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YOU CAN DO IT! *encouragement dance*
At least this one isn't as bad as number three. "Why do interpretivist approaches argue that language is the medium through which reality is created? Do you find this argument persuasive?"


Kitty Sinatra

Why do interpretivist approaches argue that language is the medium through which reality is created? Do you find this argument persuasive?"
Answer: YES.[/QUOTE]

I was gonna do this:

Gruebeard'z Essay

Interpretivist approaches argue that language is the medium through which reality is created because the interpretivists who argue that language is the medium through which reality is created are dicks. However, I find their position intriguing and would like to subscribe to their newsletter(s).

I now have a pretty certificate stating that I am 'qualified' to teach ESL. I don't feel any more qualified than I did at the beginning of this series of classes, but okay.

I feel much free-er than I have in a long time. I don't plan on leaving for another few months, but now I have an out.

Next stop ... who knows? I've been thinking a lot about Vietnam lately ...
I don't really want to write while playing with myself. I'd much rather use my hands and wrap them around a stiff, cylindrical object that is several inches in length. I like to wave it around, shake it, and play with it until I am sweaty and exhausted. I love my Wii!
Well, I had to help my parents move this weekend, so I missed this HUGE party (I even made jello shots for the party and everything!) all on account of poor timing by me. I was feeling pretty down about the whole weekend being a waste when I went through some of my old stuff and found....*drum roll*


Me and my roommate are going to race each other to see who can finish it in the least amount of time. Bonus points will be awarded for finishing side quests, like raising a gold chocobo and getting Kings of the Round, but we can't use any game guides or anything (which sucks because I forgot the quickest way to a gold chocobo)

I'm so excited! Once we get the rules set I'm going to post it in the Games forum as a challenge.
Well, I had to help my parents move this weekend, so I missed this HUGE party (I even made jello shots for the party and everything!) all on account of poor timing by me. I was feeling pretty down about the whole weekend being a waste when I went through some of my old stuff and found....*drum roll*


Me and my roommate are going to race each other to see who can finish it in the least amount of time. Bonus points will be awarded for finishing side quests, like raising a gold chocobo and getting Kings of the Round, but we can't use any game guides or anything (which sucks because I forgot the quickest way to a gold chocobo)

I'm so excited! Once we get the rules set I'm going to post it in the Games forum as a challenge.
I wish I could find my FF7 PC discs, I want to replay an FF so bad.

My epic for the day is small but makes me happy. I found a playlist on YouTube of the entire Earthbound soundtrack. I love this game and the music so much. Going to blast it in my headphones all day. :D
After ten months of effort, stress, standardized tests, and asspiles of research on where I want to go, I received an official acceptance to my top choice school: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

I am so excited right now the only thing I could do for the first fifteen minutes after hearing it was to play heavy metal on my drums.
We're going to be playing on our computers, so my roommate said we should download some patches that are out there since the Pc version isn't all that great. He also said that by the time we get all the stuff we won't really need the discs anyway so I'll try to remember to show you what we find.

I really want to beat Ruby Weapon this time, but I don't know if I'll be able to since we're going for speed runs.


Staff member
Although I voted against it, I'm glad there's no class the day after the Superbowl. Two more days to study for a test is good news, but the way my classmates handled the debate was almost embarrassing.
Income taxes are done and filed. Imma gettin' my monnies back from Teh Man. Yeah, here come airline tickets for our Disney trip and still having money left over!
We're going to be playing on our computers, so my roommate said we should download some patches that are out there since the Pc version isn't all that great. He also said that by the time we get all the stuff we won't really need the discs anyway so I'll try to remember to show you what we find.

I really want to beat Ruby Weapon this time, but I don't know if I'll be able to since we're going for speed runs.
I'd say you're better off using your CDs with an emulator like ePSXe, getting the PC version to work can be... troubling ~_~
Just got my bands EP up on iTunes (among others)! I am... so freaking excited. I know it's not a big deal really but damn it feels good to have accomplished this. Add to that we just found a drummer and start playing live ASAP... it feels really good. I'm just all smiles today.
For almost the entirety of my relationship with my girlfriend, we've had the possibility of me going to graduate school in another state hanging over our heads: we both thought that, if I moved, that would be the end of the relationship, since we both had different ideas of what we wanted to do (I'm Ph.D. track, she's vet medicine). She brought up the idea of moving out with me a few months ago, which actually surprised her when I said I'd love to have her come with me.

So, to show her how awesome she is, and to thank her for being such a supportive girlfriend (even when it meant possibly having to give me up), I bought her something she's wanted for a LONG time: This.

24 DVDs of pure, uncut nature, narrated by British Awesome (a.k.a. David Attenborough).


Staff member
Sweet. One of my master's students, working on a very complicated project, just finished defending. I've been agonizing over getting his stuff done for some time now. It went over awesomely, too. We wowed the faculty. Now I can finally start drawing Fade again.

Kitty Sinatra

28 deg C
Watching womens beach volleyball
Drinking frosty beer
Eating a popsicle
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