
Staff member
Got in a little trouble at work today. Had to suit up in a chem suit today to run a hot water hose. Yeah it’s even dumber than it sounds. But we were checking on the temp rating for the gear and couldn’t find anything in the tags. So we went to their website. Tingly rubber dot com.

I laughed out loud like a loon and was told that I was being inappropriate. I still laughed.

This is my 8th day in a row. My filter is fucking GONE!
Got in a little trouble at work today. Had to suit up in a chem suit today to run a hot water hose. Yeah it’s even dumber than it sounds. But we were checking on the temp rating for the gear and couldn’t find anything in the tags. So we went to their website. Tingly rubber dot com.

I laughed out loud like a loon and was told that I was being inappropriate. I still laughed.

This is my 8th day in a row. My filter is fucking GONE!
Man, the last time I actually had to work on site, not only would we all have said inappropriate stuff about it, everyone would have passed it along to their colleagues and added more inappropriate commentary.
Heck it just happened at work.

Coworker 1 "HCGLNS is going to show me how to put a probe in a hole."

Coworker 2 "How DO you put a probe in a hole HCGLNS?"

Me "Well, you normally start with dinner."
I met my wife at Bible College. Is that Church or College? If Church 5.19%, if College 8.13%. We dated 4 1/2 years before we got married, pretty good for bible (bridal) college students. I know at least 2 couples that got married in second semester, so less than 6 months after meeting. For them the joke "Ring by Spring or your money back" rang true.
The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
is Tiggers are wonderful things
tops are made out of rubber
their bottoms are made out of springs
Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey
fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
is I'm the only one
Tiggers are cuddily fellows
Tiggers are awfully sweet
everyone el'es is jealous
That's why I repeat and repeat
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are marvoulous chaps
They're loaded with vim and vigor
they love to leap in your laps
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
fun fun fun fun fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers

Is I'm the only one
What the translator wrote: "Night shift employees with children under 1 year of age and who need to be personally breastfed..."

How the reviewer (ie me) reacted: "Um..."
The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
is Tiggers are wonderful things
tops are made out of rubber
their bottoms are made out of springs
Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey
fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
is I'm the only one
Tiggers are cuddily fellows
Tiggers are awfully sweet
everyone el'es is jealous
That's why I repeat and repeat
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are marvoulous chaps
They're loaded with vim and vigor
they love to leap in your laps
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
fun fun fun fun fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers

Is I'm the only one
Is anyone else imagining an exasperated @Squidleybits asking "Why are you bouncing?"


Staff member
Had a funny interaction at work and I realized it's a story I've never shared on this board. When I was a kid my eyes went from 20/20 to
/10 gazillion like really fast. The doctor that we saw was a small town guy who told my parents that if the degeneration continued at the current rate I'd be blind before I hit 10. But that's not the funny part, obviously, because it didn't happen. I just needed glasses. But what it DID do is give me a couple of very interesting personality traits that continue to this day. First, I always know what the layout of a room looks like and can usually traverse it even with eyes closed very quickly. I memorize pathways. I also count stairs. So if I'm going to be somewhere for more than a day and it has stairs, I count them and memorize them. This is where the conversation comes in.

Dude at work: Electricity is out for about 4 hours. Take a flashlight when you use the back stairwell.
Me: No need.
Dude: It's dark as shit back there. You'll trip.
Me: Nope. 10-11-12-12.
Dude: ??
Me: That's the stair count going down to the outside door.
Dude (after hearing why I know this): You memorized ALL the stairs? How about from control room level in fermentation?
Me: Going down? 15-13-17. From this level to ground floor it's always 45 stairs.
Dude: Control room to admin offices?
Me: Using the front stairs it's 18-13-14. The back stairs are 18-14-13.
Dude: Evap area.
Me: That one's easy. It's 15-15-15. Only one in the building that's even.
Dude: Control room level up to the duct collectors.
Me: 17-17-11-14-16-10-7. The 10-7 are if you continuing up to get magnet samples.
Dude: Nerd.

edit: By the way, the reason I know these stairs is I get to go up & down them a lot. Which is why I've been maintaining my weight and even have lost a little. Back down to 190.
I don't count stairs, but I sure do get the rest. Used to work in literal darkrooms, you get to know the layout pretty quickly unless you hate your shins.

I also have horrible vision. It really sucks. Astigmatism and nearly blind. I need reading glasses now too. That's actually affected me quite a bit. Bifocals in my 40s blows.

I don't count stairs. I do have a pretty excellent spatial memory. I remember where items are in the house including which drawer they are in. I generally remember driving routes after driving once. I don't know if this is a by-product of being blind.
Man, this is a blast from the past.

I was a child of the 80s, so I had those rubber figures. I had some of the thumb wrestlers, too! By the time they switched to hard plastic and moveable parts, I was older and into video games and comics, so I didn't want them because having toys in your teens wasn't cool. I also had that Hulk Hogan workout set! I didn't use it very much, but the workout tape got me pumped up when I did!

I also have horrible vision. It really sucks. Astigmatism and nearly blind. I need reading glasses now too. That's actually affected me quite a bit. Bifocals in my 40s blows.

I don't count stairs. I do have a pretty excellent spatial memory. I remember where items are in the house including which drawer they are in. I generally remember driving routes after driving once. I don't know if this is a by-product of being blind.
Eh, bifocals don't bother me, no one can even tell you have them anymore.