[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

I just finished watching the latest episode of Shrinking (Season 2, Episode 6). No spoilers, but I don't think ANY show I've ever watched has made me laugh so hard and cry so hard in a single episode. I'm still sobbing at one particular scene that completed bowled me over, emotionally.

If you're not watching Shrinking, you're doing yourself a disservice. It's excellent.
I just finished watching the latest episode of Shrinking (Season 2, Episode 6). No spoilers, but I don't think ANY show I've ever watched has made me laugh so hard and cry so hard in a single episode. I'm still sobbing at one particular scene that completed bowled me over, emotionally.

If you're not watching Shrinking, you're doing yourself a disservice. It's excellent.
Afterlife was that for me almost every episode hade me in laughs and tears.
I'm just gonna say it: fuck the show, SHRINKING.

No other show makes me laugh and cry so hard during EACH FRIGGING EPISODE.

It's not fair.
I agree. Ahsoka and Acolyte were just grim and depressing. It was like Disney decided everyone needed to be bummed all the time. Skeleton Crew is FUN.


Staff member
It didn't go in the direction I was expecting. I was expecting it to be wackier than it ended up being. It's much more heartfelt and bittersweet.

Also, how is Ted Danson 76? That can't be right.
I agree, it was really good, and unexpectedly poignant. Highly recommended.
Up to seasons 5 of Deep Space 9 and season 3 of Voyager. The Dominion arc continues to be AMAZING while VOYAGER...had the TV season equivalent of a...GENERALLY good filler episode, but still the most that happened was the doctor getting the mobile emitter, Kes and Neelix's(well deserved) break up, and Tom and B'ellana apparently being in love! The last one I honestly don't mind, as their slow burn in season 3 was the closest thing that season had to a season wide story arc but STILL, an awkward season of television.

Season 5 of DS9 has its...VERY nineties Star Trek moments though such as "Dr. Bashir, I presume" which is just as awkward as you'd expect for an episode dancing around the topic of neuro-divergence.
Up to seasons 5 of Deep Space 9 and season 3 of Voyager. The Dominion arc continues to be AMAZING while VOYAGER...had the TV season equivalent of a...GENERALLY good filler episode, but still the most that happened was the doctor getting the mobile emitter, Kes and Neelix's(well deserved) break up, and Tom and B'ellana apparently being in love! The last one I honestly don't mind, as their slow burn in season 3 was the closest thing that season had to a season wide story arc but STILL, an awkward season of television.

Season 5 of DS9 has its...VERY nineties Star Trek moments though such as "Dr. Bashir, I presume" which is just as awkward as you'd expect for an episode dancing around the topic of neuro-divergence.
I recommend watching "What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Deep Space Nine" (the DS9 documentary) after finishing DS9. They talk about a lot of things they wish they had been more explicit about. It's free (with ads) on a bunch of streaming services.

As for Voyager... it's so uneven. It's got some legitimately great, all-time episodes in there and some of the absolute worst. Still easier to watch than early season Enterprise.
I recommend watching "What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Deep Space Nine" (the DS9 documentary) after finishing DS9. They talk about a lot of things they wish they had been more explicit about. It's free (with ads) on a bunch of streaming services.

As for Voyager... it's so uneven. It's got some legitimately great, all-time episodes in there and some of the absolute worst. Still easier to watch than early season Enterprise.
Nice, hope to check that out!

And AGREED on Voyager, it just has Rick Berman's fingerprints all over it, primarily in the lack of character development and story arcs especially in early seasons, not to mention how it'll just try to be a regular Star Trek show at times, borderline ignoring the grim premise of the crew being lost in space .
Also true. So many interesting things they could've done with Voyager, and investing directions they could've taken it.
Exactly, ESPECIALLY with the Crew. I know they're Star Fleet and trained for this, AND its been 3 years, but there could just be a LITTLE more pining for home at times, most of the times its just a "Business as usual" Star Trek episode!

Back to DS9, I was on one episode where Kira broke up with her boyfriend whats-his-face because the prophets told them "It wasn't meant to be"...and on the ONE HAND that just feels like a lazy cheat to break up a boring couple, on the OTHER I like to look at it as the writers admitting how boring Kira and Not-Barail were.
After much haranguing from my wife, I finally watched Squid Game season 1 with her. Now we can watch season 2 together. Overall it was pretty good. Nicely tense, nicely thrilling, satisfying story arcs, bunch of emotional moments, etc.

Also, I can now watch the Squid Game reactions from my favorite hot reactors on Youtube.
I went old school this week and watched about half the first season of the Rockford Files. It was a hoot seeing old technology, land lines and mainframes. They did not have the best continuity director on the show. He hopped in a cab and it changed makes and models in each of the next three shots. Then the two parter had like 30 minutes of flashback in the second episode. Of course back in the 70s there was no home media and the audience needed more of a refresher.
I went old school this week and watched about half the first season of the Rockford Files. It was a hoot seeing old technology, land lines and mainframes. They did not have the best continuity director on the show. He hopped in a cab and it changed makes and models in each of the next three shots. Then the two parter had like 30 minutes of flashback in the second episode. Of course back in the 70s there was no home media and the audience needed more of a refresher.
I saw James Garner in Norman, Ok when I was a student there. He was there for a statue reveal of him.

Because Severance can get...pretty heavy at times, I decided to watch a palette cleanser, also on AppleTV: Mythic Quest.

And then I proceeded to obsessively binge watch it to the point that I'm already through the first two seasons. It's pretty great and hilarious.