The Random Crap Thread

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It's still coming down. I don't think we've had snow fall continuously for so many hours for as long as I've lived in Texas (17 years).
Headed my way later tonight, then!


You Canadians! How do you deal?[/QUOTE]

We watch the snow fall. We have sex until it stops snowing. We put on warm clothes, go outside and move the snow to a more adventageous position.

On a serious note I never understood why people think snow is hard to deal with. Our worst blizzards may dump upwards of 3 meters of snow on us, but we just shovel it out of the way. When people get hit with a hurricane they are rebuilding houses and cities, far worse weather in my opinion.

Even more random, I solved a simple computer problem for someone at work today. Why oh why did I do something so stupid.
Snow isn't that difficult to deal with, but it's hella inconvenient.

Especially this snow-water hybrid bullshit we get here in St. John's. It's like a giant slush puppy shits all over the city, and it just never gets cleaned up.
My sister's engaged to an awesome guy! He's bloody awful at Left 4 Dead 2, but I'm beyond happy for her. :D

Damn you, WoW. I thought you were letting me go easy, but nooooooo. Fucking Icecrown gets released the week after I cancel. Going to have to see about getting the money to re-up my account.

Conversation over heard today in Tim Hortons:

Girl 1: I just can't understand Harry Potter. It's just so gay!
Girl 2: It really is. It's so kiddie yet people treat it like serious literature.
Girl 1: I know, right! It's not even believable! I mean, witches and wizards? At least I can relate to Twilight...that's a believable story!

Husband laughed loudly. They stared.


Staff member
O.O Man, don't you love it when you hit the eavesdropping jackpot?

Did you hear about the girls I overheard from last week who said, "If you like Jane Eyre, why can't you like Twilight???"

Yeh! I read that! Thar's why I posted mine!

The kicker was their demeanor. It was like they thought they were having a serious, intellectual discussion. Thier university text books were laid out on the table and a lap top was open, one was waving her hand in a grand gesture while holding a cappuccino in the other.

It was a tableau of self importance that only added to the hilarity of the conversation.
Conversation over heard today in Tim Hortons:

Girl 1: I just can't understand Harry Potter. It's just so gay!
Girl 2: It really is. It's so kiddie yet people treat it like serious literature.
Girl 1: I know, right! It's not even believable! I mean, witches and wizards? At least I can relate to Twilight...that's a believable story!

Husband laughed loudly. They stared.
I was with them until they mentioned Twilight.

I have no problem with reading young-person literature. I enjoyed what I read of Harry Potter, and I'm slow to outright dismiss Twilight, since I haven't read any of it yet. But I have far too many 'adult' friends who have not yet in their life read a single 'grown up' book.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Oh, and I had a funny today. I had to check my little notebook for a phone number, since it wasn't in my cell. I wondered what time it was while I was looking at the page, and I glanced at the upper right corner of the notebook's page expecting to see a clock.

I feel that I've crossed over some line now. Like I'm officially a techaholic.
Are we being serious?

I'm guessing this person has butchered the English language to suit their own nefarious means.

Either that or they are from Newfoundland. This kind of a poor sentence structure basically means just what you'd think it means.

"I am going to put on some lip stick then use the washroom."

Kitty Sinatra

I just spent an hour and a half gift-wrapping a single present for a Sinterklaas party this Saturday. I'm gonna wind up spending another hour and a half wrapping it some more tomorrow. And this is using the solution that results in the least amount of effort to achieve the plan. :\

Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, I know. But I've been working a lot, and was unable to get last Saturday off (well, to confirm that I didn't have to show up at work) so we postponed it a week.

Postponing it isn't a huge faux pas, is it? I don't want to have pissed off my new sister-in-law.

---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

Also, the poem that goes along with present is really quite half assed. It's just a limerick that hints at the hellacious amount of unwrapping my brother will have to endure before he gets to the actual gift.

Kitty Sinatra

No, the gift itself is real. I just figured I'd make him work for it.

But huh. Goo is an excellent idea. I'll likely do that if I pick my brother's name next year - that would be the third time in a row, which since we only started doing Sinterklaas last year, would also happen to be every time.

If I did the goo thing, I wouldn't have to actually get him a gift, right?

EDIT: OH yeah. I have no idea how traditional our Sinterklaas celebration is. It's all new to everyone except my brother's new Dutch wife. We draw someone's name, give them a gift with a poem and maybe play some slight prank or trick with it.
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