The Random Crap Thread

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That's... that's really weird. I'd love to try it, though. Huge garlic fan. I could eat an entire bulb every day, but then everyone would hate me. :(


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Oh, and also...


Conclusions tomorrow. Five-page summary tomorrow.

Final switches, polish and spell-check Wednesday.

Hand it in Thursday. Then begin mindless indulgence and celebration in quantities that will...
... make Caligula go "Man, that's a lot of debauchery".
... bring forth Slaanesh, the God of Excess. But s/he'll receive such a donkey punch birth s/he won't be around till some space elves come around.
... create the first destructive earthquake in Finnish history.
... destroy the Earth and make the sun go nova.

Friday, go watch Zombieland and Sherlock Holmes, if Earth exists.
Is cracker a more obscure band than I think of them as? I have trouble finding tabs. (And that's cracker, not uncle cracker, or any other type of hard thin biscuit).
Wow, there's a band name I've not heard in ages. Didja try here? If it's not there, it's probably a better use of your time to figure out the song on your own rather than trying to run down tabs.


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It pays to have a wife that was friends in high school with someone (semi)famous:

Next up: Fade: the cartoon on Adult Swim (I wish). I know I update slowly, but it can't be any worse than Venture Bros.
Man I got a good deal yesterday. I had gotten some wired 360 controllers from some friends as well as a few from deals and trading but in the end I had way more than I needed. So I took 7 of the wired 360 controllers that I didn't use and decided to trade them in for some in store credit at Game Crazy. Now normally I don't like trading stuff in at used game stores cause they try to rip you off but I figured I had gotten these controllers for free I didn't really care to much about it. Now the controllers are normally worth $10 store credit but they had a deal that if you sign up for a free 30 day trial membership to a new MVP plus package they have you get an extra 30% added to your first batch of trade ins. And you also get a coupon for 30% off a used game. So I traded the controllers in and I got $91 store credit so I picked up New Super Mario Bros. Wii , Super Mario Galaxy, and Street Fighter IV. So after I used my in store credit and my 30% off coupon I ended up only paying $7 out of pocket for the 3 games. :)
I am currently sitting down for my first cup of espresso ever. I've been meaning to try it for a few weeks now, and opportunity and mood finally lined up in such a way that it was something I thought I could do.

It feels like a coffee bean just kicked me in the face and insulted my mother.

Kitty Sinatra

Man, I need some wired 360 controllers. I'm tired of swapping out dead batteries.
Isn't there some cable that allows you to connect the controller to the xbox and recharge the batteries while using it wired?
Well, Dangerously Low On Grog is getting a huge influx of new readers. Is it the consistently witty writing bringing them in? The brand new b-movie layout maybe?

No, it's that a Google image search for "The Partridge Family" returns DLOG as the first result.

My life is so weird sometimes.


Staff member
The thesis... finished. One-hundred pages.
Appendices... done.
Finnish summary... almost done.
Spell-check... almost done.

Too tired to continue tonight, not able to formulate academically sound argumentation and sane statements. Will finish tomorrow.
Gonna post in Halforums now :p
Best shuffle of mp3's ever

Went down to the cemetery looking for love
Got there and my baby was buried - I had to dig her up

Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising
Higher higher It's burning through to my soul


Staff member
Already know who my favorite teacher is--a rambling old man in tweed who makes potatoes into candles. He was teaching us how to make a proper observation, using all our senses. There were 6 "candles" on his desk, except one was made of potato and the other of soap. I was the only one who'd read his instructions on observation before class, so I was the only one who approached the desk to touch, smell, and look closely at the candles. He looked at me with a completely straight face and said,

"We have a skeptic in my class?"

So I say, "Well, you do look sneaky."

"You've got a few of them laughing back there," he commented when I smelled one of the candles. I just shrugged and he said, "Someday you'll be laughing and they'll be crying."

Weird. Weird and funny. He also let us name our class groups. It's a science class, so our group is "The Noble Gases." My nickname is Krypton. :D
Yes! Tweed! I've been loving the tweed jacket my father gave me a few months back. It looks pretty good, dries quickly, and keeps me warmer than my winter jacket.

It has led me to believe that tweed-clad men are people you want to be 'in' with.
Just found out I'm going to be an uncle. Put it here because I'm still deciding whether this is a win or not. It will be if my sister decides to actually marry the guy. He'd be a cool brother-in-law, I really like him.
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