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Behold... the Mardi Gras Ball gown! :D Just gotta get it hemmed because I'm so short.
That is gorgeous! I wish I had a ball to go to so I could snag this gown for myself![/QUOTE]

You want a ball to go to? :unibrow:[/QUOTE]

Perhaps a ball that doesn't swing below the knee.[/QUOTE]

:wtf::shocked::hmmm: Cajun has seen more of Dave than we want to know about....


Wasabi Poptart


Staff member
112 pages... one front page... one abstract... 10-page summary... 11 pages of appendices... 6-page bibliography.

My Master's Thesis is finally DONE! Revised, spell-checked, reference checked, saved, double-saved, backed up, saved on a CD-ROM, and printed!

Tomorrow, after I leave this puppy to my Thesis Supervisor's box... I will celebrate.
112 pages... one front page... one abstract... 10-page summary... 11 pages of appendices... 6-page bibliography.

My Master's Thesis is finally DONE! Revised, spell-checked, reference checked, saved, double-saved, backed up, saved on a CD-ROM, and printed!

Tomorrow, after I leave this puppy to my Thesis Supervisor's box... I will celebrate.

And some words I improvise!

Yeah, pretty bad joke. But as I guess you are in a good mood, I don't think it matters.

Tomorrow I'll be sure to wear a helmet. I bet the celebrating will be noticable even from Spain.


Staff member
Thanks, Shaker.

If only I could silence the perfectionist in me, telling me I should check the thesis one more time... rewrite some bit... add a quotation somewhere... FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME.

I can't completely relax until I've dropped this puppy off at the uni...


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*whew* I'm finally recovered enough from my cruise to brag about how epic it was. What a fun trip. My grandfather wanted a family reunion, so he paid for all his children, step-children and grand-kids to go on a cruise. 23 of us made the trip (missing: 1 aunt staying home with teenage cousin who had some lame excuse about tests for school, and another cousin in med-school). I was expecting to enjoy myself, but not nearly as much as I did. Some of my relatives I've only seen a few times before, including my roommate for the trip. I knew we'd get along okay, since he's a geek who has enough computer equipment to heat his house during cold weather (in California, but still.) Still, it was awesome to find out he's even nicer than I'd thought.

I was surprised to find that the biggest draw to get all the family together, besides dinner, was karaoke. I was a lot of fun to have a dozen or more of us sitting around a table, critiquing the singers. I even got up and sang ("Fire and Rain", James Taylor) and didn't make a complete fool of myself... Well, maybe with the dancing before hand.

The food was fantastic, and people tell me that Carnival isn't know for exceptional food. The Eggs Benedict was the best I've ever had, and the shrimp was done to perfection each night I ordered some (weather fried or broiled).

My dad had signed up for a behind the scenes tour of the ship, but found out it was at the same time my grandfather had scheduled time to get together with him and my mom. So, I got to go on the tour instead. It's pretty damn impressive to see what it takes to run the ship. The engine control room was pretty interesting, it looked like mostly 80's-tech, melded with a few new modern touches. There was a fairly new laser printer right next to a yellowed dot-matrix that used the old pin-feed paper, and big LCDs full of data, right next to mechanical meters and ship diagrams with lights.

The day in Cozumel was kind of a let-down, though. My immediate family and I rented a car and drove around the island. Not bad until driving through traffic in the city made my dad grumpy, and we just defaulted to a lousy tourist-trap for lunch. Never did find a decent beach to swim at. We probably should have signed up for one of the planned excursions from the cruise line.

Still, all in all, epic trip. I completely wore myself out. By the time we'd dropped off relatives at the airport and were headed home, I was so exhausted my legs stopped working. I had to get help walking. *sigh* I really wish I knew what the hell is wrong with me.


Staff member
Perhaps you had just gotten your sea legs, and becoming a landlubber shocked you off your feet :p

Sounds like you had fun. Me = envious.


Staff member
Sounds like it was a very fun trip! Nice tidbits about the behind the scenes things too. ^.^
My whole family was grilling me for details. It was a 2½ hour tour, and I had so many numbers and factoids thrown at me my head was spinning by the end. Backstage at the shows, the galley (wait, did someone say 40 cakes a day?), food storage, the laundry, waste disposal, engine control room, crew mess and the bridge. I had thought the ship felt large just walking around the passenger areas, but there's a lot of hidden activity as well. Working on a cruise ship sounds brutal though. The waiters, cleaning staff and most other positions serve 8-10 month tours, working 12-hour days with irregular days off (the ship sails 365-days a year, if it's not in dry-dock for major servicing). Even the performers and higher-up staff serve 6-months at a time, while the bridge crew and engineers are 4-month tours. Not many Americans working on the ship. I think they were mostly from the Philippines and eastern Europe, but there were a lot of countries represented, the tour guide was English, the captain and his officers were Italian, there was an Icelandic wine stewardess and I'm not sure what else.
I just disassembled my ex-wife's huge 7'X7' (84" x 84") corner desk with hutch, and replaced it with a smaller desk so Callistarya and I can have side-by-side desks...whew.
Congratulations North_Ranger!
Also, cool trip, Pez.

My trip to thee US was also quite cool. Too bad I was in Florida for the Arctic Blast :-P
Oh, and you guys? Bread isn't supposed to be either chewing gum or cardboard. Honestly, both in the US and the UK, I've never eaten good bread...Not even in fancy restaurants! Gah!
Twice as thick slices of Hell-spawned over-processed drab ;-)

Oh, and at least in Florida, people are still stuck in the 80s on many things. It was like a trip to the past :confused:
One of my best friends in the world is getting married this summer, I might have already mentioned. The wedding plans were fun, and I was getting excited. But then, they decided to cancel the whole thing, get married two months sooner, and downsize the guest list from 200 to 6.

That is awesome. No sarcasm. I just got off the phone with friend, and he admitted that though they might have been able to make the wedding work, it would probably have killed them. The money wasn't there, and the support from family wasn't there. They wanted to elope in the beginning anyhow, but decided to have a ceremony to please parents who have shown little interest in the whole ordeal.


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The oft-ridiculed Saints are going to the Superbowl. I don't even like football, and I'm excited for them. My mom is so happy. She and her late sister watched together all the time and had faith that they'd make it one day. I can feel her smiling down on us.


Staff member
One of my best friends in the world is getting married this summer, I might have already mentioned. The wedding plans were fun, and I was getting excited. But then, they decided to cancel the whole thing, get married two months sooner, and downsize the guest list from 200 to 6.

That is awesome. No sarcasm. I just got off the phone with friend, and he admitted that though they might have been able to make the wedding work, it would probably have killed them. The money wasn't there, and the support from family wasn't there. They wanted to elope in the beginning anyhow, but decided to have a ceremony to please parents who have shown little interest in the whole ordeal.
Both my parents and my wife's parents didn't think we'd stay together because we hadn't been together that long. They decided we didn't need a big wedding and indeed were pretty much told no church wedding. So we had a small gathering and a small reception and 16 1/2 years later they can all go fuck themselves.


Staff member
Dave's parents are alive? Are they, like, mummies or something? :p

In all seriousness, though: that's a well-earned and truly epic "Fuck You". Conga rats to you and the missus.
Just used a buy one, get one free cupon for a local burrito place that's like Chipotle basically, but I like it more.

I'm going to be eating giant burrito for the next two days.
Played with the band again yesterday after a huge long break.

Had a great time..i guess I'll be playing with them again for a while if/until I burn out again
It's still not that epic, but I'm 5 kg lighter after two weeks of dieting. Pretty nice.

EDIT: (according to google, that's between 10 and 12 pounds)
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