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Indeed. Let me say, also, that the forum in question is neither populated exclusively by fourteen-year-olds nor an offshoot of 'Ephebophiles Anonymous'... which may make it unique amongst fanfic forums, come to think of it.


Staff member
It was my sister's birthday today. Fuddruckers for lunch, then black light miniature golf, home-made pizza for dinner and watching "Julie and Julia" while we ate mint-chocolate cake. Awesome birthday.
Christmas Kettle Campaign numbers are coming in. For St. John's, we passed our objective by 22%, which is good news, because I'm fairly certain we set our goal too low. Despite the growing need, the expectation was that we would only barely match the intake last year.

In similar news, the 'A' network in Windsor, Ontario carried a short story about the Christmas Kettle Campaign there. My aunt managed the campaign, and was super excited to see herself on TV. The video is here, if anyone wants to check it out.
Callistarya and I recently got new cars (pictures linked above) but that's not the real "win" here for me.

As a bit of backstory: I was part of that 'internet bubble' a while back, and made nearly $300K in 2000. Then the company folded, and I only worked sporadically (a few weeks here and there) until 2003 when i up and moved to Dallas for a permanent gig.

Because of all that mess, my credit took a complete nosedive. I've been working hard to repair my credit since then. In 2005, the best interest rate I could get on a car was 19.99%.

My new car? 9.1%
Not the 6% I once would've enjoyed, but it's nice to see the hard work paying off.


That's actually really cool Tin. Given what's going on with lending these days and all the troubles you had, that's not a bad rate at all in such a short amount of time.

My company lost money 10 out of 12 months in 2009. It's an epic win because I said we would before the year started.


Staff member
This week is culture-iffic. Art Walk is Saturday, with lots of lovely local pieces to admire, and tomorrow night it's Blues time at a bar with my brother and his friends. Very excited.
For the first time I can remember, I can have a drink in my house without having to sneak around like I'm trying to hide a body.

Living with the puritanical sons of a puritanical landlord sucks. Having them both move back home is win.


That rules Rob. It's easy to loose perspective on my drinking, so I thank you for refocusing it.
No teammates showed up at Darts league tonight, but I still went 8-1 on the night and in my final game threw a 15 darter!
Just had another date with the girl. She ended up telling me that she's not really looking for a serious relationship, as her last one ended bad enough to spoil thing for her. I'm alright about that. I really enjoy spending time with her and she seems to be enjoying our time together as well. I'm just fine with what we have now and I can be patient for anything serious.

BTW, we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. She really enjoyed it.


Staff member
Alright... Master's Thesis is shaping up nicely. First three chapters, some 70+ pages, are done and ready to be printed. Still on the To-Do List:
- Edit Ch. 4, include discussion on Frantz Fanon and violence.
- Finish Conclusions.
- Write a 5-page summary in Finnish.

With any luck, I should be done by Friday, so I can celebrate by going to see Zombieland's Finnish premiere.
Just had another date with the girl. She ended up telling me that she's not really looking for a serious relationship, as her last one ended bad enough to spoil thing for her. I'm alright about that. I really enjoy spending time with her and she seems to be enjoying our time together as well. I'm just fine with what we have now and I can be patient for anything serious.

BTW, we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. She really enjoyed it.
That's a good approach to it :).
My dad comes home for the last time on Tuesday. After 27 years of working in the Arctic Circle of Alaska, he will finally be retired.


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Nosebleed section, but still, AVENUE Q TICKETS!


Staff member
FUCK YEAH! In your FACE, English! I'm officially exempt from all my remaining English classes, which means extremely light spring and summer semesters, during which I can work more! Freakin woot! I'm so happy, I'm going to go try on my new "baby eating chicken" tshirt.


Staff member
I was gonna post one, but I looked all short and goofy in it. Gonna wait til I have the shoes and get it hemmed properly!





Nosebleed section, but still, AVENUE Q TICKETS!
Is that for the Mahalia Jackson Theatre? If it is, I'd love to see it there, how much are tickets going for? And I am surprised they are on sale already if it is the Mahalia Jackson, because isn't the show in June?


Staff member
Yeah, that's the one! There are a few shows--we're going to the Sunday one because it's cheaper. They were about 50$ apiece. The good seats were way too much for me. There weren't many cheap ones left, at least for that day. There are plenty of shows.
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