The Random Crap Thread

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I am cooking fish for my mother's friend, who apparently likes hot food. I am cooking it the style that my Bahamian friend taught me, which uses Habanero peppers. My dog ate a little piece of one of the peppers, and is now quite distressed. I apparently didn't wash my own hands well enough, and got some at the edge of my nose.

Fun Size's Avatar is in this month's issue of Maxim (with his top off).

I typically only get Maxim when traveling, and after reading this last month's issue, I think I will stop that practice (I just isn't as interesting as it used to be).
Fun Size's Avatar is in this month's issue of Maxim (with his top off).

I typically only get Maxim when traveling, and after reading this last month's issue, I think I will stop that practice (I just isn't as interesting as it used to be).
Wait, you can see my avatar's boobs in Maxim? I don't think I'm comfortable with that.

Kitty Sinatra

Or: I bet Al Gore never thought that question would arise when he created the internet

Kitty Sinatra

According t the forum's tag cloud, this is our most searched for item:

Why is it when people do unsolicited favors, I sometimes feel embarrassed? I was just about to go out and shovel the snow from my mother's driveway so I could get the car out and move on with my day, but I looked out the window to find a neighbor clearing it with his snowblower.

It's finished now, but now the neighbor is out doing his driveway, and I'm actually a little bit uncomfortable about going out there. I mean, I'm certainly not expected to reciprocate. If I pitched in with a shovel, I'd be doing more harm than good as long as he has the machine on. And he didn't stick around for tips or anything, so I know it's not a kid doing it for a few bucks. On an idealistic level, I feel like this is exactly the kind of shit that needs to happen more often: random acts of kindness. Favors done out of the kindness of one's heart, and not for any other motive. But on a practical level, I am seriously having a hard time dealing with this.


Staff member
Why is it when people do unsolicited favors, I sometimes feel embarrassed? I was just about to go out and shovel the snow from my mother's driveway so I could get the car out and move on with my day, but I looked out the window to find a neighbor clearing it with his snowblower.

It's finished now, but now the neighbor is out doing his driveway, and I'm actually a little bit uncomfortable about going out there. I mean, I'm certainly not expected to reciprocate. If I pitched in with a shovel, I'd be doing more harm than good as long as he has the machine on. And he didn't stick around for tips or anything, so I know it's not a kid doing it for a few bucks. On an idealistic level, I feel like this is exactly the kind of shit that needs to happen more often: random acts of kindness. Favors done out of the kindness of one's heart, and not for any other motive. But on a practical level, I am seriously having a hard time dealing with this.
Our neighbor does this for us occasionally. We bake him goodies. Last week was cookies and brownies.


Staff member
:laugh: That's really good.

Today I'm making 20 sets of prosciutto-wrapped asparagus spears for a party my mom's going to. I don't really want to, but she IS paying me, so I'd better hop to it.
I downloaded the entire Judas Priest discography. My apartment cannot get any more metal without purchasing chrome plating and flame decals for everything.
I have to admit something to Cajungal.

Every time I see you post, I hear the Trojan Man theme from the Trojan Condoms commercials, except with your screen name in it instead. "CAJUN-GAAAL!!"

I don't remember when this started, but I can't stop it now.


Staff member
That is excellent. I'm happy to be associated with such a fine product. :D

Incidentally, have you tried the new Ecstacy ones? They're marvelous.
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