good way with words at that moment. In the end I can only hope that's true and that I'm completely off base on my concerns.




My assumption is that his use of the word “spontaneous” refers to spur of the moment decisions to make the scene seem more real. He’s an old school actor and he puts effort into all of his performances. Unless I’m wrong he’s not being outed as a creep on set by any actresses or actors, so I would imagine he has respectful conversations with his sex scene costars on what is or what is not OK. If he follows the rules and is respectful to the other actors and crew then I say let him have a conversation about how he prefers the old school ways.
The old school ways were for the leading man to impose his will and if the actress spoke out about stuff she wasn’t comfortable with she’s labeled “difficult” and her career was largely over.
So even if we give him the most generous reading of what he said it’s still not great.




In the continuing adventures of Scott Adams being a lunatic:
Something is very very wrong with Scott Adams.png




Someone said it was the best 3 panals Scott was ever part of.




So… “implied violence” is the exact same thing as “another person would resist if I physically or sexually assaulted them?”

Am I understanding that correctly?




So… “implied violence” is the exact same thing as “another person would resist if I physically or sexually assaulted them?”

Am I understanding that correctly?
Look, if you're talking to me, that clearly means you've consented to having my thumb up your ass. That's just plain common sense.




Look, if you're talking to me, that clearly means you've consented to having my thumb up your ass. That's just plain common sense.
I have at least three of your thumbs there.




So… “implied violence” is the exact same thing as “another person would resist if I physically or sexually assaulted them?”

Am I understanding that correctly?
It means that he believes that and interaction with a male could conceivably end in a fight, and he seems to try to give an example of breaching someone's personal space and bodily privacy to provoke said fight. And while this is obviously dumb, it does give a fascinating insight into Scott's state of mind. He is constantly on edge and afraid of interaction, and he then projects that onto everyone




I have at least three of your thumbs there.
This would actually work better in Dutch, where "inch" and "thumb" are the same word. :hump::unibrow:




I mainly imagined a lot of women nodding along, honestly.




Will never cease to amaze me that Scott Adams an honest to god lunatic is most famous for making the most banal comic of all time Dilbert. Like how is anything he makes not utterly insane?




True. There's plenty of comics (and certainly webcomics) out there where one can assume the inventor is anywhere between "a few cards short from a full deck" and "ready to join the Halforums NSFW forum", but Dilbert.... well, for its time and place it was funny and sometimes even a tiny bit daring, but by now white bread toast is more surprising. But some furry lolicon snuff incest hatchet slashfic writers and artists are outwardly completely normal people whose weirdest hobby is collecting post stamps, while Adams....




This would actually work better in Dutch, where "inch" and "thumb" are the same word. :hump::unibrow:
Many languages, really. Considering where the measurement originated. Heck, even "digital."








Welp, guess those accusations had some merit. Which really sucks because I admired Price for going after companies and other CEOs. Turns out he's not that different from them, after all.




Pat Sajak




He's always been a conservative dude known for stirring the pot.




Pat Sajak







The Try Guys are now the Tri Guys (Ned got the boot for cheating on his wife with a subordinate).




The Try Guys are now the Tri Guys (Ned got the boot for cheating on his wife with a subordinate).





I'm gonna be honest, though they're fully in their right to cut ties with him and I think they did the right thing, this is the one milkshake duck I've seen where I really don't care. Yes, cheating on your partner is bad, but it's pretty mundane when compared to everyone else's awfulness.




Very, VERY much agree with @Ravenpoe on this one. There's a huge difference between an interpersonal thing and someone who is a reprehensible anti-Semitic or racist piece of shit. Now, if we found out that the relationship was one of coercion, by all means milkshake duck the fuck out that guy!




Well, he was a part owner of the company and she was his employee, which is pretty gross.




Well, he was a part owner of the company and she was his employee, which is pretty gross.
That's why him being removed from the company is absolutely justified




I don't know if this is a true Milkshake Duck or not, since I don't have a sweet clue who M.I.A. is (or care enough to learn). But some people seem to pretty pissed or surprised at them.





I don't have a sweet clue who M.I.A. is
She's the "Paper Planes" rapper.





Paper Plane fuel can’t melt steel beams!




My wife absolutely loves her music. This is really disappointing.




My wife absolutely loves her music. This is really disappointing.
I’m Jewish and like a lot of Kanye’s music. One of those weeks.




She's the "Paper Planes" rapper.

I have no idea what that is.

It's okay. You don't have to explain it.




It’s a song you’ve 100% heard and don’t know the name of. Like, it’s a classic example of a song that’s like that for everyone.




It’s a song you’ve 100% heard and don’t know the name of. Like, it’s a classic example of a song that’s like that for everyone.
Oh, that song.




It’s a song you’ve 100% heard and don’t know the name of. Like, it’s a classic example of a song that’s like that for everyone.
Looked it up, and yeah. I know the Diplo mix better than the original.

Of course, it's also a song I absolutey don't care about at all so what MIA has or doesn't have to say about things she clearly knows nothing about...Eh. Don't care. Another self-absorped idiot spouting nonsense.

This generation has really give nevery douchenozzle a pulpit to proclaim their ideas, and due to destruction of Authority people seem to think these opinions are worth listening to. They aren't.


Celt Z

Celt Z

I have no idea what that is.

It's okay. You don't have to explain it.
If you ever saw the movie Pineapple Express or it's trailers, "Paper Planes" was featured heavily. I think it was what made her famous, to my knowledge. Oh, and she performed at a Super Bowl Halftime show with Madonna and Nikki Minaj. Otherwise... yeah, you're not missing anything that I can recall.




I’m Jewish and like a lot of Kanye’s music. One of those weeks.
Hey me too. Though Kanye "fans" are used to this by now




Yeah I mean I can’t say I was surprised to hear what he said, but it sure feels like an escalation.




It's okay. You don't have to explain it.
I didn't recognize her name either, and when I looked it up I was just, "Oh. Her."





Hey me too. Though Kanye "fans" are used to this by now

Pink's tweet ages better than just about anything.




Kanye, Musk, Trump, the title really is still up for grabs as far as I'm concerned. And quite a few others I could name, though for sheer cause-of-shit up to now those three are probably pretty high up.




Welp, turns out emus can be milkshake ducks, too.

Or at least their handlers. Today I learned the girl in the Emmanuel videos made some, uh, pretty racist comments in the past.




Emu girl is racist is like the exact thing this thread was made for.




TIL that David & Leigh Eddings adopted 2 children in the 1960's...and in the 1970's the adoptions were revoked and the Eddings' spent time in jail for (non-sexual) child abuse. Turns out despite his sometimes claims DE leaving his job as an assistant college professor wasn't because working in a supermarket paid more.




Didn't know Gallagher was a piece of shit till now.




Didn't know Gallagher was a piece of shit till now.

Yeah, unfortunately as he got older, he got a lot more problematic.




Didn't know Gallagher was a piece of shit till now.

Oh I knew, it's just... who cares about Gallagher?




Lol, fair enough. Just figured it belongs here.




Oh I knew, it's just... who cares about Gallagher?
It's only relevant because he just died. That's all.




To be perfectly honest the thought going through my head was " oh he was still alive? ".

I honestly thought he died like over a decade ago. I just never heard about him anymore.







Everytime I see Ice Cube in wonder if he even enjoys making movies.




Twitter chose to show me this, because it thinks I retweet stuff like it.

He's an idiot. First, because most people don't drive Teslas. Second, if you've already bought a Tesla, are you just going to get rid of your car because Twitter is being mismanaged? This tweet makes no sense.




Twitter chose to show me this, because it thinks I retweet stuff like it.

He's an idiot. First, because most people don't drive Teslas. Second, if you've already bought a Tesla, are you just going to get rid of your car because Twitter is being mismanaged? This tweet makes no sense.




So, not only is Emu Girl racist, but she flagrantly disregarded several safety measures around avian flu, and likely bribed officials to get around saving her precious cash cow, er, emu. Long, detailed thread here.




Salt Bae harassing players, including Messi, on the field (??!) after the World Cup championship.




I think I'd heard something about Justin Roiland's reputation before, but I didn't know the full extent of it. Because yikes, to put it mildly.




I knew he had issues with alcohol. I didn’t know he was this bad, but at the same time I can’t say it’s a stunning turn of events.




They knew and didn't care until it became public.




"Roiland's exit is not expected to impact Rick and Morty" Uhhhhh how you figure?




Holy shit. I'm glad he's been discovered and charged and hope the trial means a conviction, but...wow. As far as I know, he didn't just voice Rick & Morty. He helped create many of the stories, too. Like, this would be like finding a replacement for Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show. Literally half of Rick & Morty's success is due to Roiland (for better or worse).

I'm still all in favor of his conviction, but holy shit, I don't foresee Rick & Morty surviving without him.




Roiland's been mostly just voice talent for the last few years on the show.




Roiland's been mostly just voice talent for the last few years on the show.
I thought he provided some story, plot, or lore, too? I was under the impression a lot of his lines were adlibbed, too.




He was a LOT more involved early on, but he's been doing other stuff more now like those shows on Hulu and the video game.




"Roiland's exit is not expected to impact Rick and Morty" Uhhhhh how you figure?
You can just replace voice actors and no one can tell the diddly-ifference.




You can just replace voice actors and no one can tell the diddly-ifference.
Yeah, tell that to the whole Futurama/John DiMaggio kerfluffle that happened recently




Yeah, tell that to the whole Futurama/John DiMaggio kerfluffle that happened recently
Hey, John DiMaggio is a bona fide talent.





Hey, John DiMaggio is a bona fide talent.

Sure, but he still lost the kerfuffle.




Oh great, it gets worse. Lots of women come forward with text messages by him. It looks like he was grooming underage girls.




This guy works at Squanch




Aw jeez, Rick, maybe it's, y'know, time to just let the series end gracefully before it jumps the shark? Nobody likes the Simpsons anymore.

Yeah Morty, buUUUHHRRRt the Simpsons is still making SHIT TONS of money, and until that changes, RICK AND MORTY FOREVER FOR A HUNDRED YEARS




Boom, big plot twist, Morty! Turned myself into a felon! I'm a felon, Morty! I'm Felon Rick!




This guy works at Squanch

So they knew and still did nothing? Or the WRITERS knew and didn't say anything? Or they told the brass and weren't believed?




Aw jeez, Rick, maybe it's, y'know, time to just let the series end gracefully before it jumps the shark? Nobody likes the Simpsons anymore.

Yeah Morty, buUUUHHRRRt the Simpsons is still making SHIT TONS of money, and until that changes, RICK AND MORTY FOREVER FOR A HUNDRED YEARS
The Simpsons is and has been having something of a revival in the past few years, as a new generation of writers that grew up watching the show have come on and started writing for it. It's not the same kind of show anymore (how could it be? Everything transgressive about it in the 90's is mainstream now) but the writing is noticeably improved and it's become absolutely fierce in it's criticisms.




So they knew and still did nothing? Or the WRITERS knew and didn't say anything? Or they told the brass and weren't believed?
My guess is WB split the difference. "Ok, we investigated and found you've got a valid gripe about Justin being a sex pest. But here's the thing - Rick and Morty is a FUCKING gold mine and we're not going to do ANYTHING to derail that. So here's the compromise. You SHUT THE FUCK UP about the whole thing, and Roiland does all his work from home, you never have to see him again, you keep your job, everybody makes money, win-win. GOT IT?"




So they knew and still did nothing? Or the WRITERS knew and didn't say anything? Or they told the brass and weren't believed?
Likely the first one. People are selfish, and they had what is a hit show in which Justin voices both title characters. They basically threw him out quietly but kept him on the voices because they didn't want to end the gravy train, hoping the actual accusations wouldn't become public. This is probably why Justin went off and made his gaming company.

The best thing they do is hire an imitator. Family Guy did this with Cleveland and you honestly can't tell the difference between him and the original voice actor.

As an aside though, considering it's Rick and Morty, it's one of the few shows where they could just open with Rick working on some device, Morty walks in and says something using archive recordings then the distracted Rick fires the device, hitting him, Morty, and all the characters voiced by Justin in the multiverse, and now they all have different voices. They could even do some meta humor about why it only affected those specific characters.








I mean, I'm not gonna say all shaved head tattoo'd metal guys are nazis, but Phil Anselmo ESPECIALLY looks like an extra from American History X.




Oh so that's what it's all about.





Yeah, Anselmo has always been a shit-head.




I realize that this is nothing new, but as someone who liked Hercules and Andromeda back in the day, I will still take very opportunity to point out that Kevin Sorbo is a fucking asshole. This is mustache twirling levels of evil:

Kevin Sorbo is an evil piece of shit.png




Bubble, Nancy's husband was attacked by a right wing terrorist with a hammer.




Zachary Levi, what are you doing?




Zachary Levi, what are you doing?






Thought for a second that his followup tweet explained that it wasn't about the vaccine, but the thing he posted came from 2009, so who knows?




Thought for a second that his followup tweet explained that it wasn't about the vaccine, but the thing he posted came from 2009, so who knows?
He literally just googled "Pfizer lawsuit" and posted the first link that came up.








I guessed the name of the person he was talking about before he said it, but the disappointment was still immeasurable.




To be fair...Big Pharma in general is a force for both good and evil in the world. They develop necessary medication, such as the Covid vaccine and a whole host of cancer drugs and AIDS inhibitors and you name it. but they're also absolute money machines who would like to see nothing better than have everyone take a pill to wake up, a pill to fall asleep, a pill to be focussed at work, a pill to relax and unwind, a pill to feel happy and a pill to get through the day.
The life partner of one of my colleagues works at Pfizer, and....well, their corporate vision really isn't any better than the folks who brought you the Oxycodon abuse epidemic. etc.
They're more or less a necessary evil.
Mind that I haven't had time to read full articles or twitter threads so I don't know how off the rails this guy goes but....Callign Pfizer evil wouldn't have made anyone bat an eye in mid-2019. On the contrary, the defenders of Big Pharma would've been considered the weirdoes.




Thought for a second that his followup tweet explained that it wasn't about the vaccine, but the thing he posted came from 2009, so who knows?
He linked to a settlement about unlawful/unethical marketing of opioids. Which is something that should be criticized, and I doubt that it's the only skeleton in Pfizer's closet. They're probably price fixing on any number of life-saving medications, and engaging in all sorts of immoral, unethical, and outright illegal business practices.

I'm not sure they're a threat to the world because of that, though. The entire medical industry is really fucked up in America, and elsewhere, but it it also employs a lot of people who are doing their best to create medicine to make lives better.

What Mr. Levi said is a really stupid thing to say, especially when the name Pfizer is currently most associated with vaccines, but there's still some possibility that he's just being hyperbolic with the "threat to the world" stuff, and just means that they're a business that does shitty capitalistic things to exploit the market and harms a great number of people in the process.




Someone must have given him a bad Intersect download.




they're also absolute money machines who would like to see nothing better than have everyone take a pill to wake up, a pill to fall asleep, a pill to be focussed at work, a pill to relax and unwind, a pill to feel happy and a pill to get through the day.





Yeah, the optics aren't great, but I do think it's important to remember that big Pharma is still largely a malevolent global force, even if it did produce the COVID vaccine. That was just a nice window where their capitalistic goals aligned with our survival goals, for once.




capitalistic goals aligned with our survival goals, for once.
I mean, you can't sell drugs to dead people, right?



Celt Z

Celt Z

I mean, you can't sell drugs to dead people, right?
...Or can they?!?




Yeah, the optics aren't great, but I do think it's important to remember that big Pharma is still largely a malevolent global force, even if it did produce the COVID vaccine. That was just a nice window where their capitalistic goals aligned with our survival goals, for once.
It's also worth noting that most of the basic research for this was done with public funds, mostly by a Polish immigrant that started her work back in Poland and was basically the laughing stock of her department for years because no one thought mRNA research was worth anything. Then Pfizer used the publicly available knowledge to make it's vaccine.




I mean, you can't sell drugs to dead people, right?
You also can't sell drugs to healthy / cured people. That is why this shit can be so infurating. There is no profit motive for actual health, only bare minimum survival.




You also can't sell drugs to healthy / cured people. That is why this shit can be so infurating. There is no profit motive for actual health, only bare minimum survival.
As someone who works very closely with the pharmaceutical industry, that's just not true. Thousands of people, including scientists, researchers, doctors, marketing people, and management are involved with these companies, and nobody is at the whims of a handful of moustache twirling grifters that are only in it for the profits.

Plus, fortunately, there are still anti-price-gouging methods at play, like those that brought down Martin Shkreli when he tried to gouge for one particular curing drug.

They're trying to do the same for this insulin sham, and hopefully that holds up as well (effectively, they keep changing the formula for insulin very slightly every few years so they can keep it proprietary), but in general the optics are super bad at holding back cures for people, so it's not a real issue, only a pointless conspiracy theory.

This is also why I don't understand the anti-vax argument that it's all about money...there isn't money in vaccines, it's all sold at cost and formulas are publicly held so there isn't any proprietary bullshit. Even Moderna, who is trying to price gouge on their COVID vaccine, is going to get shut down in court because of all the public money that went into development.




Hey, I hope you right man, but considering what drugs cost in this country compared to anywhere else in the world, I don't see a lot of evidence that drug companies around here are only doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. I know many of the doctors and scientists that develop these drugs do just want to help people, but they are not the ones spending over half the budget just on advertising the latest drug that they sell for hundreds on the dollar.




Hey, I hope you right man, but considering what drugs cost in this country compared to anywhere else in the world, I don't see a lot of evidence that drug companies around here are only doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. I know many of the doctors and scientists that develop these drugs do just want to help people, but they are not the ones spending over half the budget just on advertising the latest drug that they sell for hundreds on the dollar.
Nobody's saying the companies are altruistic, there are miles of space between " purposely keeping people sick to make money" and "curing everyone out of the goodness of their hearts". Publicizing the medical industry would do wonders, as most of the costs are due to the sheer number of middle men taking their share between the patient and the medicine or treatment, and it's purposefully obfuscated to maximize profits, which sucks, but companies are definitely not holding back cures and cure research to cash in.




Davidangel64 of "X's Adventures in Minecraft" is a JK Rowling apologist who thinks she speaks "common sense" about transgender issues.

His commentary in his videos has also been growing kinda misogynstic and MRA leaning.




Davidangel64 of "X's Adventures in Minecraft" is a JK Rowling apologist who thinks she speaks "common sense" about transgender issues.

His commentary in his videos has also been growing kinda misogynstic and MRA leaning.
God dammit. His stuff is how I got into Minecraft.




His commentary in his videos has also been growing kinda misogynstic and MRA leaning.
This... actually doesn't come as a complete shock to me. I enjoyed watching his original X's Adventures and the occasional Starcraft commentary back in the day, but I remember there being a couple times he'd say something and, while I don't remember it being anything really bad, it kind left a blip on the radar, you know what I mean?




The only game player/streamer I would be upset with to learn they are a POS is Josh from Let's Game it Out.




The only game player/streamer I would be upset with to learn they are a POS is Josh from Let's Game it Out.
Same. Or anyone from Worst Premade Ever, but they seem to be pretty safe (and generally wear their politics openly)

It's old news but I was disappointed when Jontron fell.




Looks like the other shoe finally dropped.





Looks like the other shoe finally dropped.

About damn time.




Looks like the other shoe finally dropped.
How many shoes is that now?




How many shoes is that now?
Enough to force a bunch more outlets who were still running the strip to stop holding their nose and do something.





The thing with dilbert is that it’s not like Scott adams went crazy but kept the dilbert to the same usual office jokes. He actively put his right wing views in the comic strip for years.




Woody Harrelson went all anti-vaxxer drug cartel last night on SNL, which shouldn't be a big shock, but I guess he's a 9/11 truther too.




Watch out for that last sentence, it's a doozy.
Scott Adams says he identified as black WTF.jpg


Celt Z

Celt Z

I cannot imagine what world this man lives in.




Watch out for that last sentence, it's a doozy.
View attachment 44020
He's right, he lost 3 careers to racism...his own racism.




Scott Adams affects me differently than JK Rowling, as I feel like I can still enjoy Harry Potter stuff while acknowledging Rowling is garbage, because Rowling as a person doesn't really color the world she originally created.

Adams, on the other hand, makes me embarrassed I ever enjoyed Dilbert comics and threw away all the Dilbert stuff I ever had.











This would be even better if it had been Heathcliff.





Another amazing tingler










For context, Phil Vischer is the creator of Veggie Tales, hosts a Christian podcast, and is generally conservative, despite being vocally against Christian Nationalism and racism.




Tilda Swinton refuses to follow Covid-19 protocols on film sets (MSN)




"I got off relatively lightly, but the worst thing is how it affected my brain. "





Tilda Swinton refuses to follow Covid-19 protocols on film sets (MSN)
Well I guess we can start giving all her roles to Gwendolyn Christie, then.




Well I guess we can start giving all her roles to Gwendolyn Christie, then.
I view this as a win








That rumbling sound you hear is Disney's lawyers and PR people scrambling to decide whether to jettison Kang from future MCU plans or to recast the character.

(More than likely, he'll just quietly go away for a while until this blows over)









Story is still developing. Gonna suck if it's true, guy is a super talented actor, but it'll probably be a few days before we know anything past speculation.

If the story does turn out to be true, the good thing about a multiversal foe is he's easy to recast.




His lawyer is claiming that they have the altercation on video, and it shows that the woman is lying. They also claim to have two witnesses swearing the same, and supposedly the woman has recanted.

But that’s his lawyer, so who knows? I certainly hope this is not true, but we’ll see.




His lawyer is claiming that they have the altercation on video, and it shows that the woman is lying. They also claim to have two witnesses swearing the same, and supposedly the woman has recanted.

But that’s his lawyer, so who knows? I certainly hope this is not true, but we’ll see.
Apparently people who have worked with him before say this is a pattern for him.




To clarify my reaction, I am sad that someone could get this far, leave this trail of destruction, and is only now facing consequences for their actions.




Apparently people who have worked with him before say this is a pattern for him.
I wouldn't trust We Got This Covered as a source. They're extremely right-wing, often make up stories, and have positively covered Comicsgate many times. They're not reliable.




I wouldn't trust We Got This Covered as a source. They're extremely right-wing, often make up stories, and have positively covered Comicsgate many times. They're not reliable.
There are multiple other sites reporting the same story. And I have little trouble believing that reports of abusive behavior were ignored by Hollywood.

After all they're moving forward with the Flash.




There are multiple other sites reporting the same story. And I have little trouble believing that reports of abusive behavior were ignored by Hollywood.

After all they're moving forward with the Flash.
It wouldn't surprise me, either. I'm simply pointing out that WGTC is absolutely not a reliable source, nor has it ever been.




Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit. Majors' lawyer shared this with TMZ as though it were evidence of exoneration..........







Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit. Majors' lawyer shared this with TMZ as though it were evidence of exoneration..........

View attachment 44333


Well that is not a good look




Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit. Majors' lawyer shared this with TMZ as though it were evidence of exoneration..........

View attachment 44333


Devil's advocate time: That entire text could also be interpreted as manipulative on her part.
After my arrest my ex sent me text after text in the vein of "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I love you. I know you did it because you love me. Ignore the restraining order and come home."
I mean she's basically listing off everything she's claiming he did and trying to manipulate him at the same time. Meanwhile he is doing everything he should absolutely be doing in this situation: Keeping things short and cut things off completely from her.




Devil's advocate time: That entire text could also be interpreted as manipulative on her part.
After my arrest my ex sent me text after text in the vein of "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I love you. I know you did it because you love me. Ignore the restraining order and come home."
I mean she's basically listing off everything she's claiming he did and trying to manipulate him at the same time. Meanwhile he is doing everything he should absolutely be doing in this situation: Keeping things short and cut things off completely from her.
Non devil's advocate. She's a woman trying not to get murdered by soothing the man that has already strangled her.




Non devil's advocate. She's a woman trying not to get murdered by soothing the man that has already strangled her.
Absolutely could be. She absolutely could be a woman stuck in a co-dependent and abusive relationship and there absolutely needs to be an investigation into these claims.
But we've got a few people posting above that this text is somehow very strong proof that he abused her based on what she wrote alone. He doesn't even respond to her.
People are focusing on how SHE is claiming HE abused her. Even you made it very clear that the situation is about a WOMAN not being murdered by a MAN, and not "a person not wanting to be murdered by someone else". It's this tendency to focus on the sexes involved in the case that concerns me. It is a social norm to assume that the woman in a situation is the victim without even being presented with all of the evidence.
I don't know the statistics, but I could absolutely believe that that the majority of domestic violence cases is still men abusing women. I absolutely can believe that if true.
But is that an excuse to assume that's the situation for every case? We are a country that should be beyond that.

I've done my ranting and I'm acknowledging I'm a broken record. I may acknowledge if someone makes a good point (be it counter from my own or not) from now on but I'm not going to defend my opinion on this subject anymore.




HIS lawyer put those texts out there into the world not hers, not she herself.

There's also video, I notice that hasn't been released, like they're trying to soften the blow of the video with the texts first. The video must be an incredible look if they thought the texts were better.

I've seen this kind of shit personally dozens of times through my life.




HIS lawyer put those texts out there into the world not hers, not she herself.

There's also video, I notice that hasn't been released, like they're trying to soften the blow of the video with the texts first. The video must be an incredible look if they thought the texts were better.

I've seen this kind of shit personally dozens of times through my life.
I would also like to see the video. That could shed a lot of light on this.




Absolutely could be. She absolutely could be a woman stuck in a co-dependent and abusive relationship and there absolutely needs to be an investigation into these claims.
Really would have been smarter to have had that opinion before you played devils adv

But we've got a few people posting above that this text is somehow very strong proof that he abused her based on what she wrote alone.
Based on what his lawyers have released. They clearly believe that this is exculpatory which hopefully you can admit it isn’t.
Also unless some really shitty assholes suddenly didn’t have complete shit takes no there wasn’t.

He doesn't even respond to her.
People are focusing on how SHE is claiming HE abused her. Even you made it very clear that the situation is about a WOMAN not being murdered by a MAN, and not "a person not wanting to be murdered by someone else". It's this tendency to focus on the sexes involved in the case that concerns me. It is a social norm to assume that the woman in a situation is the victim without even being presented with all of the evidence.
I don't know the statistics, but I could absolutely believe that that the majority of domestic violence cases is still men abusing women. I absolutely can believe that if true.
But is that an excuse to assume that's the situation for every case? We are a country that should be beyond that.
The situation is about a man being accused of domestic violence against a woman. Why should we as a country be beyond stating the facts of the case?

I've done my ranting and I'm acknowledging I'm a broken record. I may acknowledge if someone makes a good point (be it counter from my own or not) from now on but I'm not going to defend my opinion on this subject anymore.
The signs of a real conviction




I'm not going to defend my opinion on this subject anymore.
As you are someone with direct experience with this kind of situation (even with such a small sample size), losing that viewpoint would be a loss for the rest of us.





First hand experience meets armchair quarterbacking, right thar on muh TV screen!




Based on what his lawyers have released. They clearly believe that this is exculpatory which hopefully you can admit it isn’t.
Also unless some really shitty assholes suddenly didn’t have complete shit takes no there wasn’t.
I never said it was exculpatory. But it's not damning for him either. The woman states that she's not blaming him for anything. She says he didn't strangler her. She mentions the injuries but doesn't say they were caused by him, just that the cops "knew they had a fight" which could be referring to a verbal altercation only. She mentions it was her fault for trying to grab his phone. Also, police are required by law to make an arrest in the case of a domestic violence case where injuries are present, regardless of the explanation of those injuries.
I think you could make arguments on both sides of this just from that. 1) He didn't hurt her and she's admitting that. 2). She's in a co-dependent relationship, he really did hurt her, and she's trying to protect him.
But if you've made a decision this early which it is then you've failed the system.
My biggest take away from this is he doesn't respond (at least not a response that we have seen yet). Guilty or not, that was the smartest thing he could do in this situation.

The situation is about a man being accused of domestic violence against a woman. Why should we as a country be beyond stating the facts of the case?
If you're stating facts just to provoke stereotypes then it's a misuse of those facts, especially if they are not relevant in the case. "I swear I was bit by the dog. It was a Pitbull. I rest my case."

The signs of a real conviction
Not sure what you mean by that. like a sign that I'm "not showing real conviction" or that I believe Majors is guilty because I don't want to keep stating the same things over and over again?
Either way it feels like trying to bait/troll me.




I never said it was exculpatory. But it's not damning for him either. The woman states that she's not blaming him for anything. She says he didn't strangler her. She mentions the injuries but doesn't say they were caused by him, just that the cops "knew they had a fight" which could be referring to a verbal altercation only. She mentions it was her fault for trying to grab his phone.
I think you could make arguments on both sides of this just from that. 1) He didn't hurt her and she's admitting that. 2). She's in a co-dependent relationship, he really did hurt her, and she's trying to protect him.
But if you've made a decision this early which it is then you've failed the system.
My biggest take away from this is he doesn't respond (at least not a response that we have seen yet). Guilty or not, that was the smartest thing he could do in this situation.
I actually don’t believe that a person can honestly claim that he didn’t hurt her from those texts. Not unless you flat out believe that she’s lying without proof.

If you're stating facts just to provoke stereotypes then it's a misuse of those facts. "I swear I was bit by the dog. It was a Pitbull. I rest my case."
Except saying that he’s a famous man who has a reported history of shit like this who has been arrested for an attack on a woman is all facts that are relavent to the case.

You might have a point if people were making a big point of him being a black man. But aside from some bigots I don’t see anybody doing that.

Not sure what you mean by that. like a sign that I'm "not showing real conviction" or that I believe Majors is guilty because I don't want to keep stating the same things over and over again?
Either way it feels like trying to bait/troll me.
I’m calling you a coward for refusing to back up your own argument.




I think maybe the name calling should be dialed back a bit, yeah?




I’m calling you a coward for refusing to back up your own argument.
You're getting personal with this now. This is one reason why I would like to not keep stating the same thing over again. At this point we are at two separate viewpoints and maybe we are both just too stubborn to change our minds on them. So just going back and forth just wastes both of our time.
My stance is "Judge every situation fairly, regardless of who is involved, and don't allow opinions to ruin careers without a proper verdict in place". That's all it has ever been.
I am an abuse victim who lost big because I reacted to her abuse and was targeted by a sexist judicial system. I feel have earned my right to state a case for those who may find themselves in the same scenario.




I’m calling you a coward
Don't make me do something ironic.




You're getting personal with this now.
My brother in Christ not for a second has this not been personal to you.

This is one reason why I would like to not keep stating the same thing over again. At this point we are at two separate viewpoints and maybe we are both just too stubborn to change our minds on them. So just going back and forth just wastes both of our time.
Have you not argued on the internet before? That’s all it ever is.

My stance is "Judge every situation fairly, regardless of who is involved, and don't allow opinions to ruin careers without a proper verdict in place". That's all it has ever been.
I don’t believe you’ve been judging this fairly. You got all up in arms because I used man and woman. You claimed that multiple posters were saying how the texts proved that Majors abused her when the worst was somebody saying that releasing the texts was a bad look. Hell you even claimed that you could read the texts as proof that he didn’t hurt her.

I am an abuse victim who lost big because I reacted to her abuse and was targeted by a sexist judicial system. I feel have earned my right to state a case for those who may find themselves in the same scenario.
Somebody trying to stop you?
Post automatically merged:

Don't make me do something ironic.
Put down those spoons.







One of my go creators on YouTube.




John Carmack. definitely not a name I enjoy adding to this thread.

BasedCon is basically an alt-right con.




John Carmack. definitely not a name I enjoy adding to this thread.

BasedCon is basically an alt-right con.

Carmack is the kind of weird nerd I could easily see falling into that




Carmack's been on the Jordan Peterson train for years now. Not shocked he's into the biotruth bullshit.


Celt Z

Celt Z

I have no idea who Carmack is, but Basedcon is just the Republican National Convention from the sound of it.




I have no idea who Carmack is, but Basedcon is just the Republican National Convention from the sound of iit.
He was the guy at ID software responsible for every single tech breakthrough they ever made. Doom, and the modern FPS genre, owes everything to John Carmack.




I have no idea who Carmack is, but Basedcon is just the Republican National Convention from the sound of iit.
John Carmack made Doom (alongside John Romero and others). He was the magic code gremlin that was able to figure out how to make first person shooters work and a pretty revolutionary figure in video games. I don't want to take away his accomplishments, his methods of bypassing computational shortcomings were very impressive.

But being a magic code gremlin he's also not very personable or empathetic, so this doesn't surprise me




Seeing the list of "based beliefs" makes me feel like this is more of a GatewaySlopeCon.
Like, "Yes these are perfectly reasonable beliefs depending on how you interpret them oh by the way here's how WE interpret them now if you will just continue on to page two where we will continue to not push any particular ideology..."





I guessed the name of the person he was talking about before he said it, but the disappointment was still immeasurable.

When people tell you who they are, believe them.








“…to strangle his wife at knifepoint.”
I’m sorry, which is it?





“…to strangle his wife at knifepoint.”
I’m sorry, which is it?

Clearly he was using the knife to stop her from trying to break free of the strangling... duh.




Fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhk. I thought this guy was a good egg.




Dammit, Carlos...

And apparently also Alice Cooper




I wonder how this will affect the box office for his biopic that’s coming out.





So that Channel 4 Dispatches doc on Russel Brand is an extremely hard, both figuratively and literally if you live outside the UK, watch. They called it In Plain Sight for a reason. He was actively telling everyone what he was doing in joke form for years.

Also his recent slide into right-wing grifter makes sense if he knew this was coming (and he did). Which side is going to support a manipulative serial sex abuser more?




And of course, it only causes these people he's now grifting to rally to him. They love a white, male playing the victim.




I think I long ago decided that Russel Brand was just going to do whatever Russel Brand wanted to do, and so very little he does comes as an actual surprise.





So that Channel 4 Dispatches doc on Russel Brand is an extremely hard, both figuratively and literally if you live outside the UK, watch. They called it In Plain Sight for a reason. He was actively telling everyone what he was doing n joke form for years.

Also his recent slide into right-wing grifter makes sense if he knew this was coming (and he did). Which side is going to support a manipulative serial sex abuser more?
Yeah this is very much a case of less "oh no, not that guy" & more "of course that guy". There were a couple of then nameless (1 still nameless, 1 later revealed to be newsreader Huw Edwards) allegations in the UK that most people assumed at the time to be Russell Brand.

Well, him or David Walliams who still hasn't been officially Ducked yet.




They called it In Plain Sight for a reason. He was actively telling everyone what he was doing in joke form for years.
Same with Jimmy Savile. He also told everyone in joke form.







I'm sad to report that Kari Byron, formerly of the Mythbusters, is now a corporate oil shill.

That like to dislike ratio is... oof.




I'm sad to report that Kari Byron, formerly of the Mythbusters, is now a corporate oil shill.

That like to dislike ratio is... oof.





I’m sure their offer to Kari was very generous.





I'm sad to report that Kari Byron, formerly of the Mythbusters, is now a corporate oil shill.

That like to dislike ratio is... oof.
Where are you seeing the dislikes?




Where are you seeing the dislikes?




Where are you seeing the dislikes?
Gas already posted it, but if you don't want to install an extension, the video is sitting at 1k likes and 20k dislikes. But it's a good thing youtube removed visible dislikes to stop trolling and not to appease corporate interests like these.




Michael Lewis, famed author of Moneyball and The Blind Side (which in itself should now be raising some extra eyebrows) is releasing a new book tomorrow that is essentially a novel-length fluff piece on Sam Bankman-Fried. In case that wasn't poorly-timed enough, he went on 60 minutes last night and really...yikes.




It seems like this youtuber is running a charity scam, and it's been going on for 10 years, and the more we look into it the worse it gets:




It seems like this youtuber is running a charity scam, and it's been going on for 10 years, and the more we look into it the worse it gets:

I've followed Jirard a long time, and from what I can tell, it's a case of him not knowing how to run a charity, and giving it to his brother and business partner in hopes he will take care of it, and nothing happening. While they haven't donated any of the money they've collected over the past decade, they also haven't spent it, it's just been sitting in an account with hopes that someone, somewhere, will eventually get around to taking care of it.

So yeah, it's pretty fucking bad, but it's also not exactly a scam. They haven't profited off of it, but they have lied about it, seemingly in hopes that they'd soon get around to making that lie a truth, and then never getting around to it.




New video goes deeper.

Even shadier.




New video goes deeper.

Even shadier.
I keep hoping it's a case of super incompetence. But the longer they stay silent and do nothing the worse it really looks for them.




I've followed Jirard a long time, and from what I can tell, it's a case of him not knowing how to run a charity, and giving it to his brother and business partner in hopes he will take care of it, and nothing happening. While they haven't donated any of the money they've collected over the past decade, they also haven't spent it, it's just been sitting in an account with hopes that someone, somewhere, will eventually get around to taking care of it.

So yeah, it's pretty fucking bad, but it's also not exactly a scam. They haven't profited off of it, but they have lied about it, seemingly in hopes that they'd soon get around to making that lie a truth, and then never getting around to it.
I'd be more inclined to believe this if not for

1) He said live on a phone call he knew they still had the money and knew about it since 2022, and then proceeded to continue with the donation drives in 2022 and 2023 afterwards, continuing to lie about where the money is going.
2) He asked the people that found out to find a charity for him after allegedly knowing about the fraud for 2 years and saying he was taking over and finding a charity, which, again, shouldn't take over 2 years while continuing to take money over false pretesnses.
3) They run a golf tournament every year for the same purposes, except that money isn't getting reported on their public IRS statements, which means the money is just disappearing, and that's been going on for almost 20 years now.




I'm not really into YouTubers, so I actually never watched this guy before.

However based on what I've been seeing, there are a ton of red flags that paint a picture for me on what happened.

The telling thing was that the charity existed before it actually officially existed. They were getting donations on it before it became an actual non-profit charity. This makes me think they never had an intention of actually donating anything.

It's likely the IRS or previous journalist or someone else noticed they were promoting a charity but not actually doing any donations, so as I sort of smoke screen they registered the actual non-profit years after the fact. To make the taxes look clean with the IRS they take the money from one of the charity events and put it into a savings. Then whenever someone asks about it they just say they never found someone to give it to yet. The rest from the golfing tournament and all that stuff just probably goes into another account, maybe one one owned by the father since he's the one in charge of those.

The ultimate goal was probably to keep moving the goal post until they could create some sort of foundation from which they could, in essence, cash out the money.

Again this is all conjecture on my part based on what I've been seeing about this, but I feel the fact that he still was promoting that his donations were going to a specific university even after admitting he knew the money was going nowhere since 2020, it's a bad look.




Is this just Jirard, or are there other people involved in handling the money? Does he have an accountant? A business manager? Anyone?

Because if it's just him I could see all this being the result of depression, burnout, and desperately trying to keep churning out videos and maintaining a good public face while drowning in mental health problems. It's not an acceptable excuse, but it's easy to loose track of anything that's not demanding your attention when you're struggling.

If he's got an accountant / financial advisor / business manager then it probably more clearly points towards intentional fraud, but I'm not a lawyer.




Is this just Jirard, or are there other people involved in handling the money? Does he have an accountant? A business manager? Anyone?

Because if it's just him I could see all this being the result of depression, burnout, and desperately trying to keep churning out videos and maintaining a good public face while drowning in mental health problems. It's not an acceptable excuse, but it's easy to loose track of anything that's not demanding your attention when you're struggling.

If he's got an accountant / financial advisor / business manager then it probably more clearly points towards intentional fraud, but I'm not a lawyer.
According to the videos, his brother runs the actual charity, and his father set up the golf thing I believe




Keeps getting worse.




In general I tend to judge people who start charities. Even if your intentions are totally pure, 99% of the time there already is one that does what you want and you can just donate to them rather than spend donation money on infrastructure.




This whole thing is straight out of Arrested Development.





Guess the Frasier reboot won't be renewed, then.





Yeah it’ll be said that it got cancelled because he’s a trumper. No mention will be made that the show sucks.




Rich old white man supports Trump? I am shocked!




Yeah, Kelsey's bad political takes has been known for a long time.




This is like when a bunch of people suddenly were like “wow the Dilbert guy is racist?”




Keeps getting worse.

Update: Jirard's foundation suddenly donated 600k like the day this video dropped, which totally absolves him of all wrongdoing, and then put out an apology video effectively blaming his audience for misunderstanding his intentions, and threatening legal action for those who exposed him.

That was a mistake.




Update: Jirard's foundation suddenly donated 600k like the day this video dropped, which totally absolves him of all wrongdoing, and then put out an apology video effectively blaming his audience for misunderstanding his intentions, and threatening legal action for those who exposed him.

That was a mistake.

Say what you will of James Somerton, but the smartest thing he did was to just disappear and not try to make any statements on the situation.




Say what you will of James Somerton, but the smartest thing he did was to just disappear and not try to make any statements on the situation.
Maybe he's just waiting for someone else to make the same statement so he can sue it for his video.




Update: Jirard's foundation suddenly donated 600k like the day this video dropped, which totally absolves him of all wrongdoing, and then put out an apology video effectively blaming his audience for misunderstanding his intentions, and threatening legal action for those who exposed him.

That was a mistake.

Not to defend the completionist, but if we're being completely fair, Karl Jobst -is- attacking him with what are -mostly- unsubstantiated claims. Some of the claims are true, most of it is speculation. Jobst isn't a journalist, he's a drama youtuber whose main goal is to get views. And I don't even say that as anything against him, I like his channel, but he's gross paparazzi at best. Jirard does have every right to seek legal action against unsubstantiated claims that could pass into libel and cause harm.

And because this is how youtube drama works, I'm now required to point out that this doesn't make any wrongdoing on Jirard's behalf ok either. Both sides can be dicks and in the wrong.




I've been reading a thread elsewhere with some folk who claim to work in the field (and who's knowledge seems to back it up) so take this all with a grain of salt but what I've been reading from lawyer folk is that Completionist would never sue in a million years, the discovery phase would undoubtedly be bad for him. They also say neither side should be posting more videos at this point, because all they can do is load ammunition for the other.




I know John Schneider was already an honorary member of this thread, but...


...yeesh. Hadda go and hit the nitro on this one, didja?





I know John Schneider was already an honorary member of this thread, but...

View attachment 46887

...yeesh. Hadda go and hit the nitro on this one, didja?

Them Duke boys are at at again




Hm, I don't think he meant that "sincerely" at all.




Also, isn't the term technically "hanged," not "hung"?

Unless he wants to force Biden to use an "enhancement" pump in public.




Also, isn't the term technically "hanged," not "hung"?
You are correct, the proper term for stringing up a person is "hanged."
However, since nude pictures of Hunter have already been entered into evidence, would that mean Schneider's requirements they be "publicly hung" have already been halfway satisfied?





You are correct, the proper term for stringing up a person is "hanged."
However, since nude pictures of Hunter have already been entered into evidence, would that mean Schneider's requirements they be "publicly hung" have already been halfway satisfied?

I'm willing to bet Hunter was fully satisfied.




"I never said that."






We read the words, John. Seems pretty clear you wish harm to come to him.




Pat Sajak

Found this from last year, too.
And he's been on the board at Hillsdale College for 15 years? Yeesh.





Snoop Dogg's got nothing but love and respect for Trump.




Snoop Dogg's got nothing but love and respect for Trump.

The fact that he kept trying to pawn nfts on people long after that train had already derailed more or less predicted this.




In the seemingly never-ending rollercoaster that is James Somerton, he has attempted two apology videoes, both poorly received and inevitably deleted. He rebranded his channel name to avoid being found by searching his name (since hbomberguy's video is one of the first results now).

Most recently, he posted what seemed to be a suicide note. No official word on whether he's okay or not, but there are many under the impression this is just another of his manipulation tactic to garner sympathy and shirk accountability. He's apparently used his mental health as a shield in the past.

I want nothing more than to see him held properly accountable and maybe come out of all this a better person. I sure as hell don't want to see him dead.




Apparently his channel is still deleting comments on his videos so I’m guessing it’s a fake suicide attempt for attention.




This could go in the F1 thread, but probably fits better here.

Christian Horner the Team Principal of the Red Bull F1 team had an investigation into him announced last month (5 Feb) following allegations of "inappropriate and controlling behaviour". Red Bull refused to confirm anything beyond that citing confidentiality but it's an open secret who the woman is.

A Google Drive file was later emailed anonymously to multiple journalists purporting to be screenshots of text messages between Horner & the complainant in which Horner harassed the woman. There are various links to this on Reddit & - if they are genuine - they pretty much prove Horner guilty. Christian Horner himself is refusing to say whether these files are genuine.

Red Bull hired an independent investigator to examine the complaint who would on 28 Feb officially clear Horner of any wrongdoing. Problem is we don't know any more than that. We don't know who this "independent investigator" is we don't officially know the exact nature of the complaint what evidence was gathered during the investigation or why Horner was exonerated. Not even F1 knows.

Earlier today the woman who made the initial complaint was suspended by Red Bull. At no time during this whole was Christian Horner ever suspended or removed from his position of authority pending the results of the investigation.

TLDR Christian Horner might have sexually harassed his PA, Red Bull totally had an investigation take our word for it honest guv' which completely cleared him, & now his accuser is the only person who is going to face any consequences.




Apparently his channel is still deleting comments on his videos so I’m guessing it’s a fake suicide attempt for attention.
James Somerton the famous plagiarist confirmed alive . At least if you can believe posts on Reddit.




I know it's "old news" now, but this video was both enlightening and entertaining.








The transphobia brainrot thing is completely true. Every rich asshole with nothing to do seems to get to obsessed with transwomen's dicks (they ignore transmen, just like they ignore biological women too because their existence is not convenient to their bullshit) that they seem to literally stop forming coherent thought.

It cost Graham Linehan his career and his family he became such an obsessed, hateful toad.




Given the not-so-subtle antisemitism in her books, I can't say I'm surprised.







Austin St. John's always been a died in the wool conservative and it's one of the main reasons no one wants to work with him and why he's usually not asked to come back to Power Rangers stuff. Also, he did all that... you know... FRAUD during the pandemic.


Celt Z

Celt Z

The best response I saw was, "He was really the 'White Power Ranger' the whole time".

And that's a much kinder photo of him than the original article I saw. It was more recent, and I was wondering who the heck this guys was. Time hasn't been kind.




I'm not generally a body shamer, but the red ranger has an immenesely fat head.

Also, along with Hitler, in his world's greatest warriors lineup is Chuck Norris.

He's a fucking moron isn't he?




The best response I saw was, "He was really the 'White Power Ranger' the whole time".

And that's a much kinder photo of him than the original article I saw. It was more recent, and I was wondering who the heck this guys was. Time hasn't been kind.
He was in prison for a bit because of the fraud he did. I don't imagine that helped.




Yesterday JK got a stamp of approval from Varg Vikernes, the murderer neo-nazi arsonist black metal guy. You know, the coolest. That's the kind of thing that should make a reasonable person go, oh, maybe I should reflect. She's rich and terf-brained, so that will not happen.


But she's just going fullblown nazi.




You know, even as someone who never really connected with Harry Potter, it still makes me sad to see her reacting to the possibility that people don't read/don't like her work by saying "oh well, got your money!"




You know, even as someone who never really connected with Harry Potter, it still makes me sad to see her reacting to the possibility that people don't read/don't like her work by saying "oh well, got your money!"
That's a defense mechanism, no doubt.




Yesterday JK got a stamp of approval from Varg Vikernes, the murderer neo-nazi arsonist black metal guy. You know, the coolest. That's the kind of thing that should make a reasonable person go, oh, maybe I should reflect. She's rich and terf-brained, so that will not happen.

View attachment 47572

But she's just going fullblown nazi.

Rowling really doesn't like being called a Holocaust denier:

JK Rowling is now threatening legal action against detractors.jpg




I really wonder how much of the books she actually wrote and how much was done by her editor. Or were we suppose to root for Drako and Voldemort?




I really wonder how much of the books she actually wrote and how much was done by her editor. Or were we suppose to root for Drako and Voldemort?
This is very much one of the conservative thought issues where they don't believe they are like the Nazis/Facists/Whatever because they don't literally call themselves that. It's a larger part of their general literacy issues, in that they don't understand nuance, themes, or subtlety in media or in speech. Part of this is just ignorance and part of it is just the willful dismissal of responsibility (i.e. they feel their actions are always justified, even when monstrous).

It's kind of like when they try to say Nazis were left wing because they called themselves National Socialists. It doesn't matter that they never adopted any leftist policies, it only matters what they said they were Socialists.




I think some people try to deny the association between Nazism and far-right politics because of the troglodytes who have been causing trouble for the past eight years. For these folks, they don’t wish to condemn people who look like them, who they might know, and who share many of the same anxieties. And so it’s easier for them to say “these aren’t Nazis. The people opposed to them are Nazis AND communists.”




Nazis are left wing, not right wing. Because the name “Socialist” is in their official title. - The Trump guys I work with




The Trump guys I work with
Well they're the experts, right?





They're apparently experts on European political history, American Civil War history, international security, public health, and evolutionary biology. I don't think the School of Hard Knocks is an accredited institution of higher learning.




Nazis are left wing, not right wing. Because the name “Socialist” is in their official title. - The Trump guys I work with
Unless they show up full of nazi symbols at any protest, then they're weirdly on the right side of the good people on both sides...


Celt Z

Celt Z

Didn't we talk about this guy and domestic violence earlier in this thread? I could have sworn this wasn't news (unfortunately). Or a had read about it somewhere else in the past year.




Dang, I forgot if it had been. My bad if it was.

Sorry, I just deleted it for being wrong and old. You were very correct.

Post automatically merged:

Yeah, it wasn't even that long ago.

No murder though thankfully, that was me misconstruing strangled with strangled to death.




So... Some 28-year-old sports guy known for being a conservative jackass spouted some conservative jackassery?
I fail to see how this qualifies for this thread.
Was he ever a milkshake? Did he suddenly turn into a duck? Did I completely misinterpret the metaphor in the title?




Idk. I didn’t know he was like that before that speech.




Idk. I didn’t know he was like that before that speech.
Nor did I. And the definition is someone you liked & thought was cool until they said or did something.




Speaking of Harrison Butker, today was NFL Schedule Release Day. Every team does some cute or funny video to announce their schedule each year; some are better than others. The Chargers are usually very good. They did theirs in The Sims this year and they put Butker in the kitchen




James Somerton the famous plagiarist confirmed alive . At least if you can believe posts on Reddit.
I know it's "old news" now, but this video was both enlightening and entertaining.





Did we ever find the original source of his suicide note?











Out of context? How did he think people were taking him?




You guys don't think something called "@TheSportsMemery" would just go on the internet and *lie* do you?




Nope, that's the context I took him on, and it's exactly as terrible as I thought. What a dope.




Remember that when women play football, they play his position.




You guys don't think something called "@TheSportsMemery" would just go on the internet and *lie* do you?
I couldn't read the watermark on mobile. Probably not real then.







Sounds like we can add Richard Dreyfuss to the pile.


Celt Z

Celt Z

I don't know if Dreyfuss would be considered a milkshake duck because he's long been known to be an asshole. It's rare you hear good news about him. He was a known asshole even back during Jaws.




For being one of the biggest Milhouses to ever live, he sure does have strong feelings on masculinity.




I don't know if Dreyfuss would be considered a milkshake duck because he's long been known to be an asshole. It's rare you hear good news about him. He was a known asshole even back during Jaws.
Agreed. This would be like deeming Chevy Chase a milkshake duck.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Chase, Dreyfuss and a bunch of others need a different category, like, "Water Is Wet: Assholes Continue to be Assholes, No End In Sight".




Have you guys heard? Donald Trump made a vile comment about people other than himself! :aaah:




Dreyfuss also has Parkinson's, and one of the side effects for the medication is disinhibition. So, maybe not the best idea to put him in front of a hot mic. For example, this interview with Bill Maher where he talks about how he used to think about his sister sexually :eek:




Look, I don't know what they talked about. All I've seen is this image, but I already know Michael Ian Black belongs here.





Look, I don't know what they talked about. All I've seen is this image, but I already know Michael Ian Black belongs here.

View attachment 48676
His description of the video would suggest otherwise: here




That's good to know, I should not have jumped to conclusions.




Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

*sigh* Goddammit.




Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

*sigh* Goddammit.

That looks complicated as hell. I think women need to be believed. I think sexual assault needs to be pretty broadly defined. I think even accepting those two things, this feels like ex-lovers airing grievances about things that happened but that might not legally constitute sexual assault. Boundaries may have been crossed in the moment. Gaiman may have aggressive sexual proclivity with his partners who don't enjoy that. He may creepily engage in sex with women much younger than him. He doesn't look great. I'm not sure if it qualifies as full milkshake duck?




Nah, he was one woman's boss. What he did was vry bad.

Scarlett, 23, alleges that Gaiman sexually assaulted her within hours of their first meeting in February 2022 in a bath at his New Zealand residence, where she worked as a nanny to his child.
And it's been established that neither woman knew each other. One was only found after the investigation after the first complaint.




Nah, he was one woman's boss. What he did was vry bad.

And it's been established that neither woman knew each other. One was only found after the investigation after the first complaint.
Consent can happen between boss and employee (she is not alleging coercion) and they had many weeks of sexual relationship after that first encounter, indicating a real consensual relationship, not just a one off assault.

Shortly after your quote:
"Scarlett alleges that within this otherwise consensual relationship."




The ages of the women is already enough to label him a creep. A 40 year old dating a 20 year old? That’s gross old man shit right there.

Then you add in the rough unfulfilling sex, the sexual assault in the bath of his employee one third his age and you see he’s just a fucking sexpest. Admittedly a talented one.




I know Reddit posts are as credible as a flat earther's thesis on physics, but this is not all. Apparently from all over people are saying this a long time coming. No one is jumping to his defense.








And I mean, he's not denying it either and false memories is some real gaslighting abuser talk.

"Tortoise understands that he believes K's allegations are motivated by her regret over their relationship and that Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history "




The guy who made Mighty Magiswords on Cartoon Network was arrested for CP.

This one is personal for me. I've loved this guy's work for over half my life. I had his artwork printed out and taped to my wall. His goofy indie comedy songs about sheep, friendship, evil zombie turkeys and anime superhero pizza girls were as frequently played on my iPod and on the same pedestal as Weird Al.




The guy who made Mighty Magiswords on Cartoon Network was arrested for CP.

This one is personal for me. I've loved this guy's work for over half my life. I had his artwork printed out and taped to my wall. His goofy indie comedy songs about sheep, friendship, evil zombie turkeys and anime superhero pizza girls were as frequently played on my iPod and on the same pedestal as Weird Al.
The crimes he is accused of do not apply to drawings, figurines, statues, or films rated by the Motion Picture Association.
I guess that means it's the real deal and not questional fan art.




I guess that means it's the real deal and not questional fan art.
Which is ironic because he apparently made a bing stink last year getting another artist blacklisted by doxing and outing their private rule 34 fan art account.




Which is ironic because he apparently made a bing stink last year getting another artist blacklisted by doxing and outing their private rule 34 fan art account.
He just doesn't believe in that fake stuff, and thinks everyone should go bio only...




Does anyone know why my social media is suddenly treating Jack Black like he's a Milkshake Duck?




Does anyone know why my social media is suddenly treating Jack Black like he's a Milkshake Duck?
Black took offense to his Tenacious D partner, Kyle Glass, making a joke about the Trump assassination attempt. He ended the tour they were on. It's possible the two might be splitting up, too.




Yeah, I was tempted to put that here. Jack's actions were out of line and he should have known what to expect from his LONG TIME, MULTI-DECADE COLLABORATOR that's he done crude humor with.




Yeah, I was tempted to put that here. Jack's actions were out of line and he should have known what to expect from his LONG TIME, MULTI-DECADE COLLABORATOR that's he done crude humor with.
Crude humour including City Hall, a(n admittedly very tongue in cheek) song about political violence.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Does "milkshake duck" really apply here? Like others I have seen speculating on this elsewhere, I kinda have to wonder if there's more to it. Maybe something/s going on behind the scenes. Or maybe Black's really worried it'll make people retaliate There's a lot of things people have joked about in the past that aren't really funny anymore in this reality. But it's not like Black hasn't gone on stage and talked about his political leanings recently. He did make a very pro-Biden-voting speech at a concert around the 4th of July, if I remember correctly?




Jack Black is definitely pro-Biden and anti-Trump, and there definitely are legitimate reasons for him to cancel or postpone the tour and/or make a statement that he's not supporting the comments Gass made. I think to a lot of people though, he's crossing a line by throwing his long-term collaborator totally under the bus and making it sound like he might be done working with him over what amounts to an off-colour joke that's only going slightly further than they've gone together in jokes before.

I don't know that I'd put him in this thread over it, but I'm definitely sad to see it happen and it does make me question whether he's putting his own career over his friend's (again).




JB is saving his career. People who know them both know this is a temp thing to protect Jack from insane fallout.


Celt Z

Celt Z

While I think Black's reaction was extreme, and probably too much, on some level, I can see him being worried he's going to get John Lennon'd when he got back to the states if he didn't make it clear he was against shootings.




People also forget he has two teenage kids.

Imagine you just read about a former president you were critical of was almost assassinated, then your best friend makes an off color joke about how he wished the assassination succeeded, all the while you are overseas and untouchable for the moment but know your family absolutely isn't.

If I was in his shoes I would cancel the tour too. I would be on the first plane back to my family and writing whatever I could to distance myself so that my own kids are not gunned down by some angry magat while trying to walk to a friends house.

Hell I don't have the notoriety of Jack Black but the day of the attempt I almost had a panic attack that some of my own neighbors would retaliate and hurt my family because I have a pride sign in my yard. It was a scary day for a lot of us.




Yeah, as South Park said, violence is the best way to get self-censorship...




While I think Black's reaction was extreme, and probably too much, on some level, I can see him being worried he's going to get John Lennon'd when he got back to the states if he didn't make it clear he was against shootings.
MAGA Begins Hunting People Who Made Trump Assassination Jokes

"In recent days, ring-wing social media users have been sniffing out, doxxing, and hounding those who cracked offensive jokes or comments about last week’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

"Namely, Chaya Raichik, who runs the prominent far-right X account Libs of TikTok, has spent the week doggedly pursuing everyday retail workers, teachers, and public safety personnel who made insensitive remarks in the wake of the incident."

A firefighter in Pennsylvania was doxxed and the next day a bomb threat was made to the fire house where he was captain, prompting him to resign in fear.




They're never punished, why would they stop.




Just to update, a 5th woman has come forward to accuse Neil Gaiman. It's not looking good. Hate this.




Just to update, a 5th woman has come forward to accuse Neil Gaiman. It's not looking good. Hate this.

On the one hand, I believe victims first and always hesitate to immediately assume the accused is innocent.

On the other hand, I've noticed this story has not been picked up or corroborated by any other outlet. Not any other major news outlets, nor even any reputable comic book news sites (not even mildly reputable rumor monger Bleeding Cool). The only sites posting about it are Comicsgate sites like Bleeding Fool, who would already hate Gaiman for being a "woke SJW" or whatever.

And apparently, the owners of the podcast are openly transphobic, which makes me question just how much of this is actually true or if it's just a hit piece.

Again, I'm not saying the reports AREN'T true, but I'm really questioning the source.




Too many people who know him have vouched for the victims at this point for me to doubt it too much.




He has utterly disappeared from Bluesky as well. It doesn't look good, as much as I don't want to believe it.




Never meet your heroes.

My feelings on the Neil Gaiman situation are too complicated to want to go into. I'm deeply saddened, but I hope the victims can find some sense of justice or closure. At this point, even if everything was consensual as he had originally claimed, just the nature of who he was with was already highly inappropriate and problematic.

The worst thing about heroes is they're made of people, and people will often let you down.




Guys, I'm sorry to break this to you. Hopefully the blow is softened coming from me.

Adolf Hitler is a milkshake duck.

I know, I know. He seemed like such a good guy, too.



Celt Z

Celt Z


There is clearly some educational/parenting failures there.





There is clearly some educational/parenting failures there.
21% can't resist trolling pollsters.


Celt Z

Celt Z

21% can't resist trolling pollsters.
I really want to believe that, but ...*gestures to everything*




I don't doubt that, at some point, Hitler had some good ideas.
The ones he chose to act on, though...ehhhhh not so great.
I feel like even someone like Voldemort occasionally experienced momentary uncharacteristic flashes of generosity or the like, but then shrugged it off as "weakness" or "counter to the master plan" or "shut up, mother!" or whatever.





The ones he chose to act on, though...ehhhhh not so great.
Well, his last act was his best.








Guys, I'm sorry to break this to you. Hopefully the blow is softened coming from me.

Adolf Hitler is a milkshake duck.

I know, I know. He seemed like such a good guy, too.

View attachment 49641
Hitler was a vegetarian. I could easily see many Zoomers think, "Y'know what, vegetarianism counts as a good idea."




Hitler genuinely *did* have a bunch of good ideas and did a lot of good for the country.
They're almost exclusively the parts modern-day (neo-)nazis and fascists don't want to talk about or agree with anymore, though.

Not intended in any way or form as a defense of the guy, he was one of the biggest monsters of human history and was instrumental in the industrialization of genocide, the growth and evolution of propaganda and starting one of the most terrible wars our planet has ever seen.

The roaring twenties were, well, roaring for most of the West but were a terrible time in Weimar Germany because of the Versailles treaty. The NSDAP under Hitler in the late '20d-early '30s managed to rebuild the economy, invested massively in infrastructure (nationalizing the rails and expanding the network immensely, built the national highway system); the Volkswagen was the German "answer" to the Ford T as an easy, cheap, reliable car available to the masses, and they greatly expanded vacation time and social security for laborers. The German economy after WWI had been forced back to a more agrarian focus (since mining resources were all moved out of he country as reparations) leaving large parts of the population poor. He expanded natrionally mandated vacation days for laborers.
The economic revival for the average German in the '30s with respect to household income/buying power was comparable to that of Americans in the '50s and '60s.
In some of those ways, Hitler was a combination FDR/Eisenhower/Ford for Germany.

Again, he was also a warmongering egomaniacal madman and dictator who plunged the world into a terrible war and started the Holocaust, and there's no start to all the evil he wrought, the balance of his scales is way off. But technically, he did have some good ideas.
Imagine a Trump who nationalized Tesla, Ford and GM and mass produced a reliable, good, electric car for the equivalent of $10K; somehow managed to return major chip and semiconductor production to the USA, installed national single payer healthcare; increased nationally mandated holidays, got rid of at-will employment, lowered taxes on the average household, and somehow did all that while lowering the national debt.

Sadly I don't think any of those are the good ideas any of those zoomers are thinking about.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Sadly I don't think any of those are the good ideas any of those zoomers are thinking about.
This is really what I was thinking, too. There is some nuance to the question, but I doubt that was what was being asked.




I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but... damn it.

For me, for the future of our Nation, to meet enormous challenges, and for the proven policy accomplishments above, I believe the nation is best served by voting for Donald J. Trump, -- Buzz Aldrin




I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but... damn it.

For me, for the future of our Nation, to meet enormous challenges, and for the proven policy accomplishments above, I believe the nation is best served by voting for Donald J. Trump, -- Buzz Aldrin
That’s hurtful. Especially considering that Trump would defund NASA in heartbeat. He might as well give his endorsement to a Flat-Earther




If you read more into Buzz his whole life right now is kind of a mess. Suing his own kids, supposedly suffering from dementia, surrounding himself with "friends" that have been draining his money. Dude is in his 90s, so there is a good chance he didn't even write the post himself.




I miss the Buzz Aldrin that punches out conspiracy assholes.




I miss the Buzz Aldrin that punches out conspiracy assholes.

He punched him for calling him a coward, not for being a conspiracy nut. Unfortunately, much more in line with MAGA values.




Perhaps not so much of a MD since, well, everyone knows he's got terrible views, but Sylvester Stallone attended a Trump gala today and praised him as "the second George Washington", a "mythical figure" and "the greatest leader of our time".




Perhaps not so much of a MD since, well, everyone knows he's got terrible views, but Sylvester Stallone attended a Trump gala today and praised him as "the second George Washington", a "mythical figure" and "the greatest leader of our time".
I wish I could say this is surprising, but I recall Stallone has had...questionable political opinions in the past. I can't think of any specifics, just that I vaguely recall being disappointed by things he said.




That article was as bad as I expected, when it came to what he did to women. I was not prepared for the accounts that he did some of this abuse while his son was present in the room, or when his son was in the house and could enter the room at any time. I hope he loses custody.




I can't access it.










His 'rents where Scientologists. That explains so much.




She kissed an ass and she liked it




Maybe it's just me, but I see a lot of overlap in the social circles of "Russell Brand fan" and "Cybertruck fan".




Maybe it's just me, but I see a lot of overlap in the social circles of "Russell Brand fan" and "Cybertruck fan".
Insecure men obsessed with sex and self-aggrandization, bitterly resentful at a majority of the world that doesn't find their immature antics to be amusing?




Vic Mignogna was already revealed to be an awful person long ago, but MarzGurl's comprehensive ELEVEN HOUR breakdown of him is incredibly. I'm only 2 and a half hours in so far and I don't think I'm even at the worst stuff. I definitely can't watch all this in one sitting, but sweet leaping Jesus, it's a lot. At the very least, check out Chapter 3 where she reads off all the tweets of Vic being highly inappropriate to multiple underage girls.




Lapp Dogg




Fuck. There goes The Kiffness. Yes, that Kiffness, the one who makes up the cute songs with dogs and cats.




Fuck. There goes The Kiffness. Yes, that Kiffness, the one who makes up the cute songs with dogs and cats.

Who the hell is the Kiffness




Who the hell is the Kiffness
All those videos we've ever posted of a guy singing along with autotuned animals? They were pretty much all The Kiffness.




All those videos we've ever posted of a guy singing along with autotuned animals? They were pretty much all The Kiffness.
This made me really sad. Unfollowed immediately on YouTube.




Unsubbed. Damn it. I thought he was pretty much a hippy.




Once again playing devil's advocate - while the first two are pretty much just vile, the third one is, sadly, pretty much true.
The modern day ANC is very, very far removed from the Mandela days and promoting equality for all. I have in-laws living in SA and while some anti-white measures absolutely made and make sense (to help reduce inequalities based on history) there is very much an anti-white racism going on in a lot of laws over the past half decade or so.
SA seems dead set on repeating some of Zimbabwe's mistakes. White flight is a serious problem at the moment.




Once again playing devil's advocate
The devil really doesn't need an advocate. Look around, the devil's winning. When someone goes mask off pointing out that some of the things they said are maybe half true isn't helpful. It's like people saying Hitler made the trains run on time, who the fuck cares.




The devil really doesn't need an advocate. Look around, the devil's winning. When someone goes mask off pointing out that some of the things they said are maybe half true isn't helpful. It's like people saying Hitler made the trains run on time, who the fuck cares.
Nah, it was Mussolini who made the trains run on time.
Hitler just made sure they all reached their final destination.




Nah, it was Mussolini who made the trains run on time.
Hitler just made sure they all reached their final destination.
I need a reaction for "I'm giving you a prop but I hate it"




Like, legitimately a good joke.




Wouldn't that be the "not bad" reaction, which... I sort of interpret as... "Bad, but props"?




I need a reaction for "I'm giving you a prop but I hate it"
Possibly a Falcon themed one. "He's out of line, but he's right."
