Funny (political, religious) pictures

All these comparisons of "this is this generation's Kristallnacht", "this is Trump's Reichstag Fire", etc...
History doesn't repeat exactly, it just rhymes, and it's way too early to tell which exact happenings will have which effects down the line.
Having said all that, wake me up for the Neurenberg Trials.
I will settle for the suicide.


Staff member
There's a scene in The Curse of Monkey Island where Guybrush Threepwood tries to join a barbershop quartet of other pirates. His audition songs are increasingly terrible, and at one point the other pirate pleads,

"Words! I need more words! My grasp of the language is not sufficient to describe the violent, retching nausea your singing is causing me to experience."

I think of this scene whenever I try to rate political posts on Halforums these days.

Emoticons! I need more emoji! My options to react are not sufficient to describe the abject horror that this political news is causing me to experience.